Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PAYMENT"" "subject:"[enn] PAYMENT""
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Utilitarian Mindset across Cultures: The Calculative Strategy for Mobile Payment Adoption in the U.S. and ChinaGao, Bowen 22 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Using Monte Carlo Analysis to Assess Outcome-based Payment for Environmental Services for Denitrifying Bioreactors in the Chesapeake BayMcKibben, Paige Alexandra 05 January 2022 (has links)
Conventional nonpoint source pollution policies encourage the adoption of conservation practices to reduce nonpoint source pollutants by paying a portion of the cost to install best management practices. Alternative financial incentive programs, such as payment for environmental services (PES) programs, aim to improve program effectiveness by paying directly for the quantity of environment services provided, but implementing PES programs to reduce nonpoint source pollution has been challenging given the costs and technical feasibility of measuring pollutant outcomes. Bioreactors, engineered sinks that convert biologically available forms of nitrogen into an inert form (N_2), have recently been proposed to treat and remove legacy nitrogen from springs (Easton et al., 2019). Since nitrogen removal can be directly measured, there is potential to implement an outcome-based PES program. Little information exists on the costs and risks sellers face under such a program or the impact of contractual conditions. This research applies Monte Carlo simulation to a case study bioreactor in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed to estimate the financial risks and rewards to N removal service providers under different outcome-based PES contractual conditions. Results indicate that under a fifteen-year contract term and price of $25/lb/yr of nitrogen removal, outcome-based PES for denitrifying bioreactors has a high chance of generating positive financial outcomes for a commercial size case study bioreactor that removes an average of 1,279 lbs of N annually. / Master of Science / Conventional policies to reduce diffuse water pollutants encourage the adoption of conservation practices to reduce diffuse water pollutants by paying a portion of the cost to install remedial practices or technologies. Payment for environmental services (PES) programs, an alternative to conventional policies, aims to improve program effectiveness by paying directly for the quantity of environment services provided. However, implementing PES programs to reduce diffuse water pollution has been challenging given the costs and technical feasibility of measuring pollutants and outcomes of remedial efforts. Bioreactors, engineered sinks that convert the diffuse water pollutant nitrogen into a non-pollutive form, have recently been proposed to remove legacy nitrogen from springs (Easton et al., 2019). Using bioreactors, nitrogen removal can be directly measured, so there is potential for an outcome-based PES program. Little information exists on the costs and risks sellers face under such a program or the impact of contractual conditions. This research applies financial simulation to a case study bioreactor in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed to estimate the financial risks and rewards to N removal service providers under different outcome-based PES contractual conditions. Results indicate that under a fifteen-year contract term and price of $25/lb/yr of nitrogen removal, outcome-based PES for denitrifying bioreactors has a high chance of generating positive financial outcomes for a commercial size case study bioreactor that removes an average of 1,279 lbs of N annually.
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The Canadian government geographic public service wage policy and the letter carrier case, 1972-73Brody, Bernard. January 1978 (has links)
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Medicaid Payment Systems: Impact On Quality Of Care, Medication Adherence And Healthcare Service Utilizations In Type 2 Diabetes Medicaid EnrolleesPawaskar, Manjiri D. 15 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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A Comparison of the Relative Success of Two Pay Incentive Plans Under Controlled ConditionsPoole, Richard J. 01 October 1981 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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SmartExpressYalcin, Cemile January 2009 (has links)
This is a research focusing on stimulating the comfort and safety when it comes to payment for travelling with the trains and the busses in the Swedish county Skane. The question at the issue is; can we create a system that doesn’t require the responsibility of carrying a particular tool? Can we give the passengers the possibility to control their accounts to register in a more independent way than today with Skanetrafiken? And can this be done by using fingerprint technology? My goal is mainly to observe today’s monthly and discount-card system in Skane and around the world, discover the disadvantages and design a new system as solution. The new payment system is called SmartExpress. It involves fingerprint recognition and will hopefully fit in today’s technology and have useful possibilities that will come in handy for the next generations.
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Credit management: an examination of policy choice, practices and late payment in UK companiesPike, Richard H., Cheng, N.S. January 2003 (has links)
No / A central element in developing credit management policy involves design choices on the extent to which credit activities are best managed internally or through specialist market intermediaries. This paper draws on the findings of a survey on the credit management practices and policies of large UK companies to: (1) Examine the type of firm most likely to enter into specialist external credit management structural arrangements; and (2) Identify contextual and credit policy choices influencing the credit period taken and late payment of debts. The study found that specialist intermediaries are not particularly common in large firms. The paper also identifies a number of contextual and policy variables that help explain variation in debtor days and late payment by customers.
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Understanding consumer adoption of mobile payment in India: Extending Meta-UTAUT model with personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressalPatil, P., Tamilmani, Kuttimani, Rana, Nripendra P., Raghavan, V. 15 May 2020 (has links)
Yes / Mobile payments are the future as we move towards a cashless society. In some markets, cash is already being replaced by digital transactions, but consumers of many developing countries are slower in transition towards digital payments. This study aims to identify major determinants of consumer mobile payment adoption in India the country with second largest mobile subscribers in the world. Existing mobile payments adoption studies have predominantly utilised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was primarily developed in organisational context and criticised for having deterministic approach without much consideration for users’ individual characteristics. Therefore, this study adapted meta-UTAUT model with individual difference variable attitude as core construct and extended the model with consumer related constructs such as personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressal. Empirical examination of the model among 491 Indian consumers revealed performance expectancy, intention to use, and grievance redressal as significant positive predictor of consumer use behaviour towards mobile payment. Moreover, intention to use was significantly influenced by attitude, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The major contribution of this study includes re-affirming the central role of attitude in consumer adoption studies and examining usage behaviour in contrast to most existing studies, which examine only behavioural intention.
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Digital omvandling inom snabbmatsbranschen : Fördelar med webbaserat beställningssystemAndersson, Elias January 2024 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är digitaliseringen ett område som påverkar många redan nu, både företag och konsumenter, och kommer att fortsätta göra det framöver. I digitaliseringens värld står webben och applikationer i fokus för de olika digitala system och tjänster som företag använder för att gå från traditionella analoga processer till mer digitala och automatiserade metoder. Inom snabbmatsbranschen är det inget annorlunda. Ett av de viktigaste systemen för företagen inom branschen är beställningssystemet. En teknik som tillåter konsumenter att beställa mat med hjälp av olika enheter. Denna studie syftar till att systematiskt bedöma om ett företag inom snabbmatsbranschen bör överväga implementeringen av ett webbaserat beställningssystem för sina kunder och därigenom fastställa om de potentiella fördelarna överväger eventuella nackdelar. Utöver detta undersöker även studien ifall React tillsammans med Express kan tillföra några fördelar när ett webbaserat beställningssystem skapas. Arbetet genomförs genom en kombination av personalundersökning i form av ett formulär som skickades ut till personal på olika företag, litteraturstudier samt implementering av ett webbaserat beställningssystem som utsattes för både prestandatester och användartester. Resultatet visar att det finns både för- och nackdelar med ett webbaserat beställningssystem. 91.7% av personalen som deltog i undersökningen och utnyttjar ett redan implementerat beställningssystem på en arbetsplats påstår att implementeringen har effektiviserat deras arbete. 84.6% av alla kunder som har påpekat till personalen menar att de är nöjda och positiva till systemet. Resterande procent i båda frågorna är neutrala. Nackdelarna enligt enkäten anses vara tekniska problem samt dataintrång, där 100% av svaren menar att ett tekniskt problem kan påverka restaurangen negativt. 33.3% anser att dataintrång är en nackdel med systemet. Utifrån testerna angående React och Express visar resultatet att prestandan är en konkurrenskraftig anledning till att välja teknikerna för att implementera ett webbaserat beställningssystem. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att ifall företaget anser att fördelarna övervinner nackdelarna är ett webbaserat beställningssystem på React och Express att överväga. / In today's society, digitalization is an area that already affects many, both businesses and consumers, and will continue to do so in the future. In the world of digitalization, the web and applications are at the forefront of the various digital systems and services that companies use to transition from traditional analog processes to more digital and automated methods. In the fast-food industry, it's no different. One of the most important systems for companies in the industry is the ordering system. A technology that allows consumers to order food using various devices. This study aims to systematically assess whether a company in the fast-food industry should consider implementing a web-based ordering system for its customers and thereby determine if the potential benefits outweigh any drawbacks. In addition, the study also examines whether React, together with Express, can provide any advantages when creating a web-based ordering system. The work is conducted through a combination of personnel surveys in the form of a questionnaire sent out to staff at various companies, literature reviews, and the implementation of a web-based ordering system subjected to both performance tests and user tests. The results show that there are both pros and cons to a web-based ordering system. 91.7% of the staff who participated in the survey and utilize an already implemented ordering system at their workplace claim that the implementation has effectivized their work. 84.6% of all customers who have communicated with the staff indicate that they are satisfied and positive about the system. The remaining percentage in both questions is neutral. According to the survey, the disadvantages are considered to be technical problems and data breaches, with 100% of the responses indicating that a technical issue can negatively impact the restaurant. 33.3% believe that data breaches are a disadvantage of the system. Based on the tests regarding React and Express, the results show that performance is a competitive reason to choose these technologies for implementing a web-based ordering system. The conclusion of the study is that if the company believes that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, a web-based ordering system on React and Express is worth considering.
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Účet / Bank accountMatějka, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Cizojazyčné resumé The thesis is dedicated to the matter of a bank account. The bank account is considered to be a financial product that serves for depositing of temporarilly free financial funds and primarily for realizing cashless payment system. The aim of this thesis is to provide an analysis of current applicable and effective legislation considering the bank account in Civil Code, where newly contained the bank account legislation as a result of recodification of private law. In some sections of the thesis the analysis of the legislation is accomplished in the context of the antecedent legislation in former Commercial Code. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to analyse the basis of the bank account from the point of view of legal doctrine. The second chapter provides fundamental legal charakteristic of bank account contract. This chapter describes the bank account contract as banking contract and focuses on the bank account contract from the point of view of consumer law. This chapter also provides analysis of parties of the bank account agreement. The end of the chapter discusses the general charakterization of banking terms and conditions. Third chapter provides analysis of general legislation of the bank account from the perspective of Civil Code. These legal...
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