Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] VANADIUM"" "subject:"[enn] VANADIUM""
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Theoretical studies of atomic and quasiatomic excitations by electron and ion impactKam, Kin Fai January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Vanadžio oksidinių junginių sintezė ir tyrimas Rentgeno fotoelektronų spektroskopijos metodu / Synthesis of the Vanadium Oxide Compounds and Investigation by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy MethodPašiškevičius, Audrius 19 February 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe panaudojant zolis-gelis technologiją, susintetinti vanadžio junginių oksidinio kserogelio ir bronzos bei molekulinio oksidinio kserogelio ir bronzos plonieji sluoksniai. Visų minėtų medžiagų cheminė sudėtis ištirta Rentgeno fotoelektronų spektroskopijos metodu, siekiant nustatyti metalų jonų valentines būsenas. Panaudojant zolis-gelis technologiją, galima gana paprastais metodais, nenaudojant sudėtingos technologinės įrangos, gaminti vanadžio oksidinių bronzų plonuosius sluoksnius. Vanadžio amonio hidratuoti oksidiniai junginiai gali būti naudojami kaip medžiagos amoniako dujų jutikliams gaminti. / The thin films of molecular oxide xerogels and bronzes as well as oxide xerogels and bronzes of vanadium compounds were synthesized by sol-gel technology method. The chemical composition of mentioned compounds was investigated using XPS method in order to determine the valence of metal ions. It is shown that it is possible to produce the thin films of vanadium oxide bronzes using simple methods. The possibility to use vanadium-ammonium oxide hydrated compounds as materials for producing the ammonium sensors is shown in the dissertation.
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Metal Hydrogen Interaction and Structural Characterization of Amorphous Materials from first principlesJohansson, Robert January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, first-principles calculations based on density functional theory have been employed to investigate metal hydrogen interaction in transition, p-block and rare earth metals. Furthermore, the accuracy of the stochastic quenching method was tested in describing the structure of amorphous Fe(1-x)Zrx. The investigated systems of transition metal hydrides are V-H and ScZr(CoNi)2-H. For V-H, the main focus of the studies is the effect that strain has on the potential energy landscape which governs the metal hydrogen interactions. The investigation has focused on how the properties of hydrogen occupancy in the interstitial sites changes with strain and also how the hydrogen atoms themselves exert strain on the vanadium structure to lower the energy. Results on diffusion, induced strain and zero-point energy are presented which all reveal the considerable difference between tetrahedral and octahedral site occupancy. Diffusion was studied by employing ab initio molecular dynamics simulations to obtain diffusion coefficients and to map the movement of the hydrogen atom. A description of hydrogen in vanadium is provided from a fundamental basis that is expected to be applicable to any lattice gas system. For ScZr(CoNi)2-H, the difference of hydrogen occupancy in various interstitial sites and the hydrogen-induced strain was also investigated through calculations of the change in total volume as a function of hydrogen concentration. The fundamental properties of metal hydrogen bonding were investigated by studying the Zintl phase hydrides that are constituted of the electropositive metal of Nd or Gd and the electronegative metal Ga. Mixing metals of very different electronegativity gives rise to an intricate potential energy landscape in which the incorporation of hydrogen will have a big effect on both the electronic and atomic structure. From the theoretical side of the investigation, structural parameters are presented along with the density of states and Bader charge analysis to describe the hydrogen induced changes to the atomic and electronic structures. Finally, the accuracy of the stochastic quenching method in describing amorphous Fe(1-x)Zrx was evaluated by comparing simulated and measured EXAFS spectra. Once the structural agreement had been established the simulated structures were characterized through radial distribution functions and an analysis of the short-range order from Voronoi tessellation. The structural changes with respect to the composition parameter x were also evaluated.
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Oxovanadium Complex-Catalyzed Aerobic C-C Bond Cleavage of Biomass-derived ScaffoldsGodwin, Christopher 04 September 2019 (has links)
The non-sustainable nature of fossil fuels as feedstocks for valuable chemicals, combined with the environmental damage caused by their extraction and combustion, increases the need for the development of a bio-based economy. While industry and public opinion are slowly shifting towards acceptance of this change, efficient technologies for the depolymerization and subsequent separation of lignocellulosic biomass fall short of the ever-increasing demand. In particular, there are currently no efficient, sustainable mass scale methods to convert lignin, the most abundant source of aromatic molecules on Earth. The use of oxovanadium(V) catalyst complexes to aerobically cleave C‒C bonds has been demonstrated previously and remains an attractive option for incorporation into a sustainable bio-based economy.
Two new triphenoxyamine oxovanadium(V) catalysts with reduced steric bulk and electron density at the metal center (vs. previously reported complexes) have been synthesized for aerobic oxidative diol C‒C bond cleavage. These complexes were found to cleave less activated and more complex substrates than previous generations, including cyclic diols and polyalcohols. Several insights into the reaction pathways of this class of complex were elucidated through a series of kinetic studies. Experimentally, the rate of C‒C bond cleavage of both pinacol and hydrobenzoin was determined to be unaffected by substitution of the O‒H bonds with deuterium, suggesting that currently proposed mechanisms need to be revised. Multiple catalytic regimes were observed during anaerobic reaction, which were not altered significantly by the brief addition of O2. A series of density functional theory calculations revealed a plausible mechanism for the trialkoxy complex that did not involve a proton transfer in the rate determining step, instead suggesting that ligand-arm dissociation-reassociation play a significant role in the reaction.
In a second project, new bisphenoxyamine-N-appended base ligand with less steric hindrance and electron density at the metal center, has been synthesized utilizing similar design principles gained from work with triphenoxyamine catalysts. When reacting with lignin model compound 1,2-diphenyl-2-methoxyethanol, this new complex displays a higher selectivity towards aldehydes and esters (relative to previous bisphenoxyamine-N-appended ligands), leading to a higher rate of C‒C bond cleavage. Investigations into the mechanism of bisphenoxy complexes, as well as the role of the N-appended base in reactivity, were performed using substrate pre-complexed bisphenoxy compounds. Thermolysis at 60 and 100 °C produced almost exclusively oxidative C‒H bond cleavage product benzyl methyl ether, with evidence for overoxidation product benzoic acid observed. Thermolysis of labelled substrate pre-complexed revealed that N-appended base may impede C‒C cleavage of 1,2-diphenyl-2-methoxyethanol by forcing the methyl ether away from the oxovanadium(V) center.
Through the use of these multidentate phenoxyamine ligands, advances have been made towards sustainable oxovanadium catalysis in the pursuit of efficient and selective lignocellulosic disassembly for a sustainable bio-based economy.
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Caracterização de um aço baixo carbono microligado ao vanádio utilizado na fabricação de componentes mecânicos / Characterization of a low carbon vanadium microalloyed steel used in the manufacture of mechanical componentsMoraes Junior, Odilon de 05 April 2019 (has links)
Os aços microligados representam, cada vez mais, uma parcela significativa de produção das usinas siderúrgicas para aplicações nos mais variados segmentos industriais tais como o automotivo, petróleo e gás, construção civil e agronegócio. A característica principal desses aços é a sua elevada resistência mecânica, aliada à boa tenacidade, ductilidade e soldabilidade; o que vem sendo obtido pela utilização de composições químicas específicas com teores baixos de carbono e de microligantes que conferem essas características a esses aços. Os microligantes utilizados são os mais variados, mas principalmente destaca-se a utilização do vanádio, nióbio, titânio, cobre, manganês, cromo, alumínio e nitrogênio. No presente trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades mecânicas de um aço microligado ao vanádio com 0,25%V e um aço AISI 1020. O aço microligado apresentou LRT, LE, alongamento e estricção de, respectivamente, 735,29 MPa, 559,07 MPa, 22,7% e 63,29%. O aço AISI 1020 apresentou, respectivamente, 437,42 MPa, 268,71MPa, 32,92% e 67,15%. O aço microligado apresentou propriedade mecânica superior à do aço AISI 1020 e ductilidade equivalente. Os resultados de impacto Charpy nas temperaturas de 23 °C, -20 °C e -40 °C foram, para o aço microligado, respectivamente de, 33,83 J, 12,41 J, e 6,54 J, e para aço AISI 1020 33,18 J, 5,07 J e 3,04 J, respectivamente. Observa-se tenacidade superior do aço microligado, quando comparado com o aço AISI 1020. O ensaio revelou microestruturas refinadas em ambos os aços, e tamanho de grão de 18μm n° 8 ASTM E 112 e de 25 μm n° 7 para o aço microligado e para o AISI 1020, respectivamente. Os testes eletroquímicos realizados em uma solução aquosa 3,5% em peso de NaCl revelaram que o aço microligado apresentou formação de camada passiva, e mostrou-se menos resistente à corrosão. / Microalloyed steels are representing significant portion and increasingly steelmakers production and they are being applied to several industrial market segments such as automotive, oil and gas, civil construction and agribusiness. Its main characteristics are the superior tensile strength, toughness, ductility and good weldability. These properties are obtained through specific chemical compositions as low carbon and microalloying elements contents. Several microalloying elements can be used but some of them need to be mentioned such as vanadium, niobium, titanium, cooper, manganese, chromium, aluminum and nitrogen. In this work, the mechanical properties of a vanadium microalloyed and AISI 1020 steels were studied and compared. The microalloyed steel presented LRT, LE, elongation and toughness values of, respectively, 735.29 MPa, 559.07 MPa, 22.7% and 63,29%. AISI 1020 presented, respectively, 437.41 MPa, 268.70 MPa, 32.92% and 67.15%. The microalloyed steel presented mechanical properties superior to AISI 1020 and equivalent ductility. The results of the Charpy impact tests at the temperatures of 23 ° C, -20 ° C and -40 ° C were 33.83 J, 12.41 J, 6.54 J for the microalloyed steel, and for AISI 1020 steel the values were 33,18 J, 5.07 J and 3.04 J, respectively. The superior toughness of the microalloyed steel is observed when compared to the AISI 1020 steel. The metallographic examination showed fine grain microstructures ASTM E 112 No.8 and 7.for the microalloyed and for the AISI 1020, respectively. The electrochemical tests carried out in a 3.5 wt% NaCl aqueous solution showed that the microalloyed steel is less resistant to corrosion, and that a passive layer was formed on its surface.
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"Desenvolvimento de interfaces eletroquímicas à base de nanocompósitos de poli(Pirrol) e xerogel lamelar de pentóxido de vanádio" / Development of electrochemical interfaces based on poly(pyrrole) and lamellar vanadium pentoxide xerogel nanocomposites.Demets, Grégoire Jean-François 30 November 2001 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um estudo detalhado das propriedades eletroquímicas dos nanocompósitos de V2O5.nH2O e poli(pirrol) sobre a superfície de eletrodos. Demonstramos aqui que pelo controle de parâmetros de síntese é possível alterar a composição das interfaces eletroquímicas dos eletrodos modificados, fazendo com que o poli(pirrol) esteja por cima, por baixo ou dentro do V2O5 que recobre os eletrodos. Esta diferenciação estrutural tem repercussão nas propriedades eletroquímicas e espectroscópicas dos eletrodos modificados. Desenvolvemos além disto um método para gerar matrizes de V2O5.nH2O, assim como nanocompósitos com poli(pirrol) que possuam anisotropia elétrica tridimensional, propriedade útil em eletrônica. Na última parte do trabalho, poli(pirrol) foi inserido em matrizes de intercalação do tipo BV (V2O5.nH2O estabilizado com esmectita) gerando materiais estáveis em meio aquoso e adequados modificadores de eletrodos, viabilizando a exploração das propriedades dos compósitos de V2O5/poli(pirrol) em água. / This thesis focuses on the electrochemical properties of V2O5.nH2O and its poly(pyrrole) nanocomposites over electrodes. We demonstrate that it is possible, by controlling synthetic procedures, to change the composition of the modified electrodes interfaces, leaving poly(pyrrole) over, under or inside the V2O5 films covering the electrodes. This structural differenciation repercutes on the electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of the modified electrodes. We have developed also a method to generate V2O5.nH2O matrices as well as their nanocomposites with poly(pyrrole) showing tridimensional electrical anisotropy, a useful property in electronics. Additionally, poly(pyrrole) has been inserted into BV (smectite stabilized V2O5.nH2O) matrices, generating stable materials in aqueous medium, conveying to this, the properties of V2O5/poly(pyrrole) nanocomposites modified electrodes.
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Estudo das propriedades eletrônicas e espectroscópicas de uma série de diimidas naftálicas com substituintes aromáticos com potencial aplicação em dispositivos de armazenamento e conversão de energia / Study of the electronic and spectroscopic properties of a series of naphthalic diimides with aromatic substituents with potential application to energy storage and conversion devicesSilva, Francisco de Araújo 30 May 2018 (has links)
As diimidas naftálicas simétricas têm sido vastamente estudadas devido suas propriedades químicas, ópticas, e eletrônicas. A possibilidade de modular suas propriedades com a substituição de grupos diversos na formação da imida, viabiliza aplicações em dispositivos eletrônicos, conversão de energia e produção de redes de coordenação metalo-orgânicas. Neste trabalho sintetizou-se uma série de 5 diimidas naftálicas (NDIs) simétricas com substituintes aromáticos. Foram analisadas as características espectroscópicas e eletrônicas com obtenção dos valores de band-gap óptico através de ensaios de voltametria cíclica e cálculos teóricos (DFT), mostrando a influência dos substituintes nas propriedades eletrônicas. Estas moléculas apresentam indícios de agregação em determinados solventes tornando possível a produção de filmes finos. As NDIs produzidas foram intercaladas em uma matriz inorgânica lamelar, o pentóxido de vanádio amorfo, e melhorando consideravelmente, via de regra, a capacidade específica de carga quando analisados em sistemas trocadores de íon lítio, aplicados geralmente em cátodos de bateria, com valores da ordem de 190 mA.h.g-1 (sob 100 uA, variação de E +1,2V à -1,2V). É provavelmente um dos primeiros trabalhos a utilizar NDIs em sistemas mistos de matrizes inorgânicas aplicados em trocadores de íons. Algumas apresentam potencial para dispositivos de conversão de luz em eletricidade. / Symmetric naphthalic diimides have been extensively studied due to their chemical, optical, and electronic properties. The possibility of modulating their properties by substitution with several groups in the formation of imides allows diverse applications in electronic devices, energy conversion, production of metallo-organic frameworks (MOFs). In this thesis, a series of 5 symmetrical aromatic-substituted naphthalic diimides (NDIs) were sinthesized. We have studied their optical and electronic characteristics obtaining optical band-gap with cyclic voltammetry tests and theoretical calculations (DFT), showing the influence of substituent in the electronic properties. Some of these imides may aggregate in certain solvents allowing this way the production thin films. The NDIs were intercalated in the inorganic intercalation matrix of amorphous vanadium pentoxide, and showed generally considerable improvement in the specific charge capacity when used in lithium ion exchange systems, that are usually applied in battery cathodes, reaching values of the order of 190 mA.h.g-1 (under 100 uA, E variation of + 1.2V to -1.2V). This is probably one of the first works using NDIs in mixed systems to applied inorganic matrices as ion exchangers. Some of them may be used for light conversion to electricity devices.
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Caracterização estrutural e eletrointercalação de íons lítio em compósitos V2O5/gelatina / Structural characterization and electrointercalation of lithium ions in V2O5/gelatin compositesMoreira, Anderson Luís 05 April 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi preparado e caracterizado estruturalmente um novo compósito de pentóxido de vanádio xerogel (XRG-V2O5) e gelatina na proporção de 1 e 10% em massa (gelatina/V2O5). O xerogel obtido foi submetido a secagem (80, 200 ou 300°C) sob pressão reduzida por 4 horas. A caracterização estrutural consistiu de medidas de difração de raios-X (DRX), espectroscopia FTIR e Raman, análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Técnicas de voltametria cíclica a baixa velocidade de varredura e curvas cronopotenciométricas foram também aplicadas para investigação do comportamento deste xerogel frente a eletrointercalação de íons lítio. Foi observado que os compósitos XRGV2O5/gelatina possuem basicamente a mesma estrutura local do XRG-V2O5, ou seja são constituídos por pirâmides distorcidas de base quadrada VO5. Os compósitos também apresentam organização bidimensional com formação de camadas, semelhante ao XRG-V2O5 pristino. A gelatina encontra-se no material inserida entre as camadas do xerogel, e sua presença altera significativamente o valor da distância basal, não sendo esta distância diminuída com o aumento da temperatura de tratamento térmico. A gelatina também afeta o grau de desordem do xerogel. Os resultados sugerem que a gelatina presente no interior do material encontra-se em conformações segundo a concentração de H2O no mesmo. Os compósitos mostraram-se aptos a intercalar íons lítio eletroquimicamente. Os XRG-V2O5/gelatina preparados com 1% de gelatina, e em particular a amostra submetida ao tratamento térmico a 200°C, fornecem capacidades específicas superiores àquelas encontradas na literatura para o XRG-V2O5 pristino (capacidades específicas superiores a 120 mA.h/g). Também verificou-se que a gelatina não participa dos processos de transferência de carga com o lítio. / In this work it was prepared and characterized structurally a new composite of vanadium pentoxide xerogel (XRG-V2O5) and gelatin in rate of 1 and 10% in weight (gelatin/V2O5). The xerogel obtained was submitted to drying (80, 200 or 300°C) under vacuum for 4 hours. The structural characterization consisted of X-ray diffraction (XRD), FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, termogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) measures. Techniques of cyclic voltametry at low scan rate and chronopotenciometric curves also were applied to investigate the behavior of this xerogel front the electrointercalation of lithium ions. It was observed that the composites XRG-V2O5/gelatin have the same local structure of XRG-V2O5, being constituted by VO5 distorted square pyramids. The composites also show a two-dimensional organization with formation of layers, similar to the pristine XRG-V2O5. The gelatin is inserted in the material among the xerogel layers, and its presence alters the basal distance values significantly. This distance weren\'t decreased with the temperature increase of thermal treatment. The gelatin also affects the degree of xerogel disorder. The results suggest that gelatin inside the material is in conformation according to H2O concentration at xerogel. The composites are able to insert lithium ions electrochemically. XRGV2O5/ gelatin prepared with 1% of gelatin, in particular the sample submitted to the thermal treatment to 200°C, provide higher specific capacities that those found in the literature for pristine XRG-V2O5 (specific capacities superiors than 120 mA.h/g). It was also verified that gelatin doesn\'t participate of charge transfer processes with lithium.
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Modelagem matemática de baterias redox de vanádio / Mathematical modeling of vanadium redox batteriesAssunção Junior, Milton de Oliveira 30 July 2015 (has links)
A modelagem matemática por meio de equações diferenciais é uma importante ferramenta para prever o comportamento de baterias redox de vanádio, pois ela pode contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do produto e melhor entendimento dos princípios da sua operação. Os estudos de modelagem podem ser aliados à análise assintótica no intuito de promover reduções ou simplificações que tornem os modelos menos complexos, isso é feito a partir da observação da importância que cada termo exerce sobre as equações. Tais simplificações são úteis neste contexto, visto que os modelos geralmente abordam uma célula apenas - a menor unidade operacional da bateria - enquanto aplicações reais exigem o uso de dezenas ou centenas delas implicando em uma maximização do uso de recursos computacionais. Neste trabalho, foram investigadas múltiplas formas de reduções assintóticas que empregadas na construção dos modelos puderam acelerar o tempo de processamento em até 2,46 vezes ou reduzir os requisitos de memória principal em até 11,39%. As simulações computacionais foram executadas pelo software COMSOL Multiphysics v. 4.4, e também por scripts desenvolvidos em ambiente de programação MATLAB. A validação dos resultados foi feita comparando-os a dados experimentais presentes na literatura. Tal abordagem permitiu também validar as rotinas implementadas para a simulação dos modelos comparando suas soluções com aquelas providas pelo COMSOL. / Mathematical modelling using differential equations is an important tool to predict the behavior of vanadium redox batteries, since it may contribute to improve the device performance and lead to a better understanding of the principles of its operation. Modelling can be complemented by asymptotic analysis as a mean to promote reductions or simplifications that make models less complex. Such simplifications are useful in this context, whereas these models usually addresses one cell only the smallest operating unit while real applications demand tens or hundreds cells implying on larger computational requirements. In this research, several options for asymptotic reductions were investigated and, applied to different models, were able to speed up the processing time in 2.46× or reduce the memory requirements up to 11.39%. The computational simulations were executed by COMSOL Multiphysics v.4.4, also by in-house code developed in MATLAB. The validation of results was done by comparing it to experimental results available in literature. Additionally, correlating the results provided by COMSOL with the ones arising from the implemented sub-routines allowed to validate the developed algorithm.
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Preparação e caracterização de catalisadores baseados em hidrotalcitas oligovanadatos pilarizadas / Preparation and characterization of catalysts based on pillared oligovanadate hydrotalciteCipolli, Flávia de Almeida 04 May 2012 (has links)
Óxidos mistos são potencialmente utilizados como catalisadores por apresentarem áreas superficiais específicas elevadas, estabilidade térmica e uma distribuição homogênea dos cátions inseridos na estrutura. Nas últimas décadas tem sido investigado o uso de óxidos metálicos de transição como catalisadores para a oxidação seletiva de alcanos de baixo peso molecular. Atualmente a investigação vem sendo explorada com o uso de vanádio como metal ativo em catalisadores para a produção de parafinas leves. O objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar e caracterizar óxidos mistos V-Mg-Al. Para a obtenção dos óxidos, foram preparados, como precursores, compostos tipo hidrotalcita (hidróxidos duplos lamelares, LDHs) de Mg-Al intercalados com V2O7 4-, HV2O7 3- e VO3 -. Os precursores tipo hidrotalcitas oligovanadatos pilarizadas foram sintetizados por dois métodos diferentes, dos quais o primeiro consiste em uma reação de coprecipitação sob pH variável, a partir da mistura das soluções de nitrato de magnésio, nitrato de alumínio e metavanadato de sódio. Por este método foram preparados os compostos LDH-MgAl(V2O7)c, LDHMgAl(HV2O7)c e LDH-MgAl(VO3)c. O segundo método foi o de troca aniônica, pelo qual os íons vanadatos substituem os íons interlamelares de um precursor previamente preparado. O precursor foi sintetizado através da mistura das soluções de nitratos de sódio, magnésio e alumínio, e uma solução de metavanadato de sódio foi utilizada para a troca aniônica. O composto LDH-MgAl(V2O7)t foi obtido através deste método. Os precursores foram caracterizados por XRD e TG/DTG. Os catalisadores de óxidos mistos V-Mg-Al foram então obtidos a partir da decomposição térmica dos LDHs, nas temperaturas de calcinação de 450, 550 e 650°C. Todos os catalisadores foram caracterizados por XRD, adsorção de nitrogênio (área específica e volume de poros), espectroscopia Raman, FTIR, DRS-UV-vis, FE-SEM, TPR, e suas propriedades ácidas e básicas foram avaliadas na reação de decomposição do isopropanol. Diferentes espécies de vanadatos foram identificadas nos óxidos mistos V-Mg-Al, pelas análises de XRD, Raman, FTIR e DRS, como V2O5, Mg3V2O8 e ?-Mg2V2O7, entre outras espécies. Pelos resultados da reação de decomposição do isopropanol, foi verificado que a presença de vanádio nas amostras aumentou a atividade catalítica, devido ao aumento dos sítios ácidos gerados por este composto. As amostras MgAl(HV2O7)Yc e MgAl(VO3)Yc, em geral, foram as mais ativas na decomposição do isopropanol, devido à maior densidade dos sítios ativos de VOx. / Mixed oxides are potentially used as catalysts for presenting a high specific surface area, thermal stability and homogeneous distribution of cations introduced in the structure. In the last decades, has been investigated the use of transition metal oxides as catalysts for selective oxidation of alkanes of low molecular weight. Currently, the investigation has been explored through the use of vanadium as the active metal in catalysts for the production of light paraffins. The objective of this work was to prepare and to characterize V-Mg-Al mixed oxide. To obtain the oxides were prepared, as precursors, hydrotalcite-like compounds (layered double hydroxides, LDHs) of Mg-Al intercalated with V2O7 4-, HV2O7 3- andVO3 -. The precursors like pillared oligovanadate hydrotalcites were synthesized by two different methods, of which the first consists in a coprecipitation reaction under variable pH, from the mixture of magnesium nitrate, aluminum nitrate and sodium metavanadate solutions. The LDH-MgAl(V2O7)c, LDH-MgAl(HV2O7)c e LDHMgAl( VO3)c compounds were prepared by this method. The second method was the anion exchange, whereby the vanadate ions replace the interlayer ions of a previously prepared precursor. The precursor was synthesized by mixing solutions of sodium, magnesium and aluminum nitrates, and a sodium metavanadate solution was used for the anion exchange. The LDH-MgAl(V2O7)t compound was obtained by this method. The precursors were characterized by XRD and TG/DTG. Then the V-Mg-Al mixed oxides catalysts were obtained from the LDHs thermal decomposition, in the calcination temperatures at 450, 550 and 650 °C. All catalysts were characterized by XRD, nitrogen adsorption (specific surface area and pore volume), Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, UV-vis-DRS, FE-SEM, TPR, and its acidic and basic properties were evaluated in the isopropanol decomposition reaction. Different vanadate species were identified in the V-Mg-Al mixed oxides, by XRD, Raman, FTIR and DRS analysis, as V2O5, and Mg3V2O8 e ?-Mg2V2O7, among other species. By the results of isopropanol decomposition reaction, it was found that the presence of vanadium in the samples increased the catalytic activity due to the increase of acidic sites generated by this compound. MgAl(HV2O7)Yc e MgAl(VO3)Yc samples, in general, were the most active in the isopropanol decomposition, due to the higher density of VOx active sites.
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