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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aceleração por GPU de serviços em sistemas robóticos focado no processamento de tempo real de nuvem de pontos 3D / GPU Acceleration of robotic systems services focused in real-time processing of 3D point clouds

Leonardo Milhomem Franco Christino 03 February 2016 (has links)
O projeto de mestrado, denominado de forma abreviada como GPUServices, se insere no contexto da pesquisa e do desenvolvimento de métodos de processamento de dados de sensores tridimensionais aplicados a robótica móvel. Tais métodos serão chamados de serviços neste projeto e incluem algoritmos de pré-processamento de nuvens de pontos 3D com segmentação dos dados, a separação e identificação de zonas planares (chão, vias), e detecção de elementos de interesse (bordas, obstáculos). Devido à grande quantidade de dados a serem tratados em um curto espaço de tempo, esses serviços utilizam processamento paralelo por GPU para realizar o processamento parcial ou completo destes dados. A área de aplicação em foco neste projeto visa prover serviços para um sistema ADAS: veículos autônomos e inteligentes, forçando-os a se aproximarem de um sistema de processamento em tempo real devido ao contexto de direção autônoma. Os serviços são divididos em etapas de acordo com a metodologia do projeto, mas sempre buscando a aceleração com o uso de paralelismo inerente: O pré-projeto consiste de organizar um ambiente que seja capaz de coordenar todas as tecnologias utilizadas e que explore o paralelismo; O primeiro serviço tem a responsabilidade de extrair inteligentemente os dados do sensor que foi usado pelo projeto (Sensor laser Velodyne de múltiplos feixes), que se mostra necessário devido à diversos erros de leitura e ao formato de recebimento, fornecendo os dados em uma estrutura matricial; O segundo serviço em cooperação com o anterior corrige a desestabilidade espacial do sensor devido à base de fixação não estar perfeitamente paralela ao chão e devido aos amortecimentos do veículo; O terceiro serviço separa as zonas semânticas do ambiente, como plano do chão, regiões abaixo e acima do chão; O quarto serviço, similar ao anterior, realiza uma pré-segmentação das guias da rua; O quinto serviço realiza uma segmentação de objetos do ambiente, separando-os em blobs; E o sexto serviço utiliza de todos os anteriores para a detecção e segmentação das guias da rua. Os dados recebidos pelo sensor são na forma de uma nuvem de pontos 3D com grande potencial de exploração do paralelismo baseado na localidade das informações. Porém, sua grande dificuldade é a grande taxa de dados recebidos do sensor (em torno de 700.000 pontos/seg.), sendo esta a motivação deste projeto: usar todo o potencial do sensor de forma eficiente ao usar o paralelismo de programação GPU, disponibilizando assim ao usuário serviços de tratamento destes dados. / The master\'s project, abbreviated hence forth as GPUServices, fits in the context of research and development of three-dimensional sensor data processing methods applied to mobile robotics. Such methods will be called services in this project, which include a 3D point cloud preprocessing algorithms with data segmentation, separation and identification of planar areas (ground track), and also detecting elements of interest (borders, barriers). Due to the large amount of data to be processed in a short time, these services should use parallel processing, using the GPU to perform partial or complete processing of these data. The application area in focus in this project aims to provide services for an ADAS system: autonomous and intelligent vehicles, forcing them to get close to a real-time processing system due to the autonomous direction of context.The services are divided into stages according to the project methodology, but always striving for acceleration using inherent parallelism: The pre-project consists of organizing an environment for development that is able to coordinate all used technologies, to exploit parallelism and to be integrated to the system already used by the autonomous car; The first service has a responsibility to intelligently extract sensor data that will be used by the project (Laser sensor Velodyne multi-beam), it appears necessary because of the many reading errors and the receiving data format, hence providing data in a matrix structure; The second service, in cooperation with the above, corrects the spatial destabilization due to the sensor fixing base not perfectly parallel to the ground and due to the damping of the vehicle; The third service separates the environment into semantics areas such as ground plane and regions below and above the ground; The fourth service, similar to the above, performs a pre-segmentation of street cruds; The fifth service performs an environmental objects segmentation, separating them into blobs; The sixth service uses all prior to detection and segmentation of street guides.The received sensor data is structured in the form of a cloud of points. They allow processing with great potential for exploitation of parallelism based on the location of the information. However, its major difficulty is the high rate of data received from the sensor (around 700,000 points/sec), and this gives the motivation of this project: to use the full potential of sensor to efficiently use the parallelism of GPU programming, therefore providing data processing services to the user, providing services that helps and make the implementation of ADAS systems easier and/or faster.

Réponses cellulaires rapides de l’halophyte Cakile maritima au choc salin : analyse de leur implication dans la mort cellulaire programmée et l’adaptation. / Rapid cellular responses of the halophyte Cakile maritima to salt shock : analysis of their involvement in programmed cell death and adaptation.

Ben hamed, Ibtissem 17 November 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont porté sur la specificité des réponses cellulaires de l’halophyte obligatoire Cakile maritima au choc salin et la régulation des événements précoces impliqués dans la mort cellulaire programmée et la survie en condition de salinité. Dans une première étape, nous avons montré que cette plante est aussi tolérante aux chocs salins répétés qu’au stress salin progressif. Cependant, on a observé de zones de mort cellulaires sur les feuilles âgées soumises à un choc salin sévère (400 mM NaCl). Pour mieux cerner la cascade d’événements impliqués dans ce processus de mort cellulaire, nous avons poursuivi nos expériences sur des suspensions cellulaires de C. maritima, dont nous avons-nous même optimisé les conditions d’obtention, et des suspensions cellulaires d’Arabidopsis thaliana (glycophyte modèle). Chez les deux espèces, nous avons observé une mort cellulaire programmée qui dépend de la durée et l’intensité du traitement salin appliqué, et qui met en jeu les mêmes événements cellulaires notamment la dépolarisation de la membrane plasmique due à l’entrée de Na+ par les NSCCs, un dysfonctionnement mitochondrial, une production d’anions superoxydes et une activation de protéines de type caspase. La tolérance de C. maritima au stress salin serait potentiellement due à une forte accumulation d’ascorbate qui permettrait à cette halophyte de mieux réduire les dommages générés par le stress oxydatif. C. maritima s’est aussi distinguée par une meilleure capacité de contrôler l’accumulation cytoplasmique de Na+, conduisant à la survie de ses cellules en condition de salinité. Cette étude sur la mort cellulaire induite par le NaCl chez les cellules en culture de C. maritima nous a aussi permis de mettre en évidence deux types de comportement dans cette population de cellules en culture : l’un lié à une dépolarisation soutenue en réponse au NaCl conduisant probablement à la mort de ces cellules, l’autre lié à une dépolarisation transitoire indiquant que l’influx de Na+ au travers des NSCC était régulé permettant probablement aux cellules présentant ce comportement de survivre en évitant l'accumulation excessive de Na+ dans le cytosol. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons mis en évidence la capacité de C. maritima d’exclure Na+ via le système SOS. Ce résultat suggère l’existence d’une deuxième voie de signalisation induite parallèlement à celle conduisant à la mort cellulaire. Cette voie, impliquant une production rapide d’oxygène singulet, pourrait permettre un influx de Ca2+ dans le cytoplasme activant la protéine SOS3 et en cascade SOS2 et SOS1 et les H+-ATPases de la membrane plasmique permettant un efflux du Na+ via SOS1 hors des cellules. / AbstractThis work aimed at understanding the specificity of cellular responses of the obligate halophyte Cakile maritima to salt shock and regulation of early events involved in programmed cell death and survival under salinity conditions. In a first step, we have shown that this plant is tolerant upon both repetitive salt shocks and gradual salt application. However, we have observed a cell death zones on older leaves subjected to a severe shock saline (400 mM NaCl). To better understand the cascade of events involved in the cell death process, we continued our experiments on suspension culture of C. maritima, which we have optimized ourselves the conditions for establishment and suspension culture of Arabidopsis thaliana (glycophyte model). In both species, salinity induced programmed cell death that depends on the duration and the intensity of the applied salt treatment. Also, the same cellular events, including depolarization of the plasma membrane due to the Na+ influx by NSCCs, mitochondrial dysfunction, production of superoxide anions and activation of caspase-like proteins, occurs early in response to salt stress. C. maritima tolerance to salt stress is potentially due to a strong accumulation of ascorbate that would allow this halophyte to better reduce damage generated by oxidative stress. C. maritima is also distinguished by a better ability to control the cytoplasmic accumulation of Na+, leading to the survival of its cells under salinity conditions. This study on cell death induced by NaCl in cell culture of C. maritima also allowed us to identify two types of behavior in this population of cells in culture: one related to a sustained depolarization in response to NaCl probably leading to death of these cells, the other linked to a transient depolarization indicating that the Na+ influx through the NSCC was probably regulated allowing cells exhibiting this behavior to survive by avoiding excessive accumulation of Na+ in the cytosol. In the last part of this work, we have demonstrated the ability of C. maritima to exclude Na+ via the SOS system. This result suggests the existence of a second signaling pathway induced in parallel to that leading to cell death. This pathway, involving a rapid production of singlet oxygen, could allow a Ca2+ influx in the cytoplasm that acts as an elicitor for activation of SOS3 protein and SOS2-SOS1 cascade and H+- ATPases of the plasma membrane allowing Na+ efflux via SOS1 out of cells.

Evaluation du rôle de la niche hématopoïétique dans l'induction des syndromes myélodysplasiques : rôle de dicer1 et du stress oxydatif / The implication of hematopoietic niche in induction of myelodysplastic syndromes : the role of Dicer1 and oxidative stress

Meunier, Mathieu 05 April 2018 (has links)
Les syndromes myélodysplasiques (SMD) sont dus à une atteinte oligoclonale de la cellule souche hématopoïétique aboutissant à une dysplasie des lignées myéloïdes, des cytopénies sanguines et une évolution fréquente vers la leucémie aiguë. De nombreuses mutations décrites dans des gènes contrôlant la régulation épigénétique sont responsables de la genèse des SMD. Mais des travaux récents montrent également que des anomalies du microenvironnement médullaire, notamment des cellules stromales mésenchymateuses (CSM), peuvent induire et propager un SMD suggérant l’idée d’une communication intercellulaire étroite entre la niche et les cellules hématopoïétiques. L’invalidation du gène Dicer1 (RNASE de type III impliquée dans le processing des microARN) dans les progéniteurs ostéoblastiques murins induit un véritable SMD avec dysmyélopoïèse.Nous avons confirmé la sous-expression de Dicer1 dans les CSM SMD à partir de prélèvements primaires de moelle totale et dans les CSM en expansion. La sous-expression de Dicer1 s’accompagne d’une dérégulation du profil des microARN au sein de CSM SMD mise en évidence par étude transcriptomique des CSM SMD vs CSM témoins. Nous avons découvert une possible cible thérapeutique : le miR-486-5p que nous avons retrouvé constamment surexprimé dans les CSM SMD. Un des moyens pour les CSM d’influer sur les cellules souches hématopoïétiques peut se faire par la sécrétion de vésicules extracellulaires (EVs). Ces EVs sont hétérogènes et peuvent être définies par leur taille. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés aux petites vésicules extracellulaires (sEVs) contenant la fraction exosomale qui est connue comme pouvant transporter des microARN, mARN et des protéines entre les cellules. Nous avons retrouvé ce miR-486-5p transporté comme cargo dans les sEVs sécrétées des CSM, des CSM vers les CD34+. De plus, nous montrons dans un modèle de co-incubation (sEVs avec CD34+ de sujets sains), que sur le plan fonctionnel, les sEVs provenant de CSM SMD induisent plus d’apoptose, plus de stress oxydatif ainsi que plus de dommage à l’ADN.Par ailleurs, la surcharge martiale observée chez les patients SMD est également responsable d’un stress oxydatif. Le déférasirox (DFX), un chélaleur de fer, a montré dans le cadre d’études rétrospectives une amélioration de l’érythropoïèse chez des patients SMD. Grâce à un modèle de différenciation érythroïde avec surcharge martiale, nous avons montré que de faibles doses de DFX induisent une meilleure prolifération des progéniteurs érythroïdes (moins d’apoptose et plus de cellules en cycle) via une activation de NF-κB. Cette activation est due à une diminution du niveau de dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène (ROS) en rapport avec une diminution du fer labile et est contrôlée de manière très fine par le niveau de ROS.Enfin, nous avons utilisé les propriétés du microenvironnement médullaire pour établir un modèle murin de SMD humain. En effet, la relative incapacité des cellules souches myélodysplasiques humaines de greffer et de reconstituer une hématopoïèse pathologique dans des souris immunodéprimées suggère que ces cellules souches SMD doivent avoir besoin d’un support extrinsèque du microenvironnement. Nous avons réalisé un modèle de souris humanisées en co-injectant des CSM et des CD34+ en intratibial. Une prise de greffe a été observée chez toutes les souris injectées et avons pu étudier l’évolution clonale au fil des générations dans les différentes sous-populations de progéniteurs myéloïdes (common myeloid progenitors (CMP), granulocyte macrophage progenitors (GMP) and megakaryocyte–erythroid progenitor (MEP)). Notre modèle est stable au cours des générations avec persistance du clone fondateur initial.En conclusion, ce travail confirme le rôle prépondérant du microenvironnement médullaire dans la genèse et la physiopathologie des syndromes myélodysplasiques et ouvre la voie à de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques. / Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) oligoclonal diseases leading to dysplasia, blood cytopenia and evolution to acute leukemia. Numerous mutations in genes involved in epigenetic regulation are responsible of MDS genesis. But recently, studies show that medullar microenvironment, particularly mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), could induces and propagates a truly MDS suggesting a narrow communication between HSC and this niche. Dicer1’s (type III RNAse implicating in microRNA processing) invalidation in murine osteoblastic progenitors induces a MDS with sign of dysplasia.In this work, we have confirmed the under expression of Dicer1 in MDS mesenchymal stromal cells from total bone marrow and cultured MSC. Dicer1 down regulation leads to a deregulation of miRNome profile in MDS MSC highlighted by transcriptomic approaches. We found a potential therapeutic target: miR-486-5p which is constantly overexpressed in MDS MSC. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) could be a possible way for MSC to influence HSC fates. Those EVs are heterogeneous are could be characterized by their sight. We mainly focused on small EVs (sEVs) containing the exosomal fraction known to be able to carry miRNA, mRNA and proteins. We found that miR-486-5p is carry from MSC to the HSC. Transcriptomic analyses of HD HSC overexpressing miR-486-5p are ongoing. Moreover, in a co-incubation model (sEVs and healthy donor (HD) HSC), sEVs coming from MDS MSC induced apoptosis, oxidative stress and DNA damages.Moreover, iron overload seen in MDS patients is also able to induce DNA damages and oxidative stress. Deferasirox (DFX), an iron chelator, has shown an erythropoiesis improvement in MDS patients. Using an erythroid differentiation model with iron overload, we have observed that low dose of DFX induce a better proliferation of erythroid progenitors (less apoptosis and more cycling cells) due to NF-κB activation. This activation is due to a decrease of reactive oxygen species level in relation to a decrease of the labile iron pool.Finally, we have used medullar microenvironment properties to establish a murine model of MDS. Indeed, MDS HSC incapacity to reconstitute a pathological hematopoiesis in immunocompromised mice suggests that MDS HSC need an extrinsic support from the microenvironment. We have engineered a MDS patient derived xenograft (PDX) model by intra-tibial co-injection CD34+ cells with MSC. All mice engrafted et we have follow the clonal evolution over mice generation in the different subset of myeloid progenitors. (common myeloid progenitors (CMP), granulocyte macrophage progenitors (GMP) and megakaryocyte–erythroid progenitor (MEP)). Our model is stable over generations with persistence of the initial founding clone.In conclusion, this work confirms the preponderant role of the medullary microenvironment in the genesis and physiopathology of myelodysplastic syndromes and opens the way to new therapeutic possibilities.

Stress Reaction in Outer Segments of Photoreceptors after Blue Light Irradiation

Röhlecke, Cora, Schumann, Ulrike, Ader, Marius, Brunssen, Coy, Bramke, Silvia, Morawietz, Henning, Funk, Richard H. W. 04 January 2016 (has links)
The retina is prone to oxidative stress from many factors which are also involved in the pathogenesis of degenerative diseases. In this study, we used the application of blue light as a physiological stress factor. The aim of this study was to identify the major source of intracellular ROS that mediates blue light-induced detrimental effects on cells which may lead to cytotoxicity. We hypothesized that outer segments are the major source of blue light induced ROS generation. In photoreceptors, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase (Nox) enzymes and the recently found respiratory chain complexes may represent a major source for reactive oxygen species (ROS), beside mitochondria and chromophores. Therefore, we investigated this hypothesis and analysed the exact localization of the ROS source in photoreceptors in an organotypic culture system for mouse retinas. Whole eyeball cultures were irradiated with visible blue light (405 nm) with an output power of 1 mW/cm2. Blue light impingement lead to an increase of ROS production (detected by H2DCFDA in live retinal explants), which was particularly strong in the photoreceptor outer segments. Nox-2 and Nox-4 proteins are sources of ROS in blue light irradiated photoreceptors; the Nox inhibitor apocynin decreased ROS stimulated by blue light. Concomitantly, enzyme SOD-1, a member of the antioxidant defense system, indicator molecules of protein oxidation (CML) and lipid oxidation (MDA and 4-HNE) were also increased in the outer segments. Interestingly, outer segments showed a mitochondrial-like membrane potential which was demonstrated using two dyes (JC-1 and TMRE) normally exclusively associated with mitochondria. As in mitochondria, these dyes indicated a decrease of the membrane potential in hypoxic states or cell stress situations. The present study demonstrates that ROS generation and oxidative stress occurs directly in the outer segments of photoreceptors after blue light irradiation.

L'autophagie induite par les glycoprotéines de l'enveloppe du VIH-1 dégrade les peroxysomes : rôle dans la mort des lymphocytes T CD4 non infectés / Autophagy induced by HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins degrades peroxisomes : role in apoptosis of uninfected T CD4 lymphocytes

Galais, Mathilde 25 September 2019 (has links)
Le développement de la phase SIDA (Syndrome de l'ImmunoDéficience Acquise) chez les patients infectés par le virus VIH-1 (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) se caractérise par une diminution progressive du nombre de cellules T CD4. Orla majorité des cellules constituant cette déplétion sont non-infectées et appelées "bystander". En 2006, notre équipe a montré que le contact entre les cellules infectées exprimant les glycoprotéines de l’enveloppe (Env) et les cellules noninfectées exprimant les récepteurs CD4 et CXCR4 déclenche au sein de ces dernières la voie d’autophagie, ce qui mène à une mort cellulaire par apoptose. L'autophagie est un processus impliqué dans la dégradation de matériel cytoplasmiqueaprès sa séquestration au sein de vacuoles dans lesquelles il sera dégradé puis recyclé. Ce processus peut être hautement sélectif par l'action de protéines réceptrices tels que p62 ou NBR1.L’objectif de mon projet de thèse vise à comprendre comment l'autophagie induite par Env mène les cellules T CD4 bystander à leur mort par apoptose. Une précédente étude menée par notre équipe a démontré que les changements induits par Env au sein de ces cellules T CD4 non infectées comprenaient la production d’espèces oxygénées réactives (ROS) menant à un état de stress oxydatif. Nous montré que le stress oxydatif induit par Env est impliqué dans la mort des cellules T CD4 bystander par apoptose. Nous avons également observé que l’autophagie doit être dégradative pourmener ces cellules T CD4 à leur mort par apoptose. De plus, nous avons observé une dégradation des protéines peroxysomales par l’autophagie induite par Env dans le même modèle. Les peroxysomes sont des organelles essentielles de la cellule qui sont en partie responsables de la détoxification des ROS dans la cellule. Leur nombre est régulé par une dégradation sélective autophagique que l’on appelle la pexophagie.Dès lors, nous étudions l’hypothèse de l'induction par Env d’une dégradation sélective des systèmes antioxydants de la cellule par autophagie dans les cellules T CD4 bystander. Les peroxysomes étant des organites responsables de la réponse au stress oxydatif, leur dégradation sélective pourrait empêcher la cellule de faire face au stress oxydatif qu’elle subit et la mener vers une mort cellulaire par apoptose. En conclusion, nous montrons que l’autophagie induite par Env dégrade un système antioxydant important qui est un facteur clé nécessaire à la survie des cellules T CD4 bystander pour réduire le stress oxydatif induit par Env. / The development of AIDS (Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome) in HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)-infected patients is characterized by a progressive decrease in the number of CD4 T cells. The majority of dying cells are noninfected and called bystander CD4 T cells. In 2006, our team demonstrated that the contact between infected cells (expressing the envelope glycoproteins (Env)) and non-infected cells (expressing the CD4 and CXCR4 receptors) was responsible for enhancing the autophagic pathway which lead to their cellular death by apoptosis. The autophagicpathway is involved in the degradation of cytoplasmic material after its sequestration into vacuoles wherein it will be degraded and then recycled. This process can be highly selective through the involvement of receptor proteins such asp62 or NBR1.We aim at understanding how Env-mediated autophagy can lead to apoptosis in bystander CD4 T cells. A precedent workof our team showed that the changes induced by Env in bystander CD4 T cells included the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to an oxidative stress state. We showed that the oxidative stress induced by Env is involved in thecellular death by apoptosis of bystander CD4 T cells. We also show that the autophagic process involved has to be a degradative process to lead these CD4 T cells to their death by apoptosis. Moreover, we have observed that Env-mediatedautophagy was degrading peroxisomal proteins. Peroxisomes are essential organelles in the cell responsible partly for the detoxification of ROS in the cell. Their number is regulated through a selective autophagic degradation known aspexophagy.Therefore, we hypothesized that Env induced a selective degradation by autophagy of the cell antioxidant system in bystander CD4 T cells. Since peroxisomes are responsible for regulating the cellular response to an oxidative stress state, their selective degradation could prevent the cell from overcoming this event and eventually lead to its death by apoptosis. In conclusion, we are showing that Env-mediated autophagy degrades important antioxidant systems which are a key survival factor necessary to the bystander CD4 T cells to reduce the oxidative stress induced by Env.

Biochemical characterization of the plastid terminal oxidase and its implication in photosynthesis / Caractérisation biochimique de l'oxydase terminale plastidiale et son implication dans la photosynthèse

Feilke, Kathleen 23 October 2015 (has links)
L'oxydase terminale plastidiale (PTOX) est présente uniquement chez les organismesphotosynthétiques. PTOX oxyde le plastoquinol (PQH2) et réduit l'oxygène en eau.PTOX est impliquée dans la synthèse des caroténoïdes, dans le transportphotosynthétique d'électrons et dans la chlororespiration. De plus, son activité estconsidérée comme pouvant jouer un rôle en tant que soupape de sécurité, permettant de maintenir oxydé le pool de plastoquinones (PQ) et d'éviter la surréduction duchloroplaste et ainsi la photoinhibition. Chez la majorité des plantes testées, les niveaux de PTOX sont plus élevés dans des conditions de stress (une exposition à forte intensité lumineuse, par exemple). D'autre part, la surexpression de PTOX chez Arabidopsis thaliana n'a pas rendu les plantes moins sensibles à la photoinhibition. Par ailleurs, il semble que PTOX surexprimée chez Nicotiana tabacum a induit la génération des espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ERO) et une photoinhibition importante sous forte lumière.Le but de cette thèse était la caractérisation de l'activité enzymatique de PTOX enutilisant la protéine purifiée et de comprendre pourquoi PTOX protège du stressphotooxydant dans certaines conditions et pourquoi elle augmente ce stress quand elle est surexprimée in planta.L'analyse biochimique de PTOX recombinante purifiée a démontré que l'enzymeexiste principalement sous forme tétramérique. Cette forme se dissocie partiellement,principalement en dimères. Le turnover maximal de l'enzyme purifié correspond à 320électrons par seconde et par molécule de PTOX. Nous avons démontré que PTOXgénère des ERO dans une réaction secondaire dépendante de la concentration dusubstrat (PQH2) et du pH de la solution. À pH 8 (représentant le pH du stroma deschloroplastes actifs), PTOX a une activité antioxydante quand la concentration de PQH2 est basse et prooxydante quand cette concentration est élevée.En mesurant la fluorescence de la chlorophylle a, nous avons démontré quePTOX est active lorsqu'elle est ajoutée aux membranes enrichies en PSII.L'attachement aux membranes dépend du pH et de cations de la solution: lorsque le pHdiminue ou lorsque la solution est riche en cations monovalents, la quantité de PTOXattachée à la membrane diminue.L'activité de PTOX in planta et son effet sur le transport des électronsphotosynthétiques ont été analysés en utilisant Arabidopsis thaliana surexprimant laphytoène désaturase bactérienne (CRTI) et Nicotiana tabacum surexprimant PTOX1 deChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Arabidopsis thaliana surexprimant CRTI a un niveau plusimportant de PTOX et de production d'ERO et le transport cyclique des électrons estsupprimé chez les transformants. Cela implique que PTOX est en compétition avec letransfert cyclique pour les électrons du pool PQ et que PTOX joue un rôle importantdans le contrôle de l'état rédox de ce pool. En utilisant Nicotiana tabacum surexprimant PTOX1, nous avons démontré que PTOX fait concurrence au transfert linéaire d'électrons photosynthétique, mais que PTOX est inactivée quand le pH du stroma est neutre. Grâce aux résultats obtenus, nous proposons un modèle où l'association de PTOX avec la membrane est contrôlée par le pH du stroma. Quand le pH est neutre, PTOX est soluble et n'est pas active, ce qui évite l'interférence avec le transfert linéaire d'électrons. Quand le pH du stroma est alcalin et la chaîne des transporteurs photosynthétiques est surréduite (lors des conditions du stress), PTOX s'attache à la membrane, devient active et joue le rôle de soupape de sécurité. / The plastid terminal oxidase PTOX is encoded by higher plants, algae and some cyanobacteria. PTOX is a plastid-localized plastoquinol (PQH2) oxygen oxidoreductase. PTOX was shown to be implicated in plant carotenoid biosynthesis, photosynthetic electron transport and chlororespiration and may act as a safety valve protecting plants against photo-oxidative stress. PTOX protein levels increase during abiotic stress indicating a function in stress acclimation. But overexpression of PTOX in Arabidopsis did not attenuate the severity of photoinhibition or, when overexpressed in tobacco, even increased the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and exacerbated photoinhibition.Biochemical analysis of recombinant purified PTOX (PTOX from rice fused to the maltose-binding protein) showed that the enzyme exists mainly as a tetramer, which dissociated to a certain extent during electrophoresis, mainly into a dimeric form. The PTOX activity was 320 electrons s−1 PTOX−1. It was also shown that PTOX generates ROS in a side reaction in a substrate (decylPQH2) and pH-dependent manner when liposomes were used: at the basic stromal pH of photosynthetically active chloroplasts, PTOX was antioxidant at low decylPQH2 gaining prooxidant properties with increasing quinol concentrations. It is concluded that PTOX can act as a safety valve when the steady state [PQH2] is low while a certain amount of ROS is formed at high light intensities.It was shown by chlorophyll a fluorescence that recombinant purified PTOX is active when added to photosystem II (PSII)-enriched membrane fragments. PTOX attached tightly to the PSII-enriched membrane fragments. The amount of PTOX attaching to the membrane depended on pH and salts: an alkaline pH and monovalent compared to divalent cations increased PTOX attachment.PTOX activity in planta and its effect on photosynthetic electron transport were investigated using Arabidopsis expressing bacterial phytoene desaturase and tobacco expressing PTOX1 from Chlamydomonas. Arabidopsis expressing bacterial phytoene desaturase (CRTI lines) showed a higher PTOX content and increased PTOX related ROS generation. Furthermore, cyclic electron flow was suppressed in these lines. This implicates that PTOX competes efficiently with cyclic electron flow for PQH2 in the CRTI-expressing lines and that it plays a crucial role in the control of the reduction state of the plastoquinone pool. Using tobacco expressing PTOX1 from Chlamydomonas, it was shown that PTOX competes efficiently with photosynthetic electron flow, but gets inactive when the stromal pH is neutral. Based on the in vitro and in vivo results, a model is proposed, where the association of PTOX to the membrane is controlled by the stromal pH: When the stromal pH is neutral, PTOX exists as a soluble form and is enzymatically inactive avoiding the interference of PTOX with linear electron flow. When the stromal pH is alkaline and the photosynthetic electron chain is highly reduced under stress conditions as high light, PTOX binds to the membrane, gets enzymatically active and can serve as safety valve.

Functional analysis of the putative mitochondrial copper chaperone AtCox11

Radin, Ivan 04 February 2015 (has links)
Cox11 (cytochrome c oxidase 11) is an ancient and conserved protein family present in most respiring organisms. Studies of several family members, mainly in yeast and bacteria, have revealed that these proteins are in charge of Cu+ delivery to the respiratory complex IV (COX). Absence of Cox11 leads to a non-functional COX complex and a complete respiratory deficiency. Although it is assumed that homologues in other species perform the same function, experimental data supporting this notion are lacking. The aim of this work was to characterize the putative Arabidopsis homologue AtCox11 (encoded by locus At1g02410) and to determine its functions. Comparison of AtCox11 with the well-studied ScCox11 in yeast revealed that the two proteins share high similarity in their sequences (32% amino acid identity) and in the predicted secondary structures. Surprisingly, despite this high similarity AtCox11 proved not to be able to functionally replace the yeast protein in ΔSccox11 yeast deletion strains. As presumed, AtCox11 is localized to mitochondria, probably tethered to the inner mitochondrial membrane with its C-terminus facing the intermembrane space. The subsequent experimental work addressed the functions of AtCox11. To this end AtCOX11 knock-down (KD) and overexpression lines (OE) were generated and their impact on plant phenotype was investigated. KD lines that were obtained by artificial micro RNA technology, possess approximately 30% of the WT AtCOX11 mRNA levels. Overexpression resulting in 4-6 fold higher AtCOX11 mRNA levels, was achieved by placing AtCOX11 under the control of the 35S promoter. Remarkably, both KD and OE plants had reduced levels of COX complex activity (~45% and ~80%, respectively) indicating that AtCox11 is, as expected, involved in COX complex assembly. The KD and OE plants exhibited reduced root lengths and pollen germination rates (compared to WT). As both processes are dependent on respiratory energy, these phenotypic changes seemingly result from the reduced COX activity. Interestingly, the short-root phenotype in OE plants was rescued by a surplus of copper in the media, whereas copper deficiency intensified the phenotype. By contrast, KD plants did not respond to changes of the copper concentration. This difference in the copper response between KD and OE plants hints at a different cause for the reduced COX activity. It is proposed that the concentration of AtCox11 in KD plants limits the efficient insertion of Cu+ into COX, independent of the available copper concentration. In OE plants, binding of the limited copper by the high AtCox11 level may lead to a copper deficiency for the copper chaperone AtHcc1 that is required to load copper to subunit AtCoxII. Indeed, addition of copper to the media was able to rescue the phenotype. In line with these data, the analysis of the expression pattern of AtCOX11 revealed that it is expressed in tissues which require substantial mitochondrial and COX biogenesis to sustain their high metabolic and/or cell division rates. Furthermore AtCOX11 was shown to be up-regulated as part of the plant’s response to increased oxidative stress induced by the addition to the plant media of peroxides or inhibitors of respiratory complexes. The up-regulation of AtCOX11 in response to oxidative stress was corroborated with publicly available RNA microarray data and analysis of the AtCOX11 promoter, which revealed the presence of a number of potential oxidative stress responsive elements. Taken together, the experimental results presented in this thesis support the conclusion that AtCox11 is a member of the conserved Cox11 protein family. Most probably, this mitochondrial protein participates in the assembly of the COX complex by inserting Cu+ into the CuB center of the AtCoxI subunit. In addition to this expected role, the data indicate that AtCox11 might participate in cellular oxidative stress response and defense via a yet unknown mechanism.

Realizace kamerového modulu pro mobilní robot jako nezávislého uzlu systému ROS - Robot Operating System / Realization of camera module for mobile robot as independent ROS node

Albrecht, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
Stereo vision is one of the most popular elements in the field of mobile robots and significantly contributes to their autonomous behaviour. The aim of the diploma thesis was to design and implement a camera module as a hardware sensor input, which is independent, with the possibility of supplementing the system with other cameras, and to create a depth map from a pair of cameras. The diploma thesis consists of theoretical and practical part, including the conclusion of results. The theoretical part introduces the ROS framework, discusses methods of creating depth maps, and provides an overview of the most popular stereo cameras in robotics. The practical part describes in detail the preparation of the experiment and its implementation. It also describes the camera calibration and the depth map creating. The last chapter contains an evaluation of the experiment.

The oxidative stress response of Francisella tularensis / The oxidative stress response of Francisella tularensis

Honn, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Francisella tularensis is capable of infecting numerous cell types, including professional phagocytes. Upon phagocytosis, F. tularensis resides within the phagosome before escaping into the cytosol to replicate. Phagocytes constitute a hostile environment rich in ROS, which are employed as a means of killing pathogens. ROS interact with and disrupt the function of vital molecules such as DNA, proteins and bacterial structures. Iron potentiates the danger of ROS through the Fenton reaction where ferrous iron reduces H2O2 causing the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals and anions. Low levels of ROS are formed during normal aerobic metabolism and pathogens thus have a need for defense mechanisms to handle the ever present levels of ROS but even more so to combat the onslaught of ROS experienced within a host. This thesis was focused on the investigation of the iron status and oxidative stress response of F. tularensis; thereby identifying key players controlling the bacterial iron content, its adaptation to oxygen-rich environments and defense against ROS. We identified subspecies-specific differences in iron content, where F. tularensis subsp. tularensis was found to contain significantly less iron than strains of subsp. holarctica. The reduced iron content resulted in an increased tolerance to H2O2, despite simultaneously causing a decrease in the activity of catalase - the iron-dependent enzyme responsible for degrading H2O2 in F. tularensis. This strongly suggests that the restricted iron uptake and storage by subsp. tularensis strains is beneficial by rendering the bacteria less susceptible to H2O2, thereby evading the toxic effects of the iron-driven Fenton reaction. This evasion is likely to be an important part of the higher virulence displayed by subsp. tularensis as compared to subsp. holarctica. We further identified that the global regulator, MglA, is important for the adaptation of LVS to oxygen-rich environments. Deletion of mglA from LVS resulted in a mutant, ΔmglA, with impaired defense to oxidative stress, as manifested by an inability to grow to wild-type levels under aerobic conditions, an accumulation of proteins with oxidative damage, a suppressed expression of iron-uptake related genes, an increased catalase activity, and an increased tolerance to H2O2. This phenotype was reversed in a microaerobic environment. We therefore conclude that MglA is an important factor for the defense of LVS to oxidative damage under aerobic conditions and speculate that MglA is of greatest importance in oxygen-rich foci. We also studied the role of OxyR in LVS by creating a ΔoxyR mutant as well as a double mutant, ΔoxyR/ΔkatG. The in vitro response of these mutants, as well as of ΔkatG, to defined ROS was assessed using H2O2, the O2- generating agent paraquat, and the ONOO- generator SIN-1. ΔoxyR was more susceptible to all ROS than LVS as was ΔkatG, with the exception of O2- Strikingly, ΔoxyR/ΔkatG was significantly more susceptible to all ROS tested compared to either single deletion mutant. LVS, ΔoxyR and ΔkatG replicated efficiently in bone marrow-derived macrophages whereas ΔoxyR/ΔkatG showed no replication. In mice, the ΔoxyR mutant displayed impaired replication in liver, but intact replication vs. LVS in spleen. Collectively, our results demonstrate an important role of OxyR in the oxidative stress response and virulence of F. tularensis, and further reveal overlapping roles of OxyR and catalase in the defense against ROS. The results thus shed new light on the complexity of ROS defense in F. tularensis.

Study of the molecular details of p53 redox-regulation using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

Scotcher, Jenna January 2011 (has links)
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2 • −) have been shown to serve as messengers in biological signal transduction, and many prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins are now known to have their function controlled via ROS-mediated oxidation reactions occurring on critical cysteine residues. The tumour-suppressor protein p53 is involved in the regulation of a diverse range of cellular processes including apoptosis, differentiation, senescence, DNArepair, cell-cycle arrest, autophagy, glycolysis and oxidative stress. However, little is understood about the specific molecular mechanisms that allow p53 to discriminate between these various different functions. p53 is a multiple cysteine-containing protein and there is mounting evidence to suggest that redox-modification of p53 Cys residues participate in control of its biological activity. Furthermore, p53 activity has been linked to intracellular ROS levels. Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) offers superior mass resolving power and mass measurement accuracy, which is beneficial for the study of intact proteins and the characterisation of their posttranslational modifications (PTMs). The primary goal of the work described in this thesis was to employ FT-ICR mass spectrometry to investigate the molecular details of p53 redox-regulation. The relative reactivity of each of the ten cysteine residues in the DNA-binding core domain of recombinant human p53 was characterised by treatment with the Cys-alkylating reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) under various conditions. A combination of top-down and middle-down FT-ICR MS was used to unambiguously identify Cys182 and Cys277 as sites of preferential alkylation. These results were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. Interestingly, Cys182 and Cys277 have previously been implicated in p53 redox-regulation. Alkylation beyond these two residues was found to trigger rapid alkylation of the remaining Cys residues, presumably accompanied by protein unfolding. These observations have implications for the re-activation of mutant p53 with Cys-targeting compounds which result in the death of cancer-cells. Furthermore, the molecular interaction between p53 and the ROS hydrogen peroxide was investigated. p53 was found to form two disulfide bonds upon treatment with H2O2. An enrichment strategy was developed to purify oxidised p53 and top-down FT-ICR mass spectrometry revealed unambiguously that Cys176, 182, 238 and 242 were the oxidised residues. Interestingly, Cys176, 238 and 242 are Zn2+- binding residues suggesting that p53 contains a zinc-redox switch. The mechanism of H2O2 oxidation was investigated, and revealed that oxidation via an alternative pathway results in indiscriminate over-oxidation of p53. Moreover, Cys176, 238 or 242 was shown to act as a nucleophile, and the intracellular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) did not prevent oxidation of the Zn2+-binding Cys residues, providing further evidence for a role in p53 redox-regulation. This study has revealed hitherto unknown details regarding the chemistry of cysteine residues within the important tumour-suppressor protein p53. Furthermore, the analytical power of FT-ICR MS for the study of multiple Cys-containing proteins has been very clearly demonstrated.

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