Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] RESIDUAL STRESSES"" "subject:"[enn] RESIDUAL STRESSES""
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Residual stress predictions in L-PBF Ti-6Al-4V NIST bridges using FEMLuke, Caitlin Delaney 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Finite element modeling (FEM) is used to predict complex phenomena like part deformation and the formation of residual strain resulting from cyclical heating. A gap exists in current literature using FEM to investigate the effect of printing strategies on strain and deformation in Ti-6Al-4V NIST bridges built by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). This study compares thermomechanical finite element models incorporating three scan strategies commonly used in literature: meander, stripe, and checkerboard, for the fabrication of Ti-6Al-4V NIST bridges using L-PBF. FEM of each scan strategy uses four mechanical material models: elastic perfectly plastic, Johnson-Cook, eigenstrain, and Hill 1948. The models’ mechanical responses are compared to experimental data. The objective of this work is to compare the predicted strain states, part deflections, and runtimes for each scan strategy and mechanical material model. Ultimately, this work aims to use FEM to predict challenges from the as-printed stress state of the L-PBF part.
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The Role of Bi/Material Interface in Integrity of Layered Metal/Ceramic / The Role of Bi/Material Interface in Integrity of Layered Metal/CeramicMasini, Alessia January 2019 (has links)
The present doctoral thesis summarises results of investigation focused on the characterisation of materials involved in Solid Oxide Cell technology. The main topic of investigation was the ceramic cell, also known as MEA. Particular attention was given to the role that bi-material interfaces, co-sintering effects and residual stresses play in the resulting mechanical response. The first main goal was to investigate the effects of the manufacturing process (i.e. layer by layer deposition) on the mechanical response; to enable this investigation, electrode layers were screen-printed one by one on the electrolyte support and experimental tests were performed after every layer deposition. The experimental activity started with the measurement of the elastic characteristics. Both elastic and shear moduli were measured via three different techniques at room and high temperature. Then, uniaxial and biaxial flexural strengths were determined via two loading configurations. The analysis of the elastic and fracture behaviours of the MEA revealed that the addition of layers to the electrolyte has a detrimental effect on the final mechanical response. Elastic characteristics and flexural strength of the electrolyte on the MEA level are sensibly reduced. The reasons behind the weakening effect can be ascribed to the presence and redistribution of residual stresses, changes in the crack initiation site, porosity of layers and pre-cracks formation in the electrode layers. Finally, the coefficients of thermal expansion were evaluated via dilatometry on bulk materials serving as inputs for finite elements analyses supporting experiments and results interpretation. The second most important goal was to assess the influence of operating conditions on the integrity of the MEA. Here interactions of ceramic–metal interfaces within the repetition unit operating at high temperatures and as well at both oxidative and reductive atmospheres were investigated. The elastic and fracture responses of MEA extracted from SOC stacks after several hours of service were analysed. Layer delamination and loss of mechanical strength were observed with increasing operational time. Moreover, SEM observations helped to detect significant microstructural changes of the electrodes (e.g. demixing, coarsening, elemental migration and depletion), which might be responsible for decreased electrochemical performances. All the materials presented in this work are part of SOC stacks produced and commercialised by Sunfire GmbH, which is one of the world leading companies in the field.
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Influence des transformations surfaciques induites par traitements thermomécaniques sur la tenue en fatigue du Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al / Influence of surface transformations induced by thermo-mechanical processes on fatigue limit of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al titanium allysDufrenoy, Stephane 24 February 2016 (has links)
Les alliages de titane sont largement utilisés dans le secteur de l’aéronautique. Cependant,ces alliages sont très sensibles aux gammes d’élaboration et de mises en forme. Cesdernières ont une grande influence sur l’intégrité de surface des produits finis, ce qui aun impact sur la durée de vie des pièces en service. Il est donc nécessaire de maîtriser lesprocédés afin de pouvoir définir la tenue en service des pièces.Dans ces travaux, les différentes intégrités de surface sont décrites en termes d’évolutionmicrostructurale, de contraintes résiduelles et de micro-géométrie. Des essais de fatigueen flexion 4 points sont réalisés pour tester les performances mécaniques de ces surfaces.Nous avons remarqué une bonne cohérence entre les modèles reliant l’intégrité de surfaceet la tenue en fatigue déterminée expérimentalement.De plus, étant donné que les alliages de titane ont des microstructures complexes etpeuvent être multiphasés, nous nous sommes aussi intéressés au caractère hétérogènede ces matériaux principalement dans l’analyse de contraintes résiduelles déterminées àl’aide de la diffraction des rayons X. Nous avons remarqué que ces hétérogénéités ontun impact sur la détermination des contraintes résiduelles. De fait une méthodologiede détermination de contraintes non standard a été mise en place et validée par dessimulations utilisant un modèle d’homogénéisation auto-cohérent.Ces modèles d’homogénéisation sont intéressants d’un point de vue de la déterminationdes contraintes résiduelles par diffraction des rayons X car ils permettent la prise encompte de l’aspect multiphasé des matériaux ainsi que leur caractère anisotrope. / Titanium alloys are widely used in aeronautics industries. However, these alloys are highlysensitive to the method for elaboration and transformation processes. These processesimpact on the surface integrity of products. Therefore, they have to be controlled inorder to predict life time of structures.In this work, the study of surface integrity is focused on the description of microstructalevolution, residual stresses and micro-geometry. Four points bending tests were performedin order to determined the fatigue limit of the different studied processes. We find outa good consistency between models used to determinate lifetime from surface integrityinvestigation and experimental results.Moreover, microstructures of titanium alloys are highly complex and they often are twophasedmaterials. Consequently, we studied the heterogeneous behaviour of such materialby X-ray diffraction investigation.We found out that these heterogeneities have an impacton residual stresses determination. Therefore, a non-standard methodology was definedand validate by simulation using a micro-mechanic model : a self-consistent model.Micro-mechanical models are interesting for the residual stresses determination using Xraydiffraction because they allow to take into account heterogeneous and anisotropicbehaviours through anisotropic elasticity and anisotropic texture.
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Análise numérico-computacional das tensões térmicas induzidas pela soldagem. / Computational numerical analysis of thermal stresses induced by welding.Barban, Leonardo Manesco 07 March 2014 (has links)
A soldagem é o processo de união mais utilizado na fabricação de equipamentos pela indústria mecânica. Devido à introdução de calor durante o processo de soldagem, dependente do posicionamento da tocha e consequentemente do tempo, dilatações e contrações não uniformes produzem tensões térmicas no componente em questão, as quais permanecem como residuais ao final do processo, ao se atingir o equilíbrio térmico. O entendimento da formação e comportamento destas tensões se torna importante, pois na presença de carregamentos externos, a integridade estrutural do elemento mecânico pode ser comprometida. Portanto, este estudo visa analisar o comportamento destas tensões térmicas, avaliando ao final a magnitude e distribuição das tensões residuais, tendo como ferramenta o método dos elementos finitos. Inicialmente são apresentados os principais processos de soldagem envolvendo a fusão de materiais por meio de arco elétrico, sendo possível com base em uma explicação teórica, observar e entender a formação das tensões oriundas destes processos. Na sequência uma revisão bibliográfica contendo as principais técnicas para modelamento deste problema pelo método dos elementos finitos é apresentada, navegando por conceitos da análise térmica, que envolve o estudo das temperaturas e mecânica, a qual avalia as tensões formadas. Com toda parte teórica consolidada, um caso exemplo é analisado, simulando desta maneira um processo GTAW pelo programa computacional ANSYS, e comparando os resultados numéricos com os dados experimentais e numéricos obtidos na literatura. Ao final da simulação conclui-se que o modelo analisado reproduz fielmente a distribuição de temperaturas durante o processo e também estima corretamente as tensões residuais na chapa soldada, mostrando que a simulação de processos de soldagem utilizando o método dos elementos finitos se apresenta como uma ferramenta alternativa a indústria no aprimoramento de processos existentes ou desenvolvimento de novos. / Welding is the most used joining process in equipment manufacture by mechanical industry. Due to heat application during welding, varying with torch position and therefore by time, non-uniform expansion and contraction produces thermal stresses, which remains as residual when the component reaches thermal equilibrium. Formation and behavior of these stresses understanding becomes important since on external forces presence the mechanical piece may have it structural integrity compromised. This study aims to analyze thermal stress behavior due to welding evaluating residual stress magnitude and distribution at the process end by the finite element method. First of all fusion welding process by an electric arc are presented and a theoretical explanation about thermal stresses formation during welding is shared. Next is shown a bibliographic research with main techniques to model these problems using the finite element method, including thermal analysis, which involves temperature distribution study, and structural analysis that evaluate resulting stresses. With all theoretical background consolidated an example case of a GTAW process is studied utilizing ANSYS software, comparing numerical results with experimental and numerical data obtained in literature. It is possible to conclude that analyzed model accurately reproduces temperature distribution and also residual stress in the welded specimen proving that a welding process simulation via finite element method is an alternative tool for industry purposes on improving existing process and developing new ones.
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[pt] Uma das técnicas mais aplicadas para medir tensões
residuais em componentes mecânicos é a técnica do furo
cego. Esta técnica é de fácil aplicação industrial e é
normalizada pela ASTM E 837. Entretanto, devido à
concentração de tensões gerada pelo furo, há restrições
quanto à aplicação deste método quando as tensões
residuais presentes excedem 0.3 da tensão de escoamento do
material, Sy. Há na literatura trabalhos que avaliam, por
elementos finitos, os erros gerados ao se
aplicar diretamente estes coeficientes em componentes com
altos níveis de tensões residuais. Em alguns casos, o erro
pode chegar a 140%, para tensões da ordem de
0.9 de Sy. Porém, para retrocalcular as tensões residuais
estes trabalhos também usam hipóteses válidas apenas no
regime elástico, de forma que os resultados por
eles apresentados podem ter imprecisões. Neste trabalho
propõem-se novas metodologias numéricas para avaliar a
validade da norma ASTM E 837 em regime plástico, através de
uma modelagem mais realística do alívio de tensão
gerado pela usinagem do furo, evitando o uso de hipóteses
linear-elásticas. Estas metodologias são: Estado
Equivalente, na qual uma tensão equivalente àquela
agindo no componente é aplicada na borda do furo;
metodologia Morte de Elementos na qual os elementos
presentes na região em que o furo será usinado
são eliminados numericamente em vários passos, de forma a
simular o processo de usinagem; e a metodologia Tensão
Substituta, na qual o material presente na
região do furo é substituído pela tensão que nele age, a
qual é retirada gradativamente. Foram modeladas em
elementos finitos placas com furos passantes e cegos,
submetidas a carregamentos uniaxiais e biaxiais, desde 0.3
Sy até 0.9 Sy. Além disso, foram utilizados nas simulações
materiais tendo limite elástico e de escoamento
coincidentes e não coincidentes. Os erros encontrados
entre as tensões retrocalculadas e as tensões aplicadas,
para todas as situações são menores que encontrados por
outros pesquisadores, obtendo-se no pior caso 70 por cento.
Finalmente, conclui-se que as metodologias Tensão
Substituta e Morte de Elementos são as que simulam de forma
mais próxima da realidade o processo de usinagem de um furo
em um placa submetida à altas tensões. / [en] One of the most popular techniques applied to measure
residual stresses is the hole-drilling technique. The
technique is easy to be applied at industry, and is
normalized ASTM E 837. However, due to the stress
concentration caused by the machined hole, the technique
can not be used if the residual stresses are higher
than one third of the material yield strength, Sy. There
are several researches articles that evaluate the errors
aroused from the use of linear-elastic coefficients
in case where plastic strains are present. In general,
those articles apply the finite element to simulate the
process of drilling the hole and stress relief. In certain
case it is showed that the error can reach 140% of the
applied stress. However,those articles use linear-elastics
hypothesis and therefore their predictions can also
include mistakes. The present work proposes new numerical
methodologies to evaluate the usefulness of the hole-
drilling technique, as it is described by the
ASTM E 387, in the plastic range. The aim is to model the
stress relief caused by the hole`s drilling process in a
more realistic way, in order to avoid the use of
linear-elastics hypothesis. The proposed methodologies are:
Equivalent State, in which is applied in the hole a stress
equivalent to that one acting externally on the
component; Element Death, in which the drilling process is
simulated by eliminating numerically in several steps the
material which vanishes during the drilling process, and
the Replacement Stress; in which the material in the hole is
replaced by the stress that is acting at its walls. Those
mentioned methodologies were implemented using a commercial
finite element program which simulated
plates with through the thickness and blind holes. Those
plates have been loaded with three different loadings which
varied from 0.3 to 0.9 Sy. Two materials with
different stress-strain curves have been used. One of them
had the elastic limit equal to the yield limit and the
other one has those two limits different. In the
worst case the errors found were 70 percent, which is smaller than
those found by others researchers. It was concluded that,
the Replacement Stress and the Elements Death methodologies
are those that best simulate the process of drilling a hole
in a plate which is under high stresses.
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Resistência ao lascamento e tensões residuais superficiais de barras de Y-TZP/cerâmica de recobrimento em fução do método de processamento dos materiais cerâmicos / Edge chipping resistance and surface residual stresses of Y-TZP/veneering ceramics as a function of the ceramic materials processing methodsLima, Erick de 07 March 2017 (has links)
Objetivos: avaliar espécimes com as seguintes combinações de materiais/processamentos: a) porcelana feldspática aplicada por meio de técnica tradicional sobre infraestrutura de zircônia; b) porcelana feldspática injetada sobre infraestrutura de zircônia, c) porcelana feldspática usinada em sistema CAD-CAM e cimentada (Rapid Layer Technique) sobre infraestrutura de zircônia; d) vitro-cerâmica à base de dissilicato de lítio processada por meio de sistema CAD-CAM e unida à infraestrutura de zircônia por meio da sinterização de um vidro na interface (técnica CAD-on) com relação a: (1) resistência ao lascamento de aresta do material de recobrimento (a influência do tipo de resfriamento foi analisada para os processamentos a e b) e; (2) níveis de tensão residual superficial mensurados nos materiais de recobrimento, por meio de ensaio de fratura por endentação (a influência do tipo de resfriamento foi analisada para os processamentos a e b). Material e métodos: Barras de duas camadas com dimensões de 25 mm de comprimento por 4 mm de largura e com espessuras de porcelana e infraestrutura combinadas de modo a oferecer a razão de 1 mm de cada material foram confeccionadas seguindo as orientações dos fabricantes. O teste de lascamento de aresta foi realizado em uma máquina universal de ensaios, utilizando um endentador Vickers acoplado a essa máquina. A tensão térmica residual superficial foi calculada a partir de endentações feitas na camada de porcelana. Resultados: A resistência ao lascamento (ReA) foi significativamente maior para os espécimes processados pelo sistema CAD-on (ReA = 612,8±271,8 N/mm). Bilayers confeccionadas pelo sistema Rapid Layer Technique apresentaram valor de ReA intermediário de (417,9±187,2 N/mm) e os grupos nos quais foi utilizada porcelana processada pela técnica de sinterização tradicional ou por injeção foram os que apresentaram os menores valores de resistência ao lascamento, com médias de 349,7±116,8 N/mm (tradicional/resfriamento lento) 285,6±117,5 N/mm (tradicional/resfriamento rápido), 298,4±119,9 N/mm (injetado/resfriamento lento) e 263,5±107,9 N/mm (injetado/resfriamento rápido). Para os grupos com porcelana aplicada sobre a infraestrutura pela técnica tradicional e injetada o teste t de Student mostrou que houve um efeito significativo do protocolo de resfriamento, sendo que os espécimes que passaram por resfriamento lento atingiram maiores valores de ReA. Apenas o grupo Rapid Layer Technique apresentou média de tensão superficial correspondente a tensões de tração. Todos os outros grupos apresentaram tensões de compressão na superfície. Conclusões: há um efeito significativo da associação material/processamento na resistência ao lascamento de aresta das bilayers testadas e com relação ao efeito da velocidade de resfriamento (lento e rápido). Os espécimes que passaram por resfriamento lento atingiram maiores valores de resistência ao lascamento, independentemente do método de processamento (tradicional ou injeção). A combinação material/processamento afetou significativamente as tensões residuais superficiais das bilayers testadas, porém, não houve efeito da velocidade de resfriamento no nível de tensões térmicas residuais superficiais para os espécimes processados tanto pela técnica tradicional como pela técnica de injeção. / Objectives: to evaluate specimens with the following materials/processing combinations: a) feldspathic porcelain applied on zirconia through traditional technique; b) feldspathic porcelain applied on zirconia through press-on technique, c) feldspathic porcelain milled in CAD-CAM system and cemented (Rapid Layer Technique) on zirconia infrastructure; D) lithium disilicate glass-ceramic milled in CAD-CAM system and bonded to the zirconia infrastructure by means of a fusion glass-ceramic applied at the interface (CAD-on technique) relating to: (1) edge chipping resistance of the veneering materials (influence of the cooling rate was analyzed for the processing methods a and b) and; (2) surface residual stress levels measured in the veneering materials through indentation fracture method (influence of the cooling rate was analyzed for the processing methods a and b). Materials and methods: Bilayer bars with 25 mm length, 4 mm width and thicknesses of porcelain and infrastructure combined to provide 1 mm ratio of each material were made following manufacturers\' instructions. The edge chipping test was performed in an universal testing machine, using a Vickers indenter coupled to it. The surface residual thermal stress was calculated from indentations made on the porcelain layer. Results: The chipping resistance (ReA) was significantly higher for the specimens processed by the CAD-on system (ReA = 612.8±271.8 N/mm). Bilayers made by the Rapid Layer Technique system presented an intermediate ReA mean value of 417.9±187.2 N/mm and the groups in which the porcelain layer was processed by traditional or press-on technique presented the lowest values of chipping resistance, with mean values of 349,7±116,8 N/mm (traditional/slow cooling) 285,6±117,5 N/mm (traditional/fast cooling), 298,4±119,9 N/mm (press-on/slow cooling) and 263,5±107,9 N/mm (press-on/fast cooling). For the groups with porcelain applied on the infrastructure by the traditional and press-on technique, Student\'s t test showed that there was a significant effect of the cooling rate, and the specimens that went through slow cooling rate reached higher ReA values. Only the Rapid Layer Technique group presented mean of surface stresses corresponding to tensile stresses. All other groups exhibited surface compression stresses. Conclusions: there is a significant effect of the material/processing association on the edge chipping resistance of the tested bilayers and regarding the cooling rate effect (slow and fast), the specimens that went through slow cooling rate reached higher values of edge chipping resistance, regardless of the processing method (traditional or press-on). The material/processing combination significantly affected the surface residual stresses of the tested bilayers, however, there was no effect of the cooling rate on the superficial residual thermal stresses levels for the specimens processed by both the traditional technique and the press-on technique.
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[pt] Na indústria do petróleo, as tubulações de aço que
hidrocarbonetos estão constantemente submetidas à ação do
gás sulfídrico (H2S).Na condição de veículo do átomo de
hidrogênio, este gás pode ensejar sua difusão
no aço, provocando a fragilização do mesmo. O tratamento
térmico pós-soldagem,previsto nos procedimentos de
convencionais qualificados pela Petrobras, atua no
de atenuar os efeitos danosos do hidrogênio, na medida
em que reduz o nível de tensões presentes na junta
quando em contato com o H2S. O presente trabalho conduz
estudo a respeito do comportamento de juntas de topo de
tubulações em aço-carbono microligado, soldadas conforme o
procedimento conhecido como Dupla-Camada, comparando-o ao
de juntas obtidas pelo procedimento de soldagem dito
Convencional. O procedimento Dupla-Camada não contempla
tratamento térmico pós-soldagem de revenimento,
pois as tensões internas remanescentes na zona de solda
aliviadas pelo passe de soldagem subseqüente, agregando,
portanto, redução do custo de manutenção e acréscimo da
disponibilidade de tubos condutores de derivados do
petróleo. Outrossim, este procedimento eleva a vida-útil
junta, pela melhoria da sua tenacidade, em função da
redução do tamanho de grão obtida nas zonas
termicamente afetadas (ZTA s). A medição das tensões
residuais provenientes da soldagem (oriundas de
transformação de fases, gradiente de resfriamento e
do átomo de hidrogênio inerente ao processo) e da
exposição do material ao H2S (provocadas por difusão do
através do método de difração de raios-X, avaliou a
efetividade do alívio de tensões alcançado em
juntas idênticas soldadas pelos dois procedimentos
Foi, também, investigada a ocorrência de microtrincas
e/ou transgranulares, bem como foram observadas as
microestruturas resultantes, através de metalografias
óptica e eletrônica de varredura, medidas as microdurezas
das juntas, assim como os tamanhos de grão na zona de
ligação das ZTA s, e comparados os resultados
obtidos segundo os dois procedimentos de soldagem. A
seguir, as amostras foram submetidas a análise em
microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, visando a
observação das discordâncias existentes, mecanismos que
contribuem para o alcance do nível de tensões residuais
reinante, que não puderam ser avaliados pelo
método de medição empregado. Os resultados obtidos
indicaram, em média, um estado de tensões mais relaxado,
com evidência de microestrutura de granulação
ligeiramente mais fina, após a soldagem pelo procedimento
Convencional. Não foram encontradas microtrincas, nem
constatada uma substancial existência de discordâncias, e
constatou-se uma microdureza maior nas regiões de
refinada nas ZTA s. Torna-se necessária a realização de
mais medições de tensões residuais, que forneçam suporte
estatístico à tomada de decisão na escolha do
de soldagem mais adequado. Do ponto-de-vista operacional,
resultados obtidos indicam a demanda por um controle mais
apurado na velocidade de avanço da deposição do eletrodo
(metal de adição) por parte do soldador executante do
procedimento de soldagem Dupla-Camada, suficiente à
garantia da elevação do aporte térmico exigida ao
recozimento da microestrutura de granulação grosseira das
ZTA s, visando a garantia do alcance das propriedades
requeridas à junta soldada. / [en] In petroleum industry, steel pipes that conduct products
are frequently submitted to the H2S action, that produces
steel atomic hydrogen diffusion and embrittlement. The post-
welding heat treatment, predicted in welding procedures
qualified by Petrobras, reduce the dangerous hydrogen
effect when joint is in contact with H2S, by reducing
existing residual internal stresses level. This thesis
studies a top joint performance when welded by two
different techniques:Conventional, with tempering after
welding, and Two-Layer Deposition, without post-welding
heat treatment to internal stresses relief. In the last
case, the residual stresses produced during welding
deposition are reduced by action of second layer, what
reduces maintenance costs and increase the equipments
availability. This welding procedure increase the welded
joint life too, by reducing grain size and increasing
toughness of thermal affected zone. By X-ray diffraction
methode, were measured internal stresses deriving from
welding process and H2S exposition, to detect the efficacy
of stress relief made on identical joints welded
by the two refered procedures. They were also investigated
existing microcracks, observed resultant microstructures by
optical and scanning electron microscopy, measured
microhardnesses and compared grain sizes in joints regions
welded by both procedures. Then, samples were analysed by
transmission electron microscopy to evaluate itself
existing dislocations level, responsible by internal
tension level existing at regions from welded zone that
were inable to be measured by X-ray methode. Results
obtained showed a major stress relief state and a
relatively lowest grain size in joints welded by
Conventional welding process. There was detected neither
microcracks nor an important dislocations level and
the microhardnesses showed higher values on the biggest
grains at the thermal affected zones. It´s necessary to
make more residual stresses measures to give a
statistical support to decision about what is the most
adequate welding procedure. From the operational point-of-
view, these results suggest the necessity of a better
parameters control process by the welder, in the case of
alternative welding procedure proposed, the Two-Layer
Deposition Technique.
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Engineering Residual Stress into the Workpiece through the Design of Machining Process ParametersHanna, Carl Robert 13 August 2007 (has links)
The surface integrity of a machined component that meets the demands of a specific application requirement is defined by several characteristics. The residual stress profile into the component is often considered as the critical characteristics as it carries a direct effect on the fatigue life of a machined component.
A significant amount of effort has been dedicated by researchers to predict post process stress in a workpiece using analytical, experimental, and numerical modeling methods. Nonetheless, no methodology is available that can express the cutting process parameters and tool geometry parameters as functions of machined residual stress profile to allow process planning in achieving desired residual stress profile.
This research seeks to fill that void by developing a novel approach to enable the extraction of cutting process and tool geometry parameters from a desired or required residual stress profile. More specifically, the model consists in determining the depth of cut, the tool edge radius and the cutting forces needed to obtain a prescribed residual stress profile for an orthogonal machining operation. The model is based on the inverse solution of a physics-based modeling approach of the orthogonal machining operation and the inverse solution of the residual stress prediction from Hertzian stresses. Experimental and modeling data are used to validate the developed model. The work constitutes a novel approach in engineering residual stress in a machined component.
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Influence of crystallographic orientation in normal and sliding contactsDawkins, Jeremy James 19 May 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to evaluate a methodology for modeling the influence of crystallographic grain orientation on key parameters in normal and sliding contacts. The simulations of interfering cylindrical asperities, using finite element analysis, were conducted using two different plasticity models for copper: a conventional isotropic, homogeneous J2 plasticity model and a continuum crystal plasticity model. A normal contact study was conducted in which crystallographic orientation effects on different parameters were investigated. The model was then adapted for sliding contacts, which allowed other parameters such as energy dissipation to be investigated. Using crystal plasticity, the dependence of crystallographic orientation on plastic deformation and energy dissipation can be determined. The relative trends predicted using crystal plasticity are consistent with experiments that show friction depends on crystallographic orientation when plastic deformation is one of the primary energy dissipation mechanisms.
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Behaviour and Design of Profiled Steel Cladding Systems Subject to Pull-through FailuresMahaarachchi, Dhammika January 2003 (has links)
The common profiled steel cladding systems used in Australia and its neighboring countries are made of very thin (0.42 mm) high strength steel (G550 with a minimum yield stress of 550 MPa) and are crest-fixed. However, these claddings often suffer from local pull-through failures at their screw connections during high wind events such as storms and cyclones. Past experience and researches have shown that the loss of steel roofs has often occurred due to local pull-through failures of their screw connections under uplift or suction loading. Loss of claddings always led to a progressive collapse of the entire building. This situation is continuing because of the lower priority given to the design of roof and wall cladding systems. At present, steel design codes do not provide guidelines for the design of crest-fixed steel roof or wall claddings. Past research has shown that European and American recommendations for steel claddings cannot be used for Australian crest-fixed cladding systems as they were developed mainly for valley-fixed claddings subjected to gravity loading instead of crest-fixed claddings subjected to wind uplift/suction loading. Therefore at present the design of thin steel cladding systems is based on laboratory tests and is expensive. These situations inhibit the innovative design and advances in the steel cladding industry. Since the local pull-through failures in the less ductile G550 steel claddings are initiated by transverse splitting at the fastener hole, analytical studies have not been able to determine the pull-through failure loads accurately. Therefore in the first stage of this research an appropriate fracture/splitting criterion was developed using a series of large scale and small scale experiments of crest-fixed steel claddings. A shell finite element model of crest-fixed steel cladding was then developed that included the new fracture/splitting criterion and advanced features such as hyperelastic material modelling, contact simulations, residual stresses and geometric imperfections. The improved finite element analyses were able to model the pull-through failures associated with splitting as evident from the comparison of their results with the corresponding full-scale experimental results. An extensive series of parametric studies considering the effects of material properties and geometric parameters of the two commonly used trapezoidal cladding profiles was undertaken using finite element analysis. Appropriate design formulae for the pull-through and dimpling failure load of trapezoidal profiles were then derived for optimization purposes and to simplify the current design method. This will then lead to modification and optimisation of cladding profiles to satisfy the requirements of both strength (safety during cyclones and storms) and economy. This thesis presents the details of large scale experimental studies undertaken and the results including the criterion for the splitting/fracture failure of high strength steel cladding systems. It describes the many advances made in the finite element modelling of crest-fixed steel cladding systems including the effects of localised pull-through and dimpling failures. Finally, it presents a simple design method for trapezoidal steel cladding systems under wind uplift or suction loading.
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