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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testing the Job Demands-Resources Model on nurses

Nell, Elzette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African health care system is tormented by various challenges ranging from income inequalities, extreme resource scarcities to discrimination and violence. This makes the health care industry a tough work environment for health care personnel to operate in. South Africa has experienced the loss of thousands of nurses over the past decade, either emigrating or leaving the nursing profession altogether (Tshitangano, 2013). Consequently, this trend drew the attention to the well-being of nurses in South Africa. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the level of work engagement among private sector nurses in the Western Cape, together with their levels of job demands, job resources, personal resources, performance and job crafting. This was done using the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) of work engagement. The comprehensive JD-R model was tested and the validity of the proposed relationships between the constructs was examined. Moreover, additional paths in the model were proposed and tested. Managerial implications along with practical interventions were derived from the results with the aim to increase nurse well-being and retention. An ex post facto correlational design was used to test the formulated hypotheses in this research study. Quantitative data were collected from 311 nurses employed by a private hospital group by means of non-probability convenience sampling. A self-administered paper copy survey was distributed to hospitals given that they agreed to participate in the research. The survey was voluntary, anonymous and confidential. The survey consisted of five sections and included questions from five existing questionnaires, namely, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), the Job Demands-Resources Scale (Rothman, Mostert & Strydom, 2006), the Work Design Questionnaire (Morgeson & Humhprey, 2006), the Psychological Capital Self-Rated Version (PsyCap-24) (Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman, 2006), and the Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012). In order to test the statistical significance of the hypotheses, the data were subjected to Structural Equation modelling and regression analyses. The results indicated that the nurses experienced a high level of work engagement, and elucidated the fact that job resources, job demands, and job crafting aspects of their jobs are in need of industrial psychologist or managerial interventions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsisteem word geteister deur verskeie uitdagings wat onder andere inkomste ongelykhede, ekstreme hulpbron skaarshede, diskriminasie en geweld insluit. Dit maak die gesondheidsindustrie ʼn moeilike werksomgewing vir gesondheidspersoneel om in te werk. Suid-Afrika het duisende verpleegsters oor die laaste dekade verloor as gevolg van emigrasie, terwyl ander die professie in geheel verlaat het (Tshitangano, 2013). Gevolglik het hierdie tendens die aandag getrek na die welstand van verpleegsters in Suid-Afrika. Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om die vlak van werksbetrokkenheid onder ʼn steekproef van privaatsektor verpleegsters in die Wes-Kaap te ondersoek, tesame met hulle vlakke van werkseise, werkshulpbronne, persoonlike hulpbronne, werksprestasie en posverryking. Die Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) of work engagement is vir hierdie doel ingespan. Die omvattende model tesame met die geldigheid van die voorgestelde verhoudings tussen die konstrukte is getoets. Addisionele verhoudings is ook voorgestel en getoets. Bestuursimplikasies en praktiese intervensies is van die resultate afgelei en word aan bestuurders voorgelê as moontlike oplossings om verpleegsters se welstand en retensie te verhoog. ʼn Ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp is gebruik om die geformuleerde hipoteses in hierdie studie te toets. Kwantitatiewe data is van 311 verpleegsters ingesamel wat deur ʼn private hospitaalgroep in diens geneem word. Nie-waarskynlikheid gerieflikheidsteekproeftrekking is gebruik om die steekproef te bepaal. ʼn Self-geadministreerde vraelys is ontwikkel en as harde kopie uitgestuur na dié hospitale wat ingestem het om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Die vraelys is vrywillig, anoniem en konfidensieel ingevul en het uit vyf seksies bestaan. Die vyf seksies se vrae is opgemaak uit verskeie bestaande vraelyste, naamlik, die Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), die Job Demands-Resources Scale (Rothman, Mostert & Strydom, 2006), die Work Design Questionnaire (Morgeson & Humhprey, 2006), die Psychological Capital Self-Rated Version (PsyCap-24) (Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman, 2006), en die Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012). Ten einde die statistiese beduidendheid van die hipoteses te toets, is die data deur strukturele vergelykingsmodellering en regressie-ontledings ontleed. Die resultate dui daarop dat die verpleegsters 'n hoë vlak van werksbetrokkenheid ervaar, en dat werkshulpbronne, werkseise en posverrykende aspekte van hulle werk bestuurs- of bedryfsielkundige intervensies verlang.

Interrelationship between work calling orientation, work engagement and burnout among nurses in the Namibian health care sector

Wambui, Lydiah 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research investigated work as a calling, the relationship with work engagement and the effect on burnout in the Namibian health care sector. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenient sample of nurses (N = 261) employed by government and private hospitals in Namibia. Kendall's tau_b correlation analysis indicated a positive correlation between job/calling orientation and total work engagement, and a negative correlation with the burnout sub-dimensions of exhaustion and cynicism/ depersonalisation. The results of this study also suggest that both job/calling and work engagement are statistically related to the respondents’ positive world view, which is an important attribute for quality of life. Additionally, the study revealed that burnout had a partial mediation effect on the interaction between job/calling and work engagement. Selected demographic characteristics had a partial moderation effect on the relationship between job/calling orientation, work engagement and burnout. These findings may provide new knowledge for the design of workplace practices that assess calling orientation, and may enhance work engagement. The study provided a deepened understanding of the interrelationships between work as a calling, work engagement and burnout. On a practical level, the recommendations provided can be used by human resource management practitioners, nurse managers and health care providers to motivate health care workers to become more productive in the provision of quality health care, and to improve the management of employees throughout their employment life cycle. / In hierdie studie is werk as ʼn roeping en die verband tussen werkverbintenis en die uitwerking van ooreising in die Namibiese gesondheidsorgsektor ondersoek. ʼn Kwantitatiewe opname is onder ʼn geriefsteekproef van verpleegsters (N = 261) by private en staatshospitale in Namibië gedoen. Volgens Kandall se tau_b-korrelasieanalise is daar ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid en totale werkverbintenis, en ʼn negatiewe korrelasie met die ooreisingsubdimensies van uitputting en sinisme/ontpersoonliking. Die uitslag van hierdie studie dui daarop dat sowel pos/roeping as werkverbintenis statisties met die respondente se positiewe wêreldbeskouing, ʼn belangrike kenmerk vir lewenskwaliteit, verband hou. Afgesien hiervan dui die uitslag daarop dat ooreising ʼn gedeeltelike mediasie-effek op die wisselwerking tussen pos/roeping en werkverbintenis het. Die gekose demografiese kenmerke het ʼn gedeeltelik matigende effek op die verband tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Hierdie bevindings is nuwe kennis vir die ontwerp van werkplekpraktyke wat roepingsgerigtheid evalueer en dit kan werkverbintenis verbeter. Hierdie studie bied groter insig in die onderlinge verbande tussen werk as ʼn roeping, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Op ʼn praktiese vlak kan mensehulpbronbestuurders, verpleegsterbestuurders en gesondheidsorgverskaffers die aanbevelings gebruik om gesondheidsorgwerkers te motiveer sodat hulle produktiewer in die lewering van goeie gesondheidsorgdienste raak. Dit kan eweneens gebruik word om gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle hele werkslewensiklus deur beter te bestuur. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya umsebenzi njengobizo lomsebenzi, ubudlelwano bokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nomthelela wokukhathala kakhulu kwabasebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo eNamibia. Isaveyi eyencike kumanani iye yenziwa ngokuthi kuthathwe isampuli efanele yabahlengikazi (N = 261) abaqashwe yizibhedlela zikahulumeni kanye nezibhedlela zangasese eNamibia. Uhlaziyo lukaKendall lwe-tau_b luveze ubudlelwano obuhle obuphakathi kobizo/kokufundiswa umsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya ngokugcwele emsebenzini, kanye nobudlelwano obubi bokukhathala kwezigatshana ezincane zokudangala kanye nokwenza into ngesizathu sokuzinceda wena wedwa/ukuqeda ukuzibheka wena wedwa. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo nayo iphakamisa ukuthi kokubili umsebenzi/nobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini ngokwamanani kuhlobene nombono omuhle wabaphenduli bemibuzo mayelana nomhlaba, okungumthelela obalulekile kwizinga elihle lempilo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo luveze ukuthi ukukhathala kakhulu ngakolunye uhlangothi kunomphumela omuhle wokuxazulula kahle lapho kuhlangana khona umsebenzi/ubizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Izimpawu ezikhethiwe zedemografi ngakwenye ingxenye zinomthelela wozinzisa kahle ubudlelwano obuphakathi kohlelo lokungeniswa emsebenzi/obizweni lomsebenzi, kokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nokukhathala kakhulu emsebenzini. Lolu lwazi olutholakele lungaletha ulwazi olusha olumayelana nedizayini yezingqubo zendawo yomsebenzi, okuyizingqubo ezihlola ukufundiswa ngobizo lomsebenzi kanti lokhu kungaqinisa ukuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Empilweni yangempela, izincomo zingasetshenziswa abasebenzi bomnyango wezokuqhashwa kwabasebenzi, abaphathi babahlengikazi kanye nabahlinzeki bezempilo ngesizathu sokukhuthaza abasebenzi bezempilo ukuba babe abasebenzi abaqotho mayelana nokunikezwa kwezinsiza zempilo zezinga eliphezulu, kanyenokuthuthukisa nohlelo lokuphathwa kwabasebenzi empilweni yabo yonke yokusebenza. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

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