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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stimulus-responsive Microgels: Design, Properties and Applications

Das, Mallika 31 July 2008 (has links)
Materials science today is a multidisciplinary effort comprising an accelerated convergence of diverse fields spanning the physical, applied, and engineering sciences. This diversity promises to deliver the next generation of advanced functional materials for a wide range of specific applications. In particular, the past decade has seen a growing interest in the development of nanoscale materials for sophisticated technologies. Aqueous colloidal microgels have emerged as a promising class of soft materials for multiple biotechnology applications. The amalgamation of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of microgels with optical properties of nanostructures in hybrid composite particles further enhances the capabilities of these materials. This work covers the general areas of responsive polymer microgels and their composites, and encompasses methods of fabricating microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted therapeutic applications. The first part of this thesis is devoted to acquainting the reader with the fundamental aspects of the synthesis, functionalization and characteristic properties of stimulus-responsive microgels constructed from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (poly(NIPAm)) and other functional comonomers. In particular, the role of electrostatics on the swelling-deswelling transitions of polyampholyte microgels upon exposure to a range of environmental stimuli including pH, temperature, and salt concentration are discussed. The templated synthesis of bimetallic gold and silver nanoparticles in zwitterionic microgels is also described. The latter part of this thesis focuses on the rational development of microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted drug release. Specifically, the development of a biofunctionalized, pH-responsive drug delivery system (DDS) is illustrated, and shown to effectively suppress cancer cells when loaded with an anticancer agent. In another chapter, the design of tailored hybrid particles that combine the thermal response of microgels with the light-sensitive properties of gold nanorods to create a DDS for photothermally-induced drug release is discussed. The photothermally-triggered volume transitions of hybrid microgels under physiological conditions are reported, and their suitability for the said application evaluated. In another component of this work, it is explicitly shown that electrostatic interactions were not needed to deposit gold nanorods on poly(NIPAm)-derived particles, thereby eliminating the need for incorporation of charged functional groups in the microgels that are otherwise responsible for large, undesirable shifts and broadening of the phase transition.

Préparation et auto-assemblage de nanobâtonnets fonctionnalisés pour la photo oxydo-réduction catalytique / Synthesis and self assembly of functionalized nanorods applied to the photo catalytic oxidation reduction

Hamon, Cyrille 11 October 2013 (has links)
Grâce au récent développement des synthèses chimiques en suspension colloïdale, de nouveaux photosensibilisateurs possédant une grande surface spécifique ont été envisagés dans cette thèse pour supporter des réactions d'oxydoréduction induite par la lumière. Ce travail s'inscrit donc dans la recherche de nouvelles sources d'énergie pour répondre aux problèmes inhérents à l'appauvrissement des énergies fossiles. Ainsi des nanobâtonnets quantiques de composition cœur@coquille et des nanobâtonnets d'or ont été synthétisés. Leur anisotropie de forme permet également de les assembler dans des phases cristal liquides. Grâce à une méthode de séchage originale, des assemblages hiérarchiques ont été obtenus, ce qui est prometteur pour réaliser des réactions de photocatalyses sur ces assemblages par la suite. Par ailleurs, un catalyseur naturel, une hydrogénase, a été greffée avec succès sur les nanocristaux et étudié en électrochimie. Ces systèmes permettraient d'améliorer les performances des biopiles à combustibles. / With the recent development of chemical synthesis in colloidal suspension, new photosensitizers with high surface area have been considered in this thesis to support redox reactions induced by light. This work is therefore in the scope of finding new energy sources to meet the problems posed by the depletion of fossil fuels. Quantum nanorods with a core@shell composition and gold nanorods were synthesized. Their shape anisotropy permits to assemble them in liquid crystal phases. Thanks to an original method of drying, hierarchical assemblies were obtained, which is promising to perform photoredox reactions on these assemblies thereafter. Furthermore, a natural catalyst, a hydrogenase was successfully grafted onto the nanocrystals and studied in electrochemistry. These systems would improve the performance of biofuel cells.

Síntese de nanopartículas de ouro com forma e tamanho controlados utilizando glicerol como um agente de redução e estabilização ecológico e de baixo custo / Synthesis of Shape and Size controlled gold nanoparticles using glycerol as a low-cost and environmental friendly reducing and stabilizing agent

Parveen, Rashida 26 June 2017 (has links)
As nanopartículas de ouro (AuNPs), com formatos e distribuição de tamanhos definidos, têm atraído grande atenção devido às suas propriedades óticas e e catalíticas únicas, que dependem de da forma e tamanho de AuNPs e que são importantes para diversos aplicações. O desenvolvimento de métodos simples e ecológicamente seguros para a síntese de AuNPs de tamanho e forma controlados, empregando reagentes de baixo custo e de fácil manuseamento é, portanto, de grande importância. Considerando isto, realizou-se um estudo sistemático para preparar nanoparticlus de ouro (AuNPs) e prata (AgNPs) com um controle de forma e tamanho, empregando exclusivamente glicerol como um agente redutor flexivel, eco-friendly e de baixo custo. Em primeiro lugar, descrevemos um novo one-pot método para a preparação de nanorods ou nanobastões de ouro (AuNRs) monocristalinos com quase 100% de rendimento empragando o glicerol em meio alcalino como agente redutor e Brometo de hexadeciltrimetilamónio (CTAB) como agente controlador da forma de particulas. Podemos conseguir um controle da razões de aspecto (Aspect ratio do inglês, AR = 2 a 6), rendimento de AuNRs (27-99%) bem como da posicao de banda de absorção óticas de AuNRs (de 620 a 1200 nm) simplesmente variando as condições experimentais, principalmente o pH de meio reaccional (variou-se entre 12-13,5) e a concentração do AgNO3. Descobrimos que a formação de AuNRs é mais rápida a pH mais alto (> 11) e a maior temperatura (> 30 ° C), mas o rendimento de AuNRs é menor (< 70%). A análise de HRTEM mostrou que os AuNRs crescem na direcção [001] e têm uma estrutura do tipo fcc monocristalina, isenta de falhas estruturais ou deslocamentos. Em segundo lugar, realizamos com sucesso, pela primeira vez, a formação de nanoparticlulas esféricas de ouro (AuNPs), quase monodispersas de cerca de 8 nm, utilizando o glicerol bruto conhecido localmente como Glicerina Loíra (crude glycerol (CG) do inglê), tal como recebido, da planta de biodiesel pela. Não foi realizado nehum tratamento químico ou físico específico do CG, exceto filtração simples. Utilizaram-se duas amostras diferentes de CG com diferentes teores de glicerol (65% e 73%) e diferentes níveis de impurezas (baixo e alto) e tipos (orgânicos e inorgânicos) para preparar AuNPs, a fim de estudar o efeito de possíveis impurezas na formato e distribuição de tamanho de AuNPs. Para comparação, foram também preparadas AuNPs utilizando glicerol comercial puro (99,5%) em condições experimentais idênticas. Foram obtidos AuNPs com tamanho e formato semelhantes em ambos os casos (glicerol puro comercial e CG) indicando que o glicerol comercial pode ser substituído por CG na síntese de AuNPs e as impurezas orgânicas e inorgânicas não afectam significativamente a distribuição de tamanho de AuNPs preparadas . Este estudo abre novas possibilidades para um eco-friendly preparação de nanopartículas metálicas utilizando o CG com um agente redutor barato, não tóxico e biodegradável como. Em terceiro lugar, desenvolvemos um método de síntese de AuNPs do tipo Ligand-free (sem uso de agente establizante) empregando o glicerol tanto como agente redutor quanto com agente estabilizador. A ideia era evitar o uso de um agente estabilizante externo que muitas vezes diminui a actividade catalítica ou afeta adversamente a biocompatibilidade dos sistemas surfactante/AuNPs. Obtiveram-se AuNPs coloidais estáveis com uma distribuição de tamanho razoavelmente estreita (8 &plusmn; 3 nm) por este método e verificou-se que a estabilidade e distribuição de tamanho das partículas dependiam da razão água/glicerol, temperatura e pH dos meios reaccionais. Tais ligand-free AuNPs preparados utilizando glicerol podem ser utilizadas nas aplicações catáliticas e biomédicas. / Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) especially with a control of size and shape have attracted great attention due to their shape-dependent optical properties that are important for many applications. The development of simpler and greener methods for the synthesis of size- and shape-controlled AuNPs employing low-cost and easily handled reagents is thus of great importance. Thus we have carried out a systematic study to prepare shape- and size-controlled AuNPs and AgNPs employing exclusively glycerol as an eco-friendly, low cost and pH-tunable reducing agent. Firstly, we report a new one-pot seedless method for the preparation of single-crystalline AuNRs in almost 100% yield based on the use of glycerol in alkaline medium as the reducing agent and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as the shape-controlling agent. We could achieve a control of the aspect ratio (AR= 2 to 6), AuNRs yield (27-99%) as well the LSPR band of the AuNRs (620 to 1200 nm) by simply varying the experimental conditions, principally the pH of the reaction media (varied between 12-13.5 ) and the concentration of the AgNO3. We found that the formation of AuNRs is faster at higher pH (>11) and higher temperature (>30°C) but the AuNRs yield is smaller (< 70%). HRTEM analysis showed that the AuNRs grow in [001] direction and have a perfect single crystalline fcc structure, free from structural faults or dislocations. Secondly, we successfully carried out the formation of nearly monodisperse spherical AuNPs of around 8 nm using the as-received crude glycerol (CG) from the biodiesel plant for the first time. No special chemical or physical treatment of CG except simple filtration was carried out. Two different crude glycerol samples with different glycerol contents (65% and 73%) and different impurity levels (low and high) and types (organic and inorganic) were employed to prepare AuNPs so as to study the effect of possible impurities on the shape and size distribution of AuNPs. For comparison, AuNPs were also prepared using pure commercial (99.5 %) glycerol under identical experimental conditions. AuNPs with similar size and shape were obtained in both cases (commercial pure glycerol as well as CG) indicating that commercial glycerol can be replaced with CG in the AuNPs synthesis and the organic and inorganic impurities do not significantly affect the particle size distribution of prepared AuNPs. This study opens up new possibilities for the environment-friendly preparation of metallic nanoparticles using the low-cost, non-toxic and biodegradable CG as a reducing agent. Thirdly, we developed a ligand-free one-pot synthesis method of AuNPs employing the eco-friendly glycerol both as reducing agent and stabilizing agent. The idea was to avoid the use of an external stabilizing agent which often hinder the catalytic activity and adversely affect the biocompatibility of the surfactant/AuNP systems. Stable AuNPs with reasonably good size distribution (8 &plusmn; 3 nm) were obtained by this method and the stability and size distribution of the particles was found to be dependent on the water/glycerol ratio, temperature and pH of the reaction media. Such surfactant-free biocompatible AuNPs prepared using the eco-friendly glycerol may find useful applications in catalysis and biomedical applications.

Síntese de nanopartículas de ouro com forma e tamanho controlados utilizando glicerol como um agente de redução e estabilização ecológico e de baixo custo / Synthesis of Shape and Size controlled gold nanoparticles using glycerol as a low-cost and environmental friendly reducing and stabilizing agent

Rashida Parveen 26 June 2017 (has links)
As nanopartículas de ouro (AuNPs), com formatos e distribuição de tamanhos definidos, têm atraído grande atenção devido às suas propriedades óticas e e catalíticas únicas, que dependem de da forma e tamanho de AuNPs e que são importantes para diversos aplicações. O desenvolvimento de métodos simples e ecológicamente seguros para a síntese de AuNPs de tamanho e forma controlados, empregando reagentes de baixo custo e de fácil manuseamento é, portanto, de grande importância. Considerando isto, realizou-se um estudo sistemático para preparar nanoparticlus de ouro (AuNPs) e prata (AgNPs) com um controle de forma e tamanho, empregando exclusivamente glicerol como um agente redutor flexivel, eco-friendly e de baixo custo. Em primeiro lugar, descrevemos um novo one-pot método para a preparação de nanorods ou nanobastões de ouro (AuNRs) monocristalinos com quase 100% de rendimento empragando o glicerol em meio alcalino como agente redutor e Brometo de hexadeciltrimetilamónio (CTAB) como agente controlador da forma de particulas. Podemos conseguir um controle da razões de aspecto (Aspect ratio do inglês, AR = 2 a 6), rendimento de AuNRs (27-99%) bem como da posicao de banda de absorção óticas de AuNRs (de 620 a 1200 nm) simplesmente variando as condições experimentais, principalmente o pH de meio reaccional (variou-se entre 12-13,5) e a concentração do AgNO3. Descobrimos que a formação de AuNRs é mais rápida a pH mais alto (> 11) e a maior temperatura (> 30 ° C), mas o rendimento de AuNRs é menor (< 70%). A análise de HRTEM mostrou que os AuNRs crescem na direcção [001] e têm uma estrutura do tipo fcc monocristalina, isenta de falhas estruturais ou deslocamentos. Em segundo lugar, realizamos com sucesso, pela primeira vez, a formação de nanoparticlulas esféricas de ouro (AuNPs), quase monodispersas de cerca de 8 nm, utilizando o glicerol bruto conhecido localmente como Glicerina Loíra (crude glycerol (CG) do inglê), tal como recebido, da planta de biodiesel pela. Não foi realizado nehum tratamento químico ou físico específico do CG, exceto filtração simples. Utilizaram-se duas amostras diferentes de CG com diferentes teores de glicerol (65% e 73%) e diferentes níveis de impurezas (baixo e alto) e tipos (orgânicos e inorgânicos) para preparar AuNPs, a fim de estudar o efeito de possíveis impurezas na formato e distribuição de tamanho de AuNPs. Para comparação, foram também preparadas AuNPs utilizando glicerol comercial puro (99,5%) em condições experimentais idênticas. Foram obtidos AuNPs com tamanho e formato semelhantes em ambos os casos (glicerol puro comercial e CG) indicando que o glicerol comercial pode ser substituído por CG na síntese de AuNPs e as impurezas orgânicas e inorgânicas não afectam significativamente a distribuição de tamanho de AuNPs preparadas . Este estudo abre novas possibilidades para um eco-friendly preparação de nanopartículas metálicas utilizando o CG com um agente redutor barato, não tóxico e biodegradável como. Em terceiro lugar, desenvolvemos um método de síntese de AuNPs do tipo Ligand-free (sem uso de agente establizante) empregando o glicerol tanto como agente redutor quanto com agente estabilizador. A ideia era evitar o uso de um agente estabilizante externo que muitas vezes diminui a actividade catalítica ou afeta adversamente a biocompatibilidade dos sistemas surfactante/AuNPs. Obtiveram-se AuNPs coloidais estáveis com uma distribuição de tamanho razoavelmente estreita (8 &plusmn; 3 nm) por este método e verificou-se que a estabilidade e distribuição de tamanho das partículas dependiam da razão água/glicerol, temperatura e pH dos meios reaccionais. Tais ligand-free AuNPs preparados utilizando glicerol podem ser utilizadas nas aplicações catáliticas e biomédicas. / Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) especially with a control of size and shape have attracted great attention due to their shape-dependent optical properties that are important for many applications. The development of simpler and greener methods for the synthesis of size- and shape-controlled AuNPs employing low-cost and easily handled reagents is thus of great importance. Thus we have carried out a systematic study to prepare shape- and size-controlled AuNPs and AgNPs employing exclusively glycerol as an eco-friendly, low cost and pH-tunable reducing agent. Firstly, we report a new one-pot seedless method for the preparation of single-crystalline AuNRs in almost 100% yield based on the use of glycerol in alkaline medium as the reducing agent and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as the shape-controlling agent. We could achieve a control of the aspect ratio (AR= 2 to 6), AuNRs yield (27-99%) as well the LSPR band of the AuNRs (620 to 1200 nm) by simply varying the experimental conditions, principally the pH of the reaction media (varied between 12-13.5 ) and the concentration of the AgNO3. We found that the formation of AuNRs is faster at higher pH (>11) and higher temperature (>30°C) but the AuNRs yield is smaller (< 70%). HRTEM analysis showed that the AuNRs grow in [001] direction and have a perfect single crystalline fcc structure, free from structural faults or dislocations. Secondly, we successfully carried out the formation of nearly monodisperse spherical AuNPs of around 8 nm using the as-received crude glycerol (CG) from the biodiesel plant for the first time. No special chemical or physical treatment of CG except simple filtration was carried out. Two different crude glycerol samples with different glycerol contents (65% and 73%) and different impurity levels (low and high) and types (organic and inorganic) were employed to prepare AuNPs so as to study the effect of possible impurities on the shape and size distribution of AuNPs. For comparison, AuNPs were also prepared using pure commercial (99.5 %) glycerol under identical experimental conditions. AuNPs with similar size and shape were obtained in both cases (commercial pure glycerol as well as CG) indicating that commercial glycerol can be replaced with CG in the AuNPs synthesis and the organic and inorganic impurities do not significantly affect the particle size distribution of prepared AuNPs. This study opens up new possibilities for the environment-friendly preparation of metallic nanoparticles using the low-cost, non-toxic and biodegradable CG as a reducing agent. Thirdly, we developed a ligand-free one-pot synthesis method of AuNPs employing the eco-friendly glycerol both as reducing agent and stabilizing agent. The idea was to avoid the use of an external stabilizing agent which often hinder the catalytic activity and adversely affect the biocompatibility of the surfactant/AuNP systems. Stable AuNPs with reasonably good size distribution (8 &plusmn; 3 nm) were obtained by this method and the stability and size distribution of the particles was found to be dependent on the water/glycerol ratio, temperature and pH of the reaction media. Such surfactant-free biocompatible AuNPs prepared using the eco-friendly glycerol may find useful applications in catalysis and biomedical applications.

Plasmonic Enhanced Fluorescence using Gold Nanorods

Lee, Ming-Tao January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aims of this study are to first immobilize positively charged gold nanorods to negatively charged cell culture surfaces. Second, to use polyelectrolytes for controlling the distance between gold nanorods and fluorophores. This is used to optimally determine the distance, of which maximum fluorescence enhancement is achieved, between gold nanorods and fluorophores. In order to approach these aims, we use UV/VIS absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and ellipsometry. The results show that we could control the immobilization of gold nanorods on plastic microwell plates and create reproducible polyelectrolyte layers, in order to control the distance between the gold nanorods and fluorophores. In addition, the localized surface plasmon resonance wavelength red shifted as the PELs increased. In conclusion, we found that the maximum fluorescence enhancement of the fluorophores (Cy7) is about 2.3 times at a fluorophores-nanoparticles separation of approximately 9-12 nm. This work contributes some research information towards the design of optical biochip platforms based on plasmon-enhanced fluorescence.</p>

Plasmonic Enhanced Fluorescence using Gold Nanorods

Lee, Ming-Tao January 2010 (has links)
The aims of this study are to first immobilize positively charged gold nanorods to negatively charged cell culture surfaces. Second, to use polyelectrolytes for controlling the distance between gold nanorods and fluorophores. This is used to optimally determine the distance, of which maximum fluorescence enhancement is achieved, between gold nanorods and fluorophores. In order to approach these aims, we use UV/VIS absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and ellipsometry. The results show that we could control the immobilization of gold nanorods on plastic microwell plates and create reproducible polyelectrolyte layers, in order to control the distance between the gold nanorods and fluorophores. In addition, the localized surface plasmon resonance wavelength red shifted as the PELs increased. In conclusion, we found that the maximum fluorescence enhancement of the fluorophores (Cy7) is about 2.3 times at a fluorophores-nanoparticles separation of approximately 9-12 nm. This work contributes some research information towards the design of optical biochip platforms based on plasmon-enhanced fluorescence.

Stimulus-responsive Microgels: Design, Properties and Applications

Das, Mallika 31 July 2008 (has links)
Materials science today is a multidisciplinary effort comprising an accelerated convergence of diverse fields spanning the physical, applied, and engineering sciences. This diversity promises to deliver the next generation of advanced functional materials for a wide range of specific applications. In particular, the past decade has seen a growing interest in the development of nanoscale materials for sophisticated technologies. Aqueous colloidal microgels have emerged as a promising class of soft materials for multiple biotechnology applications. The amalgamation of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of microgels with optical properties of nanostructures in hybrid composite particles further enhances the capabilities of these materials. This work covers the general areas of responsive polymer microgels and their composites, and encompasses methods of fabricating microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted therapeutic applications. The first part of this thesis is devoted to acquainting the reader with the fundamental aspects of the synthesis, functionalization and characteristic properties of stimulus-responsive microgels constructed from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (poly(NIPAm)) and other functional comonomers. In particular, the role of electrostatics on the swelling-deswelling transitions of polyampholyte microgels upon exposure to a range of environmental stimuli including pH, temperature, and salt concentration are discussed. The templated synthesis of bimetallic gold and silver nanoparticles in zwitterionic microgels is also described. The latter part of this thesis focuses on the rational development of microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted drug release. Specifically, the development of a biofunctionalized, pH-responsive drug delivery system (DDS) is illustrated, and shown to effectively suppress cancer cells when loaded with an anticancer agent. In another chapter, the design of tailored hybrid particles that combine the thermal response of microgels with the light-sensitive properties of gold nanorods to create a DDS for photothermally-induced drug release is discussed. The photothermally-triggered volume transitions of hybrid microgels under physiological conditions are reported, and their suitability for the said application evaluated. In another component of this work, it is explicitly shown that electrostatic interactions were not needed to deposit gold nanorods on poly(NIPAm)-derived particles, thereby eliminating the need for incorporation of charged functional groups in the microgels that are otherwise responsible for large, undesirable shifts and broadening of the phase transition.

Laser-Activated Nanomaterials for Tissue Repair

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Tissue approximation and repair have been performed with sutures and staples for centuries, but these means are inherently traumatic. Tissue repair using laser-responsive nanomaterials can lead to rapid tissue sealing and repair and is an attractive alternative to existing clinical methods. Laser tissue welding is a sutureless technique for sealing incised or wounded tissue, where chromophores convert laser light to heat to induce in tissue sealing. Introducing chromophores that absorb near-infrared light creates differential laser absorption and allows for laser wavelengths that minimizes tissue damage. In this work, plasmonic nanocomposites have been synthesized and used in laser tissue welding for ruptured porcine intestine ex vivo and incised murine skin in vivo. These laser-responsive nanocomposites improved tissue strength and healing, respectively. Additionally, a spatiotemporal model has been developed for laser tissue welding of porcine and mouse cadaver intestine sections using near-infrared laser irradiation. This mathematical model can be employed to identify optimal conditions for minimizing healthy cell death while still achieving a strong seal of the ruptured tissue using laser welding. Finally, in a model of surgical site infection, laser-responsive nanomaterials were shown to be efficacious in inhibiting bacterial growth. By incorporating an anti-microbial functionality to laser-responsive nanocomposites, these materials will serve as a treatment modality in sealing tissue, healing tissue, and protecting tissue in surgery. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Chemical Engineering 2019

Multi-photochromic architectures : from structure to function / Architectures multi-photochromiques : structures et fonctions

Galanti, Agostino 04 December 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse a été axé sur le développement des systèmes capable de répondre à des stimuli externes, basés sur des unités photochromiques. Le but d’une telle quête est d’augmenter la complexité des dispositifs et des machines moléculaires synthétiques. Avec l’objectif de développer des dispositifs et des machines artificiels plus complexes, nous avons réalisé de systèmes comprenant de multiples interrupteurs moléculaires. En vue de la réalisation de cette thèse, des nouveaux systèmes multi-photochromiques, où hybrides photochrome/nanomatériaux contenant des fragments azobenzène, diaryléthène ou spiropyrane ont été réalisés et étudiés. D’abord, on s’est focalisés sur des systèmes multi-azobenzènes capables de subir de grands réarrangements géométriques lors de la photoisomérisation, ils pourraient être utilisés à l'avenir comme éléments constitutifs des matériaux host-guest ou metal-organic frameworks contrôlables par des stimuli lumineux. Dans un second exemple, des commutateurs photochromiques de type dithiényléthène ont été utilisés pour déclencher l'émission d'une porphyrine. Cette dyade à montré une modulation réversible de son émission, affichant un contraste particulièrement élevé. Comme dernier exemple, un dérivé de spiropyrane a été combiné avec des nanoparticules d’or anisotropes. En induisant l'isomérisation de l’interrupteur moléculaire dans les dispersions colloïdales des nanorods d’or en liquide, nous avons visualisé une grande variation du spectre d'extinction des colloïdes, dépendante de la longueur d’onde du mode LSPR et du recouvrement spectrale avec le photoswitch. / The aim of this thesis has been to develop systems capable of responding to external stimuli, based on photochromic units. The goal of such a quest is to increase the complexity of devices and synthetic molecular machines. With the goal of developing more complex artificial devices and machines, we have realised systems containing multiple molecular switches. For the realisation of this thesis, new multi-photochromic systems, or photochromes/nanomaterials hybrids containing azobenzene, diarylethene or spiropyran moieties have been realised and studied. Firstly, we focused on multi-azobenzene systems capable of undergoing large geometric rearrangements during photoisomerisation, as they may be used in the future as constituent elements of host-guest or metal-organic frameworks controllable by luminous stimuli. In a second example, dithienylethene-type photochromic switches have been used to trigger the emission of a porphyrin. This dyad exhibited a reversible modulation of its emission, displaying a particularly highly contrasted response. As a final example, a spiropyran derivative has been combined with anisotropic gold nanoparticles. By inducing the isomerisation of the molecular switch in the AuNR colloidal liquid dispersions, we visualised a large variation of the colloid extinction spectrum, dependent on the LSPR mode wavelength and the spectral overlap with the photoswitch.

Developing New Strategies for the Preparation of Micro- and Nano-structured Polymer Materials

Nie, Zhihong 19 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis described the development of new strategies for the preparation of micro- and nano-structured polymer materials. In particular, this thesis focused on: i) the synthesis of polymer particles in microreactors, and ii) the self-assembly of inorganic nanorods. First, this thesis presented the synthesis of polymer particles and capsules with pre-determined sizes and narrow size distributions (CV<2%) in continuous microfluidic reactors. The method includes (i) the emulsification of monomers in a microfluidic flow-focusing device and (ii) in-situ solidification of droplets via photopolymerization. This microfluidic synthesis provides a novel strategy for the control over the shapes, compositions, and morphologies of polymer particles. In particular, we demonstrated the control over particle shapes by producing polymer ellipsoids, disks, rods, hemispheres, plates, and bowls. We produced polymer particles loaded with dyes, liquid crystals, quantum dots, and magnetic nanoparticles. We generated core-shell particles, microcapsules, Janus and three-phasic polymer particles. Control over the number of cores per droplet was achieved by manipulating the flow rates of liquids in the microchannels. We further investigated the hydrodynamic mechanism underlying the emulsification of droplets, which helps in guiding scientists and engineers to utilize this technique. Second, we described the self-assembly of inorganic nanorods by using a striking analogy between amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymers and the hydrophilic nanorods tethered with hydrophobic polystyrene chains at both ends. We organized metal nanorods in structures with various geometries such as nanorings, nanochains, bundles, bundled nanochains, and nanospheres by tuning solely the quality of solvents. The self-assembly was tunable and reversible. This approach paved the way for the organization of anisotropic nanoparticles by using the strategies that are well-established for the self-assembly of block copolymers. We further described a systematic study of the self-assembly of polymer-tethered gold nanorods as a function of solvent composition in the system and the molecular weight of the polystyrene blocks. We found that the structure of the polymer pom-poms played an important role on the organization of polymer-tethered gold NRs. The 'supramolecular' assembly was governed by the competition between the end-to-end and side-by-side association of NRs and resulted in the controlled variation of the plasmonic properties of NRs, reflected in a 3-D plasmonic graph.

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