Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCILA"" "subject:"[enn] SOCILA""
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noneChen, Yen-lin 28 July 2004 (has links)
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[pt] Precursora na formação de manequins e candidatas a miss no Brasil, a Socila
ficou conhecida por ser uma escola de etiqueta para mulheres, sinônimo de
elegância no Brasil dos anos 1950 e 1960. Fazer Socila significava aprender sobre
embelezamento, vestuário e educação do corpo, configurando um
aperfeiçoamento social. A despeito do seu auge ter sido nos anos 1960, a Socila
continua sendo mencionada na imprensa, sem nunca ter sido objeto de estudo. Nesta
pesquisa se pretende contar a história da escola e de sua fundadora, Maria Augusta,
que ensinou etiqueta para a família Kubitschek, circulou na alta roda mundial e
inspirou personagem em série de TV, buscando compreender as narrativas de
feminilidade e socialização ensinadas às mulheres dos anos 1950 e 1960, tomando
a escola como partícipe da construção de um imaginário normatizador de
feminilidade, de um habitus (BOURDIEU, 1983). A hipótese é que entre opressão
e emancipação, Maria Augusta teria sido uma mediadora para mulheres, a partir de
um capital feminino que lhes possibilitava participar da vida social, fora dos
recônditos do lar. Com o tempo, entretanto, o aperfeiçoamento social se desloca do
aprendizado da etiqueta para um aperfeiçoamento corporal, mediante intervenções
estéticas no corpo. As narrativas na imprensa sobre a Socila, sobretudo nas revistas
Manchete e O Cruzeiro e no jornal O Globo, ajudam a recontar a história, além do
conteúdo de quatro apostilas com os ensinamentos ministrados por Maria Augusta,
cotejado a entrevistas. / [en] A precursor in training models and miss candidates in Brazil, Socila became
known for being a school of etiquete for women, synonymous of elegance in the
1950s and 1960s. Doing Socila meant learning about beauty, clothing and body
education, becaming a social improvement. Despite its heyday being in the
1960s, Socila continues to be mentioned in the press, without ever having been an
object of study. In this research, we intend to tell the story of the school and its
founder, Maria Augusta, who taught etiquete to the president Kubitschek s family
and inspired a character in a TV series, seeking to understand the narratives of
feminity and socialization taught to women, taking the school as a participant in the
construction of a normative imaginary of feminity, of a habitus (BOURDIEU,
1983). The hypothesis is that between oppression and emancipation, Maria Augusta
would have been a mediator for women, based on a female capital that allowed
them to participate in social life, outside the confines of home. However, social
improvement shifts from learning etiquette to body improvement, through aesthetic
interventions in the body. The narratives in the press about Socila help to tell the
story, in addition to the content of four handouts with the teachings given by Maria
Augusta and interviews.
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Šeimos ir ikimokyklinių ugdymo institucijų bendradarbiavimo įvairovė ugdant vaikų asmenines, socialines kompetencijas / Family and pre-chool institutions collaborations variety while cultivating children personal and social characteristicsIndrikonienė, Kristina 03 August 2011 (has links)
Pasitelkdami reikiamas formas bei metodus, ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų pedagogai turi išmokti pažinti tėvus kaip lygiaverčius vaikų ugdymo partnerius, įtrauktų juos į edukacinį procesą, kas leistų sumažinti pedagogų ir tėvų „susvetimėjimo zoną“, padėtų geriau užtikrinti vaikų ugdymą(si), tame tarpe plėtojant vaikų asmenines bei socialines kompetencijas.
Tyrimo objektas. Šeimos ir ikimokyklinės ugdymo institucijos bendradarbiavimas. Tyrimo tikslas. Išsiaiškinti šeimos ir ikimokyklinės ugdymo institucijos bendradarbiavimo vyksmą ugdant vaikų socialines ir asmenines kompetencijas. Darbo tikslas yra detalizuojamas uždaviniais, lėmusiais tokią darbo struktūrą: pradžioje buvo aptarta šeimos ir ikimokyklinės ugdymo institucijos reikšmė vaiko gyvenime; toliau – šių institucijų bendradarbiavimo svarba vaikų ugdymo(si) procese, galiausiai pateikta jų bendradarbiavimo turinio, formų bei metodų įvairovė, ugdant vaikų asmenines, socialines kompetencijas; ištintas šeimos ir ikimokyklinės ugdymo įstaigos pedagogų požiūris į abiejų šių institucijų bendradarbiavimą ugdant vaikus bei jų asmenines, socialines kompetencijas. Darbo metodika, padėjus išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, susideda iš mokslinės literatūros analizės, anketinės apklausos metodo, tyrimo duomenų analizės.
Mokslinės literatūros analizė leidžia teigti, kad būtinas šeimos ir ikimokyklinės ugdymo įstaigos bendradarbiavimas, kuris padėtų puoselėti visas vaiko galias, lemiančias jo asmenybės vystymosi, jo integracijos į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pre-primary institutions‘ teachers have to regard parents as equal partners in children education processes and also incorporate children parents into the educational process. This definetely would reduce the „zone of allienation“, help to improve children education. At the same such children features as personal and social competences would be cultivated.
The subject of this research is the collaboration of family and pre-primary institution. The aim is to sort out the development of the family and pre-primary institution‘s collaboration while cultivating children social and personal competences. The aim is revealed through the examples, and special tasks, which determined the following structure of the research: at first we defined the meaning of the family and pre-primary institution in the life of a child; secondly, the importance of the above mentioned institutions‘ collaboration was shown; and at last, the diversity of the institutions‘ collaboration contents, forms and methods was indicated while developing children personal and social competences; furthermore, the model of teachers‘ point of view towards the collaboration of those institutions was analysed. The methodology consists of scientific literature analysis, the questionnaire method and the survey data analysis.
The analysis of scientific literature suggests that family and pre-primary institution collaboration is inevitable if we want to uphold all children capacities, which are responsible for his/her... [to full text]
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La Réception de Lautréamont de 1870 à 1917 / The Réception of Lautréamont from 1870 to 1917Saliou, Kévin 16 March 2018 (has links)
Bien avant que les surréalistes n’érigent Lautréamont en précurseur de la modernité poétique, Les Chants de Maldoror (1869) et les Poésies (1870) ont eu leur place dans les débats des écrivains de la fin du XIXe siècle sur la décadence et le symbolisme. La réception de Lautréamont ne va pourtant pas de soi : son oeuvre d’Isidore Ducasse ne s’accorde guère avec les aspirations de l’époque ; et le manque crucial d’informations sur cet auteur laisse un vide que ses premiers lecteurs se sont efforcés de combler par l’élaboration d’un récit mythique. À travers l’étude d’un demi-siècle de lectures, fait de récupérations idéologiques, de querelles véhémentes et de fantasmes autour de la figure de l’écrivain maudit, cette thèse tente de reconstituer les réseaux de sociabilité littéraire de 1868 à 1917 en utilisant des outils d’analyse empruntés à la sociologie ; elle aspire en effet à montrer comment, grâce aux petites revues et aux cénacles, un mythe littéraire s’est élaboré au tournant du siècle. / Long before Surrealists seized upon Lautréamont in the name of poetic modernity, Les Chants de Maldoror (1869) and Poésies (1870) had been read by a whole literary generation which broached upon them in discussions about decadence and symbolism. But that reception is not obvious : Isidore Ducasse’s work is not a perfect reflection of the era’s aspirations, and the lack of information about its author generates a void to be filled only by a mythic story. It is necessary to parse this half-century of readings, full of ideological hijacks, fantasies about a supposed poète maudit as well as of literary disputes in which what is at stake is the discovery of a new Rimbaud. With the help of analytic tools borrowed from network sociology, our aim is to declineate the literary landscape in the years 1868 to 1917 in order to show how a literary myth took shape, through small journals and circles, at the turn of a century.
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Jak zvýšit životní úroveň? Komise ÚV KSČ pro otázky životní úrovně v letech 1963-1968 / How to heighten the level of living? Comittee ÚV KSČ for questions of the level of living 1963-1968RÁMIŠOVÁ, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
The Diploma thesis {\clqq}How to heighten the level of living, with the subtitle Comittee ÚV KSČ for questions of the level of living 1963-1968, deals about the standard of living of the people in Czechoslovakia of 1960s. The Sixties is evaluated for high quality of culture. Althought it was not the priority for the political leadership. Therefore neither do I in my thesis. The interest was rather addressed to the material satisfaction of citizen´s needs before their cultural and spiritual demands. The hightening of the level of living happened one of the partie´s priorities. The aim of the work is to get closer to an everyday live of the citizens on the basics of economic and social policy of the state. All foundations of the comitee UV KSC for the questions of life level became the source basement, which were determined to it by another comitee and organs of authority importance interested in it. On the base of the source it was possible to analyse economic and social conditions of Czechoslovakia and reforms before all, wchich above mentioned comitee was proposing. Before all it concerned to changes having the influence on the state of life standard. Population, flat, salary, price, socila policy of the state induce its quality. I ellected population problemacy, flat crisis, economic reforms, role of women, mainly the employment of women, shortening of working time, a question of free time and socilailist family as the crucial topic of the thesis. Politicaly relieved period of the sixties enabled an introduction of a new system of conducting national economy with the outsanding influence on material satiation of the citizens. Simultaneously with economic reform even a short period feeling of freedom came in. Interviews with contemporaries helped to disclose personal impressions of people.
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