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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial variation of dissolved organic carbon along streams in Swedish boreal catchments

Temnerud, Johan January 2005 (has links)
Denna avhandling behandlar den småskaliga rumsliga variationen av löst organiskt kol (DOC, engelsk term: dissolved organic carbon), dess koncentration, masstransport och karaktär, i bäckar inom två barrskogsbeklädda avrinningsområden (delavrinningsområden 0,01-78 km²). Provtagningen gjordes uppströms och nedströms varje bäckförgrening under sommarbasflöde. Koncentrationen av DOC varierade inom en tiopotens (4-66 mg/l), liksom flera andra kemiska parametrar. Vid riksinventeringen av vattendrag för 2000 i norra Sverige noterades en snarlik spännvidd. Enligt Naturvårdverkets bedömningsgrunder för sjöar och vattendrag återfanns alla tillståndsklasser för DOC och pH, samt mänsklig påverkansgrad till försurningen inom de två studerade områdena. Den specifika avrinningen (flöde per areaenhet) varierade kraftigt i källflödena och inverkade på deras bidrag till kemin nedströms. Vattenkemin och specifika avrinningen var stabila i delavrinningsområden större än 15 km². Det kan vara nödvändigt att provta så stora områden om generella värden för landskapet önskas, men källflödenas kemi kommer då inte att kunna karakteriseras, ehuru källflödena utgör den största delen av bäcksträckan och det akvatiska ekosystemet. Nedströms är DOC-koncentrationen, och många andra kemiska parametrar, lika med summan av bidragen från källflödena och nedströms utspädning av inflödande vatten. Tillkommer gör processer inom bäcken och vattnets utbyte med botten/grundvatten (den hyporheiska zonen), men även DOC-förluster/transformationer vid vissa bäckförgreningar och sjöar. Ovanstående resonemang förklarade bäckvattenkemins minskande variation och vanligen lägre DOC-koncentrationer nedströms i ett landskapsperspektiv. Längs bäcksträckorna observerades ingen generell minskning av DOC-koncentration eller ändring av dess karaktär. Skillnaden i DOC-koncentration och relaterade parametrar mellan källflöden och nedströms styrdes i hög grad av vilka landskapselement (myrar, sjöar och skogsmark) som vattnet hade passerat innan det hamnade i bäckarna, samt samspelseffekter med den specifik avrinningen och platserna med DOC-förlust. Prognoser med multivariata modeller baserade på kartinformation testades men kunde inte förutsäga det rumsliga mönstret eller DOC-koncentrationen med erforderlig precision. Lämpliga rutiner inom miljöövervakningen för att övervaka den rumsliga variationen av kemin i ytvatten saknas alltjämt. Vid planering av terrestra och akvatiska skötselåtgärder bör man beakta bäckvattnets naturliga kemiska variation. / This thesis quantifies the small-scale spatial variation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, fluxes and character in two boreal catchments (subcatchments 0.01-78 km²) using ”snapshots” of summer base flow where samples were taken upstream and downstream from every node in the stream network. An order of magnitude variation was found in DOC-concentrations, and many other chemical parameters. The range was similar to that found in all of northern Sweden by the national stream survey in 2000. According to the official assessment tools used in Sweden, the entire range of environmental status for DOC, pH and human acidification influence existed within these two study catchments. A large variability in specific discharge had a major impact on the contribution of headwaters to downstream chemistry. The water chemistry parameters were relatively stable at catchment areas greater than 15 km². Sampling at that scale may be adequate if generalised values for the landscape are desired. However the chemistry of headwaters, where much of the stream length and aquatic ecosystem is found would not be characterized. Downstream DOC-concentrations, as well as many other chemical parameters, are the sum of headwater inputs, in combination with progressive downstream dilution by inflowing water with its own DOC-concentration and character. Superimposed upon this are in-stream and hyporheic processes, as well as discrete loci of DOC loss/transformation at lakes and stream junctions. At the landscape scale, this results in a decreased downstream variation in stream water chemistry and often, but not necessarily, lower average DOC-concentrations. Along stream reaches there was not a loss of DOC-concentration or a consistent change in character. While the importance of in-stream/hyporheic processes that consistently alter DOC-concentrations along the channel network cannot be ruled out, the differences between headwater and downstream DOC-concentrations and related parameters depend largely on the mosaic of landscape elements (mires, lakes and forest soil) contributing water to the channel network, combined with patterns of specific discharge and discrete loci of DOC loss. Assessment would be facilitated by map information that could predict spatial patterns. Multivariate models using maps, however, did not give satisfactory predictions. Appropriate procedures for dealing with spatial variation in the environmental assessment of surface waters are not yet established. An awareness of stream water chemistry’s natural spatial variability should be considered when planning aquatic and terrestrial management.

Pleistocene palaeoecology of the eastern Darling Downs

Price, Gilbert J. January 2006 (has links)
Several late Pleistocene fossil localities in the Kings Creek catchment, Darling Downs, southeastern Queensland, Australia, were examined in detail to establish an accurate, dated palaeoecological record for the region, and to test human versus climate change megafauna extinction hypotheses. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS 14C) and U/Th dating confirm that the deposits are late Pleistocene in age, but the dates obtained from the two methods are not in agreement. Fluvial depositional accumulation processes in the catchment reflect both high-energy channel and low-energy episodic overbank deposition. The most striking taphonomic observations for vertebrates in the deposits include: 1) low representation of post-cranial elements; 2) high degree of bone breakage; 3) variable abrasion but most identifiable bone elements with low to moderate degree of abrasion; 4) low rates of bone weathering; 5) low degree of carnivore bone modification; and 6) low degree of articulated or associated specimens. Collectively, those data suggest that the material was transported into the deposit from the surrounding proximal floodplain and that the assemblages reflect hydraulic sorting. A multifaceted palaeoecological investigation revealed significant habitat change between superposed assemblages of site QML796. The basal fossiliferous unit contained species that indicate the presence of a mosaic of habitats including riparian vegetation, vine thickets, scrubland, open and closed woodlands, and open grasslands during the late Pleistocene. Those woody and scrubby habitats contracted over the period of deposition so that by the time of deposition of the youngest horizon, the creek sampled a more open type environment. Sequential faunal horizons show a step-wise decrease in taxonomic diversity that cannot be explained by sampling or taphonomic bias. The decreasing diversity includes loss of some, but not all, megafauna and is consistent with a progressive local loss of megafauna in the catchment over an extended interval of time. Collectively, those data are consistent with a climatic cause of megafauna extinction, and no specific evidence was found to support human involvement in the local extinctions. Better dating of the deposits is critically important, as a secure chronology would have significant implications regarding the continent-wide extinction of the Australian megafauna.

Late Neogene stratigraphy and sedimentation across the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia

Miranda, J. A. January 2007 (has links)
The Late Neogene sedimentary sequence of the Murray Basin provides an excellent opportunity to examine paleoenvironmental change across southeastern Australia. A detailed stratigraphic analysis of sediments deposited within the basin in the last 10 Ma was undertaken to assess the influence of tectonic and eustatic processes on deposition. / Stratigraphic observations and radiogenic isotope analysis reveals the onset of deposition by 7.2 Ma with a transgressive episode that deposited the marine marls of the Bookpurnong Beds. Deposition was restricted to the central and eastern parts of the basin due to the Hamley Fault. In the west, subsurface elevation contours indicate the presence of incised paleodrainage channels above Miocene limestones, which facilitated the formation of a large estuary system at 5.3 Ma. The sediments of the Norwest Bend Formation were deposited within this western region, while further east, the Loxton-Parilla Sands strandplain deposited over 214 coastal ridges. The basal parts of this unit occur as lateral equivalents to the sediments of the Lower Norwest Bend Formation (in the west). Topographic and magnetic data reveal that tectonism was active during this period and resulted in the erosion and truncation of strandlines. / Tectonic evidence and an estimated minimum 28,037 year cyclicity between strandline sets, suggests that the Loxton-Parilla Sands strandlines do not represent an unbroken record of glacioeustatic change. The subaerial exposure of these sediments at approximately 3.0 Ma caused the formation of a calcareous karst above the Norwest Bend Formation and a ferruginous and/or silicious cap (the Karoonda Surface) above the Loxton-Parilla Sands. The stratigraphic position of these surfaces are indicative of a regional widespread unconformity. / The Douglas-Blackburn paleodrainage system in western Victoria was dammed during the Mid-Late Pliocene by uplift associated with the Padthaway High, which caused the formation of a 400,000 km2 lacustrine system, known as Lake Bungunnia. Topographic analysis indicates that Lake Bungunnia comprised at least four distinct sub-basins with water depths of up to 30 metres, with lake shorelines indicating that active tectonism occurred during this period. The resulting lack of sediment input to the coast caused the formation of the Kanawinka Escarpment, a large erosional scarp along the southern margin of the Padthaway High. / The geomorphology of the modern Murray Basin can be directly attributed to the demise of the Lake Bungunnia system. Movement along the Morgan Fault in the west at approximately 700 Ka, resulted in the draining and progressive drying of Lake Bungunnia as a breach was created along the Padthaway High. The Murray River gorge as observed today was incised following this episode. The modern Murray River (and playa lakes such as Lake Tyrell) occupy the lowest elevations along the former sub-basins of Lake Bungunnia. / The Late Neogene sedimentary sequence across the Murray Basin illustrates a complex interaction of eustatic and tectonic processes on deposition. Sedimentation within strandline, estuarine and lacustrine systems, particularly in the western Murray Basin, display evidence of significant tectonic control. This highlights the important role that neotectonic processes have played in shaping southeastern Australia.

Volcanologie physique et sédimentologie du groupe volcanique de Piché et relations stratigraphiques avec les groupes sédimentaires encaissants de Pontiac et de Cadillac /

Landry, Jacques. January 1991 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Sc.T.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1991. / Bibliogr.: f. 83-86. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Sédimentologie de dépôts quaternaires graveleux dans le bassin versant de la Rivière Chicoutimi à Laterrière, Québec /

Duchesne, Mathieu, January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Sc.T.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2001. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Étude sédimentologique des dépôts graveleux du corridor Métabetchouan - Larouche /

Mekhnache, Rachid, January 2005 (has links)
Thèse (M.Sc.T.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2005. / Bibliogr.: f. 100-105. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Κατανομή και συμπεριφορά ιχνοστοιχείων στα νερά του Νοτίου Αιγαίου Πελάγους

Νακοπούλου, Χρυσάνθη 12 November 2009 (has links)
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Caractérisation des hétérogénéités sédimentaires et pétrophysiques d’un réservoir carbonaté microporeux : le cas de la Craie (Crétacé supérieur, Bassin de Paris) / Characterisation of sedimentary and petrophysical heterogeneities of a microporous reservoir : the case of Chalk (Upper Cretaceous, Paris Basin, France)

Saïag, Jessica 14 December 2016 (has links)
La craie est définie comme étant une roche carbonatée microporeuse. Cette formation est largement exploitée en Mer du Nord pour ses hydrocarbures et constitue un aquifère dans le Bassin de Paris. Les propriétés réservoirs de la Craie (propriétés matricielles) varient considérablement comme Alam et al. (2011) le soulignent pour les craies de surface et de subsurface de Mer du Nord, avec des porosités de 4 à 52 %, des perméabilités de 0,01 à 100 mD et des vitesses des ondes P sur roche saturée de 2,4 à 4,4 km.s-1.Dans le secteur d'étude (Normandie, France), pris comme analogue de terrain, 114 échantillons (Cénomanien- Santonien) ont été prélevés dans le but d'illustrer l'hétérogénéité sédimentaire et pétrophysique de la Craie. Comme en Mer du Nord, les échantillons présentent une grande variabilité des propriétés pétrophysiques : porosités () de 6,1 à 46,5 %, perméabilités matricielles (K) très faibles (0,002 mD) jusqu’à des perméabilités atypiques et très fortes (470 mD, en l’absence de fractures) et des vitesses des ondes P sur échantillon saturé s'étalant selon une gamme très étendue (1,8 à 5,5 km.s-1). Cependant, l’origine de ces hétérogénéités est encore mal comprise. L'objectif de cette étude est donc de comprendre l’influence respective des facteurs contrôlant les propriétés pétrophysiques afin d'optimiser la modélisation de ce type de réservoir.Trois modèles sédimentaires ont ici été définis avec :(1) un modèle de rampes, subdivisé en modèle de rampe argileuse avec des porosités de 34,4 à 46,5 % et des valeurs de perméabilité de 0,02 à 3 mD, et en modèle de rampe carbonatée (mudstone à grainstone) avec des porosités de 26,1 à 46,5 % et des valeurs de perméabilité de 0,04 à 6 mD,(2) un modèle de contourite (mudstone à grainstone et micro-packstone) avec des porosités de 8,3 à 45,5 % et des valeurs de perméabilité de 0,05 à 477 mD,(3) un modèle de surface de hiatus (Soupground à Hardground) avec des porosités de 6 à 36,9 % et des valeurs de perméabilité de 0,002 à 36 mD.Une classification des microtextures, basée sur l’observation au MEB de quatre critères (contenu minéralogique, fraction biogénique, fraction micritique et fraction de ciment), est proposée. À partir de ces critères, deux groupes majeurs ont été définis avec les Pure chalk microtextures et Impure chalk microtextures. Le groupe des Pure chalk microtextures reflète l’intensité des modifications subies par la craie lors de la diagenèse (taux de diagenèse qu’elle soit précoce ou tardive). Une augmentation du taux de diagenèse induit une diminution de la porosité et une augmentation des vitesses de propagation des ondes acoustiques P. En effet, les transformations qui s’opèrent au cours de la diagenèse, d’une part, réduisent la taille des espaces intergranulaires et donc font diminuer la porosité, et d’autre part, renforcent les contacts entre grains, favorisant ainsi la propagation des ondes acoustiques. Pour le groupe des Impure chalk microtextures, la présence de particules insolubles dans la matrice n’affecte pas la porosité, mais diminue la perméabilité du fait de la réduction des tailles d’accès aux pores.Par conséquent, l’héritage sédimentaire et les transformations diagénétiques, qui affectent à différents degrés les faciès sédimentaires primaires, déterminent les propriétés réservoirs et sont donc la cause de la grande variabilité de ces dernières. De plus, la répartition spatiale de ces microtextures, dépendante des conditions de dépôt (e.g. climat, distance des côtes), et des modifications diagénétiques (précoces ou tardives), n’est pas aléatoire. À partir de l’extrapolation combinée des faciès et de l’empreinte diagénétique, il serait ainsi possible de visualiser la distribution des propriétés pétrophysiques sur les falaises, et donc de visualiser l'architecture des réservoirs dans la Craie. / Chalk is defined as a microporous reservoir rock. This formation is a prolific hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir in the North Sea and is one of the main aquifers in the Paris Basin. The heterogeneity of chalk in terms of petrophysical properties (both surface and subsurface) is illustrated by porosity ranging from 4 to 52 %, permeability from 0.01 to 100 mD, and P-wave velocity on water-saturated samples from 2.4 to 4.4 km.s-1 (Alam et al., 2011).In the study area (Normandie, France), taken as an outcrop analogue, 114 samples were collected (Cenomanian – Santonian). As in the North Sea fields, these samples show great petrophysical heterogeneity: total porosity () from 6.1 to 46.5 %, very low permeability (K; 0.002 mD) to atypical high permeability (477 mD; without fractures), and P-wave velocity on water-saturated samples ranging from 1.8 to 5.5 km.s-1. However, the origin(s) of this large variation in petrophysical parameters is poorly understood. Three sedimentary models are defined here for the chalk:(1) Ramp models, subdivided into argillaceous ramp model, with porosity from 34,4 to 46.5%, and permeability from 0.02 to 3 mD, and carbonate ramp model (mudstone to packstone), with porosity from 26.1 to 46.5%, and permeability from 0.04 to 6 mD,(2) Contourite model (mudstone to grainstone and micro-packstone), with porosity from 8.3 to 45.5%, and permeability from 0.05 to 477 mD,(3) Softground to Hardground model, with porosity from 6 to 36.9%, and permeability from 0.002 to 36 mD.Each model has specific distribution in the porosity-permeability plot.A microtexture classification of the chalk is proposed, based on SEM observation of four groups of criteria (mineralogical content, biogenic fraction, micritic fraction and cement fraction). From these criteria, two major groups are defined: Pure chalk microtexture and Impure chalk microtexture. The Pure chalk microtexture group reflects the intensity of chalk modification during diagenesis (rate of diagenesis, whether early stage or not). An increase in the diagenetic rate induces a decrease in porosity and an increase in P-wave velocity. Diagenetic transformation induces a decrease in pore-space size, with better grain contact, explaining the decrease in porosity and the improved propagation of acoustic P-wave velocity. For Impure chalk microtexture group, the presence of insoluble particles in the matrix does not affect porosity but decreases permeability, due to the reduction of pore-throat size.The complex relationships between depositional inheritance and diagenetic transformation lead to variability in chalk petrophysical parameters. Spatio-temporal distribution of depositional facies and associated diagenetic transformation is not random; it depends on sedimentological condition (e.g. climate and distance to shore) and imprint of diagenetic processes (early or late stage). By extrapolating from the combined data on facies and diagenesis, the petrophysical properties of the entire cliff section can be characterised, and used to describe the reservoir architecture of the Chalk.

Quantitative characterisation and analysis of siliciclastic fluvial depositional systems using 3D digital outcrop models

Burnham, Brian January 2016 (has links)
Outcrop analogue studies of fluvial sedimentary systems are often undertaken to identify spatial and temporal characteristics (e.g. stacking patterns, lateral continuity, lithofacies proportions). However, the lateral extent typically exceeds that of the exposure, and/or the true width and thickness are not apparent. Accurate characterisation of fluvial sand bodies is integral for accurate identification and subsequent modelling of aquifer and hydrocarbon reservoir architecture. The studies presented in this thesis utilise techniques that integrate lidar, highresolution photography and differential geospatial measurements, to create accurate three-dimensional (3D) digital outcrop models (DOMs) of continuous 3D and laterally extensive 2D outcrop exposures. The sedimentary architecture of outcrops in the medial portion of a large Distributive Fluvial System (DFS) (Huesca fluvial fan) in the Ebro Basin, north-east Spain, and in the fluvio-deltaic succession of the Breathitt Group in the eastern Appalachian Basin, USA, are evaluated using traditional sedimentological and digital outcrop analytical techniques. The major sand bodies in the study areas are quantitatively analysed to accurately characterise spatial and temporal changes in sand body architecture, from two different outcrop exposure types and scales. Several stochastic reservoir simulations were created to approximate fluvial sand body lithological component and connectivity within the medial portion of the Huesca DFS. Results demonstrate a workflow and current methodology adaptation of digital outcrop techniques required for each study to approximate true geobody widths, thickness and characterise architectural patterns (internal and external) of major fluvial sand bodies interpreted as products of DFSs in the Huesca fluvial fan, and both palaeovalleys and progradational DFSs in the Pikeville and Hyden Formations in the Breathitt Group. The results suggest key geostatistical metrics, which are translatable across any fluvial system that can be used to analyse 3D digital outcrop data, and identify spatial attributes of sand bodies to identify their genetic origin and lithological component within fluvial reservoir systems, and the rock record. 3D quantitative analysis of major sand bodies have allowed more accurate width vs. thickness relationships within the La Serreta area, showing a vertical increase in width and channel-fill facies, and demonstrates a 22% increase of in-channel facies from previous interpretations. Additionally, identification of deposits that are products of a nodal avulsion event have been characterised and are interpreted to be the cause for the increase in width and channel-fill facies. Furthermore, analysis of the Pikeville and Hyden Fms contain sand bodies of stacked distributaries and palaeovalleys, as previously interpreted, and demonstrates that a 3D spatial approach to determine basin-wide architectural trends is integral to identifying the genetic origin, and preservation potential of sand bodies of both palaeovalleys and distributive fluvial systems. The resultant geostatistics assimilated in the thesis demonstrates the efficacy of integrated lidar studies of outcrop analogues, and provide empirical relationships which can be applied to subsurface analogues for reservoir model development and the distribution of both DFS and palaeovalley depositional systems in the rock record.

Geomorfologia e sedimentologia dos depósitos sedimentares recentes da porção superior do Estuário do Rio Pará (Baía de Marajó, Amazônia)

Martins, Silvio Eduardo Matos January 2010 (has links)
A dissertação visa caracterizar os depósitos sedimentares superficiais da planície arenosa de maré e de fundo/canal da porção superior da baía de Marajó, na área de influencia do Porto de Vila do Conde quanto sua geomorfologia, distribuição sedimentar e assembléia mineralógica de fundo, com ênfase nos minerais pesados. Os sedimentos foram classificados em nove classes texturais. A granulometria variou de argila à matacão. Os principais minerais pesados que ocorrem nos depósitos superficiais são: zircão, estaurolita, turmalina, cianita, granada e rutilo. Secundariamente ocorrem sillimanita, andaluzita, epidoto, apatita, topázio, muscovita, tremolita-actinolita, hornblenda, diopsídio, monazita, augita e biotita. Os grãos de estaurolita, zircão, turmalina e cianita apresentam ampla distribuição em todas as amostras dos sedimentos de fundo e planície. A assembléia mineralógica de pesados indica mais de uma área fonte de sedimentos. As feições geomorfológicas do curso fluvial estudado puderam ser descritas quanto suas formas, profundidades e composições sedimentares. A distribuição sedimentológica apresenta estreita relação com a morfologia e, sobretudo, evidencia as características de alta hidrodinâmica para esta área. Os sedimentos nas planícies de maré arenosas, localmente denominadas de “praias” de uma forma geral, ocorrem pela deposição de material arenoso fino, mal selecionado. Tais áreas, continuamente, recebem sedimento, de origem terciária, devido à proximidade com os afloramentos do grupo Barreiras. A suíte de minerais indica uma proveniência potencial de rochas metassedimentares, metamórficas de alto, médio e baixo grau e ígneas que afloram nas adjacências da área, tais quais de forma primaria a formação Barreiras e pós-Barreiras e secundariamente o complexo cristalino Xingu e o grupo Tocantins. / The dissertation aims to characterize the bottom sediments deposits of the tidal sandy plain and bottom/channel of the upper portion Marajó Bay, in area of the port of Vila do Conde about your geomorphology, sediment distribution and mineralogical assembly background, with emphasis on heavy minerals. The sediments were classified into nine textural classes. The particle size ranged from clay to boulder. The main heavy minerals that occur in the superficial deposits are zircon, staurolite, tourmaline, kyanite, garnet and rutile. Secondly occur sillimanite, andalusite, epidote, apatite, topaz, muscovite, tremolite-actinolite, hornblende, diopside, monazite, augite and biotite. The grains of staurolite, zircon, tourmaline and kyanite are widely distributed in all samples of bottom and tidal plain sediments. The heavy mineral assemblage indicates more than one source area of sediments. The geomorphological features of the studied river course could be described as their shapes, depths and sedimentary compositions. Features of sedimentological distribution are closely related to the morphology and, especially, highlights high hydrodynamics for this area. The sediments in sandy tidal flats, locally called "beaches" in general, occur by the deposition of fine sandy material, poorly selected. Such areas continuously receive sediment of Tertiary origin, due to the proximity of the outcrops of the Barriers group. The mineral suite indicates a potential provenance, metasedimentary rocks, metamorphic high, medium and low grade and igneous rocks that outcrop in the vicinity of the area, in a primary form the Barriers formation and post-Barriers and, then the Xingu crystalline complex and Tocantins group.

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