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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


YANAMANDRA, LAKSHMI NAGA SWETHA January 2018 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Medvetenhet och oro kring miljöeffekter från utsläpp av växthusgaser och de minskande resurserna av icke förnybara energikällor har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Utvecklingen av ny teknologi för förnybar energi har drivits fram globalt som ett svar på denna oro. Det har skett stora framsteg i produktion av el och värme från sol, vind, hav, vattenkraft, biomassa, geotermiska resurser, biobränslen och väte. Följaktligen har utvecklingen av energi-lager blivit en viktig del för integration av förnybar energi i systemen. Det är gynnsamt för hela försörjningskedjan, för pålitlighet och bättre stabilitet i leveranser och distribution, och för ökad el-kvalitet. I uppsatsen undersöks en optimal energidesign för ett kombinerat system med vattenkraft och vindkraft inklusive ett lager i form av en damm. Vatten som pumpas upp till lagret har en stor och balanserande potential för att få in en högre grad förnybar energi i energisystemen. Detta är nödvändigt då dessa energikällor är intermittenta och variabla till sin natur. Ett av de studerade objekten är ett vattenkraftverk med pumpad damm, Tehri i Uttarakhand, Indien. Systemets totala verkningsgrad om 93 % diskuteras utifrån förluster såväl som potentialen för vind och dess inverkan. Vind-data är hämta från National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) och har analyserats med programmen MATLAB och WindPro. Det slutligen valda området för exploatering av vindkraft blev Ramakkalmedu, Idukki district, Kerala, Indien. Efter valet av plats valdes tre olika vindturbiner ut för analys; Siemens SWT-3.2-113 3.2 MW, Enercon E-126 4.2MW, och Enercon E-126 7.58MW. Analysen består av flera delar; vindparks-modellering, beräkning av buller-generering från vindkraften, beräkning av årlig energi-generering - Annual Energy Production (AEP), kapacitetsfaktor, vindparkens effektivitet med hänsyn tagen till lagret/dammens variation av bas-last. Resultat har erhållits från alla tre turbinerna och den övergripande slutsatsen är att kombinationen med vatten- och vindkraft med lagring av vatten som pumpas upp vid behov är en tillfredsställande metod för att möta belastningstoppar, vilket valideras av denna uppsats.   Nyckelord: pumpade vattenkraftdammar, vindkraftparker, energi lager, förnybar energi. / ABSTRACT  Awareness and concern regarding the environmental effects of greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of non-renewable energy sources has increased over the last decades. A considerable development of new technology for renewable energy has occurred globally as an answer to this concern. There has been a major progress in production of electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and hydrogen. Consequently, the development of energy storages has become an imperative part, for integration of renewable energy. It is beneficial for the entire supply chain, for dependability and better stability, and for enhanced quality of electrical power. This thesis is exploring an optimal energy design for a system of pumped hydro-wind power plants including storage. Solutions with Pumped Hydro Storages have a great potential for their balancing role necessary for a higher degree of renewable energy sources, RES, in the energy systems because of the intermittent and variable nature of these sources. Tehri pumped hydro storage plant, in Uttarakhand, India is one of the objects studied in this thesis. The systems total efficiency of 93%, calculated from head losses, is discussed as well as wind potential and its impact. Wind data is obtained from National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) and analysed using the software tools MATLAB and WindPro. The finally chosen area explored for wind potential is Ramakkalmedu, Idukki district, Kerala, India. After selection of site within the area, three different turbines; Siemens SWT-3.2-113 3.2 MW, Enercon E-126 4.2MW, and Enercon E-126 7.58MW were considered for analysis. The analysis consists of several parts; Wind farm modelling, Noise estimation of Wind Park, estimation of Annual Energy Production (AEP), Capacity factor, Wind park efficiency with respect to the storage/reservoir´s base load variation. Results are achieved for all three turbines. The overall conclusion is that combined hydro and wind power with a pumped storage, is a satisfactory method for bulk energy store to address peak loads, which is validated by this thesis.   Keywords: Pumped Hydro, Wind farm, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy.

Comparison between wind turbines in forestall and flat areas of Sweden

Rathinasamy, Sethupathy January 2018 (has links)
The renewable energy sources are the primary solution for energy demand in all the countries because it’s being harmless to the environment. In the short term, wind energy has the most potential among all the renewable energy technologies. In the European Union, Sweden is largely based on renewable energy for their energy demand. Sweden is one of the leading country in the EU where wind power has been growing rapidly. As wind turbines in recent time have been more and more commonly placed in forestal terrain in Sweden, it is of interest to know the difference in annual output compared to the flat terrain which was the earlier dominant terrain type for wind turbines. In this thesis, the difference between the two terrain types is investigated for a number of wind turbine models. This paper presents the study from the annual Vindstat report of the year 2015 and 2016. The data were accumulated in the Excel file and the terrain for turbine locations was classified using Google Earth. Finally, the power generation in both areas are compared by graphs and tables. The results indicate the difference in production according to the terrain and turbine rating. And it was a surprising finding that the difference between them is not more as we expected. Even more, further study is required to find the difference between in forest and flat wind turbines in all the aspects.

Design of an off-grid renewable-energy hybrid system for a grocery store: a case study in Malmö, Sweden

Ghadirinejad, Nickyar January 2018 (has links)
On planet Earth, fossil fuels are the most important sources of energy. However, these resources are limited and being depleted dramatically throughout last decades. Finding feasible substitutes of these resources is an essential duty for humanity. Fortunately, Mother Nature is providing us a number of good solutions for this crucial threat against our planet. Solar irradiance, wind blowing, oceanic and maritime waves are natural resources of energy that are capable of completely covering the annual consumption of all inhabitants on the Earth. In this research a set of components including “Northern Power NPS 100-24” wind generators, “Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU” PV arrays, “Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube” battery bank and HOMER bi-directional converter system were considered and successfully applied on HOMER tool and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The main design goals of the presented hybrid system are to use 100% renewable energy resources in the commercial sector, where all power is produced in the immediate vicinity of the business place, adding strong advertising values to the setup. In order to supply hourly required load for a grocery store   (1000 ) in Malmö city with 115 kW peak load and 2002 kWh/d with maximum 0.1% unmet, the system was optimized to achieve minimum Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and the lowest Net Present Cost (NPC). The HOMER simulation for quantitative analysis, along with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) solution method is proposed and the results are compared. The results show that an optimized hybrid system with 3.12  LCOE, and power production of 28.5% by PV arrays and 71.5% by wind generators, is the best practice for this case study. / De fossila bränslena är idag de viktigaste energikällorna på jorden. Dessa resurser är dock begränsade och har utarmats i en allt högre takt under de senaste decennierna. Att hitta möjliga ersättare för dessa resurser är därför viktigt. Lyckligtvis tillhandahåller naturen ett antal bra lösningar för detta avgörande hot mot vår planet. Solstrålning, vind, havsströmmar och -vågor är naturliga resurser av energi som kan täcka hela den årliga globala förbrukningen. I den här rapporten studeras ett hybridsystem bestående av Northern Power NPS 100-24 vindkraftverk, Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU solcellerspaneler, Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube batteribank och HOMER dubbelriktad växelriktare. Detta modellerades och optimerades dels i mjukvaran HOMER, dels via optimeringsmetoden Particle Swarm Optimaization (PSO). Det övergripande designkravet för det presenterade hybridsystemet är att använda 100% förnyelsebar energi i en kommersiell verksamhet, där all elektricitet produceras i närhet av verksamheten, vilket kan ge tydliga marknadsföringsvärden till installationen. För att kunna möta energibehovet varje timme för en livsmedelsbutik (1000 ) i Malmö med 115 kW toppförbrukning och 2002 kWh/dag, med maximalt 0,1% ej mött behov, optimerades systemet för att uppnå minimal energikostnad (Levelized Cost of Energy, LCOE) och lägsta nettonuvärde (Net Present Cost, NPC). En HOMER-simulering för kvantitativ analys, tillsammans med en PSO-optimering, har genomförts och resultaten har jämförts. Resultaten visar att ett optimerat hybridsystem med LCOE på 3,12 SEK/kWh, där solceller står för 28,5% av kraftproduktionen och vindkraftverk för 71,5%, är den bästa lösningen för denna fallstudie.

Granskning av möjligheter att påverka effektförlusterna på det svenska stamnätet / Review of possibilities to influence the power loss on the Swedish national grid (400 kV and 220 kV)

Helander, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
The losses on the Swedish national power grid correspond to 2,8 % of the total energy input on the grid and even a small reduction of this can therfore be worth introducing. The purpose of the thesis is to summarise different ways to influence the losses on the Swedish national grid as well as calculating the possible loss reduction from two of these influence possibilities. The study has been requested by the Swidish transmission system operator, Svenska kraftnät. The study is limited to the Swedish power grid with voltages 400 kV and 220 kV. The influence possibilities exclude anything that demand physical changes to be made on the power grid. The study is mostly based on interviews with people that have insight in the isssue, ss well as a study on relevant literature. The result show that there are seven different possible ways to reduce the losses on the power grid. What extent of measures that is necessary for instating these loss reductions varies, but thay arr described in the study. Calculations on two of these loss influences where made and showed that a loss reduction of around 740 MWh/year can be achieved from optimizing the usage of power transformers on the grid. Furthermore, other calculations show that if the maintenance method, live work, had been used for the past ten years, losses could have been decreased by approximately 58 800 MWh. This shows that the possible loss reduction can vary a lot depending on which method you use.

Demanda energética em situação simulada de luta em atletas de taekwondo / Energy demands in taekwondo athletes during combat simulation

Fábio Angioluci Diniz Campos 02 September 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as contribuições dos sistemas energéticos e do gasto energético total em situação de luta. A amostra foi composta de 10 atletas do sexo masculino de nível nacional/internacional (21±6 anos; 176.2±5.3cm; 67.2±9.0kg), competindo em nível internacional. Para a estimativa das contribuições energéticas e do gasto energético total, foram realizados três protocolos simulando combate (um round, dois rounds e três rounds). As lutas foram filmadas para quantificação das ações motoras em cada round. A estimativa dos sistemas energéticos aeróbio (WAER), anaeróbio alático (WPCR) e anaeróbio lático (W[La-]) foi realizada através do consumo de oxigênio durante a atividade, do delta da concentração sanguínea de lactato de cada round e do débito alático de oxigênio (DAO2), respectivamente. A razão entre as ações de elevada intensidade e momentos de baixa intensidade (step e pausa) no protocolo 3 foi ~1:7. Os resultados dos sistemas WAER, WPCR e W[La-] no protocolo 3 foi 120±22kJ (66±6%), 54±21kJ (30±6%), 8,5kJ (4±2%), respectivamente. Assim, as sessões de treinamento devem ser direcionadas principalmente para a melhoria do sistema anaeróbio alático (responsável pelas ações de alta intensidade), e do sistema aeróbio (responsável pelo processo de recuperação entre as ações de alta intensidade) / The purpose of this study was to investigate energy system contributions and energy cost in combat situation. The sample was constituted by 10 male taekwondo athletes at national/international level (age: 21±6 years old; height: 176.2±5.3cm; body mass: 67.2±9.0kg) competing at national/international level. To estimate the energy contributions and total energy cost of the fights, athletes performed a three different protocols simulated competition (1 round, 2 rounds and 3 rounds). The combats were filmed in order to quantify the actual time spent fighting in each round. The estimate of the aerobic (WAER), anaerobic alactic (WPCR) and anaerobic lactic (W[La-]) energy systems was carried out through the oxygen consumption during the activity, the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and the delta of blood lactate concentration in each round, respectively. The mean data between the high intensity actions and moments of low intensity (step and pause) was ~1:7. The results of WAER, WPCR and W[La-] system contributions were 120±22kJ (66±6%), 54±21kJ (30±6%), 8,5kJ (4±2%), respectively. Thus, training sessions should be directed mainly to the improvement of the anaerobic alactic system (responsible by the high-intensity actions), and of the aerobic system (responsible by the recovery process between high-intensity)

Computer aided design of 3D of renewable energy platform for Togo's smart grid power system infrastructure

Komlanvi, Moglo January 2018 (has links)
The global requirement for sustainable energy provision will become increasingly important over the next fifty years as the environmental effects of fossil fuel use become apparent. Therefore, the issues surrounding integration of renewable energy supplies need to be considered carefully. The focus of this work was the development of an innovative computer aided design of a 3 Dimensional renewable energy platform for Togo’s smart grid power system infrastructure. It demonstrates its validation for industrial, commercial and domestic applications. The Wind, Hydro, and PV system forming our 3 Dimensional renewable energy power generation systems introduces a new path for hybrid systems which extends the system capacities to include, a stable and constant clean energy supply, a reduced harmonic distortion, and an improved power system efficiency. Issues requiring consideration in high percentage renewable energy systems therefore includes the reliability of the supply when intermittent sources of electricity are being used, and the subsequent necessity for storage and back-up generation The adoption of Genetic algorithms in this case was much suited in minimizing the THD as the adoption of the CHB-MLI was ideal for connecting renewable energy sources with an AC grid. Cascaded inverters have also been proposed for use as the main traction drive in electric vehicles, where several batteries or ultra-capacitors are well suited to serve as separate DC sources. The simulation done in various non-linear load conditions showed the proportionality of an integral control based compensating cascaded passive filter thereby balancing the system even in non-linear load conditions. The measured total harmonic distortion of the source currents was found to be 2.36% thereby in compliance with IEEE 519-1992 and IEC 61000-3 standards for harmonics This work has succeeded in developing a more complete tool for analysing the feasibility of integrated renewable energy systems. This will allow informed decisions to be made about the technical feasibility of supply mix and control strategies, plant type, sizing and storage sizing, for any given area and range of supply options. The developed 3D renewable energy platform was examined and evaluated using CAD software analysis and a laboratory base mini test. The initial results showed improvements compared to other hybrid systems and their existing control systems. There was a notable improvement in the dynamic load demand and response, stability of the system with a reduced harmonic distortion. The derivatives of this research therefore proposes an innovative solution and a path for Togo and its intention of switching to renewable energy especially for its smart grid power system infrastructure. It demonstrates its validation for industrial, commercial and domestic applications.

Chemical looping combustion : a multi-scale analysis

Schnellmann, Matthias Anthony January 2018 (has links)
Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is a technique for separating pure carbon dioxide from the combustion of fuels. The oxygen to burn the fuel comes from the lattice oxygen contained in solid particles of an inorganic oxide (the 'oxygen carrier'), instead of from oxygen in the air. Thus only CO2 and water leave the combustor, or fuel reactor. Next, the water is condensed, leaving pure CO2. The oxygen carrier is regenerated by oxidising it in air in a second reactor, called the air reactor. Accordingly, a stream of pure carbon dioxide can be produced, uncontaminated with gases such as nitrogen, normally present when the fuel burns in air. This intrinsic separation with CLC enables CO2 to be separated more efficiently than with other techniques, such as post-combustion scrubbing of carbon dioxide from stack gases with amine-based solvents. The design of a CLC system and its performance within an electricity system represents a multi-scale problem, ranging from the behaviour of single particles of oxygen carrier within a reactor to how a CLC-based power plant would perform in an electricity grid. To date, these scales have been studied in isolation, with little regard for the vital interactions and dependences amongst them. This Dissertation addresses this problem by considering CLC holistically for the first time, using a multi-scale approach. A stochastic model was developed, combining the particle-and reactor-scales of CLC. It included an appropriate particle model and can be coupled to a detailed reactor model. The combination represented a significant change from existing approaches, uniquely accounting for all the important factors affecting the assemblage of particles performing in the CLC reactors. It was used to determine the regimes of operation in which CLC is sensitive to factors such as the manner in which the particles are reacting, the residence time distribution of particles in the two reactors, the particle size distribution and the reaction history of particles. To demonstrate that the approach could simulate specific configurations of CLC, as well as a general system, the model was compared with results from experiments in which CLC with methane was conducted in a laboratory-scale circulating fluidised bed. The long-term performance of oxygen carrier materials is important, because, in an industrial process, they would be expected to function satisfactorily for many thousands of hours of operation. Long-term experiments were conducted to evaluate the resistance of different oxygen carrier materials to physical and chemical attrition. The evolution of their chemical kinetics was also determined. The results were used to evaluate the impact of different oxygen carrier materials in a fuel reactor at industrial-scale. Finally, a theoretical approach was developed to simulate how a fleet of CLC-based power plants would perform within the UK's national grid. By understanding how different parameters such as capital cost, operating cost and measures of efficiency, compared with other methods of generation offering carbon reduction, desirable design modifications and needs for improvement for CLC were identified by utilising the theoretical and experimental work conducted at the particle- and reactor-scales.

Model razvoja preduzeća iz oblasti elektrodistributivnog sektora / DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF COMPANIES IN THE FIELD OF ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION SECTOR

Krunić Gojko 24 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste da se analizom podataka o distribuciji električne energije u prethodnim periodima defini&scaron;u pravci unapređenja koji se odnose na organizaciju i upravljanje sistemima za distribuciju električne energije i razvoj modela efektivnog sistema za tu distribuciju. Nakon analize podataka, uz kori&scaron;ćenje softverskog paketa Balanced Scorecard, uočena su alarmna područja nad kojima je neophodno odrediti odgovarajuće mjere pobolj&scaron;anja. Primjena razvijenog organizaciono - upravljačkog modela preduzeća koje posluje u oblasti elektrodistributivnog sektora treba da omogući bolje rezultate u poslovanju i distribuciji električne energije u budućem periodu.</p> / <p>The main goal of the research is to analyze the data on the distribution of electricity in previous periods by defining the directions of improvement related to the organization and management of systems for distribution of electricity and the development of the model of the effective system for this distribution. After analyzing the data, using the Balanced Scorecard software package, alarm areas were identified over which it is necessary to determine the appropriate improvement measures. The application of the developed organizational-management model of the company operating in the field of the electricity distribution sector should enable better results in the operation and distribution of electricity in the future.</p>

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics for a Habitat on Mars : A Design Proposal Based on the Optimal Location and Placement of Integrated Solar Cells

Schylander, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The ever-increasing challenges that we face with our consumption of resources on Earth are factors which have prompted researchers to show interest in studying the possibilities of human habitat on other celestial bodies. Mars is a stone planet and is at such distance from the sun that it could be feasible for future settlements with the right technology and solutions. Future missions to Mars rely on solar panels as their primary power system. Utilizing solar architecture is a solution that reduces both a building’s energy consumption and the extent of environmental damage fossil fuels are causing the Earth. This leads to extensive opportunities to explore how we can increase the use of renewable energy using new technologies developed for use on Earth but also for use in the space industry.   This study used a qualitative method through literature studies and semi-structured interviews as well as a quantitative method through calculations. The literature study was meant to act as a theoretical base for this study and for the interviews by creating an understanding of the world’s usage of renewable and non-renewable energy sources and how solar power works by the means of photovoltaic cells. The interviews were held to identify the opportunities and obstacles regarding a solar power system on Mars as well as the usage of BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaics) in extreme environments. Mathematical calculations were based on the fundamental geometric shape of a cylinder where the walls were set to be the varying parameter. Six locations on Mars with different coordinates and underlying matters were selected to the study based on the knowledge collected from the literature study and the interviews.   Aspects that needs to be considered for building-integrated photovoltaics placed on a building’s envelope on Mars are several. Some of the most crucial are: dust deposition and dust in the atmosphere, a climate with major temperature extremes, the habitats location on the planet and the amount of output energy provided by BIPV partly affected by the Mars-Sun distance. If the fundamental geometric shape of the building is a cylinder, the building’s shape would to form as a truncated cone with smaller wall slopes the closer the equator the habitat is located. If the habitat is placed far away from the equator the walls’ slope, the optimal tilt angle of the photovoltaic module, would be steeper and increase with the higher latitude. The maximized power by using BIPV on a building on Mars is provided as close to the equator as possible due to the big amount of sunlight reaching the surface. If BIPV could be used on the Martian surface is still a relatively extensive hypothesis. Studies about Mars and other planets tend to result in this kind of approach because of the many insecurities that cannot be proven before humans get to the planet or detailed tests have been accomplished and analyzed. A solar power system shows great opportunities for future human missions to Mars but BIPV is not considered an option in the near future without further research and development verifying the option.

Off-grid Wind Power Systems: Planning and Decision Making

El Zein, Musadag January 2019 (has links)
There are definitely many reasons for choosing off-grid wind power systems. Few key ones involve the positive enhancement of societies, economies and natural environments. From a project developers’ perspective these systems provide a large potential market, which can cover a wide range of applications with relatively reasonable costs.  In spite of this, many challenges may interfere with the diffusion and the success of such systems. In the report we discuss the various factors affecting  the implementation of off-grid wind power systems and demonstrate some of the challenges project developers may be facing during the planning stage. Some of these include the acceptance of stakeholders (local inhabitants in particular) and the securing of the financing of the projects.  Another noted challenge lying outside the control of project developers was found to be the absence of encouraging policies and incentives. As a conclusion the thesis provides a set of self-interpreted recommendations along with a flow chart. The concluded summary indicates some key factors that project developers should be aware of and careful when dealing with, these which include: The choice of the site, verification of projects’ economics along with the securing of a convenient finance. The recommendations also point out the great advantage in having local developers as these tend to be more capable in building relations with the local citizens and politicians.

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