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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ITIL i små och medelstora företag : Utifrån ett säkerhetsperspektiv / ITIL in small and medium sized enterprises : From a security perspective

Hedin, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
I detta arbete uppmärksammas problematiken kring SME i relation till ITIL utifrån ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Arbetet baseras på två fallstudier där en av dessa två är mer djupgående och därmed behandlas som huvudsaklig. Dessa två fallstudier analyseras sedan utifrån en teoretisk grund baserad på litterära, vetenskapliga och muntliga källor som bearbetats utifrån studiens två övergripande frågeställningar: Vilka är de avgörande faktorer som påverkar organisationen under en ITIL implementation och vilka skillnader finns det mellan större och mindre organisationer i relation till säkerhet? Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att det går att de övergripande faktorer som påverkar en implementation är relaterade till hur organisationen hanterar den organisatoriska förändring som sker i samband med implementationen samt hur de förhåller sig till ITIL innan implementationen. Vidare finner studien att det går att ifrågasätta om storleken på organisationen verkligen är en avgörande faktor i relation till arbetet med säkerhet och att det mer handlar om de kulturella skillnaderna mellan större organisationer och SME. / This work addressed the problem of SMEs in relation to ITIL from a safety perspective. The work is based on two case studies in which one of these two is more profound and thus treated as principal. These two case studies are analyzed from a theoretical foundation based on literary, scientific and oral sources that are processed on the basis of the study's two overarching questions: What are the crucial factors affecting the organization during an ITIL implementation and what are the differences between large and small organizations in relation to security? The study's main conclusions is that it is possible that the overall factors affecting the implementation are related to how the organization handles the organizational change that occurs in the context of implementation, and how they relate to ITIL before implementation. Further, the study finds that it is possible to question whether the size of the organization is really a critical factor in relation to the work on security and that it is more about the cultural differences between large organizations and SMEs.

The Global Financial Crisis: Impacts on SMEs and Government Responses

Wan, Yue January 2011 (has links)
This research examines the recent global financial crisis’ (GFC) impact on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and analyses governments’ responses. According to most literature, SMEs already faced obstacles prior to the GFC, such as paying high taxes, overcoming low profitability, being affected by rising business costs, finding qualified labour, dealing with increasing competition, etc. The GFC has had serious repercussions for SMEs with respect to financing, markets, and liquidity. In order to explore in depth the governments’ responses, qualitative methods are employed to test the following three research questions: 1) To what extent did governments aim to assist SMEs to survive the GFC? What types of programs have been implemented to address new and existing obstacles? 2) Did governments apply appropriate strategic initiatives to realize their goals? If the initiatives could not achieve the governments’ original goals, what obstacles did they address? 3) Did governments tend to help SMEs more after the GFC? Did governments give up on disadvantaged firms or did they try to help them survive the crisis? Analysis revealed that, as a result of the GFC, governments developed programs aimed at new obstacles and at some of the existing ones. The aims did not differ materially for developed and less-developed economies. Financing and taxation programs tended to be designed to achieve their goals directly, where other programs tended to achieve them in a more indirect manner. Overall, government initiatives covered most of the serious obstacles faced by SMEs and government assistance programs aimed at SMEs tended to have been augmented in light of the GFC.

A Dual Study Approach to Understanding SME Credit Pricing Influencers: Illustrations from the United Kingdom and the Canadian Computer Animation and Visual Effects Industries

Bourgeois, Elliott January 2014 (has links)
It has been empirically established that the differences in the lending rates charged by traditional and large lenders to large versus small creditors can be largely attributed to differences in information opacity (Dietrich, 2012; Holmes et. al. 1994). The greater the information possessed by the creditor, the lower the rate charged to the borrower, suggesting again that a risk premium is being charged for information opacity. Securitizing debt with collateral can reduce the lending rate charged, however differences in the rates charged cannot be fully explained by information opacity or availability of collateral. This dual study approach aims at increasing the understanding of loan pricing determinants. The first study uses data from the UK Survey of SME Finances, 2007 to explore factors internal and external to the firm that are significant in influencing credit prices, providing insight on why credit prices fluctuate from firm to firm. The second study uses interviews with firm owners in the Toronto computer animation and visual effects (CA&VFX) industries to effectively capture the intricacies and gain insight on the nuances involved in the pricing of credit for firms in these industries. The results of the first study suggest that the use of collateral, loan amount, loan duration, and firm size are significant credit pricing influencers while a firm’s strategic orientation, specifically product innovation and propensity to export, are of little importance. Results from the second study suggest that firm owner perceptions generally align with the extant literature on collateralization and relationships with lenders.

Analýza informačních systémů pro malé a střední podniky v ČR

Diviš, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
Téma diplomové práce zní Analýza informačních systémů pro malé a střední podniky v ČR. Po vymezení pojmu malé a střední podniky podle definici Evropské Unie (resp. Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu) se budu v teoretické části práce věnovat průzkumům trhu s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systémy jiných autorů, jako například Centrum pro výzkum informačních systémů nebo Zpravodajský portál časopisu IT systems, SystemOnLine anebo průzkum ERP trhu časopisu Business World. Nejdříve se zaměřím na to, jak uvedené subjekty definují pro své průzkumy nezbytné pojmy jako malé a střední podnikání, ERP, ERP pro segment MSP, jak odlišují (v případě SystemOnLine) ERP systémy od ekonomických informačních systémů nebo jestli vůbec segment malých a středních podniků ve svých průzkumech zohledňují. Další část bude zaměřena na metodiku provedených průzkumů, tzn. jaká kritéria byla u daných systémů sledována a také jakým způsobem byla publikovaná data zjišťována, případně jak probíhalo jejich ověření nebo aktualizace. Také zde uvedu vlastní metodiku použitou při získávání některých dat. V poslední části jsou uvedeny a okomentovány výsledky a shrnutí uvedených průzkumů a tam, kde to je možné, jsou údaje jednotlivých průzkumů navzájem porovnány. V případě Business Worldu budou také zkoumány trendy ve vývoji charakteristik ERP systémů pro MSP a jejich dodavatelů. Zkoumané období jsou roky 2002 ? 2007. Vlastním průzkumem je také poskytnut bližší pohled na licenční politiku dodavalů ERP systémů a omezení a výhody přednastavených variant ERP systémů pro segment MSP. Uvedeny jsou také základní podmínky a možnosti získání dotace ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie, průzkum dostupných informací a přehled subjektů nabízejících dotační poradenství.

Metodiky řízení informatických procesů - Implementace ISO 20 000 / Methodologies of information processes management - Implementation of ISO 20 000

Rajnyš, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The text is considering methodologies of information processes management in MSP and is highlighting problems that can arise in this segment. The work consists of theoretical outputs as well as experience from planning the implementation of ISO 20000 in a small Business Intelligence company. In the first part of this work are methodologies put in general frame of informatics management (IT Governance) and is discussed their purpose and impacts of standardization of management processes to which their use is leading. The main attention is paid to ITIL and ISO 20000 and their mutual relationship. In both methodologies is apprised suitability for segment MSP. In scope of the practical part are defined conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve successful implementation of ISO 20000 in MSP. The main output of this part is concrete methodology of implementation of ISO 20000 in a small company.

Plán prodeje výtahového komunikátoru do vybraných zemí EU / Plan of sale of elevator communication product to the chosen countries of EU

Mansfeld, David January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents 2N Telekomunikace a.s. company and describes its strategy when entering chosen countries of European Union with lift communicator. Part of this work provides theoretical view, which focuses on steps that are usual when companies enter international markets. Knowledge from this part of thesis is used in practical approach of 2N company that entered these foreign markets.

Zavádění projektového řízení v IT firmě. / Implementation of project management in IT company

Kříž, Lubomír January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of project management in an IT company from the sector of Small and Medium Enterprise. Its goal is to prepare the project management framework based on the robust methodics PMBoK, by which the company can begin to perform its business cases by using projects. The minor goals are the clear definition of project management and the summary of PMBoK and its features customized for the SME sector. This thesis consists of three parts: first one defines the basic terminology related to project management and includes the selection of the ideal organizational structure for project management in smaller company. Next part analyses the methodics PMBoK and it is used to derive a customized methodics for Small and Medium Enterprises.This methodics is then described more in detail in the last part with emphasis on process description. The main contribution of this thesis lies in creation of customized methodics of project management, which will be used in real life. Next minor contribution is the process of customization of PMBoK for SME.

Corporate identity v MSP / Corporate identity in SME

Stejskalová, Šárka January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to create a corporate identity (CI) in a partical company (SME) called "VŠ LIGA, o.s.". Theoretic part is dedicated to explanation of the CI conception, of its basic parts (corporate culture, communications and design) and its importance. Practical part analizes current situation of CI in the company. Based on this analysis there were identified issues to be solved. The thesis proposes the steps to solve these issues.

Význam a tvorba strategie pro MSP / Importance and creation of strategy for SME

Linhartová, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
Although strategic management is one of the most important part of company management, SME management is not focused on it or only a little. If SMEs are interested to exist on market in a long term, they will have to soon or later start with making strategies and apply methods of strategic management. Target of my thesis was to make strategic analysis and create design of strategy's variant of small enterprise. The thesis highlights importance of strategy for SMEs and involves procedure of creating strategy which is applied in practice on the small enterprise.

Elektronická fakturace a související procesy v informačních systémech typu ERP / Electronic invoicing and related processes in ERP information systems

Marek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Thesis readers familiar with the issue of electronic billing in small and medium-sized companies and provide an overview of the various formats and communication channels, which in the deployment of electronic invoicing can be used. In each chapter set out in detail the advantages and disadvantages of different formats and channels of communication. In the practical part of thesis describes a solution of electronic invoicing and the potential risks in the implementation and operation of electronic invoicing. The theoretical part of thesis draws primarily from articles and is accompanied by actual observations of Internet magazines. The theoretical part should provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of the Czech market with the information systems like ERP and should acquaint the reader briefly is the history of ERP systems. Practical thesis describes the solutions implemented in a real company, their advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls. These solutions should serve the reader in the formation of ideas about how to access these issues and to highlight the factors that the theoretical part may not be noticeable.

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