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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bare life in the Bantustans (of the Eastern Cape): re-membering the centinnial South African nation-state

Westaway, Ashley January 2009 (has links)
This thesis argues that 1994 did not mark a point of absolute discontinuity in the history of South Africa. More specifically, it asserts that 1994 did not signal the end of segregationism; instead of democracy leading to national integration, the Bantustans are still governed and managed differently from the rest of the country. Consequently, it is no surprise that they remain mired in pervasive, debilitating poverty fifteen years after 1994. In insisting that contemporary South Africa is old (rather than new), the thesis seeks to make a contribution to political struggles that aim to bring to an end the segregationist past-in-the-present. The thesis is arranged in seven chapters. The first chapter considers the crisis that has engulfed South Africa historiography since 1994. It traces the roots of the crisis back to some of the fundamentals of the discipline of history, such as empiricism, neutrality and historicism. It suggests that the way to end the crisis, to re-assert the relevance of history, is for historians to re-invoke the practice of producing histories of the present, in an interested, deliberate manner. Chapter 2 narrows down the focus of the thesis to (past and present) property. It suggests that instead of understanding the constitutional protection of property rights and installation of a restitution process as the product of a compromise between adversarial negotiators, these outcomes are more correctly understood as emanating from consensus. The third chapter outlines the implementation of the restitution programme from 1994 to 2008. The productive value of restitution over this period is found not in what it has delivered to the claimants (supposedly the beneficiaries of the programme), but rather in its discursive effects related to citizenship in the new South Africa. Chapter 4 considers the exclusion of dispossession that was implemented in the Bantustans from the restitution programme. It argues that this decision was not an oversight on the part of the post-1994 government. Instead it was consistent with all other key policy decisions taken in the recent period. The Bantustans have been treated differently from the rest of South Africa; they have been deliberately under-developed, fabricated as welfare zones, and subjected to arbitrary customary rule. Whereas Chapters 2 to 4 look at the production of historical truth on the side of domination, Chapter 6 and 7 consider production on the side of resistance. Specifically, they describe and analyse the attempts of an NGO to establish the truths of betterment as dispossession, and post-1994 prejudice against the victims of betterment dispossession. They serve as case studies of third party-led processes that seek to produce truth-effects from within a prevailing truth regime. The final chapter attempts to bring many of the threads that weave through the thesis together, by means of a critical consideration of human rights discourse. The chapter calls on intellectuals to establish truths in relation to the history of ongoing human wrongs in South Africa (as opposed to the rainbow narrative of human rights) Finally, the thesis includes a postscript, comprising technical summaries of each of the chapters.

Crime, violence and apartheid in selected works of Richard Wright and Athol Fugard: a study

Makombe, Rodwell January 2011 (has links)
Different forms of racial segregation have been practiced in different countries the world over. However, the nature of South Africa‟s apartheid system, as it was practiced from 1948 until the dawn of the democratic dispensation in 1994, has been a subject of debate in South Africa and even beyond. Apartheid was a policy that was designed by the then ruling Nationalist Party for purposes of dividing and stratifying South Africa along racial lines - whites, blacks, coloureds and Asians. It thus promoted racial segregation and/or unequal stratification of society. In South Africa‟s hierarchy of apartheid, blacks, who constituted the majority of the population, were ironically the most destitute and segregated. Some historians believe that South Africa‟s racial policy was designed against the backdrop of Jim Crow, a similar system of racial discrimination which was instituted in the American South late in the 1890s through the 20th century. Jim Crow and apartheid are, in this study, considered as sides of the same coin; hence for the sake of convenience, the word apartheid is used to subsume Jim Crow. Although South Africa‟s apartheid system was influenced by different ideologies, for example German missiology as applied by the Dutch Reformed Church, historian Hermann Giliomee (2003: 373) insists that „the segregationist practice of the American South was particularly influential.‟ Given the ideological relationship between apartheid and Jim Crow, the present study investigates the interplay of compatibility between apartheid/Jim Crow and crime and violence as reflected in selected works of Richard Wright (African American novelist) and Athol Fugard (South African playwright). The aim of the study is firstly, to examine the works in order to analyse them as responses to apartheid and by extension colonial domination and secondly to investigate crime and violence. The three criminological theories selected for this study are strain theory (by Robert Merton), subculture theory (Edwin Sutherland) and labelling theory (Howard Becker). While criminological theory provides an empirical dimension to the study, postcolonial theory situates the study within a specified space, which is the postcolonial context. The postcolonial is, however understood, not as a demarcated historical space, but as a continuum, from the dawn of colonization to the unforeseeable future. Three postcolonial theorists have been identified for the purposes of this study. These are: Frantz Fanon, Homi Bhabha and Bill Ashcroft. Fanon‟s psychoanalysis of the colonized, Homi Bhabha‟s Third Space and hybridity as well as Ashcroft‟s postcolonial transformation are key concepts in understanding the different ways in which the colonized deal with the consequences of colonization. It has been suggested particularly in Edward Said‟s Orientalism (1978) that the discourse of orientalism creates the Oriental, as if Orientals were a passive object of the colonial adventure. This study uses Bhabha‟s and Ashcroft‟s theory of colonial discourse to argue that the colonized are not only objects of the colonial enterprise but also active participants in the process of opening survival spaces for self-realization. The various criminal activities that the colonized engage in (as represented in the selected works of Richard Wright and Athol Fugard) are in this study viewed as ways of inscribing their subjectivity within an exclusive colonial system.

Lithostratigraphic correlation, mineralogy and geochemistry of the lower manganese orebody at the Kalagadi Manganese Mine in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa

Rasmeni, Sonwabile January 2012 (has links)
The Kalagadi Manganese mine in the Kuruman area of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa contains reserves of Mn ore in excess of 100Mt. Mineralization in the mine lease area is restricted within the Hotazel Formation of the Voȅlwater Subgroup, belonging to the Postmasburg Group, the upper subdivision of the Transvaal Supergroup. Surface topography is characterized by flat lying, undulation with minimal faulting and the ore are slightly metarmophosed. This study investigates the general geology of the mine, lithostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the economic Lower Manganese Orebody (LMO) of the Kalagadi Manganese Mine in order to guide mining plan and operations once the mine is fully commissioned. At the commencement of this study, Kalagadi Manganese mine was a project under exploration with no specific geology of the mine lease area and no lithostratigraphic subdivision. The study also aimed determining the extent of lithostratigraphic correlation between the LMO economic orebodies of the Kalagadi Manganese mine with that of underground Gloria and open-pit Mamatwan mines. Four methods including petrographic microscope, Scanning electron Microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses were applied mainly for the mineral identification, chemical composition and ore characterization of the Lower Manganese Orebody (LMO) at Kalagadi Manganese mine. The results of this study indicates the following: (1) Eleven textural distinct zones with economic zones restricted to the middle while the lower grade zones are confined to the top and bottom of the LMO; (2) The economic zones, comprising of Y, M, C and N subzones attain an average thickness of 10 m and are graded at an average of 40% Mn while the Mn/Fe ratio varies from 6 to 9; (3) The most economic zones are M and N subzones which are mostly characterized by oxidized ovoids and laminae, a characteristic applicable even to other zones of economic interest; (4) Braunite is the main mineral of the manganese ore and is often integrown with kutnahorite and other minerals (hematite, hausmannite, Mg-calcite, calcite, jacobsite, serpentine and garnet) which are present in variable amounts; (5) The Mg-rich calcite (Ca, Mg)CO3 is the second dominant manganese carbonate mineral and it corresponds to elevated MgO concentration and is often associated with marine environment. The occurrence of the Mgcalcite is not common in the manganese ore of this area except for the Mn-calcite, which was not determined by XRD analyses in this study; (6) MnO is the most abundant major oxide in the manganese ore while other major oxides present in decreasing order of abundance are CaO, SiO2, Fe2O3, and MgO. The oxides TiO2, Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, and Cr2O3 are depleted and are mostly  0.01wt% and  0.001wt% respectively while P2O5 concentrations are low ranging from 0.02wt% to 0.3wt%. The trace element concentrations of Ba, Zn and Sr in most borehole samples are slightly elevated ranging from 100ppm to 3.9% (36000pm) while Co, Cu, Ni, Y, As, Zr, V and La rarely exceed 50ppm. The enrichments of Cu, Zn, Ni, Co and V that are commonly associated with volcanogenic hydrothermal input in chemicals may reach up to 70ppm; (7) The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the manganese ore in the Kalagadi Manganese mine lease area are similar to that of Low-Grade Mamatwan-Type ore. The cyclicity (Banded Iron Formation ↔ Hematite lutite ↔ braunite lutite) and alternation of manganese and iron formation have been confirmed; and (8) The oxygen δ18O isotope values (18‰ to 22‰) indicate a slight influence of metamorphism of the manganese ore. No positive correlation exists between δ13C vs δ18O values and Mn vs δ13C values. Such observations indicate minimal action of organic carbon during manganese precipitation where the organic matter was oxidized and manganese content reduced. On the other hand, the manganese carbonates (CaO) are positively correlated with carbon isotope, this indicates diagenetic alteration and the involvement of biogenic carbonate during the formation of manganese carbonates. It is concluded that the lithostratigraphic subdivision at Kalagadi Manganese mine is best correlated physically, mineralogically and geochemically with that of Gloria mine operating in the Low Grade Mamatwan - Type ore while correlation with an open-pit Mamatwan mine is also valid.

Regional differentiation of three goatfishes (Parupeneus Spp.) within the Western Indian Ocean

Springbok–Njokweni, Nosiphiwo January 2015 (has links)
Goatfishes inhabit inshore reefs and corals and are commercially important across their distribution in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The biogeography of these species in the WIO has not been explored with regards to their levels of diversity and relationships among regions. The genetic connectivity and differentiation of three goatfishes of the genus Parupeneus (P. barberinus, P. macronemus and P. rubescens) was studied using two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and 16S rRNA) and one nuclear gene (RAG1) using specimens from East and southern Africa, islands around the Mascarene plateau, Oman, Maldives and the Red Sea. Haplotype diversities, networks and AMOVA were used to measure genetic variance among localities and defined regional groups. There were high haplotype (HD > 0.9) and low nucleotide diversities (< 0.006) among all species for all gene regions, suggesting high levels of genetic differentiation among different areas, except for the mtDNA 16S data for P. macronemus and P. rubescens. For all three species, the FST population pairwise values revealed significant differentiation in all datasets for most population pairwise comparisons with the Maldives and genetic connectivity with haplotypes being shared among other localities. The 16S and RAG1, AMOVA for P. barberinus revealed a significant (P < 0.05) strong genetic structure among groups, for example P = 0.00 was estimated in the 16S data for four groups (the Maldives, WIO islands, Kenya and eastern mainland). This study found evidence for regional differentiation within the WIO for these three species supporting the presence of genetic breaks among areas. This differentiation could be either due to the historical isolation among areas or due to geographic and oceanic barriers such as the Mascarene Plateau and the Agulhas Current eddies in the Mozambique Channel. The effects of oceanographic features and physical barriers in the species distribution range and the dispersal potential based on the life history features of the species can have an influence on the genetic structuring of a population. It is also important to note that the length of the pelagic larval phase is just one factor affecting dispersal in marine organisms that can also explain the difference in genetic population structure. Unfortunately there is no specific information on the larval dispersal of these three goatfish. Therefore, studies are needed to be conducted on the specific biology and life history strategies of each Parupeneus species. These results suggest the importance of other factors, such as currents, and larval retention that may cause strong differentiation. These factors should also be considered when observing larval dispersal and its effect on population genetic structure. This study support the hypotheses that physical factors, processes (geographic barriers and oceanographic characteristics) and life history parameters need to be studied to understand the genetic differentiation of these Parupeneus reef fishes.

An empirical analysis of the determinants and growth of South African exports

Choga, Ireen January 2008 (has links)
Exports have considerable effects on economic growth, employment and trade so it is crucial to understand the factors that are responsible for their variation. This study analyses the fundamental determinants of exports using annual South African data covering the period 1980 to 2006. It initially provides an overview of the South African export structure and export growth. A review of theoretical determinants is then specified. The study tests for stationarity and cointegration using the Johansen (1991, 1995) methodology. A vector error correction model is run to provide robust determinant variables on exports. The following variables which have been found to have a long run relationship with exports include: the domestic price of exports, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, foreign income and price of inputs (cost of production). The estimate of the speed of adjustment coefficient found in this study indicates that about 96% of the variation in exports from its equilibrium level is corrected within one year. The results that have emerged from this analysis corroborate the theoretical predictions and are also supported by previous researchers or studies.

The anomaly of the classification of financial assets by South African banks

Ompala Nkoulikie, Johanny Ben Yahmed 03 March 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (International Accounting) / This minor dissertation investigates how the conflict in the classification of financial assets between IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements is being bridged in the financial statements of banks by reviewing the classification of financial assets in the statement of financial position, accounting policies and the notes to the financial statements. IAS 39 provides specific classifications for financial instruments, while IAS 1 provides a classification based on liquidity. The minor dissertation applied a quantitative content analysis of the annual financial statements of South African banks for the 2011 financial year. Companies in the sample selection were drawn from the FTSE/JSE classification of the Top 100 companies selected on their market capitalisation on 30 December 2011. Seven banks are included in the Top 100 companies. The minor dissertation found that the classification of financial assets as required in IAS 39 is not shown in the statement of financial position. The statement of financial position is based on the liquidity classification in IAS 1. In contrast, the accounting policies for financial instruments are based on the IAS 39 classification. The structure of the notes to the financial statements follows the classification in the statement of financial position. The minor dissertation further found that the conflict between the IAS 1 and IAS 39 classifications is bridged in the detail of the notes. Two methods are being used to bridge the conflict. The first method is to provide an IAS 39 reconciliation in each applicable note. In this reconciliation, the total amount of the note is allocated to an applicable IAS 39 classification. The second method is that the line items in the statement of financial position are allocated IAS 39 classifications in a table format. The table allocates the amount of individual assets and liabilities as identified in the statement of financial position in the categories required by IAS 39. Through using both Method 1 (reconciliation in each note) and Method 2 (a separate table based on the statement of financial position) the conflict between IAS 1 (liquidity classification) and IAS 39 is bridged. However, the IAS 39 classification is not directly obtainable from the primary financial statements. In the future, the study can be more comprehensively replicated in other countries and international research, as this exploratory research was only limited to seven banks in South Africa. Further research can also investigate entities other than banks to see how they bridge the conflict between IAS 1 and IAS 39. The review of the treatment of financial instruments resulted in the replacement of IAS 39 by IFRS 9 in November 2009. Future research of the new IFRS 9 classifications may assess how the conflict is being treated. In addition, further research can assess the quality of disclosure in the classification of financial assets/instruments in the financial statements of banks and other entities

Problems with regard to school guidance in rural Black schools : an approach for policy makers and teachers

Mashimbye, Nkhensani Mavis 15 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / Guidance is essential in a child's development because most traits of human life, with the exclusion of genetic characteristics, are learned (City Press, 1998:7). The learning process raises the question of where and from whom these characteristics are acquired. This, according to Ferron (1990:45), implies that maximum performance of man is a result of good and sound guidance. This may be an oversimplification, but even if it is only partly true, guidance cannot be neglected without detrimental effects for the children involved. Furthermore, the question of school guidance becomes increasingly important as shifts in family structures and values - such as are common today - affect the quality of interaction between parents and children. According to Godbold (1994:6) an increasing number of children face deteriorating family bonds, lack of shelter, out-ofwedlock births, abortion, and drug and alcohol related crimes. Ferron (1991:72) adds bullying, truancy, delinquency, lack of motivation, peer pressure and parental relationship problems to this list. Many children experience grave educational neglect - virtually none of their needs are cared for. There even are rural children who are left alone by parents who have gone to the cities to work, and who have no one to take care of them. They often have no one to turn to for sustenance and advice. As a result guidance teachers must be more than ever involved in helping children with various personal problems (Moraba, 1996:3), which were traditionally handled by parents. When schools fail to address the immediate family and social needs of learners, learning becomes difficult and relatively unimportant (Godbold, 1994:7). According to Chuenyane (1990:10), through the school guidance activities, learners should be assisted to know who they are, to accept themselves, to master selfimprovement and self-direction, and to develop good life skills. With regard to socialisation, they should learn to relate to others by interacting with them and becoming sensitive to their feelings and being appreciative of their views and beliefs. Our youth is seen as our most precious resource and the future leaders; therefore, they must be mature and increase their peaceful co-existence (Chuenyane, 1990:10). Guidance in the secondary school is chiefly concerned with meeting the physical, social, emotional and educational needs of learners (Rooth, 1995:54). Vocational guidance is included in the needs list and is an important facet. The purpose of school guidance is to help each child make a satisfactory adjustment to life, both in school and out. Although Kallaway (1988:1) does not focus explicitly on school guidance, his remark that " ... the crucial relation between schooling and society is often and systematically denied" is of extreme importance. As this subject is ideally suited to emphasise this relation, it is a service that should be provided to all learners, and not only those who have behaviour problems, learning difficulties and emotional disturbances. Normal, well-adjusted learners also need to be guided in their thinking, their attitudes and their personality development. They must be prepared for all challenges in the future job market and life in general. The gifted, talented ones are often also in need of special help in gaining social approval and in finding suitable outlets for their interests (Sowetan, 1996:12). If the school is seen as an agent for change, it must implement career counselling (vocational guidance) to help the child in self-understanding, self-acceptance, interests, aspirations, experiences, as well as in physical, intellectual, psychological and spiritual development (Chuenyane, 1990:46). These are considered important because it helps learners to appreciate and utilize their aptitudes, interests and values (Sedibe, 1991:4). This will help them to gain insight into their limitations with regard to their coping strategies, which concern problems they are confronted with on a daily basis. Furthermore it must be kept in mind that certain elements in the school situation that influence learners can be identified; these include the impact teachers' and peer groups' behaviour has on children. One aspect that comes to mind, for example, is that of substance abuse, especially alcohol. Chuenyane (1991:46) reports that almost 70% - 80% of all learners in his research were drinking and abusing drugs. As drugs and alcohol have a negative effect on the education and health of the learner, and it is indicated by Raikane (1996:28) that drugs and alcohol have a strong relationship to crime, frustration and aggression, such learners need proper guidance and counselling. Adolescents, especially, need guidance and counselling as they are in a difficult developmental phase, and often have negative attitudes towards school (Wiseman, 1991:71).

'n Ondersoek na die opleiding van rekenmeesters in Suid-Afrika

Van Greuning, Jan Hendrik 10 April 2014 (has links)
M.Com. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Medemenslikheid as faset van volwassenheid

Venter, Elizabeth 29 May 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Ekonomiese waarde toegevoeg as alternatiewe waarderingsmetode

Pretorius, Jacques 27 August 2012 (has links)

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