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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços em startups digitais

Hartmann, Karina Klein January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos métodos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços em startups digitais. Seu objetivo é explorar a prática atual das startups digitais, buscando um melhor entendimento de quais processos e práticas são utilizados, como eles são escolhidos e qual a percepção das startups sobre a adequação destes métodos no desenvolvimento de seus produtos e serviços. Para atingir este objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, através de entrevistas em profundidade. O roteiro de entrevista foi criado a partir do estudo de processos clássicos, como o Stage-gate, e de processos emergentes, como o Lean Startup e o Design Thinking. Para este trabalho foram entrevistadas 10 startups e as entrevistas foram analisadas quanto ao seu conteúdo, através da análise temática. A análise é apresentada a partir de três grandes temas: processos e práticas em uso; influências e critérios para seleção de processos e práticas; e a percepção dos entrevistados sobre a adequação destes processos e práticas. Como resultados, identificou-se que as startups não seguem nenhum processo específico de forma completa, mas criam um método de trabalho a partir da adaptação de diversas influências, sendo que o processo de maior influência é o Lean Startup. O desenvolvimento dos produtos segue uma abordagem iterativa, adaptativa e centrada no usuário. O método de trabalho é considerado adequado e diretamente vinculado aos resultados, sendo que o desenvolvimento iterativo e centrado no usuário é considerado necessário para o tipo de negócio de uma startup digital. / This study is concerned with the methods for New Product and Services Development in digital startups. Its purpose is to explore current practice of digital startups to develop a better understanding of what processes and practices are used, how they are chosen and how startups perceive the suitability of these methods. To achieve this goal, a qualitative research was carried out, through in-depth interviews supported by a semi-structured interview guide. The guide was based on the study of classic processes, such as the Stage-gate, and emerging processes, such as Lean Startup and Design Thinking. Ten startups were interviewed. The results of the interviews were analysed for their content, using thematic analysis approach. The final analysis is based on three main themes: processes and practices in use, influences and criteria for process and practice selection, and interviewees' perception of the adequacy of processes and practices. It was identified that the startups do not adopt any specific process completely, but rather create a work method from the adaptation of several influences. The most influential process is Lean Startup. The work processes follow an iterative, adaptive and user-centric approach. The work method is considered adequate and directly linked to the results, and the user-centered and iterative development is considered necessary for the context of a digital startup.

Absorptive Capacity in Startup's – Organisationale sowie externe Determinanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Wissensakquise junger Unternehmen

Sägebrecht, Florian, Schmiedgen, Peter, Nönnig, Jörg Rainer 26 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die zunehmende Bedeutung und Abhängigkeit von Informationen und dem daraus generierten Wissen führt zu einer Verschiebung der Bedeutsamkeit von Ressourcen und ihrer Handhabbarkeit in der wirtschaftlichen Gegenwart. Mit Anbruch des Zeitalters der wissensbasierten Wirtschaft liegt das Hauptaugenmerk einer Vielzahl von Unternehmen nicht in der klassischen Produktion von Gütern, sondern vielmehr im Angebot und Austausch knapper, marktrelevanter und erfolgsentscheidender Informationen. Anders als in früheren Wirtschaftsdekaden ist Wissen nicht Beiwerk des unternehmerischen Handels sondern der Schlüssel für innovatives Wachstum, wirtschaftlichen Erfolg und Fortbestand einer Unternehmung. Wissen ist damit zur entscheidenden Ressource der weltweiten Wirtschaft geworden. [... aus dem Text]

Initial minimum viable product development in software startups:a startup ecosystem perspective

Tripathi, N. (Nirnaya) 19 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Context: Software startups are new companies that aim at developing innovative software-intensive products that stand out from those of other companies in the target market. A successful startup tries to scale its business rapidly, which in turn leads to job creation and an increase number in local products. Product development is an essential aspect of a software startup’s business, and therefore it is important to have a suitable startup ecosystem around a startup to support a new product idea from conception to development to a minimum viable product (MVP) and finally to a full-fledged product. Objective: The objective of this doctoral research is to understand the effect of the startup ecosystem elements on an initial MVP development in software startups and thereby assist startup companies in developing successful products. Method: To achieve the objective, two multivocal literature reviews and multiple empirical studies were conducted to examine: a) the elements in a startup ecosystem, b) initial MVP development in software startups, and c) the effects of startup ecosystem elements on the initial MVP development phase. Results: This doctoral research identified eight main elements in the startup ecosystem that affect the startup and its product development. Additionally, it was found that a product idea is based on a problem experienced by customers or on an unserved customer need. The requirements for developing an initial MVP from the product idea usually come from internal sources, and the elicited requirements are stored in text documents and prioritized based on their value to customers and stakeholders. These requirements are converted into product features, of which some can be used to develop a prototype that can act as an initial MVP. Furthermore, it was observed that the startup ecosystem elements can influence the initial MVP development phase. For instance, supporting organizations such as incubators and accelerators affect initial MVPs by assisting inexperienced founders with training and mentoring during MVP development. Conclusion: A prototype can be used as an initial MVP. Also, experienced founders prefer to develop an initial MVP by themselves, while, inexperienced founders need support from supporting organizations in a startup ecosystem during initial MVP development. / Tiivistelmä Konteksti: Ohjelmistoalan startup-yritykset ovat uusia yrityksiä, jotka pyrkivät kehittämään innovatiivisia tuotteita monille eri kohdemarkkinoille. Uuden yrityksen menestyksekkään käynnistämisen tavoitteena on nopea kasvu, mikä puolestaan luo työpaikkoja ja nostaa kotimaista tuotetarjontaa markkinoilla. Koska tuotekehitys on tärkeä osa ohjelmiston käyttöönottoa, on tärkeää, että uuden yrityksen ympärillä on olemassa sopiva ekosysteemi, joka tukee uutta tuoteideaa konseptista pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämiseen ja edelleen täyteen tuotteeseen. Tavoite: Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää startup-ekosysteemin roolia ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisessä ohjelmistoalan startup-yrityksissä ja sen kautta auttaa startup-yrityksiä menestyvien tuotteiden kehittämisessä. Menetelmät: Tutkimustavoitteen saavuttamiseksi tehtiin kaksi kirjallisuuskatsausta sekä useita tapaustutkimuksia, joissa tarkasteltiin a) startup-ekosysteemin elementtejä, b) ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämistä ja c) startup-ekosysteemin elementtien vaikutusta ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisvaiheessa. Tulokset: Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin kahdeksan tärkeää elementtiä startup -ekosysteemissä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa suoraan tai välillisesti yrityksen käynnistämiseen ja sen tuotekehitykseen. Lisäksi selvitettiin, että tuoteidea perustuu asiakkaiden kokemiin ongelmiin tai täyttymättömiin tarpeisiin. Pienimmän toimivan tuotteen vaatimukset ovat yleensä peräisin yrityksen sisäisistä lähteistä. Vaatimukset on tallennettu tekstidokumentteihin, ja ne priorisoidaan asiakkaille ja sidosryhmille syntyvän arvon mukaan. Vaatimukset muutetaan tuoteominaisuuksiksi, joista osaa voidaan käyttää, kun kehitetään prototyyppiä ensimmäiseksi pienimmäksi toimivaksi tuotteeksi. Edelleen havaittiin, että startup-ekosysteemin elementit voivat vaikuttaa pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisvaiheeseen. Esimerkiksi tukiorganisaatiot, kuten yrityshautomot ja -kiihdyttämöt, vaikuttavat pienimpiin toimiviin tuotteisiin kouluttamalla ja mentoroimalla kokemattomia perustajia. Päätelmät: Yksinkertaista prototyyppiä voidaan käyttää pienimpänä toimivana tuotteena. Lisäksi, kokeneet perustajat haluavat kehittää ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen itse, kun taas kokemattomat perustajat tarvitsevat tukea ulkopuolisilta organisaatioilta pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisessä.

Entrepreneurial regulatory foci and startup firm strategies

Dai, Ye 20 November 2012 (has links)
Regulatory foci, a personality variable, differentially regulate the way in which individuals pursue goals based on different levels of pain avoidance and pleasure pursuit tendency. This variable is particularly relevant to entrepreneurial processes. This is because entrepreneurs, similar to other individuals, tend to frame many sub-tasks in the processes as either gain vs. non-gain or loss vs. non-loss games. Thus, the mechanism with which regulatory foci influence individuals’ decision making and choices similarly applies to those of entrepreneurs and their startup firms. Despite this high relevance, this variable has received inadequate attention from entrepreneurship scholars. This study tries to fill in this research gap by examining how an entrepreneur’s regulatory foci influence various aspects of strategy processes and strategy content of new venture development. / text

Tips de Marketing Digital para el Crecimiento de una Startup

Gamarra, Juan 04 July 2018 (has links)
Para una startup, crecer y lograr sus objetivos no es fácil porque implica utilizar los escasos recursos que tiene de manera eficiente. En esta conferencia el CMO de Crehana nos contará como utilizar Marketing Digital para lograr mejores resultados.

Desenvolvimento de plano de incentivo de longo prazo para funcionários baseado em opções fantasmas em uma startup

Machado, Rafael Ruivo January 2018 (has links)
As startups vêm provocando uma mudança profunda no mundo dos negócios, e a cada ano mais startups são fundadas no Brasil. O sucesso destas empresas não depende exclusivamente do desenvolvimento de um produto/serviço inovador e um modelo de negócio escalável, mas também da aplicação de ferramentas de incentivo de longo prazo que permitam a formação de times de alto desempenho altamente engajados, e o controle do caixa, que nos primeiros anos é tipicamente escasso dadas as características de risco destes novos negócios. No entanto, o desconhecimento de ferramentas de incentivo de longo prazo por parte dos empreendedores e a limitada discussão na literatura do seu efeito conjunto nas dimensões de pessoas e financeira faz com que muitas startups não implementem tais planos nos seus primeiros anos de existência, o que pode afetar diretamente o sucesso do negócio. Mecanismos inovativos de incentivo, como as opções fantasmas (phantom stock options), são particularmente desconhecidos e pouco aplicados no contexto brasileiro de startups. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um plano de incentivo de longo prazo baseado em opções fantasmas em uma startup, bem como gerar conhecimento para apoiar futuras pesquisas acadêmicas no campo. Este objetivo foi atingido por meio de uma pesquisa-ação e os resultados confirmaram a importância desta ferramenta para a atração de talentos, engajamento do time, redução de exposição de caixa e redução de assimetria da informação na empresa, já que o profissional passa a entender e mensurar o valor de sua contribuição individual para a equipe e, consequentemente, para o atingimento do seu bônus. / Startups have been bringing about a profound change in the business world, and each year more startups are founded in Brazil. The success of these companies does not depend exclusively on the development of an innovative product / service and a scalable business model, but also on the application of long-term incentive tools that allow the formation of highly engaged high performance teams and cash control, which in the early years is typically scarce given the risk characteristics of these new businesses. However, the lack of knowledge of long-term incentive tools on the part of entrepreneurs and the limited discussion in the literature of their combined effect on the human and financial dimensions means that many startups do not implement such plans in their early years of existence. Can directly affect the success of the business. Innovative incentive mechanisms, such as phantom stock options, are particularly unknown and little applied in the Brazilian context of startups. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the creation and implementation of a long-term incentive plan based on phantom options in a startup, as well as generate knowledge to support future academic research in the field. This objective was reached through an action research and the results confirmed the importance of this tool for the attraction of talents, team engagement, reduction of cash exposure and reduction of asymmetry of information in the company, since the professional comes to understand and measure the value of your individual contribution to the team and, consequently, to the attainment of your bonus.

Desenvolvimento de plano de incentivo de longo prazo para funcionários baseado em opções fantasmas em uma startup

Machado, Rafael Ruivo January 2018 (has links)
As startups vêm provocando uma mudança profunda no mundo dos negócios, e a cada ano mais startups são fundadas no Brasil. O sucesso destas empresas não depende exclusivamente do desenvolvimento de um produto/serviço inovador e um modelo de negócio escalável, mas também da aplicação de ferramentas de incentivo de longo prazo que permitam a formação de times de alto desempenho altamente engajados, e o controle do caixa, que nos primeiros anos é tipicamente escasso dadas as características de risco destes novos negócios. No entanto, o desconhecimento de ferramentas de incentivo de longo prazo por parte dos empreendedores e a limitada discussão na literatura do seu efeito conjunto nas dimensões de pessoas e financeira faz com que muitas startups não implementem tais planos nos seus primeiros anos de existência, o que pode afetar diretamente o sucesso do negócio. Mecanismos inovativos de incentivo, como as opções fantasmas (phantom stock options), são particularmente desconhecidos e pouco aplicados no contexto brasileiro de startups. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um plano de incentivo de longo prazo baseado em opções fantasmas em uma startup, bem como gerar conhecimento para apoiar futuras pesquisas acadêmicas no campo. Este objetivo foi atingido por meio de uma pesquisa-ação e os resultados confirmaram a importância desta ferramenta para a atração de talentos, engajamento do time, redução de exposição de caixa e redução de assimetria da informação na empresa, já que o profissional passa a entender e mensurar o valor de sua contribuição individual para a equipe e, consequentemente, para o atingimento do seu bônus. / Startups have been bringing about a profound change in the business world, and each year more startups are founded in Brazil. The success of these companies does not depend exclusively on the development of an innovative product / service and a scalable business model, but also on the application of long-term incentive tools that allow the formation of highly engaged high performance teams and cash control, which in the early years is typically scarce given the risk characteristics of these new businesses. However, the lack of knowledge of long-term incentive tools on the part of entrepreneurs and the limited discussion in the literature of their combined effect on the human and financial dimensions means that many startups do not implement such plans in their early years of existence. Can directly affect the success of the business. Innovative incentive mechanisms, such as phantom stock options, are particularly unknown and little applied in the Brazilian context of startups. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the creation and implementation of a long-term incentive plan based on phantom options in a startup, as well as generate knowledge to support future academic research in the field. This objective was reached through an action research and the results confirmed the importance of this tool for the attraction of talents, team engagement, reduction of cash exposure and reduction of asymmetry of information in the company, since the professional comes to understand and measure the value of your individual contribution to the team and, consequently, to the attainment of your bonus.

Desenvolvimento de plano de incentivo de longo prazo para funcionários baseado em opções fantasmas em uma startup

Machado, Rafael Ruivo January 2018 (has links)
As startups vêm provocando uma mudança profunda no mundo dos negócios, e a cada ano mais startups são fundadas no Brasil. O sucesso destas empresas não depende exclusivamente do desenvolvimento de um produto/serviço inovador e um modelo de negócio escalável, mas também da aplicação de ferramentas de incentivo de longo prazo que permitam a formação de times de alto desempenho altamente engajados, e o controle do caixa, que nos primeiros anos é tipicamente escasso dadas as características de risco destes novos negócios. No entanto, o desconhecimento de ferramentas de incentivo de longo prazo por parte dos empreendedores e a limitada discussão na literatura do seu efeito conjunto nas dimensões de pessoas e financeira faz com que muitas startups não implementem tais planos nos seus primeiros anos de existência, o que pode afetar diretamente o sucesso do negócio. Mecanismos inovativos de incentivo, como as opções fantasmas (phantom stock options), são particularmente desconhecidos e pouco aplicados no contexto brasileiro de startups. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um plano de incentivo de longo prazo baseado em opções fantasmas em uma startup, bem como gerar conhecimento para apoiar futuras pesquisas acadêmicas no campo. Este objetivo foi atingido por meio de uma pesquisa-ação e os resultados confirmaram a importância desta ferramenta para a atração de talentos, engajamento do time, redução de exposição de caixa e redução de assimetria da informação na empresa, já que o profissional passa a entender e mensurar o valor de sua contribuição individual para a equipe e, consequentemente, para o atingimento do seu bônus. / Startups have been bringing about a profound change in the business world, and each year more startups are founded in Brazil. The success of these companies does not depend exclusively on the development of an innovative product / service and a scalable business model, but also on the application of long-term incentive tools that allow the formation of highly engaged high performance teams and cash control, which in the early years is typically scarce given the risk characteristics of these new businesses. However, the lack of knowledge of long-term incentive tools on the part of entrepreneurs and the limited discussion in the literature of their combined effect on the human and financial dimensions means that many startups do not implement such plans in their early years of existence. Can directly affect the success of the business. Innovative incentive mechanisms, such as phantom stock options, are particularly unknown and little applied in the Brazilian context of startups. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the creation and implementation of a long-term incentive plan based on phantom options in a startup, as well as generate knowledge to support future academic research in the field. This objective was reached through an action research and the results confirmed the importance of this tool for the attraction of talents, team engagement, reduction of cash exposure and reduction of asymmetry of information in the company, since the professional comes to understand and measure the value of your individual contribution to the team and, consequently, to the attainment of your bonus.

Podnikatelské akcelerátory. Význam a přínosy. / Business Accelerators. Their Significance and Contributions

Nipoti, Vladimir January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare the contributions of business or startup accelerators. The contributions are compared from the point of view of the managers of accelerators, startups and investors. Business accelerators help new firms accelerate their growth. The aid can be provided in a material form through financial capital and services or in an educational form through workshops and mentoring. The first chapter deals with the definition of the accelerator, its history and differences with incubators. The second chapter engages in the causes of the phenomenon of startups and accelerators, the model of lean startup, the impacts of accelerators on the economy and the current situation of accelerators in the world. The third chapters analyses the oldest and the most famous accelerator in the world Y Combinator. The last part evaluates the contributions of accelerators based on the inquiry among experts.

Využití metody Lean Start-up při spuštění online projektu / Using Lean Start-up Methods in Starting an Online Project

Sansalová, Sabeha January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on describing The Lean Startup method, and possible ways for its application in a real online project. The thesis also tries to, briefly, compare this method with other alternative methods of software product development. The goal of the thesis is to formulate recommendations for the entrepreneurship in the Internet environment.

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