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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A suavização Gaussiana como método de marcação de características de fronteira entre regiões homogêneas contrastantes / The Gaussian smoothing as a method for marking boundary features between contrasting homogeneous regions

Louro, Antonio Henrique Figueira 18 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho mostra que a suavização Gaussiana pode exercer outra função além da filtração. Considerando-se imagens binárias, este processo pode funcionar como uma espécie de marcador, que modifica as feições das fronteiras entre duas regiões homogêneas contrastantes. Tais feições são pontos de concavidades, de convexidades ou de bordas em linha reta. Ou seja, toda a informação necessária para se caracterizar a forma bidimensional de uma região. A quantidade de suavização realizada em cada ponto depende da configuração preto/branco que compõe a vizinhança onde este se situa. Isto significa que cada ponto sofre uma quantidade particular de modificação, a qual reflete a interface local entre o objeto e o fundo. Então, para detectar tais feições, basta quantificar a suavização em cada ponto. No entanto, a discriminação pixel a pixel exige que a distribuição Gaussiana apresente boa localização, o que só acontece em escalas muito baixas (σ≅0,5). Assim, propõe-se uma distribuição construída a partir da soma de duas Gaussianas. Uma é bem estreita para garantir a boa localização e a outra possui abertura irrestrita para representar a escala desejada. Para confirmar a propriedade de marcação dessa distribuição, são propostos três detectores de corners de contorno, os quais são aplicados à detecção de pontos dominantes. O primeiro utiliza a entropia de Shannon para quantificar a suavização em cada ponto. O segundo utiliza as probabilidades de objeto e de fundo contidos na vizinhança observada. O terceiro utiliza a diferença entre Gaussianas (DoG) para determinar a quantidade suavizada, porém com a restrição de que uma das versões da imagem tenha suavização desprezível, para garantir a boa localização. Este trabalho se fundamenta na física da luz e na visão biológica. Os ótimos resultados apresentados sugerem que a detecção de curvaturas do sistema visual pode ocorrer na retina. / This work shows that the Gaussian smoothing can have additional function to filtration. Considering the binary images, this process can operate as a kind of marker that changes the features of the boundaries between two contrasting homogeneous regions. These features are points of concavities, convexities or straight edges, which are all the necessary information to characterize the two-dimensional shape of a region. The amount of smoothing performed at each point depends on the black/white configuration that composes the neighborhood where the point is located. This means that each point suffers a particular modification, which reflects the local interface between object and background. Thus, to detect such features, one must quantify the smoothing at each point. However, pixel-wise discrimination requires that the Gaussian distribution does not suffer flattening, which occurs in very low scales (σ≅0.5), only. Thus, it is proposed a distribution built from the sum of two Gaussians. One must be very narrow to ensure good localization, and the other is free to represent the desired scale. To confirm the property of marking, three boundary based corner detectors are proposed, which are applied to the detection of dominant points. The first uses the Shannon\'s entropy to quantify the smoothing at each point. The second uses the probabilities of object and background contained in the local neighborhood. The third uses the difference of Gaussians (DoG) to determine the amount of smoothing. This Work relies on the physics of light and biological vision. The presented results are good enough to suggest that the curvature detection, in visual system, occurs in the retina.

A correspondência AdS/CFT e o plasma de quarks e glúons / The AdS/CFT correspondece and the quark-gluon plasma

Jahnke, Viktor 10 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar aplicações da correspondência AdS/CFT na descrição de plasmas fortemente acoplados similares ao plasma de quarks e glúons (PQG) produzido em colisões de íons pesados no RHIC e no LHC. O projeto está articulado em duas partes. Inicialmente estudamos como alguns observáveis, como a taxa de produção de fótons e diléptons, são afetados por anisotropias espaciais presentes no plasma. Isso é importante porque o PQG produzido em experimentos do mundo real tipicamente começa em configurações de alta anisotropia, que depois evoluem para configurações isotrópicas. Para modelar a anisotropia a acoplamento forte fizemos uso de uma solução de buraco negro de supergravidade do tipo IIB encontrada recentemente em arXiv:1105.3472/hep-th. Como segunda direção de pesquisa e novamente focando em aplicações da correspondência AdS/CFT na descrição do PQG, investigamos teorias de gravidade de Lovelock, que são generalizações naturais da teoria de relatividade geral de Einstein. Essas teorias contém termos com derivadas de ordem superior ao mesmo tempo que mantém equações do movimento de segunda ordem, e por isso constituem uma arena ideal para começar a entender como termos de derivada de ordem superior afetam vários observáveis físicos do plasma. / The aim of this work is to study applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence to strongly coupled plasmas similar to the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. The project is articulated in two parts. Initially, we will study how some observables, such as photon and dilepton production rates, are affected by spatial anisotropies present in the plasma. This is important, since the QGP produced in real world experiments generically starts in highly anisotropic configurations, which later evolve towards isotropy. To model anisotropy at strong coupling we will make use of an anisotropic black hole solution of type IIB supergravity which has been recently obtained in arXiv:1105.3472/ hep-th. As a second direction of research and again focusing on applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence to the QGP, we will investigate Lovelock theories of gravity, which are natural generalizations of Einsteins general relativity. These theories contain higher derivative terms, while maintaining the equations of motion of second order, and constitute an ideal arena where to start understanding how higher derivative corrections affect various physical observables of the plasma.

Monitoração de modelos físicos reduzidos para investigação do comportamento de estruturas em escala real. / Monitoring reduced physical models to investigate the behavior of real structures.

Ticona Melo, Ladislao Roger 04 August 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta a monitoração de modelos reduzidos para a investigação do comportamento de estruturas. O estudo do comportamento estrutural consistiu basicamente na medição de grandezas físicas de forma experimental, para o qual os modelos físicos reduzidos foram submetidos a múltiplos ensaios em laboratório. Posteriormente, os dados experimentais foram tratados e analisados, para então serem comparados com os resultados dos modelos teóricos, avaliando assim, sua capacidade de simulação. No total foram monitorados três modelos reduzidos, cujas grandezas físicas foram medidas utilizando-se sensores elétricos, tais como: extensômetros, LVDTs e um servoatuador hidráulico, os quais estavam ligados ao sistema de aquisição da National Instrument, controlado por um computador de comando e pelos programas LabView e DynaTester. Um dos modelos construído em alumínio foi utilizado a fim de se estudar o comportamento da ponte do rio Suaçui, assim como calibrar os modelos teóricos em função dos dados experimentais da estrutura real e do modelo reduzido e estabelecer uma relação entre eles. Os outros dois modelos construídos em microconcreto foram utilizados para estudar o comportamento de estruturas na fase não linear e em fratura, para o qual foram submetidos a carregamentos incrementais. A ponte de microconcreto foi ensaiada com o intuito de se verificar a variação da rigidez de sua seção transversal e a construção de uma relação experimental de momento-curvatura. As vigas levemente armadas foram ensaiadas a flexão em três pontos até a ruptura, com a finalidade de se verificar que seu comportamento depende de vários parâmetros tais como: taxa de armadura, tamanho da viga, forma da seção transversal e a aderência aço-concreto. O estudo experimental foi complementado com ensaios de caracterização de materiais, estudos teóricos e o desenvolvimento de aplicativos como o programa PUENFLEX para o cálculo de relações de momento-curvatura de seções e o aplicativo desenvolvido em LabView para monitoração de estruturas que permite visualizar seu comportamento em tempo real. / This research presents the monitoring of scale reduced models for investigation the behavior of structures. The study of structural behavior consisted basically in the measurement of physical quantities on an experimental basis, to which the reduced physical models were subjected to multiple laboratory tests. Then the experimental data were processed and analyzed, so at the finally the results were compared with theoretical models and thereby to evaluate their ability to simulation. In total were monitored three reduced models, whose physical quantities were measured using electrical sensors such as strain gauges, LVDT\'s and a system hydraulics load, which in the same time were connected to the system of acquisition of the National Instrument, controlled by a computer command and DynaTester and LabView programs. One of the models constructed of aluminum was used to study the behavior of Suaçuí river bridge, as well as calibrate the theoretical models on the basis of experimental data of the real structure and the reduced model and to establish a relationship between them. The other two models built in microconcrete were used to study the behavior of structures in the nonlinear phase and fracture, for which they were subjected to incremental loads. The bridge of microconcrete was tested in order to verify the variations the rigidity of their cross section and the construction of an experimental relationship for the moment-curvature. The beams with minimum flexural reinforcement were tested in three-point bending to failure, in order to verify that his behavior depends on various parameters such as reinforcement ratio, the beam size, shape of cross section and steel-concrete adherence. The experimental study was completed with material characterization tests, theoretical studies and the development of applications such as PUENFLEX program for calculating the moment-curvature relationships for cross sections and the program developed in LabView for monitoring structures to visualize their behavior in real time.

Pilares esbeltos de concreto armado com seção variável / Concrete slender columns with variable cross sections

Malakoski, Joice 30 July 1998 (has links)
São descritas as recomendações da Norma Brasileira NBR-6118/1978 e do Código Modelo do Comité Euro-internacional du Béton CEB-1990 para a verificação da estabilidade de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado com seção variável submetidos à flexão normal composta, empregando-se a teoria do método geral. Para a obtenção dos momentos de segunda ordem são descritos os métodos de Engesser-Vianello e da integração numérica das curvaturas das seções transversais ao longo do pilar. Para a determinação do momento fletor absorvido pelas seções em função da curvatura proveniente da flexão do pilar sob a ação de uma força normal, desenvolvem-se as expressões para seções retangulares e circulares (cheias e vazadas) com base nas relações de tensão-deformação dos materiais segundo a norma e o código supracitados. Apresenta-se também um programa para microcomputador, elaborado em linguagem PASCAL, destinado à verificação da estabilidade de pilares com opção de adoção dos critérios da NBR-6118/1978 ou do CEB-1190. Não foram abordados os efeitos decorrentes de vibrações, fazendo-se apenas a descrição dos métodos de consideração dos efeitos decorrentes da deformação lenta. / The recommendations of Brazilian Code NBR-6118/1978 and Comité Euro-Internacional du Béton Model Code CEB-1990 are described, for stability verification of concrete slender columns with variable cross sections, subjected to axial load and bending moment, using the exact method. To obtain the second order bending moments, the Engesser-Vianello method and the numeric integration of the cross section curvatures along the longitudinal axial of column method are described. To obtain of bending moment supported by the cross sections due to curvature resultant of the column flexure under axialload, expressions for rectangular and circular (full and hollow) cross sections are developed, using stress-strain relations for materials proposed by model codes above mentioned. It\'s also presented a software written in PASCAL language for microcomputer and destined to column stability verification, with option to adopt the NBR-6118/1978 or CEB-1990 model code recommendations. Effects due to vibrations were nor included. Methods to take in account creep effects were described.

Gravidade de Lovelock e a correspondência AdS/CFT / Lovelock gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence

Misobuchi, Anderson Seigo 08 April 2016 (has links)
A correspondência AdS/CFT é uma notável ferramenta no estudo de teorias de gauge fortemente acopladas que podem ser mapeadas em uma descrição gravitacional dual fracamente acoplada. A correspondência é melhor entendida no limite em que ambos $N$ e $\\lambda$, o rank do grupo de gauge e o acoplamento de \'t Hooft da teoria de gauge, respectivamente, são infinitos. Levar em consideração interações com termos de curvatura de ordem superior nos permite considerar correções de $\\lambda$ finito. Por exemplo, a primeira correção de acoplamento finito para supergravidade tipo IIB surge como um termo de curvatura com forma esquemática $\\alpha\'^3 R^4$. Neste trabalho investigamos correções de curvatura no contexto da gravidade de Lovelock, que é um cenário simples para investigar tais correções pois as suas equações de movimento ainda são de segunda ordem em derivadas. Esse cenário também é particularmente interessante do ponto de vista da correspondência AdS/CFT devido a sua grande classe de soluções de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Consideramos um sistema de gravidade AdS-axion-dilaton em cinco dimensões com um termo de Gauss-Bonnet e encontramos uma solução das equações de movimento, o que corresponde a uma black brane exibindo uma anisotropia espacial, onde a fonte da anisotropia é um campo escalar linear em uma das coordenadas espaciais. Estudamos suas propriedades termodinâmicas e realizamos a renormalização holográfica usando o método de Hamilton-Jacobi. Finalmente, usamos a solução obtida como dual gravitacional de um plasma anisotrópico fortemente acoplado com duas cargas centrais independentes, $a eq c$. Calculamos vários observáveis relevantes para o estudo do plasma, a saber, a viscosidade de cisalhamento sobre densidade de entropia, a força de arrasto, o parâmetro de jet quenching, o potencial entre um par quark-antiquark e a taxa de produção de fótons. / The AdS/CFT correspondence is a remarkable tool in the study of strongly coupled gauge theories which can be mapped to a dual, weakly coupled gravitational description. The correspondence is best understood in the limit in which both $N$ and $\\lambda$, the rank of the gauge group and the \'t Hooft coupling of the gauge theory, respectively, are infinite. Accounting for higher curvature interactions allows one to begin to consider finite $\\lambda$. For example, the leading finite coupling corrections to type IIB supergravity arise as stringy corrections with schematic form $\\alpha\'^3 R^4$. In this work we investigate higher curvature corrections in a simpler scenario, the Lovelock gravity. Lovelock gravity is a nice framework to investigate such corrections since its equations of motion are still second order in derivatives and is particularly interesting from the point of view of the AdS/CFT correspondence because a large class of asymptotically AdS black holes solutions are known. We consider five-dimensional AdS-axion-dilaton gravity with a Gauss-Bonnet term and find a solution of the equations of motion which corresponds to a black brane exhibiting a spatial anisotropy, with the source of the anisotropy being an axion field linear in one of the spatial coordinates. We study its thermodynamics and we carry out the holographic renormalization using the Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Finally, we use the solution as a gravity dual to a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma with two independent central charges, $a eq c$. We compute several observables relevant to the study of the plasma, namely, the shear viscosity over entropy density ratio, the drag force, the jet quenching parameter, the quarkonium potential and the thermal photon production.

Membrane interaction of amyloid–beta (1–42) peptide induces membrane remodeling and benefits the conversion of non–toxic Aβ species into cytotoxic aggregate

Jin, Sha 07 November 2016 (has links)
Das Amyloid-beta Peptid (Ab) ist der Hauptbestandteil der extrazellulären Plaques bei der Alzheimerschen Krankheit. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die Mechanismen der Wechselwirkungen des Ab mit der Plasmamembran und der nachfolgenden zellulären Aufnahme aufzuklären. Die Aggregation, die zelluläre Aufnahme und die Zytotoxizität von Ab42 wurden durch Verwendung von fluoreszenzmarkierten Ab42 in einem Neuroblastomzellkulturmodell untersucht. Sowohl bei Inkubation mit Monomeren als auch mit Aggregaten wurde in den Zellen Ab42 detektiert. Dabei binden Ab42 Monomere und kleine Aggregate zunächst an die Zellmembran. Allerdings erfolgt keine direkte Aufnahme von Monomeren in die Zelle. Erst nach Ausbildung von Aggregaten mit geordneter Sekundärstruktur wurde Ab42 in den endozytotischen Vesikel detektiert. Voraussetzung für den an der Membran ablaufenden Aggregationsprozess ist, dass die Monomere oberhalb einer kritischen Konzentration anwesend sind, um eine Bildung von beta-Faltblatt-Strukturen (bF) und entsprechenden Aggregaten zu ermöglichen. Ab42 Aggregate, die sich durch eine bF auszeichneten, benötigten keine kritische Schwellenkonzentration für die endozytotische Aufnahme. Eng mit der Aufnahme von Ab42 Aggregaten war die Veränderung des zellulären Metabolismus verbunden. Um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Ab und der Membrannäher zu charakterisieren, wurden Modellmembransystemen einschl. riesigen Membranvesikeln genutzt. Dabei wurde beobachtet, dass sowohl Ab42 als auch Ab40 Einstülpungen in der Membran induzieren können. Kleine Aggregate beider Isoformen, die noch keine bF aufweisen, interagierten bevorzugt mit der ungeordneten Lipidphase und induzierten dabei eine negative Membrankrümmung. Diese Beobachtungen legen den Schluss nahe, dass möglicherweise das Ab selbst den endozytotischen Prozess unterstützt oder diesen sogar einleiten könnte. Dies könnte auch auf eine mögliche physiologische Funktion von Ab Aggregaten, die nicht toxisch sind, hindeuten. / The accumulation of Amyloid beta peptide 1-42 (Ab42) in extracellular plaques is one of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. Several studies have suggested that a cellular reuptake of Ab42 may be a crucial step in its cytotoxicity, but mechanisms of Ab-membrane interaction and subsequent cellular uptake are not yet understood. The first aim of the present study is to answer the question whether aggregate formation is a prerequisite or a consequence of Ab-membrane interaction and of Ab endocytosis. We visualized aggregate formation of fluorescently labeled Ab42 by Förster resonance energy transfer and tracked its internalization by human neuroblastoma cells. Both monomeric and aggregated Ab42 entered the cells, however, monomer uptake faced a concentration threshold and occurred only at concentrations and time scales that allowed beta-sheet-rich (bS) aggregates to form. By uncoupling membrane binding from internalization, we found that Ab42 monomers as well as small aggregate species bound rapidly to the plasma membrane and formed bS aggregates. These structures were subsequently taken up and accumulated in endocytic vesicles. This process correlated with inhibition of cellular metabolism activities. Our data therefore imply that the formation of bS aggregates at the cell membrane is a prerequisite for Ab42 uptake and cytotoxicity. The second aim of the study is to investigate the Ab-membrane interaction in vitro by using giant unilamellar vesicles and giant plasma membrane vesicles as model membrane systems. We found that both Ab isoforms, Ab42 and Ab40, interacted with the liquid disordered phase of model membranes. Early aggregation intermediates, which did not yet bind to the amyloiddophilic dye Thioflavin T, induced negative membrane curvature. The ability of Ab to induce membrane deformation suggests that Ab may facilitate its own endocytosis. It also hints at a possible physiological function of non-toxic Ab aggregate species.

Étude de fonctionnelles géométriques dépendant de la courbure par des méthodes d'optimisation de formes. Applications aux fonctionnelles de Willmore et Canham-Helfrich / Study of geometric functionals depending on curvature by shape optimization methods. Applications to the functionals of Willmore and Canham-Helfrich

Dalphin, Jérémy 05 December 2014 (has links)
En biologie, lorsqu'une quantité importante de phospholipides est insérée dans un milieu aqueux, ceux-Ci s'assemblent alors par paires pour former une bicouche, plus communément appelée vésicule. En 1973, Helfrich a proposé un modèle simple pour décrire la forme prise par une vésicule. Imposant la surface de la bicouche et le volume de fluide qu'elle contient, leur forme minimise une énergie élastique faisant intervenir des quantités géométriques comme la courbure, ainsi qu'une courbure spontanée mesurant l'asymétrie entre les deux couches. Les globules rouges sont des exemples de vésicules sur lesquels sont fixés un réseau de protéines jouant le rôle de squelette au sein de la membrane. Un des principaux travaux de la thèse fut d'introduire et étudier une condition de boule uniforme, notamment pour modéliser l'effet du squelette. Dans un premier temps, on cherche à minimiser l'énergie de Helfrich sans contrainte puis sous contrainte d'aire. Le cas d'une courbure spontanée nulle est connu sous le nom d'énergie de Willmore. Comme la sphère est un minimiseur global de l'énergie de Willmore, c'est un bon candidat pour être un minimiseur de l'énergie de Helfrich parmi les surfaces d'aire fixée. Notre première contribution dans cette thèse a été d'étudier son optimalité. On montre qu'en dehors d'un certain intervalle de paramètres, la sphère n'est plus un minimum global, ni même un minimum local. Par contre, elle est toujours un point critique. Ensuite, dans le cas de membranes à courbure spontanée négative, on se demande si la minimisation de l'énergie de Helfrich sous contrainte d'aire peut être effectuée en minimisant individuellement chaque terme. Cela nous conduit à minimiser la courbure moyenne totale sous contrainte d'aire et à déterminer si la sphère est la solution de ce problème. On montre que c'est le cas dans la classe des surfaces axisymétriques axiconvexes mais que ce n'est pas vrai en général.Enfin, lorsqu'une contrainte d'aire et de volume sont considérées simultanément, le minimiseur ne peut pas être une sphère qui n'est alors plus admissible. En utilisant le point de vue de l'optimisation de formes, la troisième et plus importante contribution de cette thèse est d'introduire une classe plus raisonnable de surfaces, pour laquelle l'existence d'un minimiseur suffisamment régulier est assurée pour des fonctionnelles et des contraintes générales faisant intervenir les propriétés d'ordre un et deux des surfaces. En s'inspirant de ce que fit Chenais en 1975 quand elle a considéré la propriété de cône uniforme, on considère les surfaces satisfaisant une condition de boule uniforme. On étudie d'abord des fonctionnelles purement géométriques puis nous autorisons la dépendance à travers la solution de problèmes aux limites elliptiques d'ordre deux posés sur le domaine intérieur à la surface / In biology, when a large amount of phospholipids is inserted in aqueous media, they immediatly gather in pairs to form bilayers also called vesicles. In 1973, Helfrich suggested a simple model to characterize the shapes of vesicles. Imposing the area of the bilayer and the volume of fluid it contains, their shape is minimizing a free-Bending energy involving geometric quantities like curvature, and also a spontanuous curvature measuring the asymmetry between the two layers. Red blood cells are typical examples of vesicles on which is fixed a network of proteins playing the role of a skeleton inside the membrane. One of the main work of this thesis is to introduce and study a uniform ball condition, in particular to model the effects of the skeleton. First, we minimize the Helfrich energy without constraint then with an area constraint. The case of zero spontaneous curvature is known as the Willmore energy. Since the sphere is the global minimizer of the Willmore energy, it is a good candidate to be a minimizer of the Helfrich energy among surfaces of prescribed area. Our first main contribution in this thesis was to study its optimality. We show that apart from a specific interval of parameters, the sphere is no more a global minimizer, neither a local minimizer. However, it is always a critical point. Then, in the specific case of membranes with negative spontaneous curvature, one can wonder whether the minimization of the Helfrich energy with an area constraint can be done by minimizing individually each term. This leads us to minimize total mean curvature with prescribed area and to determine if the sphere is a solution to this problem. We show that it is the case in the class of axisymmetric axiconvex surfaces but that it does not hold true in the general case. Finally, considering both area and volume constraints, the minimizer cannot be the sphere, which is no more admissible. Using the shape optimization point of view, the third main and most important contribution of this thesis is to introduce a more reasonable class of surfaces, in which the existence of an enough regular minimizer is ensured for general functionals and constraints involving the first- and second-Order geometric properties of surfaces. Inspired by what Chenais did in 1975 when she considered the uniform cone property, we consider surfaces satisfying a uniform ball condition. We first study purely geometric functionals then we allow a dependence through the solution of some second-Order elliptic boundary value problems posed on the inner domain enclosed by the shape

Reconstruction d’un modèle B-Rep à partir d’un maillage 3D / Reconstruction of a B-Rep model from 3D mesh

Bénière, Roseline 01 February 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, la majorité des objets manufacturés sont conçus par des logiciels informatiques de CAO (Conception Assistée par Ordinateur). Cependant, lors de la visualisation, d'échange de données ou des processus de fabrication, le modèle géométrique doit être discrétisé en un maillage 3D composé d'un nombre fini de sommets et d'arêtes. Or, dans certaines situations le modèle initial peut être perdu ou indisponible. La représentation discrète 3D peut aussi être modifiée, par exemple après une simulation numérique, et ne plus correspondre au modèle initial. Une méthode de rétro-ingénierie est alors nécessaire afin de reconstruire une représentation continue 3D à partir de la représentation discrète.Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons une procédure automatique et complète de rétro-ingénierie pour les maillages 3D issus principalement de la discrétisation d'objets mécaniques. Pour cela, nous proposons des améliorations sur la détection de primitives géométriques simples. Puis, nous introduisons un formalisme clair pour la définition de la topologie de l'objet et la construction des intersections entre les primitives. Enfin, nous décrivons une nouvelle méthode de construction de surfaces paramétriques 3D, fondée sur l'extraction automatique de grilles rectangulaires régulières supports. La méthode a été testée sur des maillages 3D issus d'applications industrielles et permet d'obtenir des modèles B-Rep cohérents. / Nowadays, most of the manufactured objects are designed using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. Nevertheless, for visualization, data exchange or manufacturing applications, the geometric model has to be discretized into a 3D mesh composed of a finite number of vertices and edges. But, in some cases, the initial model may be lost or unavailable. In other cases, the 3D discrete representation may be modified, for example after a numerical simulation, and does not correspond anymore to the initial model. A retro-engineering method is then required to reconstruct a 3D continuous representation from the discrete one.In this Ph.D. Thesis, we present an automatic and comprehensive reverse engineering process mainly dedicated to 3D meshes of mechanical items. We present first several improvements in automatically detecting geometric primitives from a 3D mesh. Then, we introduce a clear formalism to define the topology of the object and to construct the intersections between primitives. At the end, we describe a new method to fit 3D parametric surfaces which is based on extracting regular rectangular grids. The whole process is tested on 3D industrial meshes and results in reconstructing consistent B-Rep models.

Hollow core fibre-based gas discharge laser systems and deuterium loading of photonic crystal fibres

Bateman, Samuel January 2015 (has links)
Research towards the development of a gas-discharge fibre laser using noble gases, with target emission wavelengths in the mid-IR. Additional and separate work on gas treatment methods for managing the formation of photo-induced defects in silica glass.

Genericity of bumpy metrics, bifurcation and stability in free boundary CMC hypersurfaces / Genericidade das métricas bumpy, bifurcação e estabilidade em hipersuperfícies de CMC e fronteira livre

Carlos Wilson Rodríguez Cárdenas 03 December 2018 (has links)
In this thesis we prove the genericity of the set of metrics on a manifold with boundary M^{n+1}, such that all free boundary constant mean curvature (CMC) embeddings \\varphi: \\Sigma^n \\to M^{n+1}, being \\Sigma a manifold with boundary, are non-degenerate (Bumpy Metrics), (Theorem 2.4.1). We also give sufficient conditions to obtain a free boundary CMC deformation of a CMC inmersion (Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.2.2), and a stability criterion for this type of immersions (Theorem 3.3.3 and Corollary 3.3.5). In addition, given a one-parametric family, {\\varphi _t : \\Sigma \\to M} , of free boundary CMC immersions, we give criteria for the existence of smooth bifurcated branches of free boundary CMC immersions for the family {\\varphi_t}, via the implicit function theorem when the kernel of the Jacobi operator J is non-trivial, (Theorems 4.2.3 and 4.3.2), and we study stability and instability problems for hypersurfaces in this bifurcated branches (Theorems 5.3.1 and 5.3.3). / Nesta tese, provamos a genericidade do conjunto de métricas em uma variedade com fronteira M^{n+1}, de modo que todos os mergulhos de curvatura média constante (CMC) e fronteira livre \\varphi : \\Sigma^n \\to M^{n+1}, sendo \\Sigma uma variedade com fronteira, sejam não-degenerados (Métricas Bumpy), (Teorema 2.4.1). Nós também fornecemos condições suficientes para obter uma deformação CMC e fronteira livre de uma imersão CMC (Teoremas 3.2.1 and 3.2.2), e um critério de estabilidade para este tipo de imersões (Teorema 3.3.3 and Corolario 3.3.5). Além disso, dada uma família 1-paramétrica, {\\varphi _t : \\Sigma \\to M} , de imersões de CMC e fronteira livre, damos os critérios para a existência de ramos de bifurcação suaves de imersões CMC e fronteira livre para a familia {\\varphi_t}, por meio de o teorema da função implícita quando o kernel do operador Jacobi J é não-trivial, (Teoremas 4.2.3 and 4.3.2), e estudamos o problema da estabilidade e instabilidade para hipersuperfícies em naqueles ramos de bifurcação (Teoremas 5.3.1 and 5.3.3).

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