Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DAILY"" "subject:"[enn] DAILY""
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Christianity, culture, and the African experiences in Bocha, Zimbabwe, c.1905 – 1960sMagaya, Aldrin Tinashe 01 May 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines the history of VaBocha experiences with Christianity. Historians have long assumed that Christian conversion was a static product. I show that conversion was an ongoing fluid process that churchgoers negotiated, contested, and appropriated to suit the Bocha social fabric. I demonstrate how existing social facts and sites of socialization shaped VaBocha understanding of Christianity. In doing so, I focus on the daily social practices to reveal how VaBocha reconciled the idioms of Christianity with their indigenous lifeways.
VaBocha made use of existing sites of socialization to make Christianity useful to their everyday life. These sites were social spaces were VaBocha articulated familial and kinship relations and learned the values, behavior, and skills fitting to Bocha society. By probing the relations occurring at the familial and communal level, the dissertation illustrates that the domestication of Christianity started in familial domestic spaces.
In the dissertation, I discuss the nuanced relationships that occurred between churchgoers and family members who were not churchgoers. The fact that Christianity never established hegemony over existing social facts and the ways of socialization which reproduced them meant that VaBocha churchgoers had to devise ways to balance the demands of Christianity against familial and communal obligations. I show why churchgoers became eclectic Christians who participated in both church and indigenous activities and beliefs, despite the fact that the churches condemned most of these indigenous practices. The dissertation shows that the pre-Christian ethics of tolerance of diversity allowed for Christian and indigenous practices to co-exist harmoniously.
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Investigating Daily Writing Emotions, Attention Regulation, and Productivity: An Intensive Longitudinal StudyEkholm, Eric 01 January 2019 (has links)
Emotions pervade academic situations and influence the ways that learners think, behave, and achieve (Pekrun, 2006; Schutz & Lanehart, 2002). Writing may be a particularly emotion-laden activity, and especially so for students concentrating in fields that value writing production. However, very few studies have quantitatively investigated writers’ emotional experiences. The goal of the current study was to examine the writing-related emotions of graduate students enrolled in writing-intensive disciplines as well as how these emotions related to writers’ daily productivity and attention-regulation behaviors. To do so, the study employed a daily diary design (Gunthert & Wenze, 2012) in which participants completed brief daily surveys over 28 days. Data from a final sample of 183 participants were analyzed in several frameworks, including descriptive statistics, reliable change indices, and longitudinal modeling via generalized estimating equations. Results from these analyses indicate that writers tend to experience positive valence emotions (e.g. enjoyment, pride) more strongly than negative valence emotions (e.g. anxiety, shame) and that, for most of the emotions studied, writers’ emotional states tended to vary considerably from day to day. Furthermore, results indicate that writers’ emotional states are differentially related to daily writing outcomes such as attention regulation, time spent writing, and number of words written, and that state emotions are more predictive of these outcomes than are trait emotions. Theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are also presented.
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Day-to-day moderators of the link between attachment insecurity and intimate partner violence in emerging adulthood: a daily diary studyGou, Lisa 27 August 2019 (has links)
Emerging adulthood (ages 18-25 years) is a developmental period marked by changes in attachment, the onset of serious dating relationships, and rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) up to 40% and 90% for physical and psychological IPV, respectively. This dissertation aims to investigate moderators of the link between insecure attachment, a known risk factor for IPV, and psychological IPV, coercive controlling behaviours, and relational aggression in emerging adulthood. One hundred and seventeen undergraduate students in dating relationships were recruited to partake in a baseline assessment followed by a 14-day daily diary study. During the baseline assessment, participants self-reported on putative trait level risk factors such as demographics and insecure attachment. During the daily diary portion, participants reported on their use of partner aggression (physical and psychological IPV, coercive controlling behaviours, and relational aggression; however, due to low base rates, physical IPV could not be analyzed as an outcome), as well as their experiences of felt partner acceptance and rejection, support and conflict in their relationships, alcohol use, and stress for each day. I hypothesized that attachment anxiety, problems in the dyadic relationship (inadequate support, conflict, and felt rejection and anxiety about acceptance), and putative disinhibitors (stress and alcohol consumption) would be directly linked to risk for perpetration of all forms of aggression and interact to predict risk for partner aggression. Hypotheses regarding partner support, conflict, and felt regard were also tested. Specifically, I hypothesized that ratings of partner support fit, hurt as a result of conflict, and daily felt regard would differ for more insecurely attached versus more securely attached individuals. Following application of exclusion criteria, data from 98 participants were analyzed using multilevel modeling in Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Raudenbush et al., 1995). The results from this dissertation underscore the importance of attachment anxiety as an individual risk factor for IPV and identified more proximal risk factors that fluctuate on a daily basis. Attachment anxiety, felt rejection, and conflict were related to risk for all three forms of IPV. Unexpectedly, attachment avoidance was linked to decreased risk for coercive control. Anxiety about acceptance was uniquely associated with risk for psychological IPV, and inadequate support fit was uniquely associated with risk for coercive control. Greater attachment anxiety interacted with high conflict to predict greater risk for coercive control. No other significant two-way interactions between attachment anxiety and problems in the dyadic relationship emerged. Contrary to hypotheses, stress and alcohol consumption were linked to decreased risk for coercive control. Stress also appeared to suppress the link between dyadic problems and risk for psychological IPV on a given day, and dyadic problems paired with alcohol consumption was related to a decreased risk of coercive control. High stress and greater dyadic problems interacted to predict greater risk for coercive control as expected. No conclusions could be drawn about 2-way interactions between stress and dyadic problems and alcohol consumption and dyadic problems when predicting relational aggression, as the model did not converge. This study did not find support for the “perfect storm theory” of aggression (in which a 3-way interaction between risk factors is associated with greatest risk of IPV) when predicting psychological IPV. The “perfect storm theory” could not be tested in relation to coercive control and relational aggression as these models did not converge. The findings from this study contribute to our knowledge of why some people perpetrate IPV and not others, and why people perpetrate IPV on some days and not others. These results inform the multiple possible points of entry for prevention and interventions aiming to promote healthy relationships in emerging adults. / Graduate
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Stochastic Disaggregation of Daily Rainfall for Fine Timescale Design StormsMahbub, S. M. Parvez Bin, s.mahbub@qut.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
Rainfall data are usually gathered at daily timescales due to the availability of daily rain-gauges throughout the world. However, rainfall data at fine timescale are required for certain hydrologic modellings such as crop simulation modelling, erosion modelling etc. Limited availability of such data leads to the option of daily rainfall disaggregation. This research investigates the use of a stochastic rainfall disaggregation model on a regional basis to disaggregate daily rainfall into any desired fine timescale in the State of Queensland, Australia. With the incorporation of seasonality into the variance relationship and capping of the fine timescale maximum intensities, the model was found to be a useful tool for disaggregating daily rainfall in the regions of Queensland. The degree of model complexity in terms of binary chain parameter calibration was also reduced by using only three parameters for Queensland. The resulting rainfall Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) curves better predicted the intensities at fine timescale durations compared with the existing Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) approach. The model has also been linked to the SILO Data Drill synthetic data to disaggregate daily rainfall at sites where limited or no fine timescale observed data are available. This research has analysed the fine timescale rainfall properties at various sites in Queensland and established sufficient confidence in using the model for Queensland.
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ADL-Specific Versus Standard Aquatic Exercise in Older PersonsEdwards, David A 27 May 2011 (has links)
With aging there is a decrease in a person’s ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL) which may be most effectively addressed using training patterns that are biomechanically similar to ADL. Since aquatic exercise offers the opportunity to provide resistance with a high level of safety, the pool may afford the ideal environment for ADL-specific training in an aging population. Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to compare a traditional aquatic exercise program (TRAD) to an aquatic program tailored to target ADL (ADLspec). Methods: Eighteen independently living individuals (68.7 + 7.5 years) were randomly assigned to a TRAD or ADLspec aquatic exercise group. The exercise groups attended 1 hr exercise sessions, 2 times per week for 8 weeks. ADL ability was assessed using the short version of the Continuous-Scale Physical Functional Performance Test (PFP-10); while strength and power were assessed using the 30s arm curl and 30 sec. chair stand tests. Results: Mixed design ANOVAs revealed a significant group x time interaction for floor sweep time with the ADLspec group outperforming the TRAD and control (CON) groups (p = .043). Additionally, the ADLspec group improved the pan weight and scarf time components of the PFP-10 (p < .020), while the TRAD group improved pan time and laundry time (p < .046). Both training groups showed similar improvements for jacket time, grocery weight, and 6-min walk, (p < .046). The ADLspec and TRAD groups also made similar improvements in upper and lower body strength, as well as lower body power across time, (p < .043). A student’s t-test revealed the TRAD group spent more time exercising during the hour session than the ADLspec group (p < .05). Conclusion: The results indicate that performing an ADLspec aquatic exercise program can increase performance of ADL that require more complex sequential movements; however, ADL more dependent on fitness may be better addressed using a TRAD intervention. These results can be helpful when designing a periodized aquatic training program to increase independence in older persons.
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Patienters upplevelser av att leva med cancerrelaterad smärta : En litteraturstudieOttosson, John, Jurakic, Marina January 2013 (has links)
Background: Cancer-related pain is a major problem worldwide. Studies indicate that patients do not get an adequate pain relief. This creates a large suffering and results in major problems for the patient and their families. In order to minimize this kind of suffering caregivers need to understand how cancer-related pain is experienced by these patients, what it does to them and how it impacts their daily life. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients´ experience of living with cancer-related pain. Method: The method used for this study was a qualitative literature study. Nine articles from 2002 to 2012 and from five different countries were analyzed. Results: The results of this study are presented in four main themes and ten subthemes. The main themes were: A feeling of powerlessness; Fears that limit; A change in daily life and Seeking for meaning and an end to the suffering. All themes and subthemes give a description of patients´ experience of living with cancer-related pain. Conclusion: It is a great suffering to have cancer and it is even a greater suffering experiencing pain on a daily basis. Despite this, some patients still could see their situation as something positive and wellbeing was created. The nurses’ role in this kind of situations is essential in order to understand what the patient is experiencing, how it impacts on the patient and its life and how wellbeing can be formed.
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Nyheter på skämt : en jämförande studie av The Daily Shows programinnehåll före och efter presidentvalet i USA 2008Jornevald, Markus, Zetterman, Anton January 2010 (has links)
The Daily Show är ett halvtimmeslångt amerikanskt humorprogram som sänds på kabelkanalen Comedy Central. Programmet tar upp nyheter, främst om politik, på ett humoristiskt sätt med hjälp av klipp från etablerade nyhetskanaler. Vår undersökning syftar till att ta reda på hur The Daily Show förändrats efter valet 2008 då Barack Obama valdes till president. Vi har jämfört inslagen i 32 The Daily Show-avsnitt från hösten 2005 med lika många från samma period 2009. Extra fokus har lagts på hur programmet behandlar nyhetsmedier. Dessutom har vi undersökt programmets gästlistor från hela dessa år, samt tagit hjälp av en tidigare studie från 2007 för att se vilken sorts gäster som får framträda och om det skett någon förändring. Vår studie visar att The Daily Show gått mot att kritisera och rikta satir mot nyhetsmedier som CNN och Fox News i större utsträckning än tidigare. Särskilt Fox News har fått en mycket större andel av programmets uppmärksamhet. Färre underhållare finns med som gäster, till förmån för fler politiska kommentatorer, journalister och författare. Programmet fokuserar till största del på sakfrågor och inte enskilda personer.
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Autonomic nervous system regulation in chronic neck-shoulder pain : Relations to physical activity and perceived stressHallman, David January 2013 (has links)
Neck-shoulder pain (NSP) is a highly prevalent musculoskeletal disorder with unclear causes, and effective prevention and treatment require a further understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Aberrant autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation is a hypothesized causal element in the development and maintenance of chronic muscle pain. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate possible differences in ANS regulation between chronic NSP and healthy control (CON) groups using both laboratory assessment and ambulatory monitoring in daily life. Four papers are included in this thesis, based on data from three groups with chronic NSP. Autonomic responses to laboratory stressors were assessed using heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure, trapezius muscle activity and blood flow measurements (Study І) in NSP and CON. Long-term ambulatory monitoring of HRV, physical activity and perceived symptoms were assessed in Studies ІІ and IV to investigate group differences in real-life conditions. Finally, the effects of a ten-week intervention (using individually adjusted HRV biofeedback) to reinstating ANS balance in subjects with chronic NSP were evaluated using self-reported symptoms and health ratings, as well as autonomic regulation testing (i.e., evaluating HRV at rest and in response to stress) (Study ІІІ). The main findings from the four studies demonstrated aberrant ANS regulation in the NSP group compared to CON, which was predominantly characterized by diminished parasympathetic cardiac activity during rest and sleep, and altered sympathetic reactivity to laboratory stressors (Studies І, ІІ and IV). Different patterns in physical activity were observed between the NSP and CON groups, with reduced physical activity during leisure time in the NSP group (Studies ІІ and IV). Physical activity was found to be positively associated with HRV. Positive effects of HRV-biofeedback were found on perceived health, including social function, vitality and bodily pain, and improved HRV (Study ІІІ). In conclusion, imbalanced ANS regulation was demonstrated among persons with chronic NSP at both the systemic and local levels. Diminished parasympathetic activity in NSP was modulated by lower levels of physical activity in leisure time. Interventions targeting ANS functions might benefit persons with chronic NSP.
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Discriminating Fracture Status in Men and Women with Stage 3-5 Chronic Kidney Disease: Cytokines, Neuromuscular Function and Daily Activity LevelsWest, Sarah 31 August 2012 (has links)
Bone disease and fractures are common in men and women with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The etiology of fractures in CKD is multi-factorial; identifying risk factors for fracture is important in CKD, so that patients who are at high risk can be treated before they fracture. The majority of studies have focused on risk factors associated with fracture in patients with stage 5 CKD on dialysis–there is a need for studies in pre-dialysis CKD. Three novel, non-radiological factors were assessed in 211 men and women with stage 3-5 CKD: cytokines osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa beta ligand (RANKL); tests of neuromuscular function including the timed up and go (TUG), 6 minute walk (6MW), and grip strength; and daily activity levels by accelerometry. Fractures were defined as self-reported low-trauma fractures since the age of 40 and/or prevalent vertebral fractures identified by morphometry. Logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) were performed using STATA version 11.0. Those with fractures had elevated OPG compared to those without fractures (9.37±4.23 vs. 8.13±3.04 pmol/L, p=0.03), however, after adjusting for age OPG did not differ by fracture status. After adjusting for age, weight, and sex, impairments in both the TUG and 6MW tests were associated with fractures (TUG odds ratio (OR): 1.68, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.40-2.02; 6MW OR: 0.53, 95% CI: 0.52-0.54). The diagnostic tests characteristics of the TUG and 6MW tests were excellent; both could discriminate fracture status (TUG AUROC: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.84-0.95; 6MW AUROC: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.84-0.95). Overall, subjects were primarily sedentary. After adjusting for stage of CKD, increased sedentary activity and decreased light intensity activity could discriminate fracture status (sedentary AUROC: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.56 to 0.87; light activity AUROC: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.55 to 0.87). In conclusion, non-radiological, novel factors including the TUG, the 6MW, and daily activity, but not OPG or RANKL were able to discriminate fracture status in men and women with stage 3-5 CKD.
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Body Motion Capture Using Multiple Inertial Sensors2012 January 1900 (has links)
Near-fall detection is important for medical research since it can help doctors diagnose fall-related diseases and also help alert both doctors and patients of possible falls. However, in people’s daily life, there are lots of similarities between near-falls and other Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), which makes near-falls particularly difficult to detect. In order to find the subtle difference between ADLs and near-fall and accurately identify the latter, the movement of whole human body needs to be captured and displayed by a computer generated avatar.
In this thesis, a wireless inertial motion capture system consisting of a central control host and ten sensor nodes is used to capture human body movements. Each of the ten sensor nodes in the system has a tri-axis accelerometer and a tri-axis gyroscope. They are attached to separate locations of a human body to record both angular and acceleration data with which body movements can be captured by applying Euler angle based algorithms, specifically, single rotation order algorithm and the optimal rotation order algorithm.
According to the experiment results of capturing ten ADLs, both the single rotation order algorithm and the optimal rotation order algorithm can track normal human body movements without significantly distortion and the latter shows higher accuracy and lower data shifting. Compared to previous inertial systems with magnetometers, this system reduces hardware complexity and software computation while ensures a reasonable accuracy in capturing human body movements.
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