Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LINDO"" "subject:"[enn] LINDO""
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver uma
formulação e um sistema que seja uma ferramenta auxiliar
para o engenheiro de projeto na definição de modelos de
bielas e tirantes de estruturas bi-dimensionais.
No sistema desenvolvido o usuário pode partir de um
modelo complexo, com um número grande de barras nas mais
variadas direções. Essa solução inicial pode se basear nos
resultados em tensão de uma análise linear elástica por
elementos finitos e na experiência do projetista. Todavia,
como o usuário terá muitas dúvidas quanto ao melhor modelo
as ser usado, ele pode superpor no modelo inicial todas as
soluções que achar possíveis.
A função do sistema é escolher entre todas as
soluções admissíveis (aquelas que respeitam equilíbrio e
resistência) a que for mais econômica. Define-se como
solução mais econômica aquela que corresponder ao menor
consumo de armadura.
A formulação do problema conduz a um problema de
Programação Linear (PL) e o programa LINDO [2] é utilizado
para resolvê-lo.
A visualização do modelo é também parte do sistema
desenvolvido e é feito a partir dos resultados gerados pelo
programa LINDO.
O trabalho se divide basicamente em três partes. Na
primeira parte é feita uma revisão sobre modelos de bielas
e tirantes e sobre fundamentos de programação linear.
A segunda parte consta da formulação do problema e
por ultimo os resultados do programa são comparados com
aqueles fornecidos pela literatura.
A ferramenta desenvolvida neste trabalho pode ser
de grande utilidade para a definição de modelos de bielas e
tirantes mas ela nem de longe tem a pretensão de substituir
a experiência, a intuição e o bom senso do engenheiro de
projeto que deve sempre prevalecer, inclusive na análise
crítica dos resultados do programa. / [en] The present work has the aim of developing a formulation
and a computational system,
which should be used by the structural engineers an
auxiliary tool in the definition of strut and
tie models of bidimensional structures.
In the developed system the user can define initially a
very complex system with a great
number of bars and many different directions.
This initial solution can be based on both the stress
results of a linear elastic finite
element analysis and the experience of the engineer. As the
user may be in doubt about the best
model to be used he may superimpose in the initial model
all the allowable solutions he may
The aim of the system is to choose among all the allowable
solution (these ones wich
satisfy equilibrium and strenght) the more economical one.
As more economical solution is
considered the one which correspond to the least
consumption of reinforcement.
The problem formulation leads to a linear programming
problem (LP) and the LINDO
program [2] is used for solving it.
The visualization of the model and results is also part of
the system. It is based on the
data generated by the LINDO program.
The work is basicaly divided in three parts. In the first
one a revision about strut and tie
models as well as the basic knowledge in linear programming
is presented. In the second part
the problem formulation is shown and the last the results
of the program are compared with
those old the technical literature.
The computational tool presented here may be of great
utility in the definition of strut
and tie models, but it has not by far the intention and the
feeling of the engineers which shall
ever prevail, inclusive in the critic analysis of the
program results. / [es] El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un
sistema que sirva como herramienta auxiliar para el
ingeniero de proyecto en la definición de modelos de bielas
y tirantes de extructuras bidimensionales. En el sistema
desarrollado, el usuario puede partir de un modelo
complejo, con un número grande de barras en varias
direcciones. Esa solución inicial puede basearse en los
resultados en tensión de un análisis lineal elástica por
elementos finitos y en la experiencia del proyectista. Como
el usuario tendrá muchas dudas respecto al mejor modelo as
ser usado, él puede superponer en el modelo inicial todas
las soluciones que juzgue posibles. La función del sistema
es elegir entre todas las soluciones admisibles (aquellas
que respetan equilibrio y resistencia) la que sea más
económica. Se define como solución más económica aquella
que correspdonda al menor consumo de armadura. La
formulación del problema conduce a un problema de
Programación Lineal (PL) que es resuelto con ayuda del
programa LINDO [2]. La visualización del modelo también es
parte del sistema desarrollado y parte de los resultados
generados por el programa LINDO. El trabajo se divide
básicamente en tres partes. En la primeira parte se realiza
una revisión de los modelos de bielas y tirantes y de los
fundamentos de programación lineal. La segunda parte
contiene la formulación del problema y la presentación de
los resultados del programa se comparan con los reportados
en la literatura. La herramienta desarrollada en este
trabajo puede ser de gran utilidad para la definición de
modelos de bielas y tirantes pero no tiene la pretensión de
substituir la experiencia, la intuición y el buen senso del
ingeniero de proyecto que debe siempre prevalecer, incluso
en el análisis crítico de los resultados del programa.
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De lo superficial y de lo profundo en la obra de Elvira LindoSierra Infante, Sonia 02 July 2009 (has links)
Elvira Lindo es una artista polifacética que ha culminado con gran éxito sus diferentes tentativas por lo que al mundo de la escritura se refiere. Inicia su andadura profesional en la radio como locutora y guionista. Más tarde trabaja también como guionista en TVE y Tele 5 y es, posiblemente, en el ejercicio de dicha profesión de donde nuestra autora saca esa habilidad para captar cómo habla la gente. También ha ejercido de guionista de cine donde también ha intervenido como actriz secundaria. Además de esto, es una de las más reconocidas escritoras de literatura infantil por las series de Manolito Gafotas y Olivia, escribe los miércoles y domingos en el periódico El País y ha publicado, hasta el momento, tres novelas -El otro barrio, Algo más inesperado que la muerte y Una palabra tuya- y una obra de teatro -La ley de la selva.A lo largo de este trabajo realizamos, en primer lugar, una visión panorámica de la obra de la autora para pasar, en segundo lugar, a describir el marco teórico del que nos hemos provisto para realizar el análisis de los textos humorísticos aparecidos bajo los epígrafes de Tinto de verano, Gente y Don de gentes. La perspectiva elegida para llevar a cabo dicho análisis es la discursiva y pragmática. Dada la recreación de la oralidad que predomina en dichos textos, resulta importante el estudio de la lengua en uso y no como sistema abstracto y de ahí que ésta sea la perspectiva escogida. A partir de ello se ha estudiado, además de las características lingüísticas de los artículos, especialmente las relacionadas con la oralidad; el contexto de dichos artículos así como le público al que van destinados, para intentar tener una visión de conjunto lo más amplia y completa posible.Para abordar el estudio de los textos humorísticos de Lindo hemos partido, en gran medida, de las aportaciones realizadas desde los estudios de la pragmática, entendida ésta como el estudio de la función comunicativa de la lengua, ya que creemos que nos permite un estudio global de las diferentes manifestaciones lingüísticas. Se ha estudiado lo que se dice y cómo se dice pero también lo que no se dice, esas cosas sugeridas y que necesitan de la complicidad del público lector para culminar el deseado efecto cómico.La protagonista, que se parece a Elvira Lindo pero que no es ella, se caracteriza como una mujer de edad media y situación económica y social acomodada gracias a su trabajo y al de su marido, ambos escritores reconocidos. Pese a que, dada su labor, ella debería considerarse una intelectual, su vida se encuentra siempre escindida entre esa supuesta posición intelectual y otros roles como pueden ser el de ama de casa, el de madre de familia y, sobre todo, el de mujer frívola y superficial. Dicha escisión, que sirve para dar título a este trabajo, le sirve para subvertir cada uno de estos roles.En estos artículos se convocan infinidad de voces, se imitan registros, se plagian diferentes estilos discursivos, los títulos aparecen llenos de connotaciones y todos ellos aparecen atravesados por la ironía, motivo por el cual, dedicamos una parte del trabajo al estudio de la polifonía, así como a la intertextualidad, la connotación y la ironía, fenómenos todos ellos afines. Dada la inmensa nómina de personajes famosos que aparecen a lo largo de los diferentes artículos, hemos realizado un índice onomástico que aparece en forma de anexo. Finalmente, el trabajo finaliza con una entrevista realizada a la autora y que aparece también en el anexo. / Elvira Lindo is a polifacetic artist who has culminated her many different attempts related to the field of writting literature with an enormous success. She started her professional career being a radio commentator and scriptwriter. Time later, she also was employed as a scriptwriter for Tele 5 and TVE two huge mass media channels. And, probably, due to the paractise of that profession is when Elvira Lindo began to show her abilities and skills , mainly in the field of language and located in the way people speak.In addition to this, it is fair to say that Elvira Lindo is one of the most remarkable writers regarding to children's Literature. She has become very popular and well-known for the series of novels called Manolito Gafotas and Olivia. Moreover she writes a two-day column in one of the biggest print-run newspapers - "El País". So far, she has published three novels: El otro barrio, Algo más inesperado que la muerte, Una palabra tuya and a play La ley de la selva.Lenghthwise all this project, we will use in a first term, a panoramic vision of the works of the author and in a second term, we will describe all the theoretic framework used to achieve the analysis of the humoristic texts published under the epigraphs of Tinto de verano, Gente and Don de gentes .The choosen prespectives to do the aforementioned analysis are two: the Discursive vision and the Pragmatic point of view. Due to the fact that recreation of orality dominates many of Elvira Lindo' works, it is very important the study of the language, the living language far from abstraction and close to "naturality", "quotidianity".That is the reason why we have not only studied the linguistics characteristics in the articles -especially the ones connected to orality- we have also studied the contextuality and the potential readers to whom these articles are addressed to.Paying attention to all these points we can have a perfect and complete picture of Elvira Lindo' works.To approach the study of the humoristic texts of Lindo, we have basically started following the contributions generated through the Pragmatism - if we understand the pragmatic studies like the study of the communicative function of the language- and we think that this communictive function allow us to have a global picture of the different linguistic evidences. We have studied What is said and How is said, but also, What is not said, all the hint words that an involved reader needs to discover the longed-for comic effect.The main female character-who is a fiction- is very alike to Elvira Lindo and the character is described as a middle-age woman, with a comfortable position ( economical and social) successfully achieved to her job and -in addition- to the job of her husband. They are, both, very remarkable writers. In the spite of the fact that she would consider herself as an intelectual, she presents her life splitted between that recognised intelectuality and the development of different roles like being a housewife, mother and above all, a superficial and frivolous woman. This duality (which is the tittle of this essay) it is used by her to subvert each role.In these articles we can find variety of voices, many speeches are imitated, different discursive styles are plagiarized, the headlines appear full of connotations and, all of them, are sprinkled with irony. Moreover we dedicate a part of our essay to study the polyphony as well as the study of intertextuality, the connotation and, of course, the irony. All of them are very alike. Because of the huge list of popular characters ("beautiful people") appearing throughtout the articles, we have made an onomastic index which is attached at the end. Finally, the essay ends interviewing the author, also included in the final attachements.
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An optimization study of integrated agriculture production systems for meeting household food, fodder and fuel demands : a case study in the dryland region of IndiaRalevic, Peter 25 June 2008 (has links)
For the nearly 70% of India’s population of 1.2 billion who reside in rural villages,
agriculture is often the primary source of income, as well as of food, fodder and fuel. Rural agricultural systems are recognized as complex mixed-cropping-livestock systems, whereby primary and secondary products from one component of the system are used in another. For instance, primary products such as grain and milk from livestock can be used for human consumption, while secondary products such as crop residues can be used as fodder or fuel, while manure finds use as fertilizer. Variations in cropping pattern and intensity will determine the production potential of food, fodder and fuel within a region. As limiting factors, land area and
yield must also be considered in agricultural planning activities. The present research aims to develop a rational method for crop selection within a particular agro-ecoregion. An optimization
model is constructed to optimize for selected parameters that are set to maintain defined basic minimum standards for human nutritional and livestock fodder demands.
An agricultural survey was carried out in 2007 for three villages in Karnataka State,
India. All three villages were located within the dryland agro-ecozone, where crop yields are relatively low. The survey was stratified according to household landholding area ranging from
marginal (0-1 ha) to large (>4 ha). Information was solicited on the demographic indicators of the population, the cropping cycle and cropping varieties used within the regions, and certain livestock parameters were gathered. Various demands, such as human food energy and protein requirements as well as fodder, and constraints, such as land area, were modeled to determine the
potential for food, fodder and fuel production under optimal cropping pattern. The linear programming software, What’sBest, Version 9.0 from LINDO systems, was used to solve the optimization model.
Results indicate that the current export-driven cropping pattern produces inadequate food to satisfy human nutritional demands at the village level, particularly among marginal and small households, who produce in the range of only 10 and 50 % of required food energy and protein, respectively, on a household basis. The current cropping pattern is also inadequate to satisfy
village-wide livestock fodder demand, especially in villages heavily centered on cash crops,wherein only 30-40 % of fodder demand can be accounted for.
On an individual household level, it is determined that a minimum 0.8 ha of land area is required to satisfy both food and fodder demands, placing strain on marginal households, who own less then 1 ha of land. The optimization model also demonstrates that it is possible to produce adequate food and fodder for both human and livestock consumption within the land area available in all the villages, if between 30-60% of land area is cultivated with food-based crops
used for village wide consumption. This would require diversion of between 50 and 90 % of current land area under oilseeds and commercial crops to cereal based crops. In villages that cultivate sufficient proportion of cereal and pulse based food crops, as little as 4 % diversion of
crops towards cereals may be necessary. Results also indicate that double cropping systems can generate crop residues sufficient to provide fuel for generation of 2.6-11.3 kWh/hh/day of electricity, adequate for cooking and lighting; this could be done at the same time as providing enough primary product to satisfy food and fodder needs. / Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2008-06-24 16:12:50.1
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Masculinidades de moda : machos del Siglo de OroGagnon, Julie E. January 2003 (has links)
Among the diverse fabric of masculinities that prestigious authors such as Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Tirso de Molina and Agustin Moreto weave into their plots, fashion proves to be a common thread and a particularly useful tool. Thus, as I approach the idea of "Fashionable Masculinities" and investigate a few "macho" and/or not so "macho men" in Early Modern drama I hope to go beyond the traditional interpretations, stereotypes and icons often associated with men---in particular, Spanish men in Golden Age drama. This will be achieved by revisiting typical cases and compared through research and documentation of atypical representations of maleness that could be considered displacements and/or subversions of the social matrix. In effect, this study explores how the male ideal is shaped and judged both by the essence of his personality, as well as his physical appearance (i.e.: clothing, hairstyle, mannerisms, discourse and voice). As such, it becomes evident that masculinity is moulded, influenced, enhanced, exaggerated and even muted as it is subject to the whim of different fashions prevalent at a specific moment in time. Moreover, a multitude of social, cultural, racial and historical factors determine the always changing image of the so called "macho man". / Therefore, in order to explore distinct representations of masculinity I approach three different comedias by three different playwrights while comparing how the main character's masculinity fared in three very important spaces: physical, social and sexual. I focus my attention on Saber del mal y del bien by Calderon. Secondly, Don Gil de las calzas verdes by Tirso and explored El lindo don Diego by Moreto. Each one the these represents a different degree of palatable male identities given this particular social construct.
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Masculinidades de moda : machos del Siglo de OroGagnon, Julie E. January 2003 (has links)
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