Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CRITERIA"" "subject:"[enn] CRITERIA""
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Modelling of liquid breakup mechanisms in engineering systemsDiemuodeke, Ogheneruona Endurance January 2014 (has links)
Effective design of liquid fuel injection systems is a function of good understanding of liquid breakup mechanisms. A transient liquid breakup model is developed on the classical interfacial breakup theory by modifying the classical linear perturbation process to include time-dependent base and perturbed flow parameters. The non-isothermal condition on liquid jet instability and breakup is theoretically modelled; with the particular consideration of a spatially variation of surface tension along the liquid-gas interface. The model combines the classical interface hydrodynamic instability and breakup theory and heat-transfer through semi-infinite medium. Analytical liquid breakup model, which combines transient and non-isothermal effects on liquid jet breakup, is suggested. The suggested model could be simplified to the transient breakup model and the non-isothermal breakup model equivalents. A novel mechanistic model, which is based on a simple momentum balance between the injected jet and the aerodynamic drag force, is suggested for breakup length. A new model, which combines energy criterion and dual-timescale for turbulent shear in droplet dispersion, is suggested for droplet breakup criteria on the basis of critical Webber number. All developed models showed good predictions of available experimental data, and established empirical correlation, within the operational conditions of contemporary ICEs, specifically diesel engines. Continued research in these areas could benefit the development of the next generation of liquid fuel injectors and combustors – by accounting for transient effects and non-isothermal conditions in liquid jet breakup, and turbulent shear in droplet breakup.
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Posuzování připravenosti na vstup do školy / School readiness assessmentOrlíková, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
ORLIKOVA, V. Evaluation of readiness for admission to primary school. Prague 2015. Diploma thesis. Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Education. Psychology department. The first chapter defines the concept of school maturity and readiness. The second chapter lays down the general criteria of child's maturity for primary school. It deals with pupil's physical, and especially psychical readiness for school. The third chapter describes several means of diagnosing school maturity and readiness by various methods and tests. The empiric part of the thesis deals with awareness of criteria of school maturity at selected schools and the means of their application for evaluation of readiness for admission to school. It also includes characteristics of the selected schools, used methods of research and results of the conducted research. In the last part of the thesis, there is a discussion and a conclusion. KEYWORDS Criteria of maturity, enrollment, evaluation, primary school enrollment
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Patentovatelnost biotechnologických vynálezů podle Evropské patentové úmluvy / Patentability of biotechnological inventions according to European patent conventionMacháček, Roman January 2014 (has links)
Title: Patentability of biotechnological inventions under European Patent Convention The topic of thesis is the patentability of biotechnological inventions under the European Patent Convention (Munich, 1973) (hereinafter the "EPC") with special emphasis on decision making practices of the European Patent Office. At the beginning, the author deals with general patent law, in particular with fundamental substantive conditions of patentability of inventions, both positive and negative. A brief explanation is then devoted to the definition of biotechnological science and biotechnological invention. In the subsequent part of the thesis, the author discusses the sources of patent law in general and in relation to biotechnological inventions. The chapter is divided into three parts - international, European and national sources. Discussion regarding European sources is split into two subsections dealing with EPC and EU law. The author examines in particular the complicated legislative procedure for the adoption of the Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 6th July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions and its impact on European patent law. National sources address primarily imperfect transposition of Directive 98/44/EC into the Czech law. The next chapter is...
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Kvalifikační předpoklady a hodnotící kritéria v zadávacím řízení / Qualifying requirements and evaluating criteria in public tendersSwaczynová, Barbara January 2013 (has links)
Qualifying requirements and evaluating criteria in public tenders The purpose of my thesis is to analyse selected areas of public tenders awarding, namely qualifying requirements and evaluating criteria, which are used for selection of the most advantageous contractor for performance of the public tender object. The thesis is composed of four main chapters. Chapter One summarizes the development of public tender legislation in the Czech Republic, defines current legislation both in the Czech Republic and in the European Union. Chapter Two defines basic terms of the public tenders area which are typical and characteristic only for public tenders and which are not used in other fields of Czech law. The two remaining chapters are devoted to the qualifying requirements and evaluating criteria, their role and types. Through qualifying requirements contractors are divided into those who are qualified to perform public tender and those who are not. Regarding its importance, it is necessary to stick to the binding provision of the Public Procurement Act while setting the qualifying requirements. Chapter Four is devoted to the evaluating criteria. On the basis of the evaluating criteria the contractor whose bid best fulfils the idea of performance of the contracting authority is chosen from those who are...
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Multikriterieanalys av dagvattenreningstekniker : Med fokus på Västra vägen i GävleEngberg, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Gävle municipality strives to treat all stormwater that may prevent river and lakes from achieving a good water status under the EU water framework directive. There are three stormwater outflows at Västra vägen in Gävle that discharge untreated stormwater to Gavleån. Gävle municipality has an ambition to clean stormwater as close to the source as possible. The purpose of this study is to conduct a multi-criteria analysis to identify stormwater treatment solutions that are suitable from a technical, ecological, economic and sociocultural perspective. According to EU water framework directive Gavleån does not achieve a good chemical and ecological status because of the presence of contaminates in the river. The alternatives that will be evaluated in the multi-criteria analysis consists of a screen pool, percolation storage and four different types of filters. Except these six solutions a null alternative will be included to evaluate if the situation does not change and the stormwater is not treated as it is today. These seven alternatives will be evaluated by a panel that consists of people who work with stormwater or with matters related to the categories in the multi-criteria analysis. The panel's main priority of categories and criteria is produced by the average value of all participants’ weightings and ratings. The most important category was considered to be the sociocultural perspective and the least important was the technical perspective. The criteria that were considered important for the respective categories were operating and maintenance cost (economic perspective), reduction of pollution (technical perspective), environmental impact, land use (ecological perspective, shared position), and outdoor recreation (sociocultural perspective). The option that received the highest score in the analysis was null alternative followed by the screen pool. That is because the null alternative is considered to have the most positive impact on the socio-cultural perspective, ecological perspective and financial perspective while screen pool scored highest in the technical perspective. The results of the MCA should also be interpreted by different stakeholders' priorities and can be seen in Section 6 in which the scoring of all treatment alternatives are reported. / Gävle kommun strävar efter att rena allt dagvatten som kan försvåra möjligheten att sjöar och vattendrag uppnår en god status enligt EU:s vattendirektiv. Det finns tre dagvattenutlopp vid Västra vägen i Gävle som släpper ut orenat dagvatten till Gavleån. Detta dagvatten har Gävle kommun en ambition av att rena genom ett lokalt omhändertagande så nära källan som möjligt. Syftet med denna studie är att genomföra en multikriterieanalys för att identifiera lösningsåtgärder som kan anses som lämpliga utifrån ett tekniskt, ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv. Enligt EU:s vattendirektiv så uppnår inte Gavleån en god kemisk och ekologiskt status på grund av föroreningar som påträffats under mätningar i ån. Alternativen som kommer att utvärderas i multikriterieanalysen består av en skärmbassäng, perkolationsmagasin samt fyra olika gatubrunnsfilter. Förutom dessa alternativ så inkluderas även ett nollalternativ som avser att ingen förändring sker där dagvattnet inte renas. Dessa sju alternativ kommer att viktas av en viktningsgrupp som består av personer som på olika sätt arbetar med dagvatten eller med frågor som är relaterade till kriterierna i multikriterieanalysen. Viktningsgruppens prioriteringar av kategorier och kriterier framställs genom medelvärdet av alla deltagares betygsättning. Den viktigaste kategorin ansågs vara det sociokulturella perspektivet och den minst viktiga var det tekniska perspektivet. Kriterierna som ansågs viktiga för respektive kategori var drift och underhållskostnad (ekonomiskt perspektiv), reducering av föroreningar (tekniskt perspektiv), miljöpåverkan, markanvändning (ekologiskt perspektiv, delad plats), och rekreation och friluftsliv (sociokulturellt perspektiv). Alternativet som fick högst poäng i viktningen var nollalternativet som blev följt av skärmbassäng. Nollalternativet ansågs ha mest positiv inverkan på det sociokulturella perspektivet, ekologiska perspektivet och ekonomiska perspektivet medans skärmbassäng fick högst poäng under det tekniska perspektivet. Resultatet av multikriterieanalysen ska tolkas efter olika intressenters prioriteringar och kan göras i avsnitt 7 där poängsättningen av alla reningstekniker redovisas.
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A Framework for Air Dispersion Modeling – A Hypothetical Case of Port OperationsIyer, Amrita 16 May 2014 (has links)
One of the primary modes for pollutants to reach the human body is through their release into the atmosphere and dispersion in the nearby areas. This makes air emissions one of the important components of an environmental assessment. They are frequently of interest to the people living in the vicinity of the site. The analysis carried out in this research provides a framework for atmospheric dispersion modeling of air pollutants using AERMOD, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) approved regulatory model, for modeling port related emissions. There are various sources of emissions from the ports, however for this study, emissions from roadways, small equipment, and marine related sources are considered. AERMOD was used to estimate ambient pollutant concentrations of selective criteria pollutants such as NOx, SO2, CO and PM10 from a hypothetical port.
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Finansanalytikers syn på hållbarhetrapporter : En studie över vilka kvalitetskriterier som efterfrågas på hållbarhetsinformationAndersson, Therese, Joelsson, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Tidigare forskning har visat på en bristande användning av hållbarhetsrapporter i analysprocessen vilket kan hänföras till en misstro för hållbarhetsinformation och avsaknad av kvalitetskriterier för informationsvärdering. Därför är syftet med studien att skapa förståelse för vilka kvalitetskriterier finansanalytiker efterfrågar i hållbarhetsrapporter. I syftet ingår även att belysa huruvida en reglering kan tänkas möta finansanalytikernas behov. Metod: Vår studie anammar ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv därav präglas forskningsgapet som studeras av socialkonstruktivismen. Genom att ta fasta på en abduktiv forskningsansats samlas teori och empiri genom en iterativ process. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod där den empiriska datainsamlingen sker genom intervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd av tidigare forskning och där samma teman och rubriker även går igen i både empiri- och analysdelen. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet av studien tyder på att det inte går att tillämpa samma värderingsmetoder som för den finansiella redovisningen. Finansanalytiker efterfrågar andra typer av kvalitetskriterier för att säkerhetsställa och värdera hållbarhetsinformation. Det viktigaste kriteriet för hållbarhetsinformation visar sig vara relevans, vilket ligger i grund för efterfrågan på branschspecifika information. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Hållbarhetsrapportering fortfarande är ett relativt nytt fenomen inom finansvärlden och flera av respondenterna tror på en snabb utveckling av området samt möjligheten att utveckla nyckeltal inom området. Det gör att det skulle vara intressant om en liknande studie gjordes i ett senare skede om cirka fem år för att se om det utvecklats några branschspecifika standarder för och nyckeltal inom hållbarhet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vår studies bidrag som kan hänföras till praktiken är förståelsen att hållbarhetsinformation och finansiell information inte kan avläsas på samma sätt, utan andra värderingsmetoder bör användas för hållbarhetsinformation. Den här studien bereder väg i hur hållbarhetsinformation ska värderas och hänvisar till att olika intressegrupper tillsammans med företag, gemensamt ska komma fram till olika branschspecifika standarder och värderingssystem för information. Det anser vi skulle underlätta utförandet av hållbarhetsrapporteringen men även hur den ska avläsas för bästa tillämpning. / Aim: Previous research has shown a lack of use of sustainability reports in the analysis process, which can be assigned to distrust in the information and a lack of criteria for the evaluation of information. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand which criteria financial analysts demand in sustainability reports. The aim is also to illustrate whether a regulation can meet the needs of financial analysts. Method: The study adopts a hermeneutic perspective and the research gap that’s being studied is considered to be characterized by social constructivism. By taking part in an abductive research our theory and empiricism approach together through an iterative process. The study applies a qualitative research where empirical data are collected through interviews. The theoretical framework is constructed of previous research and the same themes and headlines runs throughout both empirical and analytical sections. Result & Conclusions: The results of the study suggest that it isn’t possible to apply the same kind of reporting and key performance indicators in sustainability reports as used in the financial statements. A sustainability report is aimed more towards qualitative key indicators, which isn’t always possible to measure and compare. The main criteria for sustainability information prove to be relevance, which we can see is one of the causes for the demand of industry-specific key indicators. Suggestions for future research: Sustainability reporting is still a relatively new phenomenon in the world of finance, and several of the respondents believe in the rapid development in sustainable thinking and the possibility of developing key indicators in the field. This means that it would be interesting to do a similar study at a later time to see the development of industry-specific standards and indicators of sustainability. Contribution of the thesis: The study's contributions relate to the practice, understanding that sustainability information and financial information can’t be read in the same way, that other methods should be used for sustainability information. This study shows how sustainable information should be valued and refer to various interest groups together with the companies to jointly come up with various industry-specific standards. These we believe would facilitate the execution of sustainability reporting, but also how it should be read for the best application.
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Skrivbedömning : om uppgifter, texter och bedömningsanvisningar i svenskämnets nationella provBorgström, Eric January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this dissertation, and the four studies it includes, is to investigate some ways in which the concept of writing ability is rendered concrete in different national writing tests. The dissertation combines two theoretical approaches. Assessment theory serves as a framework for the approach to national tests. Tests are understood as a practice aiming at providing evidence for the inferences teachers need to draw about students’ writing ability, in order to make decisions that are part of school practice, such as giving grades. I examine the tests from the perspective of an anthropological theory of text that takes dialogism as its point of departure and views texts as culturally valued utterances. The analyses focus on the relations between writing task, students’ texts and assessment criteria, and how these can be both in alignment and in conflict with the claims on score meaning made by different test constructions. In the first study, four students’ texts from the national writing test in upper secondary school are closely analyzed to show how a writing task regulates students’ scope for action in their texts as regards global inner structure and perspective on content. The second study investigates how a national writing test was carried out in two classrooms in primary school, and highlights the relations between the task, students’ texts and assessment criteria. In the third study, I argue that a pursuit of reliability in writing tests becomes misguided unless it takes as its starting point the definition of writing ability the tests are made to measure. In the fourth study I examine the writing tasks of the tests in upper secondary school from 2007–2012. The analysis brings four distinct and recurrent task types to the fore, from which a reconstruction of the target domain of writing within the school subject of Swedish is made. Overall, the dissertation contributes to critical reflection on the understandings of writing expressed by test constructions, and points at possible further development of writing tests, given the theoretical perspective on writing that the dissertation employs.
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Segmentace trhu pleťové kosmetiky / Segmentation of the facial care marketFialová, Zdeňka January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of the Master's Thesis is to discover significant differences in consumers' behaviour. Based on these differences it determinates and describes the segmenents of consumers. An important goal is to design marketing strategies for these segments as well. The theoretical part of the thesis includes the explanation of the segmentation process. The analytical part covers the characteristics of the Czech facial care market and the analysis of the Market&Media&Lifestyle data. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the process of segmentation using questionares and the IBM SPSS Statistics programme. The output of the thesis reveals three segments of the market and suggests relevant marketing strategies for them.
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Příprava a hodnocení developerských projektů / Preparation and evaluation of developer´s projectsŠafratová, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis has been devoted to the topic of preparation and evaluation of commercial developer's projects. Theoretic section of the thesis describes all the phases of preparation and realization of projects based on their chronological sequence; special attention is paid to evaluation of economic efficiency of the projects. The topic dealt in the practical section is based on results of survey carried out among relevant entities at the developers' market. Analysis of results of the survey carried out among multiple developer companies has revealed imperfections within their work. This thesis is trying to specify guidelines to eliminate them. Questioning among the other entities was aimed at analysing the view of a bank, a construction company and a facility management regarding the issue of developer projects and at making use of the findings to set some recommendations for the developer. Goal of the thesis is integration of attitudes of all the entities involved aimed at making use of the findings to specify a set of recommendations that should improve developer's work.
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