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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití powerpointových prezentací v hodinách zeměpisu / Powerpoint presentation usage in geography education

Mrázová, Marcela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis studies using PowerPoint presentation in geography teaching, especially for the impact of visualized substance on the effectiveness of teaching. The theoretical part is followed by questionnaire survey to monitor the current situation in Czech schools. Students and teachers of Geography were asked if they are computer users and how are their subjective views and experiences of using PowerPoint in teaching. I also examined the technical background of Czech schools and whether there is even possible to use audio-visual technology in education. I also asked which teaching method was preferred by students and whether they prefered the lessons with PowerPoint presentations. The numer of 62 teachers and 283 students were participants in this survey. Most of them is an ordinary computer user. PowerPoint presentations are often used in Geography. Their opinion of using powerpoint presentations in lessons is rather positive. The most popular method among students is an interpretation, which corresponds with the most common PowerPoint usage. The second part of the thesis includes qualitative research of effectiveness using PowerPoint in Geography lessons. In two parallel classes, there were teached substance, which has been visualized by PowerPoint presentation in one class and by any analog...

Distanční výuka zeměpisu na jaře 2020 / Distance teaching of geography in spring of 2020

Máslo, Jaroslav January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with distance teaching, in empiric part of the thesis specifically with distance teaching of geography in spring of 2020 at secondary schools and appropriate degree of grammar schools. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe specifics of distance teaching of geography at secondary schools and appropriate degree of grammar schools in spring of 2020 and to make a list of principles which should be followed in distance teaching and which should help with adjustment of learning content. for needs of distance teaching. Another aim of this thesis is to describe distance teaching of geography in spring of 2020 and describe differences in terms of teachers' pactice length and type of school where they teach. Theoretical part of thesis describes specifics of distance teaching and main differences between distance teaching and full-time teaching. As the part of literature search, the list of principles for distance teaching was written down and these principles were divided into three groups. In empiric part of thesis distance teaching of geography in spring of 2020 was described from these point of view: changes durring distance teaching of geography, time spent by pupils studying geography, reduction of learning content, communication with pupils, their parents, colleagues,...

Využití zážitkové pedagogiky a dramatické výchovy ve výuce zeměpisu na střední škole / Use of Experience Pedagogy and Theatrical Education in Geography Teaching

Barešová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of the thesies is to compare a frontal teaching method and teaching by simulation. Two comparable groups of students were taught the same topic by the two methods. The topic was focused on an uneven world development. Following assumptions were set. Simulation is a more attractive teaching form, therefore it can help to raise the motivation of students. Frontal method is capable of transmitting more information. Simulation, however, can have bigger impact on students' values. The impact of simulation has a long-term impact in comparison to frontal teaching. These assumptions were confirmed by qualitative and quantitative methods.


Cirolini, Angélica 04 March 2008 (has links)
In the education of Geography, the School Cartography is of basic importance, therefore the people, when she/he are alphabetized cartographyly, he/she has the capacity to interpret maps, images and other geographic representations. In this way, the didatic materials foreseen by the pedagogical conceptions are elaborated in analogical electronic digital means to subsidize the understanding of the local space. The Municipal Electronic Atlas come with a proposal innovative, therefore they motivate and invite learners and teachers to the practice of relating the space representations and also of providing the study of the lived space, sometimes building it, sometimes not building it through the observation of the socio-ambient elements, making with that the people wakes up bigger interest for the study of the geographic space. Inside this preamble, the present research has as main purpose to approach the importance of the study of the local space in the perspective of school cartography, in this case, Restinga Sêca county of RS through the elaboration of these atlases. The Atlas considered, in its conception, it possesses partial interaction with the user and it presents resources of multimedia with texts, images and animation. It allows to the student or user the manipulation of a set of maps, with the possibility to select the socio-economic subject or subjects that they desire to visualize, being able to combine predefined subjects and to configure a map. In this study, it structuralized itself of according to the municipal approach considering whole area of the county and, in specific the urban area, it chose twelve groups of socio-economics variables for the elaboration of the urban thematic maps, in both approaches was considered as space unit the census sector. Methodologily, it was followed the proposal of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics for the definition of the variables according to Demographic Census 2000. In this way, a resource to verify if the map is fulfilling its function of communicator is the elaboration and application of tests with the users to verify the acceptability of it, in order to validate it as map pertaining to the Eletronic Atlas. The pilot test of these maps consist of many tests of isolated maps or of sets with the intention to become legitimate the maps that compose the Eletronic Socio-Economic of Restinga Sêca and to verify the learning easiness. The pilot test should be applied as a test to the public target: detainer and user of these Atlas. In this direction, it chose the five serie of high school due to be the period of training that the child starts the study of the cartography and studies of Restinga Sêca county. As results, it was observed that the rightness indices of peoples had been over of 60% practically at all the modules. In some cases, the index of rightnesss of people was low and the maps had been reworked and adapted for a better understanding. This facilitates the learning. Many maps had taken care of the goals and it was not necessary great alterations for their use. Ahead of the results, it considered the Atlas a didactic material and a resource of learning in digital means propitious digital for the use at school environment for the study of this county. / No ensino da Geografia, a Cartografia Escolar é de fundamental importância, pois o aluno, quando alfabetizado cartograficamente, tem a capacidade de interpretar mapas, imagens e outras representações geográficas. Desse modo, os materiais didáticos previstos pelas concepções pedagógicas são elaborados em meio analógico, eletrônico e digital para subsidiar a compreensão do espaço local. Os Atlas Eletrônicos Municipais vêm com uma proposta inovadora, pois motivam e convidam os discentes e docentes à prática de relacionar as representações espaciais e, também, oportunizam o estudo do espaço vivido, ora construindo-o, ora desconstruindo-o através da observação dos elementos socioambientais, fazendo com que o aluno desperte maior interesse pelo estudo do espaço geográfico. Dentro deste preâmbulo, a presente pesquisa tem como finalidade precípua abordar a importância do estudo do espaço local na perspectiva da cartografia escolar, neste caso o município de Restinga Sêca, RS, através da elaboração deste Atlas. O Atlas proposto, em sua concepção, possui interação parcial com o usuário e apresenta recursos de multimídia com textos, imagens e animações. Permite ao aluno ou usuário a manipulação de um conjunto de mapas, com a possibilidade de selecionar o tema ou os temas socioeconômicos que deseja visualizar, podendo combinar temas pré-definidos e configurar um mapa. Este estudo estruturou-se a partir de uma abordagem municipal e considerou-se toda área do Município e, em específico a área urbana, selecionou-se doze grupos de variáveis socioeconômicas para a elaboração dos mapas temáticos urbanos. Em ambas abordagens, considerou-se como unidade espacial o setor censitário. Metodologicamente, seguiu-se a proposta do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística para a definição das variáveis conforme o Censo Demográfico 2000. Desta maneira, um recurso para verificar se o mapa está cumprindo sua função de comunicador é a elaboração e aplicação de testes com os usuários para verificar a aceitabilidade dele, a fim de validá-lo como mapa pertencente ao Atlas Eletrônico. O teste piloto destes mapas consiste de muitos testes de mapas isolados ou em conjuntos com o intuito de tornar legítimos os mapas que compõem o Atlas Eletrônico e Socioeconômico de Restinga Sêca e verificar a facilidade de aprendizagem. O teste piloto deve ser aplicado como um teste ao público alvo: o detentor e o usuário deste Atlas. Neste sentido, selecionou-se a 5ª série do Ensino Fundamental, devido a ser o estágio em que a criança inicia o estudo da cartografia e estuda o município de Restinga Sêca. Como resultados, observou-se que os índices de acertos dos alunos foram acima de 60% praticamente em todos os módulos. Em alguns casos, o índice de acertos dos alunos foi baixo, e os mapas foram retrabalhados e adaptados para uma melhor compreensão, facilitando o aprendizado. Muitos mapas atenderam ao objetivo e não foram necessárias grandes alterações para a sua utilização. Diante dos resultados, considerou-se o Atlas um material didático e um recurso de aprendizagem em meio digital propício para a utilização no ambiente escolar para o estudo do Município.

Могућности примене проширене и виртуелне реалности у настави и учењу географије / Mogućnosti primene proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavi i učenju geografije / The possibilities of application of augmented and virtual reality in geography teaching and learning

Stojšić Ivan 28 August 2020 (has links)
<p>Развој&nbsp; проширене&nbsp; и&nbsp; виртуелне&nbsp; реалности&nbsp; у&nbsp; последњих неколико година створио је могућности за укључивање и примену ових технологија на свим нивоима образовања. Бројна истраживања истичу да&nbsp; имерзивне&nbsp; технологије&nbsp; могу&nbsp; позитивно&nbsp; утицати&nbsp; на исходе&nbsp; учења&nbsp; и&nbsp; мотивисаност&nbsp; ученика.&nbsp; Такође, географија&nbsp; се&nbsp; често&nbsp; издваја&nbsp; као&nbsp; предмет&nbsp; који посебно&nbsp; може&nbsp; да&nbsp; искористи&nbsp; те&nbsp; потенцијале&nbsp; за унапређење&nbsp; и&nbsp; осавремењавање&nbsp; наставне&nbsp; праксе. Међутим,&nbsp; поставља&nbsp; се&nbsp; питање&nbsp; спремности наставника&nbsp; и&nbsp; студената&nbsp; географије&nbsp; (наставног усмерења)&nbsp; да&nbsp; организују&nbsp; наставу&nbsp; са&nbsp; мобилним&nbsp; и имерзивним&nbsp; технологијама.&nbsp; Притом,&nbsp; неопходно&nbsp; је свеобухватно&nbsp; сагледати&nbsp; позитивне&nbsp; и&nbsp; негативне факторе који утичу или могу утицати на интеграцију ових технологија у географско образовање. Сходно<br />наведеном,&nbsp; ова&nbsp; дисертација&nbsp; разматра&nbsp; како,&nbsp; када&nbsp; и зашто користити проширену и виртуелну реалност у настави и учењу географије.</p> / <p>Razvoj&nbsp; proširene&nbsp; i&nbsp; virtuelne&nbsp; realnosti&nbsp; u&nbsp; poslednjih nekoliko godina stvorio je mogućnosti za uključivanje i primenu ovih tehnologija na svim nivoima obrazovanja. Brojna istraživanja ističu da&nbsp; imerzivne&nbsp; tehnologije&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; pozitivno&nbsp; uticati&nbsp; na ishode&nbsp; učenja&nbsp; i&nbsp; motivisanost&nbsp; učenika.&nbsp; Takođe, geografija&nbsp; se&nbsp; često&nbsp; izdvaja&nbsp; kao&nbsp; predmet&nbsp; koji posebno&nbsp; može&nbsp; da&nbsp; iskoristi&nbsp; te&nbsp; potencijale&nbsp; za unapređenje&nbsp; i&nbsp; osavremenjavanje&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp; prakse. Međutim,&nbsp; postavlja&nbsp; se&nbsp; pitanje&nbsp; spremnosti nastavnika&nbsp; i&nbsp; studenata&nbsp; geografije&nbsp; (nastavnog usmerenja)&nbsp; da&nbsp; organizuju&nbsp; nastavu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; mobilnim&nbsp; i imerzivnim&nbsp; tehnologijama.&nbsp; Pritom,&nbsp; neophodno&nbsp; je sveobuhvatno&nbsp; sagledati&nbsp; pozitivne&nbsp; i&nbsp; negativne faktore koji utiču ili mogu uticati na integraciju ovih tehnologija u geografsko obrazovanje. Shodno<br />navedenom,&nbsp; ova&nbsp; disertacija&nbsp; razmatra&nbsp; kako,&nbsp; kada&nbsp; i zašto koristiti proširenu i virtuelnu realnost u nastavi i učenju geografije.</p> / <p>In&nbsp; recent&nbsp; years,&nbsp; the&nbsp; development&nbsp; of&nbsp; augmented&nbsp; and&nbsp; virtual&nbsp; reality&nbsp; has&nbsp; created&nbsp; opportunities&nbsp; for&nbsp; integration and use of these technologies at all levels of&nbsp; education.Numerous&nbsp; studies&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; immersive&nbsp; technologies have the potential to improve student learning outcomes and&nbsp; motivation.&nbsp; Geography&nbsp; is&nbsp; also&nbsp; often&nbsp; indicated&nbsp; as&nbsp; a subject&nbsp; that&nbsp; can&nbsp; utilize&nbsp; these&nbsp; potentials&nbsp; to&nbsp; improve&nbsp; and modernize&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; practice.&nbsp; However,&nbsp; the&nbsp; integration raises the question of the readiness of geography pre- and in-service&nbsp; teachers&nbsp; to&nbsp; organize&nbsp; classes&nbsp; with&nbsp; mobile&nbsp; and immersive technologies. Also, a comprehensive overlook regarding the positive and negative factors that influence or&nbsp; may influence the integration of these technologies in geographic&nbsp; education&nbsp; is&nbsp; necessary.&nbsp; Accordingly,&nbsp; this dissertation&nbsp; examines&nbsp; how,&nbsp; when,&nbsp; and&nbsp; why&nbsp; to&nbsp; use augmented and virtual reality in geography teaching and&nbsp; learning.</p>

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