Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TASK"" "subject:"[enn] TASK""
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Cognitive Load of Registered Nurses During Medication AdministrationPerron, Sarah Faith 16 November 2015 (has links)
Over 4 million avoidable hospital admissions result from medication errors (IMS Insitute for Healthcare Informatics, 2013). Human error accounts for 80% of all medical errors (Palmieri, DeLucia, Peterson, Ott, & Green, 2008). Medication administration is a complex process. It is important to understand the cognitive load (CL) of Registered Nurses (RNs) working in an electronic health record environment to identify the risk factors of medication errors. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the CL of RNs during medication administration who are working in an electronic health record environment. Simulated medication administration scenarios with varying degrees of multi-tasking were completed with 30 participants. When RNs multi-task during medication administration their CL increases. Furthermore, RNs who have poor sleep quality cannot process high-level tasks as well as those RNs who report a good sleep quality. Future work can limit EEG lead placement to the frontal channels of the EEG. Furthermore, replication of this study with a larger sample and a broader range of competing tasks is indicated.
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High-resolution imaging using a translating coded apertureMahalanobis, Abhijit, Shilling, Richard, Muise, Robert, Neifeld, Mark 22 August 2017 (has links)
It is well known that a translating mask can optically encode low-resolution measurements from which higher resolution images can be computationally reconstructed. We experimentally demonstrate that this principle can be used to achieve substantial increase in image resolution compared to the size of the focal plane array (FPA). Specifically, we describe a scalable architecture with a translating mask (also referred to as a coded aperture) that achieves eightfold resolution improvement (or 64: 1 increase in the number of pixels compared to the number of focal plane detector elements). The imaging architecture is described in terms of general design parameters (such as field of view and angular resolution, dimensions of the mask, and the detector and FPA sizes), and some of the underlying design trades are discussed. Experiments conducted with different mask patterns and reconstruction algorithms illustrate how these parameters affect the resolution of the reconstructed image. Initial experimental results also demonstrate that the architecture can directly support task-specific information sensing for detection and tracking, and that moving objects can be reconstructed separately from the stationary background using motion priors. (C) 2017 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
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Selektiv Uppmärksamhet hos Personer med Insomni : En experimentell studie med bildbaserat Dot-probe task / Attentional bias in persons with insomnia : An experimental study using the pictorial Dot-probe taskBermås, Mikael, Kjellén, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Kognitiva modeller har föreslagit selektiv uppmärksamhet som en bidragande faktor till vidmakthållande av insomni. I denna studie tillämpades Dot-probe task inom ett experiment i syfte att undersöka huruvida graden av selektiv uppmärksamhet skiljer individer med insomni från en matchad grupp individer med normal sömn och hur en sådan selektiv uppmärksamhet i så fall är beskaffad. Även selektiv uppmärksamhet i relation till ångest och depression undersöktes. Resultaten visar på en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna avseende selektiv uppmärksamhet samt att skillnaden inte kan förklaras av ångest och depression. Resultaten visar specifikt att den selektiva uppmärksamheten utgörs av svårigheter att avbryta fokus mot hot, snarare än en högre känslighet för upptäckande av hot. Dessa fynd innebär implikationer för terapeutisk behandling av insomni. / Cognitive models have suggested selective attention as a contributing factor of perpetuating insomnia. In this study the dot probe task was employed in an experiment in order to investigate whether the level of selective attention differentiates individuals with insomnia from a matched group of normal sleepers, and if any difference exist, the nature of such selective attention. Also, the relation of selective attention to anxiety and depression was investigated. The results show that the groups differ significantly on selective attention, and that neither anxiety nor depression can account for these differences. The results specifically show that the selective attention consists of difficulty in disengaging from threat rather than heightened vigilance to threat. These findings may implicate the clinical view on insomnia treatment.
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The Effects of Different Percentages of Incentive Pay to Base Pay on Work ProductivityGruenberg, Joel S. (Joel Sanborn) 12 1900 (has links)
This experiment investigated how different percentages of incentive pay affected performance on a number-entering task. It was hypothesized that the critical factor in incentive pay systems was the absolute amount of money that could be earned in an incentive pay paradigm. A counterbalanced single-subject reversal design was employed to examine effects of incentives on performance. Twelve subjects were used in the experiment with three subjects assigned to one of four experimental paradigms. Two of the experimental paradigms incorporated 10% and 100% incentive pay conditions, while the other two experimental paradigms incorporated absolute pay conditions equal to the 10% and 100% incentive pay conditions. Results indicated that similar trends in productivity occurred across subjects in all four experimental paradigms.
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Motion planning and perception : integration on humanoid robots / Planification de mouvement, modélisation et perception : intégration sur un robot humanoïdeNakhaei, Alireza 24 September 2009 (has links)
Le chapitre 1 est pour l'essentiel une brève introduction générale qui donne le contexte générale de la planification et présente l'organisation du document dans son ensemble et quelques uns des points clés retenus : robot humanoïde, environnement non statique, perception par vision artificielle, et représentation de cet environnement par grilles d'occupation. Dans le chapitre 2, après une revue de littérature bien menée, l'auteur propose de considérer les points de repère de l'environnement dès la phase de planification de chemin afin de rendre plus robuste l'exécution des déplacements en cas d'évolution de l'environnement entre le moment où la planification est menée et celui où le robot se déplace ( évolution étant entendu comme liée à une amélioration de la connaissance par mise à jour, ou due à un changement de l'environnement lui-même). Le concept est décrit et une formalisation proposée. Le chapitre 3 s'intéresse en détail à la planification dans le cas d'environnements dynamiques. Les méthodes existantes, nombreuses, sont tout d'abord analysées et bien présentées. Le choix est fait ici de décrire l'environnement comme étant décomposé en cellules, regroupant elles-mêmes des voxels, éléments atomiques de la représentation. L'environnement étant changeant, l'auteur propose de réévaluer le plan préétabli à partir d'une bonne détection de la zone qui a pu se trouver modifiée dans l'environnement. L'approche est validée expérimentalement en utilisant une des plateformes robotiques du LAAS qui dispose de bonnes capacités de localisation : le manipulateur mobile Jido étant à ce jour plus performant sur ce plan que l'humanoïde HRP2, c'est lui qui a été utilisé. Ces expérimentations donnent des indications concordantes sur l'efficacité de l'approche retenue. Notons également que la planification s'appuie sur une boite englobante de l'humanoïde, et non pas sur une représentation plus riche (multi-degré-deliberté). En revanche, c'est bien de planification pour l'humanoïde considéré dans toute sa complexité qu'il s'agit au chapitre 4 : on s'intéresse ici à tous les degrés de liberté du robot. L'auteur propose des évolutions de méthodes existantes et en particulier sur la manière de tirer profit de la redondance cinématique. L'approche est bien décrite et permet d'inclure une phase d'optimisation de la posture globale du robot. Des exemples illustrent le propos et sont l'occasion de comparaison avec d'autres méthodes. Le chapitre 5 s'intéresse à la manière de modéliser l'environnement, sachant qu'on s'intéresse ici au cas d'une perception par vision artificielle, et précisément au cas de l'humanoïde, robot d'assurer lui-même cette perception au fur et à mesure de son avancée dans l'environnement. On est donc dans le cadre de la recherche de la meilleure vue suivante qui doit permettre d'enrichir au mieux la connaissance qu'a le robot de son environnement. L'approche retenue fait à nouveau appel à la boite englobante de l'humanoïde et non à sa représentation complète ; il sera intéressant de voir dans le futur ce que pourrait apporter la prise en compte des degrés de liberté de la tête ou du torse à la résolution de ce problème. Le chapitre 6 décrit la phase d'intégration de tous ces travaux sur la plateforme HRP2 du LAAS-CNRS, partie importante de tout travail de roboticien. / This thesis starts by proposing a new framework for motion planning using stochastic maps, such as occupancy-grid maps. In autonomous robotics applications, the robot's map of the environment is typically constructed online, using techniques from SLAM. These methods can construct a dense map of the environment, or a sparse map that contains a set of identifiable landmarks. In this situation, path planning would be performed using the dense map, and the path would be executed in a sensor-based fashion, using feedback control to track the reference path based on sensor information regarding landmark position. Maximum-likelihood estimation techniques are used to model the sensing process as well as to estimate the most likely nominal path that will be followed by the robot during execution of the plan. The proposed approach is potentially a practical way to plan under the specific sorts of uncertainty confronted by a humanoid robot. The next chapter, presents methods for constructing free paths in dynamic environments. The chapter begins with a comprehensive review of past methods, ranging from modifying sampling-based methods for the dynamic obstacle problem, to methods that were specifically designed for this problem. The thesis proposes to adapt a method reported originally by Leven et al.. so that it can be used to plan paths for humanoid robots in dynamic environments. The basic idea of this method is to construct a mapping from voxels in a discretized representation of the workspace to vertices and arcs in a configuration space network built using sampling-based planning methods. When an obstacle intersects a voxel in the workspace, the corresponding nodes and arcs in the configuration space roadmap are marked as invalid. The part of the network that remains comprises the set of valid candidate paths. The specific approach described here extends previous work by imposing a two-level hierarchical structure on the representation of the workspace. The methods described in Chapters 2 and 3 essentially deal with low-dimensional problems (e.g., moving a bounding box). The reduction in dimensionality is essential, since the path planning problem confronted in these chapters is complicated by uncertainty and dynamic obstacles, respectively. Chapter 4 addresses the problem of planning the full motion of a humanoid robot (whole-body task planning). The approach presented here is essentially a four-step approach. First, multiple viable goal configurations are generated using a local task solver, and these are used in a classical path planning approach with one initial condition and multiple goals. This classical problem is solved using an RRT-based method. Once a path is found, optimization methods are applied to the goal posture. Finally, classic path optimization algorithms are applied to the solution path and posture optimization. The fifth chapter describes algorithms for building a representation of the environment using stereo vision as the sensing modality. Such algorithms are necessary components of the autonomous system proposed in the first chapter of the thesis. A simple occupancy-grid based method is proposed, in which each voxel in the grid is assigned a number indicating the probability that it is occupied. The representation is updated during execution based on values received from the sensing system. The sensor model used is a simple Gaussian observation model in which measured distance is assumed to be true distance plus additive Gaussian noise. Sequential Bayes updating is then used to incrementally update occupancy values as new measurements are received. Finally, chapter 6 provides some details about the overall system architecture, and in particular, about those components of the architecture that have been taken from existing software (and therefore, do not themselves represent contributions of the thesis). Several software systems are described, including GIK, WorldModelGrid3D, HppDynamicObstacle, and GenoM.
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Factors Influencing Species Performance in a Cross-Taxon Comparative Research ProgramPrétôt, Laurent 08 August 2017 (has links)
Species vary in the ease with which they can solve apparently similar problems. For instance, problems will be interpreted differently by different species due to differences such as how they process the world or their ecology. The latter is the focus of the ecological approach to cognition, which posits that ecology influences decision-making such that each species performs better on tasks that are naturally relevant to them. In a previous work, my colleagues and I compared the performance of cleaner fish and nonhuman primates, which differ substantially in brain size and ecology, on a dichotomous choice task derived from the cleaner fish ecology. In the task, subjects chose between two different plates, each containing a same food; if they chose the food from plate A, they could then choose the food from plate B as well, whereas if they chose B first, A was no longer available. Fish were better than primates at solving this task, emphasizing the role of ecology in shaping one species’ decision-making. For my dissertation project, I explored possible explanations for the primates’ poor performance in the task. In a first series of studies, I investigated the possibility that species differed in the task because of differences in the capacity to recognize the relevant cues (i.e. the plate design), to solve it. I thus repeated the task with fish and nonhuman primates, using variations designed to be more salient to primates. In a first experiment, the foods were different colors, whereas in a second experiment, they were hidden to avoid the prepotent response. In a second series of studies, I tested monkeys in a computerized paradigm that differed from the plate task by removing interaction with the human experimenter, which may be distracting, and providing a more standardized testing environment. Finally, in a last study, I investigated one possible cognitive limitation to the primates in the plate task, the failure to use backwards induction to solve it. These studies allowed me to investigate the role of ecology in species’ decision-making, a perspective that is often neglected in studies of cognition.
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A Study on Uncertain Dynamic Disaster Management Tasks, Knowledge Sharing, and Task PerformanceRocha, Jose 29 April 2011 (has links)
Each disaster presents itself with a unique set of characteristics that are hard to determine a priori. Thus disaster management tasks are inherently uncertain, requiring knowledge sharing and quick decision making that involves coordination across different levels and collaborators. While there has been an increasing interest among both researchers and practitioners in utilizing knowledge management to improve disaster management, little research has been reported about how to assess the dynamic nature of disaster management tasks, and what kinds of knowledge sharing are appropriate for different dimensions of task uncertainty characteristics.
Using combinations of qualitative and quantitative methods, this research study developed the dimensions and their corresponding measures of the uncertain dynamic characteristics of disaster management tasks and tested the relationships between the various dimensions of uncertain dynamic disaster management tasks and task performance through the moderating and mediating effects of knowledge sharing.
Furthermore, this research work conceptualized and assessed task uncertainty along three dimensions: novelty, unanalyzability, and significance; knowledge sharing along two dimensions: knowledge sharing purposes and knowledge sharing mechanisms; and task performance along two dimensions: task effectiveness and task efficiency. Analysis results of survey data collected from Miami-Dade County emergency managers suggested that knowledge sharing purposes and knowledge sharing mechanisms moderate and mediate uncertain dynamic disaster management task and task performance. Implications for research and practice as well directions for future research are discussed.
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Event Related Potential Measures of Task Switching in the Implicit Association TestCoates, Mark A. January 2011 (has links)
Since its creation in 1998, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) has become a commonly used measure in social psychology and related fields of research. Studies of the cognitive processes involved in the IAT are necessary to establish the validity of this measure and to suggest further refinements to its use and interpretation. The current thesis used ERPs to study cognitive processes associated with the IAT. The first experiment found significant differences in P300 amplitude in the Congruent and Incongruent conditions, which were interpreted as a reflection of greater equivocation in the Incongruent condition. The second experiment tested the task-set switching account of the IAT in much greater detail by analyzing each trial type separately. In the Congruent condition, all trial types elicited the same amplitude P300. Local probability, and the consequent checking and updating of working memory, was thought to be responsible for differences between trials of the Incongruent condition that required or did not require a task switch. The final experiment examined the role of working memory in the IAT by introducing obtrusive and irrelevant auditory stimuli. The results of Experiment 3 indicated that the introduction of an obtrusive and irrelevant auditory increment deviant has little overall effect on the IAT, and a similar effect on switch and no-switch trials within the Incongruent condition. This could have been because both the Congruent and Incongruent conditions of the IAT make such extensive demands on central processing resources that few are available to allow for the switching of attention, or it is possible that the IAT does not require significant updating of working memory. The usefulness of ERPs in the study of the IAT effect is demonstrated by the current research. In particular, the finding that behavioural results were not always consistent with the ERP results demonstrates that electrophysiological measures can complement traditional behavioural measures.
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Examining Visual and Attentional Focus Influences on Golf Putting Performance Using a Dual-Task ParadigmForbes, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Visually focusing on the hole versus the ball in golf has shown some positive effects on putting performance (Heath et al., 2008), yet the reason for these benefits have not been tested. Considering the benefits of adopting an external focus, the purpose here was to examine whether attentional focus mechanisms contribute to the positive effects reported by Heath et al. (2008). Thirty experienced golfers were assigned to either a visual-ball focus or visual-hole focus group. Following warm-up putts, 48 experimental putts, divided equally into 16 putts across three conditions: control, task-relevant, and task-irrelevant, were performed. In the control condition, participants putted under single-task conditions, maintaining their assigned visual focus. In the other two conditions, participants putted under dual-task conditions and were instructed to focus on their wrist angles upon hearing a tone (task-relevant), or to identify an irrelevant sound (task-irrelevant). A questionnaire, designed to represent equal proportions of the ‘distance’ effect (Wulf, 2013; i.e., internal, proximal external, or distal external focus), served as a manipulation check to determine the attentional focus adopted under each condition. Analysis of the manipulation check for the control condition data only showed a significant interaction of Group and Attentional Focus F(2,56) = 4.5, p = .01. Post-hoc showed that participants had a significantly higher proximal external focus in the visual-ball focus group compared to the visual-hole focus group, whereas the visual-hole focus group was significantly higher than the visual-ball focus group for distal external focus. Additionally, an analysis with all three putting conditions indicated that participants had significantly higher internal focus for task-relevant trials, as compared to task-irrelevant or control trials. There were no significant differences found for any of the putting performance measures., however, the main effect of Condition did approach significance for MRE F(2,56) = 2.8, p = .068. This replicates the general finding that putting performance is poorest when golfers self-report using a higher internal focus. In conclusion, these results suggest that visually focusing on the hole results in a more distal external attentional focus in a golf environment than that of a ball-focus, but this does not translate to performance benefits.
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Integrace dat a možnosti automatického zpracování úloh / Data integration and automatic task processingMeisner, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with automatic task processing, especially with automatic processing of forms on web pages. The thesis throws light on the theoretical and practical matter. At the beginning of this thesis are described the reasons, why this topic were chosen. Also there are mentioned the possible uses of application, realized on this principles. Foremost simplification of retrieval of data with standardized (but general) format from common users, which could be used for data mining process. For creating this kind of application is described concepts of its implementation, including description of problematic parts and their possible solution. In this part is mentioned algorithm, which deals with security limitation of current web browsers -- so-called cross-site scripting. One part of this thesis is description of current commercial and non-commercial solutions, which at least partly fulfills the demands of the application. At the conclusion is analyzed functionality of created application and proposed advancements and improvements for creating new versions of application
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