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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JUAREZ DA SILVA BOCHI 12 April 2016 (has links)
[pt] Redis é um banco de dados chave-valor de código livre que dá suporte à avaliação de scripts Lua, mas sua implementação utiliza apenas uma tarefa de sistema operacional. Scripts longos são desencorajados porque a avaliação do código é bloqueante, o que pode causar degradação de desempenho para os demais usuários. Através da aplicação do modelo de concorrência M:N, que combina tarefas de nível de sistema operacional com tarefas do nível de usuário, adicionamos no Redis a capacidade de execução de scripts em paralelo, permitindo que todos os núcleos do servidor sejam explorados. Com a utilização de corotinas Lua, implementamos um escalonador capaz de alocar e suspender a execução de tarefas de nível de usuário nos núcleos disponíveis sem necessidade de alteração do código dos scripts. Este modelo permitiu proteger o programador das complexidades naturais do paralelismo como sincronização no acesso a recursos compartilhados e escalonamento das tarefas. / [en] Redis is an open source key-value database that supports Lua programming language scripts, but it s implementation is single threaded. Long running scripts are discouraged because script evaluation is blocking, which may cause service levels deterioration. Applying the M:N threading model, which combines user and operating system threads, we added to Redis the ability of running scripts in parallel, leveraging all server cores.With the use of Lua coroutines, we implemented a scheduler able to allocate and suspend user-level tasks in the available cores without the need of changing scripts source code. The M:N model allowed us to protect the programmer from the natural complexities that arise from parallel programming, such as access to shared resources synchronization and scheduling of tasks into different operational system threads.

High performance computing and visualization of football match results - from algorithms built up using methods from modeling complex systems

Bahceci, Ertin January 2017 (has links)
The evaluation of football players during and after a football match is an important field of study for football trainers and also people in academia. In this project some of the achieved theoretical results are implemented. Scientific findings are put into a context where the broader general public is able to understand the research. The ultimate goal is to produce visualizations such that they can be integrated into an application called Twelve where an everyday user can access them.

Implementations, simplifications and evaluations around Nfc on Android

Deckmar, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Near field communication (Nfc), a contact-range and short-lived message exchange technology, has in recent years become popular in relation to payment-cards, key-cards and ski-passes. With the release of, in particular, the Google Nexus S, which is capable of reading and writing Nfc tags as well as exchanging messages between devices by touch, the roles of consumers have changed from carriers of passive cards to that of active readers. This publicly available hardware technology, embedded into relatively cheap connected smartphones, creates a new field of possibilities in which a complete and complex Nfc-based system can be developed solely by means of software. In this thesis work, the research is in relation to the field of Nfc, ranging from the physical characteristics of the technology to the design of the Nfc API on the Android platform. Nfc-based apps, library and systems are designed, developed and evaluated in terms of performance. The Android apps which are implemented are WiFi and Bluetooth connectors as well as an Nfc-sensor value visualizer. Additionally, two full systems are developed which consists of an Android app, backend server, database and web or PC-client frontend. These two systems are: a web-based high-performance live statistical visualizer of Nfc sensor values and an Nfc-scan based product endorsement, Like-event, presenting the picture and name of a user endorsing a product on the in-store advertisement displays on top of the ads. The system for scanning, distributing and presenting statistics on sensor-values from a specially crafted NfcV-enabled sensor is evaluated in terms of performance along the chain of events starting at the Nfc tag introduction and being dispatched on the mobile phone and ending with the calculations and plot-generation carried out by the browser connected to the backend via a WebSocket. The evaluations show that in a use-case in which the user holds a tablet in one hand and an Nfc-enabled smartphone in the other, the user would experience a mean-delay of 515 milliseconds between putting the device against an NfcV-sensor and seeing the statistical plot, containing the last 1000 values, updated in the browser on the tablet. Additionally, the user would experience a mean-delay of 74 milliseconds between the values being presented on the mobile device itself until they are presented on the tablet in the case of constant streaming from an NfcV connected sensor. The conclusion is that this delay of 74 milliseconds is sufficiently low for the user to feel that the devices are tightly coupled, making it natural to pay attention to the tablet when scanning sensors. Possible use-cases for this include a technician walking between built-in passive NfcV sensors on the factory floor or a nurse walking between patients wearing bandages with built-in passive health-sensors. Finally, the work is discussed in terms of ethics and social impact as development in the tele-healthcare field continues, and a set of Nfc-based applications are suggested including Nfc-tags for interactive product customization, company car management and app deployment.

Srovnání distribuovaných "NoSQL" databází s důrazem na výkon a škálovatelnost / Comparison of distributed "NoSQL" databases with focus on performance and scalability

Vrbík, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This paper focuses on NoSQL database systems. These systems currently serve rather as supplement than replacement of relational database systems. The aim of this paper is to compare 4 selected NoSQL database systems (MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase and Redis) with a main focus on performance and scalability. Performance comparison is done using simulated workload in a 4 nodes cluster environment. One relational SQL database is also benchmarked to provide comparison between classic and modern way of maintaining structured data. As the result of comparison I found out that none of these database systems can be labeled as "the best" as each of the compared systems is suitable for different production deployment.

Automatizovaná analýza a archivace dat z webu / Automated Web Analysis and Archivation

Kocman, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on cybercrime, acquisition of evidence and development of a platform for retrieval, analysis and archiving web site data. The goal is to satisfy the investigators and security experts of the Czech police. The aim is to provide an open source platform that will be freely disseminable and in compliance with the requirements of legal institutions. The output of the thesis is two platform versions - full-fledged, fulfilling all the requirements set out in the diploma thesis and a light version for the police investigators of the Czech Republic.

Komplexní řešení prodeje zboží / A Complex Solution for Selling Merchandise

Krhovský, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze, design and implement solution for selling merchandise, which sellers can be used with commonly used hardware, free in basic package and they should be able to handle system setup. As a result, sellers can avoid new operating costs. The system will run as a service on Heroku servers. The front-end and back-end is implemented in JavaScript, front-end also uses React. GraphQL is used for communication between frontend and back-end. The data is stored in the PostgreSQL relational database, but also is used the Redis database, which runs tasks in the background.


Tallberg, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
In recent years there has been an increasing demand for real-time streaming applications that handle large volumes of data with low latency. Examples of such applications include real-time monitoring and analytics, electronic trading, advertising, fraud detection, and more. In a streaming pipeline the first step is ingesting the incoming data events, after which they can be sent off for processing. Choosing the correct tool that satisfies application requirements is an important technical decision that must be made. This thesis focuses entirely on the data ingestion part by evaluating three different platforms: Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar and Redis Streams. The platforms are compared both on characteristics and performance. Architectural and design differences reveal that Kafka and Pulsar are more suited for use cases involving long-term persistent storage of events, whereas Redis is a potential solution when only short-term persistence is required. They all provide means for scalability and fault tolerance, ensuring high availability and reliable service. Two metrics, throughput and latency, were used in evaluating performance in a single node cluster. Kafka proves to be the most consistent in throughput but performs the worst in latency. Pulsar manages high throughput with low message sizes but struggles with larger message sizes. Pulsar performs the best in overall average latency across all message sizes tested, followed by Redis. The tests also show Redis being the most inconsistent in terms of throughput potential between different message sizes

Aplikace pro obsluhu měřicích zařízení v energetice / Application for operation of measuring devices in power engineering

Ševčík, Radek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on application development with ARM processor architecture and Linux operating system. It uses cloud hosting services to build, test and deploy applications with container-based virtualization. The application communicates with smart meters on serial buses. It stores measurements in a database. It provides access to devices and measurements in internet network.

An Evaluation of Intel Cache Allocation Technology for Data- Intensive Applications / En utvärdering av Intel Cache Allocation Technology för dataintensiva applikationer

Ihre Sherif, Alan January 2021 (has links)
On certain CPUs part of the Intel Xeon Scalable CPU family, the level three (L3) cache is shared among the CPU cores residing on the same CPU socket. This has benefits in that a larger and more scalable cache space is available to the CPU cores. However, when the L3 cache is shared between CPU cores and thereby by the applications running there, the applications can affect the performance of each other if some of them have high L3 cache usage. This can be particularly problematic if an application is over-utilizing the L3 cache and effectively evicting the data of other applications, which are more prioritized, from the L3 cache. Such applications are called L3 cache noisy neighbors. The experiments in this thesis study the effect L3 cache noisy neighbors have on other, more prioritized, applications and if Intel Cache Allocation Technology (CAT) can be used to limit the performance impact the noisy neighbors have. Intel CAT provides functionality to control the amount of L3 cache allocated to a CPU core and by allocating less L3 cache to a noisy neighbor it no longer shares as much L3 cache with the prioritized applications and thus the prioritized applications can again utilize more of the L3 cache and regain their performance. The research question of this thesis is to investigate in what cases Intel CAT can provide advantages and where it is a disadvantage to use it by studying its use for three commonly used applications; bzip2, Redis, and Graph500. All the three applications were significantly impacted when running simultaneously with a noisy neighbor and for the Redis application there was a decrease of 49.2% in the number of ’GET’ requests per second that the Redis server could handle and an 18.2% decrease for ’SET’ requests. For the bzip2 and Graph500 applications, there was a 14.7% and 28.1% increase in execution time respectively. Intel CAT was successfully used to limit the impact of the noisy neighbor on the three applications. For the Redis application, the number of requests per second increased by 8.6% for the ’GET’ operation and by 4.2% for the ’SET’ operation. For the bzip2 and Graph500 applications, there was a 5.8% and 12.0% decrease in execution time respectively. Moreover, the thesis studies the scenario when only prioritized applications are running and if their performance can be increased by isolating the L3 cache for each one of them so that they cannot cause L3 cache evictions for each other. The use case of Intel CAT in such a scenario is not as clear as when mitigating the impact of a noisy neighbor but some performance benefits can be observed when running multiple Redis instances on the same machine and isolating some of the L3 cache available to them. / För vissa processorer som tillhör familjen Intel Xeon Scalable är den tredje nivåns cache (L3-cache) delad mellan CPU-kärnorna som befinner sig på samma CPU-sockel. Detta har fördelen att ett större och mer skalbart cacheutrymme blir tillgängligt för CPU-kärnorna. Att L3-cache är delat mellan kärnorna innebär däremot att applikationerna som kör där kan påverka varandras prestanda om någon av dem överutnyttjar L3-cache. När en applikation överutnyttjar L3-cache leder det till att data från andra applikationer, som kan vara mer prioriterade, inte längre får plats i cachen. Sådana applikationer kallas för ”L3-cache noisy neigbors”. Experimenten i denna studie undersöker effekterna av L3-cache noisy neigbors på mer prioriterade applikationer och om Intel Cache Allocation Technology (CAT) kan användas för att begränsa den påverkan som L3-cache noisy neigbors har. Intel CAT har funktionalitet för att kontrollera mängden L3-cache som allokeras till en CPU-kärna och genom att allokera mindre L3-cache till en noisy neigbor så delar den inte lika mycket L3-cache med de prioriterade applikationerna och därmed kan de prioriterade applikationerna återfå sin prestanda. Frågeställningen för denna studie är att undersöka i vilka användningsområden Intel CAT har fördelar och när det är en nackdel att använda det genom att studera dess användning för tre välanvända applikationer, bzip2, Redis och Graph500. Prestandan för alla av dessa tre applikationer blev tydligt påverkad när de kördes samtidigt som en noisy neigbor och Intel CAT kunde användas för att minska den påverkan. För Redis ökade antalet frågor som hanterades av Redis med 8.6% för GET-operationer och 4.2% för SET-operationer. För bzip2 och Graph500 observerades en minskning i exekveringstid på 5.8% och 12.0% respektive. Denna uppsats undersöker även scenariot där bara prioriterade applikationer körs och om deras prestanda kan ökas genom att isolera L3-cache för var och en av dem så att de inte tar plats från varandra i L3-cachen. När Intel CAT användes i ett sådant scenario är fördelarna inte lika tydliga som när påverkan av en noisy neighbor begränsades men en viss förbättring i prestanda går att observera när flera Redisservrar körs på samma maskin och en del av L3-cachen isoleras till var och en av dem.

Systém pro automatickou správu serverů / System for Automated Server Administration

Pavelka, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design the user interface and implement the information system as a web application. Using the custom implemented library the system communicates with GraphQL server which manages the client data. The thesis describes possible solutions for physical servers automatization. The application provides the application interface to manage virtual servers. Automatization is possible without human interaction. Connection to the virtualization technologies is handled by web interface APIs or custom scripts running in the virtual system terminal. There is a monitoring system built over project components. The thesis also describes the continuous integration using Gitlab tools. Running the configuration task is solved using the Unix CRON system.

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