Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CRM STRATEGY"" "subject:"[enn] CRM STRATEGY""
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Towards a taxonomy of reusable CRM requirements for the Not for Profit sectorFlory, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Traditional (or commercial) CRM is a well-defined domain but there is currently no generally accepted definition of what constitutes CRM in the not for profit (NfP) sector. Not for profit organisations are organisations which exist for a social purpose, are independent of the State, and which re-invest all of their financial surpluses in the services they offer or in the organisation itself. This research aims to answer the question "What exactly is CRM as applied to the NfP sector, what are its boundaries and what functions should an NfP CRM information system perform?" Grounded Theory Method (GTM) within a Design Science framework was used to collect, analyse, categorise, generalise and structure data from a number of NfP organisations and NfP information systems suppliers. An NfP CRM model was constructed from this data in the form of three multi-level taxonomies. The main taxonomy relates to generic and reusable information system requirements both functional and non-functional. Within this taxonomy the high-level categorisations of commercial CRM, namely "Marketing, "Sales" and "Service", are greatly extended to reflect the special needs of the NfP sector and in particular a much broader definition of "customer". The two minor taxonomies relate to issues of CRM strategy and CRM systems architecture which need to be considered alongside the system requirements. In addition to and resulting from the taxonomies, an over-arching definition of NfP CRM was developed. NfP organisations now have a framework that will enable them to know what to expect of CRM systems and from which they can select requirements to build their own specification of information system needs. Using the requirements taxonomy for this task will make the process of requirements analysis and specification easier, quicker, cheaper and more complete than using traditional methods. The framework will also allow NfP system suppliers to know what NfP organisations expect of their systems and will assist them with the specification of new system features. The minor taxonomies will provide NfP organisations with a series of strategic issues and systems architecture options that should be considered when implementing a CRM system. This research also demonstrates how GTM can be utilised: as the development phase of Design Research, as a general method of domain analysis, and as a tool to develop a taxonomy of reusable information system requirements.
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[pt] No mercado altamente competitivo, as empresas procuram
aumentar sua rentabilidade por meio do aumento da taxa de
retenção de clientes. As organizações buscam identificar,
capturar e analisar informações que permitam efetuar ações
para manterem o relacionamento com seus clientes em um
mundo de negócios em constante mudança. A estratégia CRM -
Customer Relationship Management- tem como finalidade
antecipar, entender e responder às necessidades dos
clientes atuais e potenciais. Sua implementação é, na
maioria dos casos,complexa, envolvendo custos bastante
elevados. Os investimentos em tecnologia,treinamento e
mudança cultural podem ser desperdiçados caso os processos
de coleta e utilização das informações, que formam a base
do relacionamento com os clientes, não recebam uma atenção
especial. Por meio de estudos de caso, esse trabalho
analisa como empresas que atuam no mercado corporativo estão
realizando esses processos, procurando identificar os
maiores desafios enfrentados por elas. Foram realizadas
entrevistas com pessoas da área de vendas e com
responsáveis pelo processo de implantação da estratégia CRM
nas empresas. As entrevistas demonstram a importância da
força de vendas no processo de coleta de informações sobre
os clientes em empresas que atuam no mercado corporativo e
identificam uma forte relação entre a estratégia de
utilização das informações adotadas pelas empresas com a
motivação da força de vendas em informar os dados com a
maior precisão e abrangência possíveis. / [en] In a highly competitive market, organizations try to
leverage their profitability by increasing customer
retention rates. Organizations seek to identify,collect and
analyze information that allows them to perform actions in
order to keep customer relationships in an ever-changing
business world. CRM -Customer Relationship Management-
strategy goals are to anticipate, understand and respond
to current and future customer needs. Implementing CRM can
be very complex,involving high costs. Technology, training
and culture changing investments can be wasted if
information collection and utilization processes, which are
the foundations of customer relationship, are not treated
carefully. Through case studies, this dissertation analyzes
how B2B organizations are treating those processes and
tries to identify the main issues they are facing. Data
were collected through interviews with salespeople and the
project managers responsible for the implementation of CRM.
The results show the high importance of the sales force
in collecting information about customers in B2B
organizations and identify a very strong relationship
between organization s customer information usage strategy
and sales force motivation in providing accurate and
comprehensive customer information.
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Zlepšení business procesů / Improving business processesLauková, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is look at ways of optimising business processes in a specific company acting as an insurance intermediary. The thesis consists of a theoretical part which defines the basic concepts of the issue. The analytical part maps the current state of the business processes in the company, which serves as the foundation of a proposal for their optimization with the use of a CRM system.
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Optimizing CRM Readiness : Specifying a CRM Strategy for Volvo PentaJohansson, Daniel, Fredriksson, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The analytical purpose of this thesis is to link theory on how business processes should be designed to strenghten customer relationships, with empirical data on what these processes presently look like. The empirical purpose is to formulate a CRM strategy for Volvo Penta. This will be done by analyzing how the current processes of the company are designed and what limitations and possibilities the market characteristics offer. Method: A triangulated research method with focus on qualitative interviews is used in the form of in-depth, face-to-face interviews. Thirteen such interviews have been conducted with representatives of different departments within Volvo Penta. Findings: The empirical data has brought several findings on what needs to be done and thought through in order to optimize a CRM-strategy. One such finding is that Volvo Penta does not have thorough directions on how their processes and customers should be approached. Another important finding is that the level of cross-functionality within the processes is too low.
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Informační strategie firmy / Corporate Information StrategyHrabčak, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focused on a presentation of entrepreneurial intention of corporate information strategy. The corporate information strategy is based on the analysis of current situation of the company and its environment which uses modern trends in IT business. It is about a complex solution which should help to the growth of turnover, strengthen of mark of company and stabilize the market position.
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CRM para una cadena hoteleraPinedo Arbildo, Jose, Reyna Otayza, Cathia, Rojas Vasquez, Jennifer 11 December 2011 (has links)
El sector hotelero en los últimos años ha ido creciendo y fortaleciendo su oferta a lo largo del país. De esta manera, según la Sociedad peruana de hoteles, el 2011 se han desarrollado 21 proyectos hoteleros con una inversión de 475.4 millones. Por otro lado, se ha dado un importante incremento en el porcentaje de turistas que se hospedan en hoteles de 4 ó 5 estrellas, en comparación con el año 2009 (2009: 39% vs. 2010: 54%), lo que estaría explicado por una mayor proporción de profesionales ejecutivos en este segmento de turistas. Por tanto, el mercado se ha hecho más competitivo y los clientes más exigentes. El conocer mejor a sus clientes y presentar una clara ventaja diferencial permitirá a estas empresas lograr posicionarse de manera solida y obtener una mayor participación de mercado.
Esta tesis está orientada a ofrecer una consultoría de estrategia CRM aplicada a la hotelería y una herramienta de CRM integral diseñada para el sector hotelero, oportunidad que hemos identificado debido a que no existe una propuesta que englobe una estrategia de gestión de la relación con el cliente y un software, tomando en cuenta todos aquellos puntos de contacto con el cliente en el proceso de hotelería y hacer futuras campañas de marketing relacional. Para sustentar nuestra propuesta se realizó una encuesta a 10 de las principales cadenas hoteleras de 4 y 5 estrellas del país, y se obtuvo como información que el 80% de estas empresas no cuenta con información de sus clientes en todos los puntos de contacto, el 70% no tienen capacidad de consolidar toda la información de sus clientes en una sola base de datos centralizada, actualizada y completa. Asimismo, se reconoce que cuanta mayor información del cliente se pueda aprovechar mayores oportunidades de negocio. De acuerdo a lo señalado anteriormente, se observó el interés inicial de la cadena hotelera Inkaterra en el desarrollo de este CRM integral, convirtiéndose en nuestro primer cliente.
Como empresa E-relations CRM tiene por objetivos lograr ventas anuales incrementales, iniciando el primer año con $93,500 con un incremento anual y así alcanzar ventas anuales de $737, 500 como se pronostica para el quinto año; contar con 4 clientes y obtener un 31% de rentabilidad el segundo año. Para lograrlo la propuesta del producto incluye el asesoramiento en marketing hotelero y una solución de CRM, que gracias a los módulos que incluye, permitirá reducir costos, incrementar ventas, conocer mejor a los clientes, satisfacerlos, mejorar los canales de comunicación y finalmente, fortalecer la relación cliente-hotel.
El mercado objetivo de E-Relations CRM está conformado por establecimientos hoteleros de cuatro y cinco estrellas situados en las diferentes regiones del Perú. Esta elección se debe a que representan hoteles de una mayor amplitud de características y posibilidades. Asimismo, los hoteles de categoría superior son los que muestran un mayor grado de inversión tecnológica, por lo que se piensa a priori que mostrarán un mayor grado de interés por la implementación de soluciones CRM. Así también cabe resaltar que, el sector de lujo (4 y 5 estrellas) se ha incrementado en 15% el último año.
Los precios de nuestros productos variarán entre $1,600 y $20,000 dependiendo si se contrata sólo consultoría o el producto solución CRM. Nuestra propuesta de precios, nos coloca en una posición interesante debido a que ingresamos con un precio atractivo al mercado.
Para promover el conocimiento de nuestros productos y soluciones, se ha considerado el lanzar nuestra propuesta a través de un evento que incluya charlas sobre marketing hotelero y CRM, asesoría, mesas redondas y que congregue a los directivos de los hoteles a los cuales nos dirigimos. Adicionalmente, se usará un boletín electrónico para compartir información de interés sobre el rubro y para promocionar a E-relations CRM.
Para llevar a cabo esta propuesta se ha calculado una inversión inicial de $37,700 que serán rápidamente recuperados el segundo con índice de rentabilidad de 31% , este índice se incrementa hasta un 52% en el quinto año, siendo una nuestra propuesta innovadora, interesante y rentable tanto para nuestra empresa como para el sector hotelero al cual nos dirigimos. / Tesis
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