Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONTAMINATION"" "subject:"[enn] CONTAMINATION""
1241 |
Soil Amended with Calcium-Magnesium Immobilizing Agent against Natural Arsenic Contamination / カルシウム-マグネシウム系不溶化材を混合した地盤材料による自然由来ヒ素の緩衝効果Mo, Jialin 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第21936号 / 地環博第182号 / 新制||地環||36(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 勝見 武, 教授 高岡 昌輝, 准教授 高井 敦史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Arsenic and Nitrate in a Semi-Arid Alluvial Basin; Goshen Valley, UtahSelck, Brian John 01 September 2016 (has links)
Arsenic (As) and nitrate (NO3) are common contaminants in groundwater that are introduced through a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources. In this study we investigated the sources and distribution of As and NO3 in Goshen Valley, Utah, USA. Goshen Valley is a semi-arid alluvial basin that is impacted by geothermal waters, agriculture, urban development, and legacy mining. In this study we sampled surface water, springs, and wells to analyze concentrations of major ions, trace elements (As, B, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Si, Sr, Zn), and stable isotopes in water (δ18O and δD). A subset of samples were also analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr, δ34S, and tritium (3H). Major ion concentrations showed high spatial variability ranging from freshwater to brines, with the highest concentrations found in springs discharging from playa sediments. Likewise, the highest trace element concentrations, including As, were found in the playa-impacted springs. Elevated NO3 concentrations were found in springs and wells in agricultural areas of the valley. δ18O and δD values range from -0.90238 to -17.6 and -37.0891 to -134.5 respectively and represent that the valley contains old groundwater, evaporative surface water, and mixed water signatures in multiple wells. Tritium values range from 0.5 to 7.8 and further show the diversity of water in the valley by indicating old, young, and mixtures of old and young waters. Variations in 87Sr/86Sr were used to evaluate flowpaths of waters with elevated As. 87Sr/86Sr ratios suggest that the groundwater has interacted with a mixture of lithologic units including Tertiary volcanics, Paleozoic carbonates, and Quaternary alluvial/lacustrine fill. Correlations with As and playa affected springs indicate playa sediments as a major As source. The As found in wells has no apparent elemental correlations or spatial patterns and is likely due to the naturally occurring As in the valley alluvium and carbonate units. NO3 in the valley is concentrated in agricultural areas and is likely due to fertilizers, livestock, and alfalfa crops. Of all the potential contaminant sources, the data suggests that the major source of As is the saline playa soils and the major source of NO3 is agricultural activities in the valley.
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Färdigbehandlade deponier : Ska miljöövervakningen fortlöpa? / Closed landfilling sites : Shall the environmental monitoring be proceeded?Persson, Hilda January 2021 (has links)
Waste management is an important key to protect the environment and human health. Landfilling is the oldest form of disposal of waste and due to that Sweden has about 2000 closed landfilling sites. Closed landfilling sites might have negative impact on the environment and must therefore be monitored to reduce the risk of pollution. A way to monitor a closed landfill site is to analyze the surrounding waters and ground waters to see if the leaches might affect them. This study aims to determinate when a closed landfilling site might be considered safe enough to stop monitoring. The landfilling site at Ersmarksberget has been used as an example. A screening has been performed in the ground water and analyses from 2007-2020 have been used to determinate how or if the landfilling site affects the surrounding waters. Metals, persistent organic pollutants, and nutrients have been analyzed. The result of this study tells us that the landfilling site do not have a great impact on surrounding waters. Some concentrations of metals are higher in waters in the landfilling catchment area compared to a reference sites, but most of the pollutions are not above the environmental quality standards set by Swedish authorities. If the negative effects of a closed landfilling site are a bare minimum it might be time to stop the monitoring. To protect the environment and human health it is better to monitor and to remediate sites that are affecting the environment in a severe way.
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Výběr vhodného typu tavidla pro strojní pájení vlnou / Flux Selection for Wave SolderingDyntarová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical part of diploma thesis „Selection of a suitable type of flux for wave soldering”, is devoted to problematic of fluxes, flux residues and wave soldering. It introduces reader with requirements of company HC electronics and with selection of a suitable types of fluxes for testing. It also contains theoretical comparison and design of flux testing methodologies. The practical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the selection of a suitable flux for the company HC electronics by performing practical tests according to the previously proposed methodologies, which include wetting balance test method, surface insulation resistance measurement, copper mirror test, soldering test of PCB and ROSE method.
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Zmena / The ChangeMaceňková, Katarína January 2020 (has links)
In work entitled CHANGE, I return in my memories to my home region, a town where I have lived and lived most of my life and which has been nicknamed the "Triangle of Death" for decades. This time period has had and continues to have a significant impact on my existence. In the first phase of the timeline of creating the topic of the diploma thesis, are my returns through induction and deduction. I approach my father's illness, which is not uncommon in my homeland. I connect connections leading to finding out the causes of origin and occurrence. Subsequently, I recall memories related to the stories heard from people about the factory, which was supposed to be and perhaps was the livelihood for the inhabitants of the poor eastern Slovakia, as well as the production of PCBs. I create, compile and depict images hidden in the memory of moments from my lived childhood. I depict the Chemko Strážske factory, which at that time was a kind of illusion of a happy life. I am looking for a way of acceptance and ways of reconciliation using painting techniques, through the representation of symbols and the central characters that represent it all.
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Odstraňování reziduí specifického antropogenního znečištění vody organickými látkami s hormonálními účinky při úpravě na vodu pitnou / Elimination of residues of specific antropogenic organic contaminants with hormonal activities of water during drinking water treatmentBílková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Submitted master's thesis is dealing with the problem of occurrence of residues of specific anthropogenic pollution of drinking water sources, with accent on possibilities of elimination of these compounds during drinking water treatment. There was pay attention to two estrogenic hormones – estradiol and ethinylestradiol. In laboratory scale there was tested efficiency of coagulation, activated carbon adsorption and ozonation in elimination of studied compounds from artificially contaminated water.
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Studium chování těžkých kovů v getrujících multivrstvách / Study on the behavior of heavy metals in gettering multilayersGretz, Leoš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the behavior of heavy metals in gettering multilayers made of polysilicon and silicon oxide.
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Vliv dezinfekčních prostředků na obsah kyseliny mléčné při výrobě rafinovaného cukru / Influence of disinfectants on the content of lactic acid in the production of refined sugarNovotná, Hedvika January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis compares the effectiveness of disinfectants on the content of the lactic acid. The disinfectants used for the experimental part are formalin and BetaStab®. The content of glucose and lactic acid was observed and compared after processing conventional beet and bio-beet. Based on the analysis of the measured data, it was found that the highest disinfecting effect on the lactic acid content had formalin, the avearge lactic acid value was 275 mg/l. In experiment with BetaStab® disinfection the average value of the lactic acid was 350 mg/l. When the beet was processed without the use of disinfection, this average lactic acid was 371 mg/l and in the untreated treatment of the bio-beet, the lactic acid content was 467 mg/l. The glucose content of formalin disinfection diffusion juice reached an average of 573 mg/l. When BetaStab® disinfection was applied, the average glucose content was 348 mg/l and a similar value was measured for the bio-beet treatment (328 mg/l). The highest glucose content had untreated conventional beet, where an average value of 690 mg/l was reached.
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Estimation of Number of People Living in Developing Countries that Received Water from a Spring SourceShinde, Prapti 17 March 2019 (has links)
In the year 2000, 170 countries decided to stand together and solve some primary and common global problems like poor health, water, and sanitation. Obtaining access to safe drinking water is every individual’s right. The UN defines safe drinking water as “the water required for each personal or domestic use must be safe, therefore free from micro-organisms, chemical substances and radiological hazards that constitute a threat to a person's health” (UNDESA, 2014). This thesis focuses on identifying the number of people who potentially receive spring water from a piped source in rural mountainous areas. There are three significant steps and data requirements which are necessary to meet this study’s objective. These are to: 1) obtain data classifying the various sources of drinking water in each country by specifying the percentage of population served by a particular water in rural and urban areas, 2) determine the number of countries which are undeveloped or developing, and 3) identify specific countries which are defined as mountainous (and thus likely to have spring fed piped water systems) based on elevation and slope in order to estimate the number of people living in mountainous areas. Results show that 183.54 (million) people were estimated to receive piped water from the springs in mountainous areas. Approximately, 34% of the population is from the Eastern Asia and South-Eastern Asia regions, and 33% reside in the Latin America and Caribbean Islands. These were followed by Western Asia and North Africa Regions with 15% and Central Asia and Southern Asia Regions with 14% of their population estimated to receive piped spring water.
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Modelamiento y evaluación de la intrusión marina en el acuífero Chilca, Lima / Modeling and analysis of seawater intrusion in the aquifer of Chilca, LimaZúñiga Calderón, María José, Galvez Infante, Abdul 23 October 2019 (has links)
La demanda de agua en Chilca ha aumentado considerablemente en la última década, debido al aumento de la población y el desarrollo económico en la zona, y a la falta de recursos hídricos disponibles en la cuenca. Esta situación ha incrementado la sobre explotación de los recursos hídricos subterráneos. Estudios actuales revisados arrojaron evidencias de la contaminación del agua extraída. Por lo tanto, esta investigación plantea determinar el grado de extensión de la intrusión marina en la zona costera de Chilca, Lima. Para tal efecto, se modela numéricamente el flujo del agua subterránea con MODFLOW, que incluyen parámetros hidrogeológicos e hidrodinámicos del acuífero. Asimismo, se representa la dinámica de la intrusión marina con el modelo numérico SEAWATER INTRUSION. Se utilizaron datos de cargas hidráulicas en una red de pozos desde el 2005 al 2014, los que se usaron para calibrar el modelo y realizar un análisis de sensibilidad. Con el modelo calibrado, se simuló la intrusión marina en 10, 20 y 40 años. Los resultados muestran que la extensión en longitud de la intrusión podría avanzar hasta 4350 m con respecto al litoral para el año 2057. / The water demand in Chilca has increased considerably in the last decade, due to the increase in population and economic development in the area, and the lack of available water resources in the basin. This situation has increased the overexploitation of groundwater resources. Current studies reviewed showed evidence of contamination of extracted water. Therefore, this research proposes to estimate the extent of the marine intrusion in the coastal zone of Chilca, Lima. For this purpose, first, the groundwater flow is represented using MODFLOW model, which include hydrogeological and hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer. Second, the dynamics of the marine intrusion is represented with the numerical model SEAWATER INTRUSION. Hydraulics heads from 2005 to 2014 were used from a network wells, which were used to calibrate the model and perform a sensitivity analysis. With the calibrated model, the marine intrusion was simulated in 10, 20 and 40 year-periods. The results show that the extension in terms of length of the intrusion could advance up to 4350 m from the coast line by the year 2057. / Tesis
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