Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CRACKING"" "subject:"[enn] CRACKING""
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Modelling dynamic cracking of graphiteCrump, Timothy January 2018 (has links)
Advances in dynamic fracture modelling have become more frequent due to increases in computer speed, meaning that its application to industrial problems has become viable. From this, the author has reviewed current literature in terms of graphite material properties, structural dynamics, fracture mechanics and modelling methodologies to be able to address operational issues related to the ageing of Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) cores. In particular, the experimentally observed Prompt Secondary Cracking (PSC) of graphite moderator bricks which has yet to be observed within operational reactors, with the objective of supporting their plant life extension. A method known as eXtended Finite Element Method with Cohesive Zones (XCZM) was developed within Code_Aster open-source FEM software. This enabled the incorporation of velocity toughening, irradiation-induced material degradation effects and multiple 3D dynamic crack initiations, propagations and arrests into a single model, which covers the major known attributes of the PSC mechanism. Whilst developing XCZM, several publications were produced. This started with first demonstrating XCZM's ability to model the PSC mechanism in 2D and consequently that methane holes have a noticeable effect on crack propagation speeds. Following on from this, XCZM was benchmarked in 2D against literature experiments and available model data which consequently highlighted that velocity toughening was an integral feature in producing energetically correct fracture speeds. Leading on from this, XCZM was taken into 3D and demonstrated that it produced experimentally observed bifurcation angle from a literature example. This meant that when a 3D graphite brick was modelled that the crack profile was equivalent to an accepted quasi-static profile. As a consequence of this validation, the XCZM approach was able to model PSC and give insight into features that could not be investigated previously including: finer-scale heterogeneous effects on a dynamic crack profile, comparison between Primary and Secondary crack profiles and also, 3D crack interaction with a methane hole, including insight into possible crack arrest. XCZM was shown to improve upon previous 2D models of experiments that showed the plausibility of PSC; this was achieved by eliminating the need for user intervention and also incorporation of irradiation damage effects through User-defined Material properties (UMAT). Finally, while applying XCZM to a full-scale 3D graphite brick including reactor effects, it was shown that PSC is likely to occur under LEFM assumptions and that the Secondary crack initiates before the Primary crack arrests axially meaning that modal analysis would not be able to fully model PSC.
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Bonding mechanisms and strength of hooked-end steel fibre reinforced cementitious compositesAbdallah, Sadoon Mushrif January 2017 (has links)
Concrete is a strong material as to its compressive strength. However, it is a material with a low tensile and shear strength, and brittleness at failure. Concrete has to be reinforced with appropriate materials. Steel fibre is one of the most common materials currently being used to develop reinforced concrete, which may replace partially or completely conventional steel reinforcement. Successful reinforcement of concrete composite is closely related to the bond characteristics between the reinforcing fibre and matrix. The effective utilisation of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) requires in-depth and detailed understanding of bonding mechanisms governing the tensile behaviour. In response to this demand, this study embraced two main areas: understanding the reinforcing mechanisms of fibres in SFRC and material's post-cracking behaviour. Comprehensive experimental and theoretical programmes have therefore been developed: the experimental work is subdivided into three parts. The first part was to investigate the effect of various physical parameters, such as fibre characteristics (i.e. geometry, inclination angle, embedded length, diameter and tensile strength) and matrix strength which controls the pull-out behaviour of steel fibres. The second part is concerned with the assessment of the bond mechanisms of straight and hooked end fibres after exposure to elevated temperatures and varying matrix strength. The third part is devoted to gain further insight on the bond mechanisms governing the post-cracking behaviour through uniaxial and bending tests. It was found that the varying hook geometry and matrix strength each had a major influence on the pull-out response of hooked end fibres. As the number of the hook's bends increased, the mechanical anchorage provided by fibre resulted in significant improvement of mechanical properties of SFRC. The reduction in bond strength at elevated temperatures is found to be strongly related to the degradation in properties of the constituent materials, i.e. the fibre and concrete. The most effective combination of matrix strength and fibre geometry was found to be as follows: 3DH (single bend) fibre with normal-medium strength matrix, 4DH (double bend) fibre with high strength matrix and 5DH (triple bend) fibre with ultra-high performance matrix. Two analytical models to predict the pull-out behaviour of hooked end fibres were developed. Both models were able to predict the pull-out response of SFRC made from a variety of fibre and matrix characteristics at ambient temperature. This work has established a comprehensive database to illustrate the bonding mechanisms of SFRC and anchorage strengthening of various hooked end fibres, and this should contribute towards an increasing interest and growing number of structural applications of SFRC in construction.
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Um modelo de fissura incorporada para análise da fissuração em peças de concreto armado fletidas via método dos elementos finitos / An embedded crack model for reinforced concrete cracking analysis in bending by the finite element analysisBrisotto, Daiane de Sena January 2006 (has links)
A análise da formação e crescimento de fissuras em peças de concreto armado permanece como uma das principais dificuldades no campo da engenharia estrutural. Considerando que as fissuras têm uma influência muito grande no comportamento estrutural global, estudos para prever e controlar a fissuração do concreto são de essencial importância. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo numérico do tipo incorporado para representar as fissuras em peças de concreto armado submetidas aos esforços de flexão e corte, ou seja, um modelo que seja capaz de simular, além das fissuras perpendiculares ao eixo da peça, fissuras inclinadas. Os modelos de fissura incorporada se baseiam no conceito de descontinuidades incorporadas dentro de elementos finitos padrões. No modelo empregado neste trabalho, a fissura é representada através de uma descontinuidade no campo interno de deslocamentos do elemento. O modelo incorporado implementado é uma continuação do trabalho desenvolvido por d’Avila, que baseou-se no modelo de Dvorkin Cuitiño e Gioia que, por sua vez, não inclui a contribuição da armadura no equilíbrio interno de forças do elemento. A interação entre as barras de aço e o concreto é simulada através um modelo de transferência de tensão por aderência entre os dois materiais, conforme Russo, Zingone e Romano e FIB - Bulletin 10. Para representar o comportamento do concreto intacto, utiliza-se o modelo constitutivo de Ottosen. Já para representar as barras de aço da armadura, emprega-se o modelo incorporado desenvolvido por Elwi e Hrudey, que permite uma disposição arbitrária das barras de aço no interior dos elementos de concreto. O modelo constitutivo adotado para a armadura é do tipo elasto-plástico com endurecimento. Foi possível simular a fissuração em flexão e corte em vigas de concreto armado com boa correlação com resultados experimentais. Tais situações não poderiam ser analisadas pelo modelo básico sem as modificações propostas nesta dissertação. / The analysis of the formation and growth of cracks in reinforced concrete members remains as one of the main difficulties in the field of structural engineering. Considering that the crack has a considerable influence in the global structural behavior, studies to predict and to control concrete cracking are of essential importance. The aim of this work is to present a numerical model of the embedded type to represent the cracks in reinforced concrete members under bending and shearing efforts, i. e. , a model that is capable to simulate not only cracks that are perpendicular to the axle of the members but also inclined cracks. The embedded crack models are based on the concept of incorporated discontinuities inside of standard finite elements. In the model used in this work, the crack is represented by a discontinuity in the internal field of the element displacements. The embedded model proposed is a continuation of the work developed by d’Avila, which is based on the model of Dvorkin, Cuitiño e Gioia, that does not consider the inclusion of the reinforced contribution in the internal force equilibrium of the element. A bond stress-transfer approach is used to include this reinforcement contribution. To represent the behavior of the uncracked concrete, the Ottosen constitutive model was used. The embedded model presented by Elwi and Hrudey was employed to represent the reinforcement bars, that allows an arbitrary disposal of the bars of steel inside of the concrete elements. The constitutive model adopted for reinforcement is elasto-plastic with hardening. It was possible to simulate the cracking in bending and shearing in reinforced concrete beams with good agreement with experimental results. These cases could not be analyzed by the basi model without the present proposed modifications.
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A Study of Carbon Infiltrated Carbon Nanotubes Fabricated on Convex Cylindrical Substrates for the Creation of a Coronary StentRobison, Warren Beecroft 01 June 2015 (has links)
This research explores the minimizing of cracks in the fabrication of carbon-infiltrated carbon nanotube (CI-CNT) forests on cylindrical rods for the purposes of creating a CI-CNT coronary stent. It is a continuation of the work begun by Jones [1] and Skousen [2] whose work included the creation of a feasible CI-CNT coronary stent on a planar surface. The current research was performed in two parts: 1) growth on the whole circumference of the rod for ~20mm in length and 2) growth in lines and patterns. Experiments were done on either a 309 or 304 stainless steel rod ~3mm in diameter.The following parameters were used for growth on the whole circumference of the rod: a 80nm alumina diffusion barrier, 1.3 or 7nm of iron as a catalyst layer for CNT growth and a growth time of 1 or 15 min. Cracking is observed on most samples. Area fraction of cracking is shown to be minimized with 7nm of iron and and 1 min growth time. The number of cracks was minimized with the 7nm of iron and 15 min growth time. The height of the CI-CNT forest, which is strongly influenced by the thickness of the iron layer and growth time, is shown to be a possible positive contributor to the area fraction of cracking. Level of carbon infiltration and rate of cooling were also included in the parameters of the study as possible contributors to the amount of cracking however no correlation was found to either of these factors. The second study maintained 80nm of alumina and used 7nm of iron and 10 min of growth time. Line angles parallel, at 7°, at 45° and perpendicular to the axis of the rod and line widths from 109µm to 500µm were studied. Line widths from 500µm to 1090µm were also included in the study of patterned lines perpendicular to the axis of the rod. Cracking was eliminated in the parallel and 7° lines. Cracking in the 45° lines was intermittent and significantly less than the cracking seen on the whole circumference. For the lines perpendicular to the axis, the uncracked arc length was calculated to be an average of 414µm with a standard deviation of 67µm. The uncracked arc length showed no correlation to the line width. A final aspect of this second study observed the cracking in a modification of the planar stent pattern created by Jones. The pattern was modified in to allow for patterning on the rod. The critical dimension maximums of the parent pattern were maintained. The experimental results showed that a continual CI-CNT forest could be fabricated to the minimum expected height of 150µm, a maximum width of 542µm and at the expected angle of 7° with minimal to no cracking.
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Effet du chauffage sur le comportement mécanique et poro-mécanique de matériaux cimentaires : propriétés hydrauliques et changements morphologiques / Effect of heat treatment upon the mechanical and poro-mechanical behaviour of cement-based materials : hydraulic properties and morphological changesChen, Xiao-Ting 06 July 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse a permis d’évaluer l’effet des changements de morphologie d’un matériau cimentaire soumis à un traitement thermique jusqu’à T (≤ 400°C). Pour cela, nous avons caractérisé expérimentalement le comportement mécanique (en compression uniaxiale, compression hydrostatique avec ou sans déviateur), poro-mécanique (modules d’incompressibilité Kb, Ks et coefficient de Biot b) et hydraulique (perméabilité au gaz), d’un mortier modèle E/C=0,5 suite à un cycle de chauffage/refroidissement. Les essais mécaniques multiaxiaux sont couplés aux mesures de perméabilité, qui servent d’indicateur de la progression de la fissuration du matériau sous contrainte. Nous avons également mis au point un essai original, permettant de quantifier le volume de l’espace poreux interconnecté sous chargement hydrostatique Pc. La création de porosité occluse sous l’effet d’un accroissement du confinement est confirmée, et ainsi la diminution de la rigidité de la matrice solide Ks avec Pc après traitement thermique T>200°C. Nous avons également identifié un effet bouchon (aucun passage de gaz) lors d’un chargement couplé, thermique et en compression hydrostatique du mortier mais aussi de bétons industriels (CERIB et ANDRA). Afin d’analyser l’évolution des propriétés mécaniques et poro-élastiques après traitement thermique, un modèle prédictif thermo-élasto-plastique avec endommagement isotrope et une approche micro-mécanique descriptive, intégrant la présence de micro-fissures, y sont couplés / This work investigates the effects of morphological changes of a cement-based material subjected to heat treatment (up to 400°C). For a model W/C=0.5 mortar, we have characterized experimentally hydraulic behaviour (gas permeability), mechanical behaviour (in uniaxial compression, hydrostatic compression with or without deviatoric stress) and poro-mechanical behaviour (incompressibility moduli Kb, Ks and Biot’s coefficient b) after a heating/cooling cycle. We have also developed an original experiment aimed at quantifying the accessible pore space volume under hydrostatic compression. The creation of occluded porosity under high confinement is confirmed, which justifies the observed decrease of solid matrix rigidity Ks under high confinement. A gas retention phenomenon was identified under simultaneous thermal and hydrostatic loadings for mortar, and industrial concretes (provided by CERIB and ANDRA). A predictive thermo-elasto-plastic model with isotropic damage and a micro-mechanical approach, which represents micro-cracking, are coupled in order to analyze or predict the evolution of mechanical and poro-elastic properties after heat cycling
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Estudo das microestruturas e propriedades obtidas por tratamentos intercríticos e por tratamento de estampagem a quente em um aço Dual Phase classe 600. / Study of the microstructures and properties of Dual Phase DP 600 steel after intercritical heat treatments and hot stamping.Andrade Centeno, Dany Michell 12 November 2018 (has links)
Novos tratamentos térmicos e a otimização dos processos de conformação têm contribuído para o desenvolvimento de microestruturas multifásicas com excelente combinação de ductilidade e resistência mecânica. Parte dessa melhoria depende da presença de austenita retida, de sua estabilidade e fração volumétrica. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar a evolução da microestrutura e comportamento das propriedades mecânicas do aço dual phase classe 600 (DP 600), após tratamentos térmicos intercríticos de têmpera e partição (Q&P) e reversão da martensita, assim como tratamentos termomecânicos de simulação física da estampagem a quente (HS), variando a deformação em 10% (HS 10) e 30% (HS 30), e combinando estampagem a quente com subsequente tratamento de têmpera e partição (HSQ&P). Duas condições microestruturais de partida diferentes foram utilizadas nos tratamentos térmicos. Para os tratamentos térmicos e termomecânicos Q&P, HS e HSQ&P a microestrutura de partida foi a bifásica (ferrita e martensita). Já para o tratamento térmico de reversão a microestrutura de partida foi modificada para martensítica. Os tratamentos puramente térmicos foram realizados no dilatômetro Bähr do Laboratório de Transformações de Fase (LTF); entretanto, os tratamentos termomecânicos foram feitos no simulador termomecânico Gleeble®, acoplado à linha de difração de raios X (XTMS) do Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia (LNNano). A análise microestrutural foi feita com suporte de microscopia ótica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV-FEG), EBSD, e difração de raios X in situ e convencional. Avaliaram-se as propriedades mecânicas por ensaio de tração em corpos de prova sub-size e endentação instrumentada. As amostras Q&P, HS e HSQ&P foram submetidas a ensaios exploratórios de resistência ao trincamento por hidrogênio (HIC) segundo a norma NACE TM0284. Adicionalmente, foi feita a medição de hidrogênio ancorado na microestrutura estudada, após tratamentos, utilizando a técnica de dessorção térmica disponível no LNNano. A avaliação das mudanças microestruturais e de propriedades mecânicas após tratamentos térmicos foram discutidas separadamente para cada microestrutura de partida. Os resultados dos processos Q&P, HS e HSQ&P no aço, mostraram que a evolução da microestrutura levou a formação de uma microestrutura mais complexa do que a microestrutura ferrítico-martensítica simples do material como recebido. A complexa microestrutura é dada pela formação de ferrita epitaxial durante a etapa de tratamento intercrítico, ferrita induzida por deformação (DIFT) na etapa de deformação em alta temperatura e bainita na etapa de partição. Essa mistura microestrutural levou a variações na relação das frações volumétricas de ferrita e martensita em relação às frações iniciais do aço, assim como na presença de austenita retida e sua estabilidade. Com base nos resultados é possível afirmar que o processo Q&P produz um aumento nas propriedades mecânicas do material. Por outro lado, após o ensaio de HIC todas as amostras apresentaram susceptibilidade ao trincamento; contudo, a severidade do dano foi maior nas amostras deformadas HS 30. Os ensaios preliminares de dessorção mostraram maior aprisionamento de hidrogênio em armadilhas reversíveis nas amostras HSQ&P e irreversíveis na amostra HS 30. Na segunda parte, os resultados do tratamento de reversão sugerem que, em geral, a microestrutura do aço processado compreende uma morfologia em ripas de ferrita intercrítica, martensita e filmes de austenita retida. A maior temperatura de reversão intercrítica resultou em menor fração de ferrita intercrítica. Por outro lado, a temperatura intercrítica de reversão influenciou significativamente a estabilidade da austenita retida. Uma alta fração de austenita retida foi obtida a uma temperatura ligeiramente acima da temperatura Ac1. Um segundo ciclo de reversão promoveu a difusão de C e Mn para a austenita revertida tornando-a mais estável a temperatura ambiente. / Novel Heat Treatments and the optimization of the forming processes have contributed to the development of multiphase microstructures with attractive combinations of ductility and mechanical resistance. This improvement partially depends on the presence, stability and volume fraction of retained austenite. The objective of this work is to characterize the evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of a class 600 dual phase steel (DP 600), as a function of the thermal and thermomechanical history. Two initial microstructures were used in this study. A ferritic-martensitic microstructure was used as the starting condition for inter-critical heat treatments followed by quenching and partitioning (Q&P) and for the thermomechanical simulations of the hot stamping (HS) process. The latter applying deformations of 10% (HS 10) and 30% (HS 30) combining hot stamping with subsequent quenching and partition (HSQ&P). The thermal cycles were performed in a Bähr dilatometer at the Laboratory of Phase Transformations (LTF), then duplicated using a Gleeble® thermomechanical simulator, coupled to the X-ray Scattering and Thermo-mechanical Simulation beamline (XTMS) at the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano). The microstructural analysis was performed using optical microscopy (MO) and scanning electron (SEM-FEG), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), and in situ and conventional X-ray diffraction. The mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile testing on sub-size specimens and by instrumented macro-nano indentation tests. The evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties for each starting microstructure was discussed separately. The Q&P, HS and HSQ&P samples were submitted to exploratory tests of resistance to hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) according to NACE TM0284. Additionally, hydrogen measurements were performed for the microstructures obtained after Q&P and HDQ&P using the thermal desorption technique at LNNano. After Q&P, HS and HSQ&P, the resultant microstructure was more complex than the as-received ferritic-martensitic condition. Such complexity comes from the formation of epitaxial ferrite from the former ferritic phase during the intercritical treatment step, the deformation induced ferrite (DIFT) and the bainite formation during the partitioning step. This led to variations in the volumetric fraction of ferrite and martensite in relation to the initial fractions of the as-received condition, as well as the presence of retained austenite and its stability upon cooling. The Q&P process increased the mechanical properties of the material. On the other hand, all microstructures showed susceptibility to hydrogen cracking after 72 hours of H2S exposure tests. However, the damage was more severe for the HS samples with 30% of deformation. The preliminary desorption tests showed greater hydrogen trapping in reversible traps after HSQ&P and in irreversible traps for the HS with 30% deformation. A second set of experiments was conducted for a different microstructure consisting of a fully martensitic matrix as the initial condition. After intercritical reversion, the resultant microstructure comprised intercritical lath-like ferrite, martensite laths and retained austenite films. The higher the intercritical reversion temperature, the smaller the fraction of intercritical ferrite. On the other hand, the transformation temperature significantly influenced the stability of the retained austenite. The highest fraction of retained austenite was obtained when the transformation occurred slightly above the Ac1 temperature. A double intercritical reversion cycle promoted the diffusion of C and Mn to the reversed austenite making it more stable upon cooling to room temperature, leading to a better combination of strength and ductility.
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Flange effectiveness in the resistance of shear on RC T-beams subjected to point loadsGiaccio, Craig, 1974- January 2003 (has links)
Abstract not available
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An investigation of surface hot shortness in low carbon steelO'Neill, Daniel Scott, Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2002 (has links)
A series of model steels containing copper levels up to 0.48wt%, nickel up to 0.22wt% and silicon levels of 0.52wt% were oxidised in air at 1050 and 1150??C, and in a CO2-N2 mixture at 1250??C for times of up to 3 hours. The scaling kinetics were measured and the behaviour of copper-rich phase formation at the scale/metal interface was investigated. When oxidised at 1050/1150??C, significant quantities of copper-rich phase were observed for most model steels. The relatively high oxidation rate under these conditions led to the rapid development of a copper-rich layer with little copper diffusing into the metal. However, when oxidised at 1250??C, the copper-rich phase did not form for a significant amount of time; and for some model steels, not at all. This was attributed to the considerably lower oxidation rate and the fact that more copper was found to have diffused into the metal. Alloying additions of nickel and silicon were found to be beneficial in reducing the amount of copper-rich phase measured at the scale/metal interface under the conditions investigated at 1150??C and 1250??C. This occurred because nickel and silicon addition promoted the occlusion of copper-rich phase into the scale. Copper enrichment during oxidation was modelled using a numerical description of the diffusion processes involved. Predictions of the time for commencement of copper-rich phase formation at 1250??C were in close agreement with observation. Agreement between predicted and observed copper-rich layer thickness was less successful under conditions where occlusion was significant, and the measured thickness varied non-uniformly with time. The cracking susceptibility of the model steels was examined using a hot compression test. Oxidation was performed in air at 1050, 1150 and 1250??C and most specimens were compressed at 1050??C. The amount of cracking was found to increase with the amount of copper-rich phase precipitated at the scale/metal interface during oxidation. In general, nickel addition reduced the amount of cracking at all temperatures; and under some conditions prevented cracking altogether. Silicon reduced or completely suppressed cracking when the subscale formed was liquid. The beneficial effects of nickel and silicon addition were attributed to their effect of promoting copper occlusion.
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Particularities of the structural behaviour of reinforced high strength concrete slabsBliuc, Radu, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
The introduction of high strength concrete in construction demanded an assessment of the current methods of structural design. In the case of the slabs, the benefits brought about by concretes of higher strength could translate into design of slender sections. Theoretically these sections could be prone to excessive deflections. The flexural behaviour of such structural elements should be carefully assessed. The present thesis addresses a series of particular issues such as deflection at service loads, crack formation and development of tension stiffening and ductility. An experimental program on large-scale samples was conducted. Six one way and four two way slabs made of reinforced high strength concrete were tested under simulated and accurately measured equally distributed loads. Different loading stages were recorded. Crack formation, crack patterns and yield line disposition were observed. The main characteristics of concrete that influence the deflection behaviour were assessed based on collected data and on available literature results. Statistical methods were employed in order to refine empirical equations that help in the design of slabs. To improve the calculation of deflection of slabs a new equation for the effective moment of inertia was proposed. The new formula was integrated into a method of calculating deflection and verified against experimental results. Limits of the use of high strength concrete in slabs were investigated by means of a parametric study. This was designed to answer some questions as: which would be the most important characteristics of high-strength concrete that influence the design and up to what value of strength would the beneficial effect on deflection exhaust its effectiveness. Models based on the refined empirical equations for different concrete parameters were proposed. Another area that has been studied was the ductility of high strength concrete slabs. An analytical comparative study of the ductility of slabs reinforced with steel of different ductility class was conducted. Results were critically appraised and discussed.
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The conjunctive use of bonded repairs and crack growth retardation techniquesKieboom, Orio Terry, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
In an attempt to find a way of improving the damage tolerance of composite bonded repairs to metallic aircraft structures, the effect of using conventional crack growth retardation techniques in conjunction with bonded repairs was experimentally investigated. Hence, an experimental test program was set up to determine whether fatigue crack growth under bonded repairs is retarded further by giving the crack to be repaired a crack growth retardation treatment prior to repair patch application. In addition, it was set up to determine the influence of a bonded repair on the effectiveness of a crack growth retardation method. Centrally cracked aluminium plates were used. Stop drilling followed by cold hole expansion and the application of single overloads were selected as retardation treatments. Two patch materials were considered; boron/epoxy and Glare 2. Further test variables were the aluminium alloy and the plate thickness. Fatigue testing was carried out under constant amplitude loading and baseline results were determined first. In addition to optically monitoring the crack growth, local and global out-of-plane deformations were visualised with holographic interferometry and shadow moire??. Furthermore, the stress intensity factors under the repair patch were examined with strain gauges and measurement of the central crack opening displacement. Disbonds and fracture surfaces were studied after residual strength tests. The crack growth results obtained showed that retardation treatments decrease crack growth rates under a repair patch and that the effectiveness of a retardation treatment is increased by the patch. Although identical crack growth rates were observed under boron/epoxy and Glare 2 patches, the reinitiation period after the retardation treatment lasted longer when Glare 2 patches were applied. Analytical predictions of the extent of retardation based on existing models showed that the conjunctive effect of retardation treatments and bonded repairs was underestimated. A sustained reduction in crack growth rates was observed under bonded repairs with a prior overload retardation treatment. It was concluded that the damage tolerance of bonded repairs is increased by the application of a crack growth retardation treatment because the crack growth is retarded further. These findings indicate that the range of cracks in aircraft for which bonded repairs can be considered is expanded and that economic benefits can be obtained.
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