Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] RECEIPT"" "subject:"[enn] RECEIPT""
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Separation and Extraction of Valuable Information From Digital Receipts Using Google Cloud Vision OCR.Johansson, Elias January 2019 (has links)
Automatization is a desirable feature in many business areas. Manually extracting information from a physical object such as a receipt is something that can be automated to save resources for a company or a private person. In this paper the process will be described of combining an already existing OCR engine with a developed python script to achieve data extraction of valuable information from a digital image of a receipt. Values such as VAT, VAT%, date, total-, gross-, and net-cost; will be considered as valuable information. This is a feature that has already been implemented in existing applications. However, the company that I have done this project for are interested in creating their own version. This project is an experiment to see if it is possible to implement such an application using restricted resources. To develop a program that can extract the information mentioned above. In this paper you will be guided though the process of the development of the program. As well as indulging in the mindset, findings and the steps taken to overcome the problems encountered along the way. The program achieved a success rate of 86.6% in extracting the most valuable information: total cost, VAT% and date from a set of 53 receipts originated from 34 separate establishments.
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Diversification Premium on Indian ADRs During the Financial CrisisGupta, Rajat 01 January 2010 (has links)
Non-arbitrage asset pricing has been an avenue of unending interest to financial academics and practitioners alike. With increased capital outflow being permitted by developing economies, investors now have easy access to securities issued by foreign firms. The issue investigated in this research is concerned with the persistent presence of arbitrage opportunities between depository receipts and domestic stocks of Indian firms during the recent financial crisis. Instead of being priced in parity with one another during the crisis, ADRs of Indian firms were overpriced by as much as 70% for months on end. This thesis investigates the reasons giving rise to this premium by analyzing causes like benefits from diversification and liquidity.
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Verifiability And Receipt-freeness In Cryptographic Voting SystemsCetinkaya, Orhan 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines verifiability and receipt freeness in cryptographic voting protocols in detail and points out the contradiction between these requirements. Firstly, an extensive electronic voting requirement set is clearly defined, and then the voting dilemma is described. This is followed by a suggestion of an applicable solution to overcome the voting dilemma by introducing Predefined Fake Vote (PreFote) scheme. Based on a comprehensive literature review, a classification of the existing privacy preserving approaches and a taxonomy of the existing cryptographic voting protocols extending the previous studies are provided. Thereby, a complete and secure cryptographic voting protocol satisfying all electronic voting security requirements at the same time seems non-existent. Hence, an alternative privacy preserving approach is highly needed. Pseudo-Voter Identity (PVID) scheme, proposed in the present study, is a practical and low cost one. The PVID scheme is based on RSA blind signature, and it allows recasting without sacrificing uniqueness. Furthermore, this study proposes a dynamic ballot mechanism including an extension with PreFotes.
This study, wherein the PVID scheme and extended dynamic ballots with PreFotes are employed, proposes a practical, complete and secure cryptographic voting protocol over a network for large scale elections, which fulfils all of the electronic voting security requirements: privacy, eligibility, uniqueness, fairness, uncoercibility, receipt-freeness, individual verifiability and accuracy. Lastly, a method to analyse voting systems based on security requirements is suggested, and a detailed analysis of the proposed protocol, which uses this method, concludes this study.
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American depositary shares : Zugang deutscher Gesellschaften zum US-amerikanischen Eigenkapitalmarkt, Rechnungslegung und das rechtliche Verhältnis zur Aktie /Röhler, Klaus-Peter. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Göttingen, 1996.
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Elektronická evidence tržeb / Electronic registration of salesKabeš, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the electronic registration of sales and its efects on reducing the grey economy in the Czech republic. The electronic registration of sales is a system designed to ensure that entrepreneurs selling goods or services in return for cash report every instance of such transaction directly to the tax authority so opportunities for tax evasion are significantly reduced. FIK, a code unique to every transaction that serves as a proof that the report has been done is subsequently sent back and receipt for transaction with FIK included is issued to the customer who can check, using special internet aplication, whether transaction has been in deed reported. The work is divided into five chapters. The first one describes accounting and similar systems that record information needed to administration of taxes. The next chapter describes occasions when issuing invoices not related to electronic evidence of sales is required. The third chapter analyses the Registration of Sales Act which introduces the electronic evidence of sales into Czech law. This chapter is further divided into seventeen subchapters focused on the most important provisions of the act, for example those setting out exactly what transactions are required to be reported, what are the details of the receipt and the rules of...
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Studie materiálových a informačních toků v podniku HELLA / The Study Material and Information Flows in the Company HELLAJunek, Karel January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with optimization of material and information flows in the selected company. The thesis consists of the current state analysis of internal problems that are related to suppliers and customers. Basic logistic terms related to the topic are explained in the theoretical part. The practical part analyzes the current situation in Hella comany and consists of proper suggestions suitable for the optimization of the current state.
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[pt] Ao menos desde 1916, a quitação é um instituto típico do Direito Privado brasileiro. Mas é certo que, muito antes disso, a quitação já era um instrumento socialmente típico e de absoluta relevância, com presença marcante no tráfico negocial. Apesar da sua importância prática, o instituto da quitação carece de trabalhos monográficos específicos a seu respeito. E custa caro aos tribunais brasileiros a inexistência de um estudo dedicado à sistematização do instituto e ao estabelecimento de parâmetros interpretativos para as situações em que o alcance da eficácia da quitação é objeto de controvérsia. Somente na Segunda Seção do Superior Tribunal de Justiça – órgão fracionário de elevada hierarquia dentro da Corte nacional que tem exatamente a função de uniformizar a jurisprudência – há entendimentos conflitantes sobre a interpretação da quitação que geram insegurança e incerteza ao jurisdicionado quanto aos critérios a serem analisados pelo intérprete para autorizar ou não a investida judicial para ver complementada uma obrigação já anteriormente quitada. Nesse cenário, com o objetivo de, em alguma medida, preencher tal lacuna doutrinária, este trabalho analisará o instituto da quitação de forma sistematizada à luz da legislação brasileira, abordará o seu perfil funcional, examinará precedentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça que revelam séria divergência e buscará oferecer parâmetros interpretativos para os impasses a respeito do alcance da quitação. / [en] At least since 1916, the discharge is a typical institute of Brazilian Private Law. However, it is certain that, long before that, discharge was already a relevant and socially typical instrument, continuously present in business traffic. Despite its practical importance, the discharge institute lacks specific monographic works about it. And it is costly to the Brazilian courts that there is no study dedicated to systematizing the institute and establishing interpretative parameters for situations in which the scope of the effectiveness of the discharge is a controversial topic. For example, in the Second Section of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice – a hierarchically high part within the national Court that has the exact function of standardizing the jurisprudence – there are conflicting understandings on the interpretation of the discharge that create insecurity and uncertainty for the person subject to its jurisdiction related to the criteria to be analyzed by the interpreter in order to authorize or not the judicial onslaught to see a previously settled obligation complemented. In this scenario, with the objective of, to some extent, filling this doctrinal gap, this work will analyze the institute of discharge in a systematized way in light of the Brazilian law system, address its functional profile, examine precedents of the Superior Court of Justice representing serious divergence and seek to offer interpretative parameters for certain impasses regarding the scope of the discharge.
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Three Essays on the Dynamics of Benefit Receipt in the Ontario Disability Support ProgramRana, Saeed ur Rehman January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the dynamics of benefit receipt in the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) using individual-level administrative data from 2003 to 2013. This thesis is comprised of three self-contained essays.
The first essay examines the dynamics of disability benefit receipt in Ontario. A five-year cohort analysis is carried out for those who first received disability benefits in any year between 2004 and 2009 to estimate the proportion exiting from such benefits within five years of first benefit receipt. This analysis is extended to type of exit (e.g., died, moved, or disqualified) and nature of exit (e.g., sustained or temporary). We find that only about 18 percent of benefit recipients exit, most within one and a half years of initial benefit receipt, and that more than one-third of those who exit return within five years. Recipients are both less likely to exit and more likely to return if single, divorced, or widowed rather than married or living common law, if they have children, or if they have mental rather than physical disabilities.
The second essay identifies factors that influence ODSP benefits duration. We employ a flexible parametric technique to investigate the duration of disability benefit receipt. We also employ cure models to account for the proportion of recipients that never exit ODSP over the ten-year sample period. Of the whole sample, 20 percent of recipients completed a first spell and the remaining 80 percent were right censored. We find that time spent receiving ODSP benefits is negatively associated with education and positively associated with both age and severity of disability. Individuals who are single, divorced, separated, widowed, or immigrants have longer benefit spells as compared to those who are married, common law, and Canadian born. Individuals with children also spend longer time on ODSP than those relative without children. We provide evidence that recipient characteristics are associated with different probabilities of exiting or re-entering ODSP; that suggests that differentiated, and not ‘one size fit all’, policies are required to facilitate transitions from program dependence to economic independence.
The third essay analyzes differences in the benefit receipt rates by immigration status and age. A flexible parametric duration analysis is employed to investigate how age at entry into benefits interacted with immigration status and, for immigrants, how age at arrival in Canada affects the exit rate from disability support. We find strong evidence of differences in age-dependence of benefit receipt and exit rates across immigration status categories. At younger (18-34) and middle (35-54) ages the Canadian-born have much higher benefit receipt rates than immigrants but lower rates at older (55 and over) ages. We speculate that the difference at younger and middle ages can be explained largely by the “healthy immigrant effect” (i.e., a selection effect of relatively healthier immigrants) and at older ages by differential eligibility for, and expected income from, alternative benefit programs such as the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Drought, pollen and nectar availability, and pollination successWaser, Nickolas M., Price, Mary V. 06 1900 (has links)
Pollination success of animal-pollinated flowers depends on rate of pollinator visits and on pollen deposition per visit, both of which should vary with the pollen and nectar "neighborhoods" of a plant, i.e., with pollen and nectar availability in nearby plants. One determinant of these neighborhoods is per-flower production of pollen and nectar, which is likely to respond to environmental influences. In this study, we explored environmental effects on pollen and nectar production and on pollination success in order to follow up a surprising result from a previous study: flowers of Ipomopsis aggregata received less pollen in years of high visitation by their hummingbird pollinators. A new analysis of the earlier data indicated that high bird visitation corresponded to drought years. We hypothesized that drought might contribute to the enigmatic prior result if it decreases both nectar and pollen production: in dry years, low nectar availability could cause hummingbirds to visit flowers at a higher rate, and low pollen availability could cause them to deposit less pollen per visit. A greenhouse experiment demonstrated that drought does reduce both pollen and nectar production by I. aggregata flowers. This result was corroborated across 6 yr of variable precipitation and soil moisture in four unmanipulated field populations. In addition, experimental removal of pollen from flowers reduced the pollen received by nearby flowers. We conclude that there is much to learn about how abiotic and biotic environmental drivers jointly affect pollen and nectar production and availability, and how this contributes to pollen and nectar neighborhoods and thus influences pollination success.
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Os efeitos do recebimento dos benefícios previdenciários no contrato de trabalhoMussi, Cristiane Miziara 01 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-01 / The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effects that the receipt of
social security benefits have upon work contracts. The impact of some social security
benefits is clearly evident in labor relations proving the legal, economic and social
relevance of this study, which is based on the attempt to resolve current controversial
issues arising in this area where research work is still lacking. Among the hypothesis
mentioned, we have found the possibility of suspension, interruption or termination of the
work contract, as well as the vesting of tenure rights as a result of receiving certain social
security benefits. As to the theoretical-methodological aspects, we collected and studied
articles and other doctrine pertaining to this subject, without disregarding the legislation
and former court decisions on the matter. The results obtained with the thesis lead us to
the conclusion that, the social security benefits granted due to disability cause the
suspension of the work contract (after the 16th day of leave of the employee), the benefits
granted due to retirement age or period of contribution cause termination of the work
contract, and tenure rights are assured in case of workmen s compensation or maternity
leave. The effects of the receipt of social security benefits can be observed also during
prior notice of dismissal or after termination of the work contract / O presente estudo tem por objetivo geral a análise dos efeitos do
recebimento dos benefícios previdenciários no contrato de trabalho. O reflexo de
alguns benefícios previdenciários é evidente na relação trabalhista, o que demonstra
a relevância jurídica, econômica e social deste estudo baseado na tentativa de
resolver questões polêmicas e atuais desta área carecedora de pesquisa. Dentre as
hipóteses mencionadas, encontramos a possibilidade de suspensão, interrupção ou
extinção do contrato de trabalho, bem como a aquisição de estabilidade em virtude
do recebimento de alguns benefícios previdenciários. Com relação aos aspectos
teórico-metodológicos foram realizados coleta e estudo de artigos e demais
doutrinas pertinentes ao assunto, não deixando de lado a legislação e
jurisprudências relacionadas ao tema em análise. Os resultados alcançados com a
tese nos reportam à conclusão de que os benefícios previdenciários concedidos por
incapacidade suspendem o contrato de trabalho (após o décimo - sexto dia de
afastamento do segurado); aqueles decorrentes de idade avançada ou tempo de
contribuição, extinguem referido contrato e a estabilidade é garantida em caso de
concessão de benefício acidentário ou em decorrência de maternidade. Os efeitos
do recebimento dos benefícios previdenciários podem ser observados inclusive
durante o aviso prévio ou após o término do contrato de trabalho
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