Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MALARIA"" "subject:"[enn] MALARIA""
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Entwicklung vereinfachter flüssigchromatographischer Untersuchungsmethoden zur Qualitätskontrolle essentieller Antimalaria-Medikamente in Entwicklungs- und SchwellenländernHöllein, Ludwig January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden sehr einfache, flüssigchromatographische Methoden zur Qualitätsanalytik gebräuchlicher Antimalaria-Medikamente (Amodiaquin, Mefloquin, Proguanil sowie die Kombination Artemether/Lumefantrin) entwickelt, die nur wenige, günstig erhältliche Chemikalien (Phosphatpuffer, Methanol) sowie gewöhnliche, kommerzielle RP-18-Säulen benötigen. Sie sind insbesondere zur Anwendung in Laboratorien in Entwicklungsländern geeignet und erfordern keine komplexen HPLC-Instrumente wie beispielsweise Gradientenpumpen oder Säulenthermostate. Der Verzicht auf Ionenpaarreagenzien ermöglicht es, dass eine stationäre Phase für mehr als nur einen einzigen Einsatzzweck verwendet werden kann und dass langwierige Äquilibrier- bzw. Spülschritte nicht notwendig sind. Alle Methoden arbeiten im isokratischen Elutionsmodus und durch die Verwendung kurzer Säulen (125 mm) konnten die jeweiligen Analysenzeiten zusätzlich verringert werden. Hierdurch ist zudem eine Reduzierung des Fließmittelverbrauches möglich.
Während der Methodenentwicklung wurden charakteristische, aus dem Herstellungsweg des jeweiligen Arzneistoffes stammende potentielle Verunreinigungen berücksichtigt. Ihre Bestimmung erlaubt eine Aussage über die Herkunft eines Wirkstoffes bzw. eines Arzneimittels, da das Verunreinigungsmuster einer Substanz oftmals die Zuordnung zu einem bestimmten Herstellungs- bzw. Reinigungsprozess ermöglicht.
Alle Methoden wurden hinsichtlich der Linearität innerhalb des Arbeitsbereiches sowie der Wiederholpräzision charakterisiert. Es wurde eine gute Reproduzierbarkeit gefunden. Die Nachweis- und Bestimmungsgrenzen der untersuchten Verunreinigungen lagen bei einem Level von je 0.1 %. Durch gezielte Variation wurde der Einfluss wechselnder Trenntemperaturen sowie schwankender pH-Werte der jeweiligen mobilen Phase und die hieraus resultierenden Effekte untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die Methoden sehr robust gegenüber diesen Einflussgrößen sind und somit für die Anwendung mit einfach ausgestatteten HPLC-Systemen sowie besonders für den Einsatz in tropische Gebieten mit wechselnden klimatischen Bedingungen gut geeignet sind.
Flüssigchromatographische Methoden spielen heute in der pharmazeutischen Analytik vor allem zur Bestimmung der Reinheit eines Arzneistoffes eine herausragende Rolle und sind in nahezu jeder Monographie der wichtigsten Arzneibücher (z. B. im Ph. Eur.) zu finden. Einfach durch-führbare Untersuchungsmethoden, wie beispielsweise die im GPHF-Minilab® angewandte Dünnschichtchromatographie, erfordern im Vergleich zur HPLC weniger komplexe und teure Instrumente und können selbst in entlegenen Gebieten ohne Laboratorium durchführt werden. Sie verfügen allerdings über eine nur sehr geringe Genauigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit, da sowohl die praktische Durchführung als auch die anschließende Auswertung rein manuell bzw. visuell erfolgt und somit in hohem Maße einer Beeinflussung durch den jeweiligen Analytiker unterworfen ist. Die entwickelten HPLC-Methoden wurden mit dünnschichtchromatographischen Verfahren verglichen, hierbei besonders unter dem Aspekt der visuellen und der instrumentellen Auswertung der Chromatogramme zur Bestimmung des Gehaltes einer unbekannten Probe. Hierbei konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass die Dünnschichtchromatographie der Flüssigchromatographie eindeutig unterlegen ist, insbesondere wenn die Auswertung nicht mittels eines entsprechenden Scanners sondern rein visuell erfolgt: Nur in den wenigsten Fällen ist es möglich, eine annähernd präzise Aussage über den Gehalt zu treffen und zudem ist die Bestimmung der Verwandten Substanzen nur sehr bedingt möglich. Durch den Einsatz von Auftragegeräten bzw. Plattenscannern kann die Genauigkeit zwar signifikant erhöht werden, allerdings sind solche Instrumente im Verhältnis wesentlich teurer als einfache, modulare HPLC-Systeme und zählen heute in den wenigsten Laboratorien zum Standardinventar.
Vereinfachte chromatographische Methoden können ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel für Kontrolllaboratorien in Entwicklungsländern sein, wenn komplexe, etablierte Protokolle nur eingeschränkt angewendet werden können. Durch die Kombination aus dünnschichtchromatographischer Basisanalytik und einer flächendeckenden Untersuchung mittels HPLC lässt sich die Arzneimittelqualität sehr gut überprüfen, die regulatorischen Organe eines Landes entsprechend zu entlasten und die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit qualitativ einwandfreien Medikamenten zu gewährleisten.
Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Stabilitätsanalytik individuell hergestellter, Noradrenalin-haltiger Injektionslösungen. Solche Rezepturen werden oftmals in Krankenhausapotheken im Rahmen der Defektur auf Vorrat durch Verdünnen der entsprechenden kommerzieller Fertigarzneimittel mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung zubereitet, um z. B. für Notfallsituationen am Wochenende die Rezepturen vorrätig zu haben. Durch die Untersuchungen wurde geprüft, inwieweit der übliche Verdünnungsgrad von 0.1 % einen Einfluss auf die Stabilität des Noradrenalins hat und welche Lagerungsbedingungen für die Zubereitungen empfohlen werden können. Nach der Lagerung unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (gekühlt, bei Raumtemperatur sowie jeweils mit bzw. ohne Lichtschutz) konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Gehalte an Noradrenalin bei keiner der untersuchten Lagerungsbedingungen unter einen Wert von 99.0 % fielen. Individuell hergestellte Noradrenalin-Injektionslösungen können somit bis zu sieben Tage im Voraus hergestellt und für die Anwendung am Patienten bereit gehalten werden. Die Lösungen sollten dennoch gekühlt und unter Lichtschutz aufbewahrt werden, um den Abbau des Arzneistoffes und eine mikrobielle Kontamination zu minimieren. / This work focuses on the development of simple, liquid chromatographic methods for the quality analysis of common antimalarial medicines, i.e. amodiaquine, mefloquine, proguanil and the fix-dose combination of artemether and lumefantrine. They require a minimum of readily available, cheap chemicals (e.g. phosphate buffers or methanol) and commercially available RP-18 columns. They were designed for use in quality control laboratories in resource-restraint environments, e.g. in laboratories in the developing world, and do not require complex HPLC instrumentation which are either not available or affordable, e.g. with expensive gradient pumps or column ovens. Ion-pairing reagents were strictly avoided during method development which is a great advantage for routine application: long equilibration and flushing procedures are not necessary and a column can be used for more than one single method. An isocratic elution mode was applied and using short analytical columns (125 mm) allows reducing the analysis time and eluent consumption, respectively, to a minimum.
During method development impurities being characteristic for the respective synthesis pathway(s) of the active substances were considered. Thus, determining the quality of a com-pound with regard to its content and purity is possible and distinct manufacturers or sources can be identified.
Linearity and repeatability were assessed and a good reproducibility was found. Limits of detection and quantitation, respectively, were measured and the respective impurities can be determined to a level of 0.1 %. By varying the separation temperature and the pH-value of the respective mobile phases method ruggedness was investigated. A high grade of robustness towards these parameters could be confirmed, indicating that the methods are suitable for being used in tropical environments.
Liquid chromatographic methods play an important role in pharmaceutical analysis today and they are widely applied for determining the purity of a compound. Respective protocols have been added to almost every monograph of the most important pharmacopoeias, e.g. the European Pharmacopoeia. Of note, those protocols may not be applied in every laboratory without limitations. Although very simple methods of analysis, e.g. thin-layer chromatography which is described in the manuals of the GPHF-Minilab®, require less expensive instruments and may even be applied in resource-restraint environments, they exhibit a poor accuracy and reproducibility. Preparing and evaluating the plates manually may strongly bias the results, and in addition this highly depends from the respective analyst who performs the tests. The comparison of thin-layer chromatographic assays applying a manual and an instrumental evaluation to results obtained from liquid chromatographic tests clearly exhibited the disadvantages particularly for determining the quality of a compound. It is almost impossible to exactly determine the content of a sample, and a comprehensive test for related substances cannot be carried out. Using application devices and plate readers may increase the accuracy, however such instruments are a lot more expensive than simple, modular HPLC systems and normally do not belong to the standard inventory of a quality control laboratory.
Simplified HPLC methods may serve as helpful instruments for the regulatory infrastructure of developing countries. Combining them with basic thin-layer chromatographic tests and applying them comprehensively may enable the respective quality control laboratories to ensure the nationwide supply with immaculate medicines.
In the second part of this work the stability of individually prepared dilutions of commercially available norepinephrine injectable solutions was investigated and recommendations for storage conditions were derived. In hospital pharmacies it is a common practice to prepare such solutions from proprietary products by diluting them with isotonic sodium chloride solution or other suitable buffer solutions, respectively, to a concentration of 0.01 mg/ml (1:100). This is important particularly in case of emergencies, e.g. on the weekend or during holidays, because the respective medication can be held in stock even when the pharmacy is closed.
Within the framework of the experiments the influence on the stability of norepinephrine after diluting the respective proprietary product with sodium chloride solution was investigated. The samples were stored with and without refrigeration, and unprotected and protected from sunlight. The results showed that under none of the investigated storing conditions the content of norepineprhine decreased significantly. The lowest content which was found was 99.0 %. Thus, individual norepinephrine injectable solutions can be prepared in advance and storing them is possible for at least seven days. Although a degradation of the active ingredient or a diffusion in the primary packaging material (e.g. a syringe made from polyethylene) could not be observed, it is recommended to store the preparations in the refrigerator and protected from light. A microbial contamination may also be avoided like this.
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Mathematical modeling of the transmission dynamics of malaria in South SudanMukhtar, Abdulaziz Yagoub Abdelrahman January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Malaria is a common infection in tropical areas, transmitted between humans
through female anopheles mosquito bites as it seeks blood meal to carry out
egg production. The infection forms a direct threat to the lives of many people
in South Sudan. Reports show that malaria caused a large proportion of
morbidity and mortality in the fledgling nation, accounting for 20% to 40%
morbidity and 20% to 25% mortality, with the majority of the affected people
being children and pregnant mothers. In this thesis, we construct and analyze
mathematical models for malaria transmission in South Sudan context
incorporating national malaria control strategic plan. In addition, we investigate
important factors such as climatic conditions and population mobility
that may drive malaria in South Sudan. Furthermore, we study a stochastic
version of the deterministic model by introducing a white noise.
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Differentiating Geo-Spatiotemporal Aquatic Larval Habitats of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> complex in Urban Agriculture and Urban Non-Agriculture Environments in Accra, GhanaMckeever, Samia 17 October 2014 (has links)
To meet the rising food demands of communities in Accra,Ghana, urban agriculture has been popularized as a way to increase food security and improve nutrition (Donovan et al., 2012). Urban agriculture is defined as "the cultivation of crops at both the subsistence and commercial levels including the keeping of livestock in open spaces in urban areas (Adjaye, n.d.). In Accra, urban agriculture covers 1,091 hectares, employs over one thousand people, and supplies residents with 90% of its vegetables ("Accra Metropolitan", n.d.). Further, 60% of households in Accra participate in backyard farming ("Accra Metropolitan", n.d.). Although urban agriculture provides many benefits for communities in Accra, it has been linked to the creation of suitable habitats for Anopheles gambiae complex larvae.
In Accra, a spatio-temporal distribution of An. gambiae complex larvae and larvae habitats has not been established. A larval study in two urban agriculture and two non-urban agriculture sites was conducted in the months of May, July, August, and September 2014. When combined together, 3,807 An. gambiae complex larvae were collected from the urban agriculture sites of Korle Bu and Opeibea over the period of the study. When combining the urban non-agriculture sites of Madina and Ashaiman, 2,484 An. gambiae complex larvae were collected over the same period. The results of this study in Accra show that Korle Bu, an urban agriculture site, was the most productive site, with 2,604 An. gambiae complex larvae collected for the months of May, July, August, and September. July was the most productive month for Korle Bu, with 1,653 An. gambiae complex larvae collected. Further investigations of An. gambiae complex larval habitats are necessary to better understand malaria transmission attributes unique to Accra, Ghana.
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The Risk of Artemisinin in Early Pregnancy : A Case-Study from Babati DistrictRayes, Leila January 2009 (has links)
<p>The intention of the study is to evaluate the risk of artemisinin in early pregnancy through the use of a qualitative research approach, with a focus on rural women in Babati District, Manyara Region, Tanzania.</p><p>Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (ACT) is the most effective and recommended antimalarial treatment at the present. Artemisinin compounds are extracted from <em>Artemisia annua</em><em>, </em>a plant which has been used as an herbal medical treatment in China for 2000 years.</p><p>Except few side-effects, there have not been any reports on medical problems due to artemisinin intake during pregnancy. On the other hand, artemisinin tested on animals have revealed that complications such as death of embryos are possible during pregnancy, why more research is needed concerning artemisinin safety in first trimester of pregnancy.</p><p>However, evaluating the risk of artemisinin in pregnancy is referred as complex, when numerous factors could contribute to e.g. fetal loss, abnormalities, or wrong medication. Cultural and economical aspects have to be considered when designing a monitoring system, to enable effective registration of drug quality and drug intake, and follow-up study of mother and child. Accessibility, affordability, possibility and knowledge, are other significant related aspects that have to be managed to eliminate the risk of artemisinin in early pregnancy.</p><p> </p><p><strong></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p>
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A Study on Presumptive Diagnosis and Home Management of Childhood Malaria among Nomadic Fulani in Demsa, Nigeria.Akogun, Oladele B. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The broad aim of the study is to understand the process and identify the factors associated with presumptive diagnosis and home management of childhood malaria among nomadic Fulani in Demsa, Adamawa State of Nigeria during the immediate past malaria season.</p>
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Knowledge and practices of patent medicine vendors in the use of artemisinin based combination therapy in the treatment of malaria in an urban community in Lagos.Momodu, Rametu Omamegbe. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Malaria is a health, social and economic burden in Nigeria and consistently ranks amongst the four most common causes of childhood deaths. Treatment of malaria is usually started at home / care is only sought from the health facility when the treatment is ineffective (McCombie, 1996). Patent medicine vendors (PMVs) have been identified as a widely patronized source for drugs used in the home treatment of malaria (Breiger et al, 2001 / Goodman, et al, 2007 / Salako et al, 2001). Inadequate or poor knowledge and practices in the use of anti-malaria drugs (AMDs) increases morbidity and mortality, undermines therapeutic efficacy, and promotes the emergence and spread of drugresistant malaria. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe and quantify the knowledge and self-reported practices of PMVs in the use of antimalarials, particularly artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), in a poor urban community in Lagos state, Nigeria.</p>
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The Risk of Artemisinin in Early Pregnancy : A Case-Study from Babati DistrictRayes, Leila January 2009 (has links)
The intention of the study is to evaluate the risk of artemisinin in early pregnancy through the use of a qualitative research approach, with a focus on rural women in Babati District, Manyara Region, Tanzania. Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (ACT) is the most effective and recommended antimalarial treatment at the present. Artemisinin compounds are extracted from Artemisia annua, a plant which has been used as an herbal medical treatment in China for 2000 years. Except few side-effects, there have not been any reports on medical problems due to artemisinin intake during pregnancy. On the other hand, artemisinin tested on animals have revealed that complications such as death of embryos are possible during pregnancy, why more research is needed concerning artemisinin safety in first trimester of pregnancy. However, evaluating the risk of artemisinin in pregnancy is referred as complex, when numerous factors could contribute to e.g. fetal loss, abnormalities, or wrong medication. Cultural and economical aspects have to be considered when designing a monitoring system, to enable effective registration of drug quality and drug intake, and follow-up study of mother and child. Accessibility, affordability, possibility and knowledge, are other significant related aspects that have to be managed to eliminate the risk of artemisinin in early pregnancy.
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Respuesta de Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (Theobald,1901) a la exposición de diferentes concentraciones de piretroides, en el distrito de Ite-TacnaCornejo Araujo, Agustina Delia 18 January 2013 (has links)
Mediante trabajos en campo y laboratorio, se investigó la respuesta de Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (Theobald, 1901) a la exposición de diferentes concentraciónes de insecticidas tipo piretroides 0.1%, 0.075%, 0.050%, 0.025%, 0.0125%. Las muestras biológicas fueron colectadas dentro y fuera de las viviendas, el método utilizado para la captura fue el método del cebo humano y trampa luz, el trabajo de campo se realizó en el Anexo Pampa Baja y San Isidro.
La investigación realizada con los insecticidas piretroides según la metodología de la Organización Mundial de la salud (OPS) y en el Perú por el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) de concentración 0,1% por 24 horas se determinó una mortalidad de 81% para insecticida Deltametrina categorizado como especie en vigilancia por la Organización Mundial; para insecticidas Lamdaciaholotrina, Ciflutrina Permetrina, Cipermetrinala mortalidad fue superior al 98 % catalogados como especie sensible a este grupo de insecticidas.
En el estudio en campo de Anopheles pseudopunctipennis, se ha evaluado el índice de Picadura por Hombre/Noche (IPHN) y el Índice de Picadura Hombre/hora (IPHH), en donde se ha observado el nivel máximo en el mes de enero llegando a 23 mosquitos por hora y 272 mosquitos por noche.
Los resultados observados han permitido dar la información de la situación en que se encuentra la especie en estudio de nuestra región que es un vector principal de la malaria y si no se toma medidas de un control integrado, incrementará el riesgo de transmisión por los factores ambientales favorables y las inadecuadas prácticas para su control.
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Umbral epidémico en malariaBernal Acevedo, Óscar Alberto 23 November 2006 (has links)
Este estudio analiza diferentes indicadores y propones umbrales epidémicos que pueden ayudar para una adecuada toma de decisiones. Para esto, se seleccionaron 4 epidemias en las que MSF ha intervenido en los últimos 5 años, por contar con suficiente información, en Angola, Etiopía, Tanzania y Burundi.Luego de una descripción de cada epidemia utilizando diferentes indicadores, se pudo observar que la incidencia semanal y la proporción de la malaria en la consulta externa son indicadores fáciles de recopilar, que detectan rápidamente un aumento en los casos de malaria y que sirven para ver la evolución de la misma. Otros indicadores evaluados como la distribución por grupos de edad, letalidad por malaria o proporción de admisiones debido a la malaria, proporción de malaria confirmada, no cumplieron con los requisitos mencionados anteriormente. Los umbrales se establecieron mediante las pruebas de normalidad de D'Agostino-Pearson y la curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics), se validaron con las pruebas de Kappa y de Mc. Nemar, usando los programas estadístico MedCalc® (Schoonjans, 2006) y el SPSS® 12.0.Teniendo en cuenta estas 4 epidemias hemos establecido unos umbrales sobre la base de una sensibilidad superior al 90% y una especificidad no inferior al 70%. Para la incidencia de malaria el umbral propuesto es de 600 casos por 100.000 habitantes por semana y para la proporción de la malaria se estableció en el 50% del total de las consultas en una semana sean debidas a la malaria. Los niveles de alerta resultantes nos pueden ayudar a tomar decisiones que deben complementarse con un estudio del contexto, análisis de factores de riesgo, la capacidad de respuesta local y la posibilidad de ayuda externa. / This study analyses differing indicators and proposes epidemic thresholds that may be helpful in the decision-making process. To this end, four epidemics in which MSF had intervened in the last 5 years and therefore had sufficient information on were selected. These had occurred in Angola, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Burundi.Following a description of each epidemic using a range of indicators, the weekly rate and proportion of malaria in outpatient clinics were found to be indicators that were easy to gather, rapidly detected a rise in malaria cases and could show the evolution of the disease. Other indicators assessed such as age group distribution, fatality due to malaria and the proportion of malaria admissions and proportion of confirmed malaria did not meet the requisites mentioned above. Thresholds were established using the D'Agostino-Pearson test and ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve and validated with the Kappa and de Mc. Nemar tests. The MedCalc® (Schoonjans, 2006) and SPSS® 12.0 statistical programmes were used to this end.For these four epidemics, thresholds were established on the basis of sensitivity above 90% and specificity of at least 70%. The threshold proposed for the rate of malaria is 600 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per week and for the malaria proportion this was set at 50% of all consultations in one week due to malaria.The resulting alert levels can be used to make decisions that should be complemented by a study of the context, analysis of risk factors, the capacity for a local response and the possibility of external aid.
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Malaria in the Amazon: An Agent-Based Approach to Epidemiological Modeling of Coupled SystemsKing, Joshua Michael Lloyd 17 August 2009 (has links)
The epidemiology of malaria considers a complex set of local interactions amongst host, vector, and environment. A history of reemergence, epidemic transition, and ensuing endemic transmission in Iquitos, Peru reveals an interesting case used to model and explore such interactions. In this region of the Peruvian Amazon, climate change, development initiatives and landscape fragmentation are amongst a unique set of local spatial variables underlying the endemicity of malaria. Traditional population-based approaches lack the ability to resolve the spatial influences of these variables. Presented is a framework for spatially explicit, agent-based modeling of malaria transmission dynamics in Iquitos and surrounding areas. The use of an agent-based model presents a new opportunity to spatially define causal factors and influences of transmission between mosquito vectors and human hosts. In addition to spatial considerations, the ability to model individual decisions of humans can define socio-economic and human-environment interactions related to malaria transmission. Three interacting sub-models representing human decisions, vector dynamics, and environmental factors comprise the model. Feedbacks between the interacting sub-models define individual decisions and ultimately the flexibility that will allow the model to function in a diagnostic capacity. Sensitivity analysis and simulated interactions are used to discuss this diagnostic capability and to build understanding of the physical systems driving local transmission of malaria.
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