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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Forecasting Method Selection and Information Sharing on Supply Chain Performance.

Pan, Youqin 12 1900 (has links)
Effective supply chain management gains much attention from industry and academia because it helps firms across a supply chain to reduce cost and improve customer service level efficiently. Focusing on one of the key challenges of the supply chains, namely, demand uncertainty, this dissertation extends the work of Zhao, Xie, and Leung so as to examine the effects of forecasting method selection coupled with information sharing on supply chain performance in a dynamic business environment. The results of this study showed that under various scenarios, advanced forecasting methods such as neural network and GARCH models play a more significant role when capacity tightness increases and is more important to the retailers than to the supplier under certain circumstances in terms of supply chain costs. Thus, advanced forecasting models should be promoted in supply chain management. However, this study also demonstrated that forecasting methods not capable of modeling features of certain demand patterns significantly impact a supply chain's performance. That is, a forecasting method misspecified for characteristics of the demand pattern usually results in higher supply chain costs. Thus, in practice, supply chain managers should be cognizant of the cost impact of selecting commonly used traditional forecasting methods, such as moving average and exponential smoothing, in conjunction with various operational and environmental factors, to keep supply chain cost under control. This study demonstrated that when capacity tightness is high for the supplier, information sharing plays a more important role in effective supply chain management. In addition, this study also showed that retailers benefit directly from information sharing when advanced forecasting methods are employed under certain conditions.


Xuewen Yu (13124853) 26 July 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is a collection of four essays on nonstationary time series econometrics, which are grouped into four chapters. The first chapter investigates the inference in mildly explosive autoregressions under unconditional heteroskedasticity. The second chapter develops a new approach to forecasting a highly persistent time series that employs feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) estimation of the deterministic components in conjunction with Mallows model averaging. The third chapter proposes new bootstrap procedures for detecting multiple persistence shifts in a time series driven by nonstationary volatility. The last chapter studies the problem of testing partial parameter stability in cointegrated regression models.</p>


REBECA DA SILVA OLIVEIRA FARIAS 26 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] O setor energético brasileiro passou por transformações significativas, destacando o papel crucial do gás natural para garantir a segurança energética diante da transição para fontes menos dependentes de combustíveis fósseis. A previsão da demanda de gás natural é essencial para a gestão eficiente do setor. Enquanto a literatura tem se concentrado na previsão de demanda de eletricidade, há uma lacuna em estudos sobre modelagem e previsão da demanda de gás natural, especialmente em contextos industriais e de médio/longo prazo. A necessidade de modelos mais precisos e abrangentes para prever a demanda de gás natural é evidente a partir da análise dos estudos existentes. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é abordar uma análise comparativa da previsão de demanda de gás natural, por meio de modelos sugeridos na literatura recente de séries temporais, com aplicação no software R, para dados diários e semanais de consumo de gás natural, obtidos dos Relatórios de Movimentação de Gás Natural em Gasodutos de Transporte, divulgados mensalmente pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, no período de 2021 a 2023. Os modelos fornecem as previsões para uma amostra teste de trinta dias futuros para dados diários e de quatro semanas para dados semanais e é realizada uma análise comparativa fora da amostra com base em métricas de desempenho, para identificar o modelo mais adequado para a série de dados. Ao final do estudo, os modelos de previsão utilizando redes neurais e tbats (transformação Box-Cox, erros ARMA, tendência e componentes sazonais trigonométricas) foram aqueles que demonstraram melhor desempenho para dados diários, enquanto o método de decomposição com modelagem autorregressiva e ajuste sazonal (stlar) e o seasonal naive method (método ingênuo sazonal) foram os que apresentaram melhor desempenho para as séries temporais em base semanal. / [en] The Brazilian energy sector has undergone significant transformations, highlighting the crucial role of natural gas in ensuring energy security in the face of the transition to sources less dependent on fossil fuels. Forecasting natural gas demand is essential for efficient management of the sector. While the literature has focused on forecasting electricity demand, there is a gap in studies on modeling and forecasting natural gas demand, especially in industrial and medium/long-term contexts. The need for more accurate and comprehensive models to forecast natural gas demand is evident from the analysis of existing studies. Therefore, the objective of this work is to address a comparative analysis of natural gas demand forecasting, using models suggested in recent time series literature, with application in the R software, for daily and weekly natural gas consumption data, obtained of the Natural Gas Movement Reports in Transport Gas Pipelines, released monthly by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels, in the period from 2021 to 2023. The models provide forecasts for a test sample of thirty days in the future for daily and four weeks for weekly data and an out-of-sample comparative analysis is performed based on performance metrics to identify the most suitable model for the data series. At the end of the study, the forecast models using neural networks and tbats (Box-Cox transformation, ARMA errors, trend and trigonometric seasonal components) were those that demonstrated the best performance for daily data, while the decomposition method with autoregressive modeling and seasonal adjustment (stlar) and the seasonal naive method were the ones which showed better performance for time series on a weekly basis.

An econophysical investigation : using the Boltzmann distribution to determine market temperature as applied to the JSE all share index

Brand, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Econophysics is a relatively new branch of physics. It entails the use of models in physics applied to economics. The distributions of financial time series are the aspect most intensely studied by physicists. This study is based on a study by Kleinert and Chen who applied the Boltzmann distribution to stock exchange data to define a market temperature that may be used by investors to indicate an impending stock market crash. Most econophysicists’ analysed the tail regions of the distributions as the tails represent risk in financial data. This study’s focus of analysis, on the other hand is the characterisation of the central portion of the probability distribution. The Boltzmann distribution, a cornerstone in statistical physics, yields an exponential distribution. The objective of this study is to investigate the suitability of using a market volatility forecasting method from econophysics, namely the Boltzmann/market temperature method. As econometric benchmark the ARCH/GARCH method is used. Stock market indices are known to be non-normally (non-Gaussian) distributed. The distribution pattern of a stock market index of reasonable high sampling frequency (typically interday or intraday) is leptokurtic with heavy tails. Mesoscopic (interday) distributions of financial time series have been found to be exponential distributions. If the empirical exponential distribution is therefore interpreted as a Boltzmann distribution, then a market temperature can be calculated from the exponential distribution. Empirical data for this study is in the form of daily closing values of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) All Share Index (ALSI) and the Standard & Poor 500 (S & P 500) index for the period 1995 through to 2008. The Kleinert and Chen study made use of intraday data obtained from established markets. This study differs from the Kleinert and Chen study in that interday data obtained from an emerging market, namely the South African stock market is used. Neither of the aforementioned two differences had a significant influence on the results of this study. The JSE ALSI log-return data displays non-Gaussian properties and the Laplace (double exponential) distribution fit the data well. A plot of the market temperature provided a clear indication of when stock market crashes occurred. Results of the econophysical (Boltzmann/market temperature) method compared well to results of the econometric (ARCH/GARCH) method and subject to certain improvements can be utilised successfully. A leptokurtic, non-Gaussian nature was established for daily log-returns of the JSE ALSI and the S & P 500 index. The Laplace (double exponential) distribution fit the annual logreturns of the JSE ALSI and S & P 500 index well. As a result of the good Laplace fit, annual market temperatures could be calculated for the JSE ALSI and the S & P 500 index. The market temperature method was effective in identifying market crashes for both indices, but a limitation of the method is that only annual market temperatures can be determined. The availability of intraday stock index data should improve the interval for which market temperature can be determined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ekonofisika is ‘n relatiewe nuwe studieveld. Dit behels die toepassing van fisiese modelle op finansiële data. Die waarskynlikheidsversdelings van finansiële tydreekse is die aspek wat meeste deur fisisie bestudeer word. Hierdie studie is gebaseer op ‘n studie deur Kleinert en Chen. Hulle het die Boltzmann-verspreiding op ‘n aandele-indeks toegepas en ‘n mark-temperatuur bepaal. Hierdie mark-temperatuur kan deur ontleders gebruik word as waarskuwingsmeganisme teen moontlike aandelebeurs ineenstortings. Die meeste fisisie het die uiterste areas van die verspreidingskurwes geanaliseer omdat hierdie uiterste area risiko in finansiële data verteenwoordig. Die analitiese fokus van hierdie studie, aan die ander kant, is die karakterisering van die die sentrale areas van die waarskeinlikheidsverdeling. Die Boltzmann verspreiding, die hoeksteen van Statistiese Fisika lewer ‘n eksponensiële waarskynlikheidsverdeling. Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n ondersoek te doen na die geskiktheid van die gebruik van ‘n ekonofisiese, vooruitskattingsmetode, naamlik die Boltzmann/mark-temperatuur model. As ekonometriese verwysing is die “ARCH/GARCH” metode toegepas. Aandelemark indekse is bekend vir die nie-Gaussiese verspreiding daarvan. Die verspreidingspatroon van ‘n aandelemark indeks met‘n redelike hoë steekproef frekwensie (in die orde van ‘n dag of minder) is leptokurties met breë stert-dele. Mesoskopiese (interdag) verspreidings van finansiële tydreekse is getipeer as eksponensieël. Indien die empiriese eksponensiële-verspreiding as ‘n Boltzmann-verspreiding geinterpreteer word, kan ‘n mark-temperatuur daarvoor bereken word. Empiriese data vir die gebruik in hierdie studie is in die vorm van daaglikse sluitingswaardes van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs (JSE) se Alle Aandele Indeks (ALSI) en die Standard en Poor 500 (S & P 500) indeks vir die periode 1995 tot en met 2008. Die Kleinert en Chen studie het van intradag data vanuit ‘n ontwikkelde mark gebruik gemaak. Hierdie studie verskil egter van die Kleinert en Chen studie deurdat van interdag data vanuit ‘n opkomende mark, naamlik die Suid-Afrikaanse aandelemark, gebruik is. Nie een van die twee voorafgaande verskille het ‘n beduidende invloed op die resultate van hierdie studie gehad nie. Die JSE ALSI se logaritmiese opbrengs data vertoon nie-Gaussiese eienskappe en die Laplace (dubbeleksponensiële) verspreiding beskryf die data goed. ‘n Grafiek van die mark-temperatuur vertoon duidelik wanneer aandelemarkineenstortings plaasgevind het. Resultate van die ekonofisiese (Boltzmann/mark-temperatuur) metode vergelyk goed met resultate van die ekonometriese (“ARCH/GARCH”) metode en onderhewig aan sekere verbeteringe kan dit met sukses toegepas word. ‘n Leptokurtiese, nie-Gaussiese aard is vir daaglike opbrengswaardes vir die JSE ALSI en die S & P 500 indeks vasgestel. ‘n Laplace (dubbel-eksponensiële) verspreiding kan goed op die jaarlikse logaritmiese opbrengste van die JSE ALSI en die S & P 500 indeks toegepas word. As gevolg van die goeie aanwending van die Laplace-verspreiding kan ‘n jaarlikse mark-temperatuur vir die JSE ALSI en die S & P 500 indeks bereken word. Die mark-temperatuur metode is effektief in die identifisering van aandelemarkineenstorings vir beide indekse, hoewel daar ‘n beperking is op die aantal mark-temperature wat bereken kan word. Die beskikbaarheid van intradag aandele indekswaardes behoort die interval waarvoor mark-temperature bereken kan word te verbeter.

Efterfrågeprognoser : ”En jämförelse av prognosmodeller med avseende på FMCG-marknaden”

Mokhtar, Jonathan, Larsson, Marcus, Westman, Martin January 2014 (has links)
An organization must manage its resource consumption and material flows in order to satisfy the demand of its products as efficiently as possible. Managing of the aforementioned requires a balance between the organizations resources (such as the capability of distribution and production) and the market demand. According to Gardner (1990), an estimation of future demand is a necessity for maintaining the balance. An instrument that is used frequently to estimate future demand is demand forecasting. The demand forecasting practice has been thoroughly studied and a plethora of academic contributions exist on the topic. However, a best practice demand forecasting method does not exist for every kind of product. The purpose of this paper is to identify which time series forecasting method that will result in the lowest error rate on fast moving consumer goods. The methods are based on sales data of 18 articles from the company Coca-Cola Enterprises Sverige AB which predominantly sells soft drinks. The majority of the theoretical framework is time series models presented by the authors Stig-Arne Mattsson, Patrik Jonsson and Steven Nahmias. The paper identifies Exponential smoothing with individual input variables as the forecasting method with the lowest error rate. The method gave the lowest possible error rate on over 55 percent of the articles. In addition, the combined error rate of the articles using Exponential smoothing with individual input variables gave the lowest overall error.

預測之效果與評估-台灣加權股價指數之應用 / The forecasting effect and performance – Application of TAIEX

紀登元, Ji, Deng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要以時間序列為基礎,透過一般化自我相關條件異質變異模型、介入分析、誤差修正、多元轉換函數及組合預測等方法,來建立台灣加權股價指數的預測模型。 從預測精確度之結果顯示,多元轉換函數納入介入分析模型為單一預測模式的最佳預測模型,且其預測績效具有穩定性,而透過最小誤差迴歸組合預測模型可以再改善預測模型在MSPE、RMSPE、MAPE及Theil’s U等量的預測績效。 從多元轉換函數納入介入分析模型中發現,台灣加權股價指數會受到美國道瓊工業指數、台幣兌美元之匯率及消費者物價指數等經濟變數所影響。由於股票市場是重要景氣領先指標,因而當台灣或美國股票市場發生重大事件時,將會對台灣經濟發展產生衝擊,而從本文研究發現,政府可藉由短期政策的施行,產生另一股力量來平衡股市的波動,進而穩定台灣整體經濟發展。 / This research introduces GARCH, ECM, transfer function, and combined forecasting model to predict the changes of TAIEX, and to evaluate the forecasting performance of different models. The results show that the intervention analysis integrated into transfer function yields an accurate prediction model, and the forecasting performance is stable. According to the weighted average of forecasts by minimizing regression error, the resulting forecasting performance such as MSPE, RMSPE, MAPE and Theil’s U will be improved. The intervention analysis integrated into transfer function model shows that the TAIEX is affected by external factors, INDU, exchange rate, and consumer price index. The stock market is one of the major leading indictor, when the Taiwan or U.S. stock market had been impacted, and then Taiwan’s economic development will also be fluctuated. This paper shows that short-term implementation of policies could result in another force to balance the fluctuations in the stock market, and to stabilize the economic development in Taiwan.

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