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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epigraphie en réseau : réflexions sur les potentialités d'innovations dans la représentation numérique d'inscriptions complexes

Lamé, Marion 17 December 2012 (has links)
L'épigraphie numérique interroge sur la discipline épigraphique elle-même. Nous défendons dans cette thèse une méthodologie: l'acte de numérisation. Nous pensons que la numérisation est un acte qui dépend d'une problématique bien posée, d'une définition explicite, précise et assumée de l'objet à numériser, ce qui implique, dans le cas de l'épigraphie, à réfléchir de manière approfondie sur le concept d'inscription auquel nous préférons les concepts de dispositif épigraphique et de situation épigraphique qui exposent l'individu au caractère opérant de l'écriture. Nous pensons que, au delà de l'inscription, ce qu'est l'objet d'étude de l'épigraphie est la situation épigraphique mise sur pied au travers d'un dispositif délibérée qui expose l'individu à l'écrit, quelle que soit sa volonté. Fort de cette reformulation de l'étude de l'épigraphique, nous pensons que l'édition numérique scientifique de ce type de source primaire, au lieu de reproduire les systèmes papier qui déstructurent le dispositif, doit s'appuyer sur les technologies propres aux systèmes d'information multimédia. Nous proposons, au travers d'expérimentations et de prototype, de revoir le processus éditorial scientifique, grâce au numérique, du savoir épigraphique. / Digital epigraphy invite to re-think the discipline itself. We advocate a methodology in this thesis: the act of digitization. We believe that digitization is an act that depends on a well posed questioning, an explicit and assumed definition of the object to be digitized, which means. It implies to think about the concept of “inscription” to which we prefer the concept of epigraphic device and epigraphic situation that expose individuals to the operability of writing. We think that epigraphy studies situations possible thanks to a deliberate device that exposes the individual to writings, whatever is her or his will. With this reformulation of epigraphic study, we believe that digital publishing scientific primary source of this type, instead of reproducing paper that disintegrate the epigraphic device should be based on multimedia information system. We propose, through experiments and prototypes, to review the scientific publishing process of epigraphic knowledge, thanks to digital tools.

Ecriture par Laser de fonctionnalités optiques : éléments diffractifs et ONL

Choi, Ji Yeon 14 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A la suite de la première démonstration de l'écriture de guide d'onde au sein de verres en 1996 par laser femtoseconde, l'écriture direct par Laser Femtoseconde (Femtoseconde Direct Laser Writing - FLDW) est apparu comme une technique souple pour la fabrication de structure photonique en trois dimensions au sein de matériaux pour l'optique. La thèse a porté sur l'inscription par laser femtoseconde de fonctionnalités optiques au sein de verres. Des éléments diffractifs par modification de l'indice de réfraction et des structures présentant des propriétés de luminescence ou d'optique non linéaire d'ordre deux ont pu être obtenus au sein de matériaux vitreux et étudiés.

Inscriptions d’un legs littéraire : analyse comparatiste des inscriptions funéraire et amoureuse dans Premier amour de Samuel Beckett

Tétrault, Gabriel 04 1900 (has links)
L'œuvre à l'étude dans cet essai est la nouvelle intitulée Premier Amour de Samuel Beckett. À travers l'analyse de deux mises en scène de l’acte d'inscription présentes dans cette courte fiction, ce mémoire traite de la question que nous posent les inscriptions lorsque nous les lisons et lorsque nous les inscrivons. Il se divise donc en deux chapitres : le premier déploie l'étude de l'inscription linguistique en tant qu'inscription visible et lisible; le second se concentre sur l'inscription en tant qu'elle est marquée par le concept de legs. En caractérisant et en comparant ces deux inscriptions, d’une part funéraire (l'épitaphe que compose le narrateur pour lui-même suite à la mort de son père) et d’autre part amoureuse (le nom que trace le narrateur au moment où il « tombe amoureux »), ce mémoire expose comment Premier Amour peut être envisagé comme un premier pas dans une compréhension générale de la constitution écrite d'un « legs littéraire ». Surtout, il explicite comment s’orchestre l'imbrication conceptuelle de l’inscription et du legs qu'elle véhicule et présuppose, puisque cette imbrication est inhérente à la compréhension de notre monde et de la littérature. En conclusion, cette étude mène à considérer le rapport conflictuel entre la contemporanéité rêvant d’un monde sans inscriptions et l’inévitabilité de l’inscription. / This dissertation deals with the representations of the act of inscribing in Samuel Beckett’s short story Premier Amour with a particular focus on two specific inscriptions – namely firstly, the funeral (the epitaph the narrator composes for himself after his father’s death) and secondly, the beloved (the name he inscribes once he “falls in love”). By looking at these, the dissertation investigates the notions of both reading and writing. The dissertation is divided into two chapters: the first, which looks at the inscription as something visible and legible; and the second, which focuses on inscribing as an act which has a legacy. By using and comparing these two approaches, this dissertation demonstrates how Premier Amour can be seen as a first step towards a general comprehension of a written “literary legacy”. Specifically, the dissertation shows the linguistic construction of the conceptual interlacing of the inscriptions and the legacy it conveys and presupposes, as this interlacing is inherent to our understanding of the literary and the human world. By means of a conclusion, this dissertation considers the conflicting relationship between, on the one hand, the contemporaneousness which dreams of a world without inscription, and on the other hand, the inevitability of inscription.

Ulpiana et la romanisation de la Dardanie / Ulpiana and the romanisation of the Dardania

Hajdari, Arben 20 December 2013 (has links)
Ce thème de doctorat a été réalisé en cadre d'une convention de cotutelle réalisé entre l'Université Pierre Mendès Franca, Grenoble 2 et l'Université de Prishtina. L'habitat d'Ulpiana un oppidum quasi inconnu dans la Dardanie préromaine, après son invasion de la part des romains, devient un centre important politique, économique et culturel pour toute la Dardanie. Cette étude traitera l'historique du développement de la ville depuis sa fondation et jusqu'à son abandon, et montre une réflexion générale sur la base de données de nos jours qu'offrent les sources littéraires, épigraphiques, numismatiques et les résultats des rapports de fouilles archéologiques. Après son élévation au rang de municipium durant le règne de l'empereur Trajan, Ulpiana connait un agrandissement et un grand développement grâce à sa position géostratégique favorable qu'elle possédait en se situant dans un carrefour de routes importantes qui liait l'est avec l'ouest et surtout grâce aux richesses et aux nombreuses réserves minérales qu'elle possédait lesquelles étaient si importantes durant cette époque pour la stabilité économique de l'empire romain. Elle est devenue très vite l'un des centres gravitationnels le plus importants de toute la province de Moesie, en devenant un centre autant important de la propagation de la nouvelle mode de vie chez la population indigène. Ulpiana, mais aussi les autres centres urbains comme Scupi, Naissus ect, ont joués un rôle important dans le processus de la romanisation qui comprenait toute la population autochtone après l'invasion des romains. Dans ce travail de doctorat fut faite une synthèse générale du processus de la romanisation en Dardanie en soulignant les questions comme ; les enjeux de pouvoir, l'urbanisation, les aspects socio-économiques, les aspects culturels, les portées de la romanisation, la romanisation comme acculturation acceptée par les indignes et la résistance à la romanisation. Cette étude montre un traitement monographique global de l'histoire du développement de l'un des habitats le plus important de Kosova. / This dissertation has been written based on an agreement (cotutelle) between Université Pierre Mendès Franca, Grenoble 2 and University of Prishtina. The Ulpiana settlement, an oppidum almost unknown in the pre-Roman Dardania, turns into a significant political, economic and cultural centre, after the Roman invasion. This study deals with the history of the development of the city, covering its establishment until its abandonment. Also, the study provides a general overview based on data from literary, epigraphic, numismatic sources as well as archaeological excavations. Upon its rise to the rank of municip, under the rule of Emperor Trajan, Ulpiana faces a swift growth thanks to its favourable geostrategic position on the very important crossroads linking the east and the west, but also because of its wealthy mineral reserves, which in turn were very necessary in ensuring the economic stability of the Empire. Ulpiana will soon turn into one of the most important provinces of Moesia, and in the process it also became a significant centre from where the new way of life diffused to the rest of the native population. Together with the rest of the urban centres like Scupi and Naissus, Ulpiana played an important role in the process of Romanization of the native population, after the Roman invasion. In this dissertation we have presented a comprehensive synthesis of the Romanization process in Dardania by highlighting issues such as: certain policy aspects, urbanization, socio-economic and cultural situation, extension of the process of Romanization as well as the reception of such a process by the natives and the resistance. This study presents a monographic discussion of the overall history of one of the most important dwellings in Kosovo.

Reformulações discursivas em performance(s): a inscrição em língua estrangeira / Discursive reformulations in performance(s): the inscription in foreign language

Bassaglia, Alexandre 27 October 2015 (has links)
Buscando investigar a inscrição do sujeito em língua estrangeira (SERRANIINFANTE, 2006), esta pesquisa toma por objeto sequências discursivas orais identificadas como oriundas de processos de reformulação, enunciadas por aprendizes de francês, língua estrangeira, durante a realização individual de uma atividade de performance. Para tanto, primeiro problematizamos o conceito de reformulação, percorrendo criticamente os referenciais da Análise do Discurso (SERRANI, 1993; ORLANDI, 2012; PÊCHEUX, 2009). Em segundo lugar, com relação à aquisição de línguas, contrapomos a perspectiva cognitivista à não cognitivista, desenvolvendo um estudo crítico a respeito da oposição entre as noções de apropriação e inscrição, a fim de demonstrar, à luz de Serrani- Infante (2006, p. 248), que o sujeito, seja ele aprendiz ou não, é capturado pela língua que, por sua vez, tem um real específico e uma ordem própria. Uma terceira perspectiva teórica fundamenta esta dissertação: a noção de performance. Após tê-la discutido tanto pelo ângulo da Linguística quanto por aquele das Artes, destacamos o conceito construído transdisciplinarmente a fim de sustentar nossa metodologia. Do Latim formare (dar forma), a performance é simultaneamente o ato enunciativo marcado por percepções subjetivas originadas a partir de uma partitura textual e o acontecimento efêmero envolvendo várias linguagens. Metodologicamente ancorados nos parâmetros da Pesquisa-Ação (BARBIER, 2002), realizamos uma intervenção didática junto a estudantes de Letras (Habilitação em Francês), sujeitos desta pesquisa, a partir da obra La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules (DELERM, 1997). Os resultados obtidos ao longo da intervenção foram analisados de modo a salientar a necessária intersecção entre a materialidade linguística e elementos não verbais na reformulação oral do já dito. Ao longo de nossa discussão, evidenciamos que a atividade didática ancorada no conceito de performance corresponde à abertura de um espaço ficcional no qual o sujeito pode se inscrever na língua estrangeira. Além do mais, ao reformular trechos da narrativa literária no contexto da performance, os sujeitos-aprendizes podem se inserir em um novo lugar enunciativo. / The aim of this research is to investigate the subjects inscription in a foreign language by focusing on discursive oral sequences generated through processes of reformulation, which are identified in the utterances of learners of French as a foreign language during the individual accomplishment of performance activities. For this purpose, I first of all problematize the concept of reformulation, drawing critically on references to Discourse Analysis (Serrani, 1993; Orlandi, 2012; Pêcheux, 2009). Secondly, in relation to language acquisition, I contrast cognitive and non-cognitive perspectives, developing a critical study with respect to the opposition between the concepts of appropriation and inscription in order to demonstrate, in light of Serrani-Infante (2006: 248), that the subject be he a learner or not is captured by the language which, in turn, has a specific real and its own order. A third fundamental theoretical perspective in this dissertation is the notion of performance. After discussing it both from a linguistic and artistic perspective, I reinforce a transdisciplinary construction of the concept in order to sustain my methodological approach. From the Latin formare (to give form), performance is simultaneously an enunciative act marked by subjective perceptions originating in a textual partiture and an ephemeral event involving several languages. Anchored methodologically by the parametres of Action-Research (Barbier, 2002), a didactic intervention is carried out with Humanities students (BA French), the subjects of this research, using the text La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules (Delerm, 1997). The results obtained over the course of the intervention were analysed in order to accentuate the necessary intersection between linguistic materiality and non-verbal elements in the oral reformulation of the aforementioned text. Throughout my discussions, I show that didactic activities grounded in the concept of performance correspond to the opening up of a fictional space within which the subject can inscribe himself within the foreign language. Moreover, by reformulating excerpts from the literary narrative in a performance context, the subject-learners can inscribe themselves within a new enunciative place.

The signatory imagination : James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Seamus Heaney, Don DeLillo

Dukes, Hunter January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines a twentieth-century lineage of writers and poets concerned with signatory inscription. By this, I mean the writing, tracing, branding, embossing, tattooing, or engraving of the name of a person or place onto various kinds of surfaces, as well as other forms of marking that approximate autography. My contention is that James Joyce's novels demonstrate an explicit, underexplored concern with signature and the different imaginary investments (erotic, legal, preservative) that accompany its presence in the world. In Joyce's wake, Samuel Beckett, Seamus Heaney, and Don DeLillo all produce texts that both engage with Joyce's novels and think carefully about the potential of the signature as a material object. My first chapter, 'James Joyce's Signatures', explores how nineteenth-century developments in graphology and forensic identification inherit ideas from the medicinal doctrine of signatures. I argue that this expanded sense of signature offers a unique perspective on Joyce's taxonomic representation, which questions the boundaries between a body of text and (non)human bodies. The presence of legal trials in Ulysses adds a forensic element to Joyce's signatory imagination. This element is taken to its logical extreme in 'Nausicaa', where scents, sounds, and impressions become bodily, as opposed to alphabetical, signatures - produced by humans, waves, and stones. The second chapter, 'Samuel Beckett and the Endurance of Names', continues this line of argument, showing how Beckett inherits Joyce's interest in autographic inscription, but employs it for different ends. While the epitaphic tradition relies upon hard materials such as stone and metal to preserve lettering, Beckett's interest in excrement ('First Love') and mud (How It Is) remaps inscription onto immanence. Rather than seeking immortality through lithic preservation, Beckett's characters yearn to 'return to the mineral state', to have their bodies subsumed and dispersed throughout a greater container. The third chapter, 'Seamus Heaney and the Phonetics of Place', turns from the signature of persons to the signature of places, from prose to poetry. Explicitly glossing poems like 'Anahorish', 'Toome', and 'Broagh' as inspired by Stephen Dedalus, Heaney performs a critical repatriation of Joyce's work. Joyce uses fictional, motivated relations between names and referents to construct a linguistic correlative for Stephen's youthful naivety - a technique that personalises his lexicon, privileging Stephen's own associations over those of nationality, language, or religion. Heaney, on the other hand, politicises this process, utilising phonetic association to forge imaginary correspondences between Irish place-names and the people and places they denote. The final chapter, 'Don DeLillo, Encryption, and Writing Technologies', examines the novels of Don DeLillo and his interest in signatory technologies. Drawing upon archival research conducted on the manuscripts of Americana, Ratner's Star and The Names, I show that Joyce influenced the composition of these texts to a greater extent than previously thought. In particular, DeLillo uses Joyce to think through the technological dimensions of writing, comparing older methods of inscription like boustrophedon to modern communication technologies via Ulysses.

Texto Brincado: O Jogo como Movimento de Construção da Aprendizagem Significativa do Ator em Formação / -

Silva, Silvia de Paula e 17 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa nasce na vontade de sistematizar uma experiência com o jogo teatral e suas variações, em função da prática teatral no trabalho de formação de atores iniciantes. O percurso se dá no encontro da necessidade de explorar o processo de criação e a apropriação do texto dramático em seu primeiro contato com a obra. Proponho articular os instrumentos de condução do trabalho a partir do foco na \"espontaneidade\" como potência para a mobilização do instante da criação cênica. No universo do lúdico, investiguei o sentido e a veracidade da potência do jogo teatral no processo de criação e na relação outra do ator com o texto dramático, analisando as possibilidades positivas e negativas da experiência vivida. Assim, monta-se uma prática reflexiva que mantém ativo o impulso advindo da efemeridade da espontaneidade, a força da imaginação e como tudo se relaciona no processo de criação do ator iniciante. / This search is born from the need of a development action by the drama scene at the beginners performers shaping. There is an indispensable link between the creation process improvement and the drama topic preparation at the prime rehearsal. However, in my point of view, it is important to manage direction ways of the labor by the individual natural gifts to act powerfully at the play. Inside the playful universe I found out the real sense of this theater power reconnaissance at the creation process and the characters link with the drama topic. The real experience showed me results with advantages and disadvantages. From now on, I create an analysis habit to encourage an action belonging to the natural ephemerality, the creativity and how everything is attached to the beginner performer creation process.

Les mécanismes neurocognitifs de l'inscription corporelle dans les jugements de latéralité

Tariel, François 15 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour thème l'étude les mécanismes neurocognitifs impliqués dans la détermination de la latéralité intrinsèque d'objets. Dans une première étude, nous avons montré qu'une projection de son propre schéma corporel sur un objet est nécessaire pour en différencier la gauche de la droite. Cette inscription corporelle fut observée aussi bien pour des stimuli humains que non humains, suggérant que la présence d'axes intrinsèques à l'objet est suffisante pour y permettre la projection du corps. Une seconde étude nous a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes neuronaux de l'inscription corporelle, en utilisant une tâche de comparaison de formes identiques ou miroir différemment orientées. Les stimuli étaient soit des corps humains, soit des assemblages de cubes. La magnetoencephalographie (MEG) révéla une implication du lobe pariétal supérieur gauche dans l'incarnation et la transformation spatiale des deux stimuli. Par ailleurs, une contribution de l'aire motrice supplémentaire fut observée dans le cas des cubes. Ainsi, nous proposons de considérer le lobe pariétal supérieur comme le substrat neural d'un émulateur utilisant le schéma corporel afin d'encoder la latéralité d'un objet et de prédire les conséquences visuelles d'une transformation spatiale. La contribution additionnelle de l'aire motrice supplémentaire a probablement facilité la transformation de formes non familières, par l'envoi d'une commande motrice à l'émulateur visant à accroître la cohérence de l'objet tourné mentalement. Ces interprétations supportent l'idée d'une cognition incarnée dans les actions corporelles.

Language, Translation, and the Inscription of the Female Body in the Works of Margaret Atwood

Vaughan, Crystal A. 03 September 2010 (has links)
In The Handmaid’s Tale, Bodily Harm, and Alias Grace, Atwood demonstrates that the connection between language, translation, and the female body is evident in the ways in which language is used to control the female body. Atwood posits that language systems assume the female body is fixed; however, language is inherently unstable. Consequently, if the female body is inscribed by language, the female body is not fixed just as a text is not fixed. Atwood writes the female body as a translation of masculinist text in order to resist the tradition of constructing the female body reductively through masculinist language. Through the attempts of her female characters to represent themselves (rather than being represented) in her work, Atwood illustrates that ?authentic? linguistic representation of the female body is impossible because language is a patriarchal construction which defines limitations on female voice and articulates the female body in masculinist terms.

The inscription: thirty years after. Who will be able to defend it? / La inscripción: 30 años después. ¿Quién podrá defenderla?

Ortiz Pasco, Jorge 25 September 2017 (has links)
One of the most important figures of Registry Law is the inscription: The reason for theregistration procedure. It seeks, through it,to grant legal protection to the owner of the registration, by the registration publicity itbrings.In this article, the author analyzes thisimportant legal figure, by focusing on the article 2013 of the Peruvian Civil Code, whichhe considers must be renovated and updated, according to the circumstances and recent regulatory changes. / Una de las figuras más importantes del Derecho Registral es la inscripción: La razón del procedimiento registral. Se busca, a través de ella, conceder protección jurídica al titular dela inscripción, valiéndose de la publicidad registral que ésta otorga.En el presente artículo, el autor realiza un análisis de esta importante figura legal, centrándose para ello en el artículo 2013 del Código Civil del Perú, el cual considera debe ser reformado y actualizado acorde a las circunstancias y modificaciones normativas  de los últimos años.

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