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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ocelová konstrukce rozhledny / Steel structure of lookout tower

Pavlas-Jirásek, Václav Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a main load-bearing steel structure of the lookout tower with the height 35,5 m. Two different types of solution were designed. The first design is a spacial truss structure and the second design is a fixed solid cantilever. The first solution was chosen to be further developed. The truss structure has square plan that varies with height. The width is 6,6 m in the level of supports and 3,6 m in the narrowest section. Main bearing members are five pin-supported columns. The base material is steel of class S355.

Методика учета ветрового воздействия на инвентарные монтажные сооружения решетчатого типа : магистерская диссертация / The method of accounting for the wind impact on the inventory installation structures of the lattice type

Кононов, Д. А., Kononov, D. A. January 2022 (has links)
Разработаны рекомендации, позволяющие достоверно оценить воздействие ветровой нагрузки на пространственные решетчатые конструкции. Сформулирована гипотеза о том, что расхождения значений коэффициента использования сечения элемента конструкции при различных вариантах задания ветровой нагрузки могут достигать 20%. / Recommendations have been developed to reliably assess the impact of wind load on spatial lattice structures. The hypothesis is formulated that the discrepancies in the values of the coefficient of use of the section of the structural element with different options for setting the wind load can reach 20%.

Распределение ветровой нагрузки на здания сложной формы : магистерская диссертация / Distribution of wind load on buildings of complex shape

Когтева, Д. В., Kogteva, D. V. January 2023 (has links)
Уточнена методика определения ветровых нагрузок на здания в ANSYS CFX на основе анализа сходимости полученных результатов с результатами физического моделирования. / The method for determining wind loads on buildings in ANSYS CFX has been refined based on the analysis of the convergence of the obtained results with the results of physical modeling.

Application de l’approche de simulation des grandes échelles à l’évaluation des charges de vent sur les structures / Large eddy simulation for the estimation of wind loads on structures

Sheng, Risheng 26 October 2017 (has links)
Des bâtiments de grande hauteur sont construits avec un poids et un amortissement structurel de plus en plus faibles en lien avec l'évolution des techniques de construction et des matériaux. La connaissance des charges de vent dynamiques est un enjeu important pour la conception des grands bâtiments afin de garantir leur sécurité structurelle. L'objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer la capacité de la simulation numérique des grandes échelles (LES) à prédire les charges de vent sur les structures et d’étudier l'influence des conditions d’entrée d’une simulation LES sur ces charges. Des expériences ont été menées à échelle réduite dans la soufflerie atmosphérique NSA du CSTB afin de documenter l’écoulement atmosphérique modélisé, de caractériser son interaction avec un bâtiment et les charges de vent statiques et dynamiques résultantes. Le sillage du bâtiment a été caractérisé grâce à des mesures PIV. Les efforts globaux et les pressions locales ont été mesurés par une balance et des prises de pression à haute fréquence. Ces expériences en soufflerie ont permis de développer un générateur de conditions amont (GCA) pour la simulation LES, visant à reproduire les principales caractéristiques de la turbulence dans la couche limite. La base de données constituée a également permis de qualifier les résultats des simulations LES réalisées avec le code OpenFOAM dans la configuration de l’expérience. L’utilisation du nouveau GCA et d’un générateur dégradé qui ne respecte pas toutes les caractéristiques de l'écoulement a permis de montrer la nécessité de bien reproduire les caractéristiques du vent incident pour accéder aux charges dynamiques sur le bâtiment. / High-rise buildings are built with increasingly low weight and structural damping in relation to the evolution of construction techniques and materials. The understanding of dynamic wind loads is an important issue for the design of high-rise buildings in order to guarantee their structural safety. The objective of the present work is to assess the ability of large eddy simulation (LES) to predict wind loads on structures and to investigate the influence of the inflow boundary conditions of a LES simulation on these loads. Experiments were carried out at a small scale in the NSA atmospheric wind tunnel of CSTB to document the modeled atmospheric boundary layer, to characterize its interaction with a building and the resulting static and dynamic wind loads. The wake flow around the building has been characterized by PIV measurements. Global and local wind loads were measured by a high frequency force balance and high frequency pressure taps. These wind tunnel experiments allowed for the development of an inflow turbulence generator for the LES simulation,which was aimed at reproducing the main characteristics of turbulence in the boundary layer. The database also made it possible to assess the quality of the results of the LES simulations carried out with the OpenFOAM code in the same configuration as the experiment. The use of both the new turbulence generator and a degraded one that does not account for all the characteristics of the flow has made it possible to show the necessity to reproduce the characteristics of the upstream wind flow in order to access the dynamic wind loads on the building.

Investigating Scale Effects on Analytical Methods of Predicting Peak Wind Loads on Buildings

Moravej, Mohammadtaghi 11 June 2018 (has links)
Large-scale testing of low-rise buildings or components of tall buildings is essential as it provides more representative information about the realistic wind effects than the typical small scale studies, but as the model size increases, relatively less large-scale turbulence in the upcoming flow can be generated. This results in a turbulence power spectrum lacking low-frequency turbulence content. This deficiency is known to have significant effects on the estimated peak wind loads. To overcome these limitations, the method of Partial Turbulence Simulation (PTS) has been developed recently in the FIU Wall of Wind lab to analytically compensate for the effects of the missing low-frequency content of the spectrum. This method requires post-test analysis procedures and is based on the quasi-steady assumptions. The current study was an effort to enhance that technique by investigating the effect of scaling and the range of applicability of the method by considering the limitations risen from the underlying theory, and to simplify the 2DPTS (includes both in-plane components of the turbulence) by proposing a weighted average method. Investigating the effect of Reynolds number on peak aerodynamic pressures was another objective of the study. The results from five tested building models show as the model size was increased, PTS results showed a better agreement with the available field data from TTU building. Although for the smaller models (i.e., 1:100,1:50) almost a full range of turbulence spectrum was present, the highest peaks observed at full-scale were not reproduced, which apparently was because of the Reynolds number effect. The most accurate results were obtained when the PTS was used in the case with highest Reynolds number, which was the1:6 scale model with a less than 5% blockage and a xLum/bm ratio of 0.78. Besides that, the results showed that the weighted average PTS method can be used in lieu of the 2DPTS approach. So to achieve the most accurate results, a large-scale test followed by a PTS peak estimation method deemed to be the desirable approach which also allows the xLum/bm values much smaller than the ASCE recommended numbers.

Méthodes avancées d'évaluation des charges de vent sur les structures de concentrateurs solaires

Kaabia, Bassem January 2017 (has links)
L’énergie solaire photovoltaïque concentré (CPV) est une solution de remplacement prometteuse aux structures solaires conventionnelles. Ce type de structure modulable doit être optimisé afin d’être compétitif par rapport aux autres types de production d’énergie. Les forces de vent demeurent la première préoccupation dans la conception de la structure porteuse en acier d’un tel système. L’objectif principal de cette recherche est d’assembler des outils numériques et analytiques afin de prédire les caractéristiques de sa réponse dynamique sous charges de vent turbulent. La maîtrise de cette étape est essentielle afin d’étudier d’une façon plus générique des solutions d’optimisation de la structure support par rapport à sa réponse dynamique sous charges de vent. Pour ce faire, la méthodologie principale de cette étude est composée en trois parties : (i) étude expérimentale à grandeur nature de la réponse globale sous les conditions réelles du vent ; (ii) développement des modèles d’analyse numérique dans lesquels les caractéristiques de structures réelles et des modèles de forces aérodynamiques adéquates sont prises en compte ; (iii) application des outils développés dans une étude paramétrique pour évaluer plusieurs solutions à partir de cas d’étude dans le contexte d’une conception préliminaire. Cette thèse est présentée sous forme de deux articles qui ont été soumis dans des revues évaluées par des comités de lecture ainsi que d’un article soumis et présenté dans un congrès international qui démontrent les contributions de cette recherche pour améliorer les pratiques de calcul des charges de vent sur des structures de concentration solaire non conventionnelles. Ces articles sont présentés comme suit (a) Étude expérimentale à échelle réelle de la réponse d’un prototype de concentrateur solaire sous charges de vent. Ce premier article a permis la validation de calcul des coefficients de forces aérodynamiques statiques et la révision des hypothèses de l’application du code ASCE 7-10 pour prédire les forces maximales agissant sur la structure dans la direction du vent ; (b) l’analyse temporelle de la réponse dynamique d’une structure de concentrateur solaire sous charges de vent. Cette étude a montré que le modèle et la méthode d’analyse développés selon des hypothèses simplifiées permettaient de prédire correctement les caractéristiques statistiques de la réponse dynamique mesurée en cohérence avec la méthode spectrale stochastique ; (c) Étude des effets des configurations structurales et des paramètres de vent sur l’optimisation de structure solaires sous charges de vent. Cette étude paramétrique a mis en évidence l’importance de l’effet des paramètres structuraux et ceux définissant le vent sur l’optimisation de la conception structural pour ce type de structure. Des recommandations pour optimiser l’action dynamique dans une phase de conception préliminaire ont été proposées. Ce projet de recherche a démontré finalement l’importance d’étudier d’une façon juste et pratique la réponse dynamique sous charges de vent qui mène à résoudre des préoccupations d’optimisation liées à différents types de structures d’énergie solaire en adoptant des hypothèses pratiques pour les ingénieurs. / Abstract : Concentrated Solar Photovoltaic (CPV) is a promising alternative to conventional solar structures. These solar traking structures need to be optimized to be competitive against other types of energy production. Wind action is the main concern in the design of the steel support structure of such movable system. The main purpose of this research is to assemble advanced numerical and analytical tools that allows realistic dynamic study of structures under wind loading. This help to study accurately optimized alternative in term of selecting structural and wind site conditions parameters. The methodology of the present study involves three main steps : (i) experimental full-scale study of the global response under real life wind conditions ; (ii) numerical modeling that captures the characteristics of the real structures and include the aerodynamic force models to conduct time-domain dynamic analyses ; (iii) preliminary design application that include the study of the effect of stuctural and wind parameters in optimizing the dynamic wind action and consequently the steel support structure. The thesis is presented as an ensemble of three articles written for refereed journals and a conference that showcase the contributions of the present study to thoroughly understand the wind load effect on these nonconventionnel structures. The articles presented are as follow (a) full-scale measurement of the response of a CPV tracker structure prototype under wind load. The results presented in this first article help design engineers to evaluate the use of the aerodynamic force coefficients for calculating wind load on similar structures and to apply properly the ASCE7-10 in evaluating the maximum design wind force using the equivalent static approach ; (b) time-domain analysis of solar concentrator structure under gust wind. This study showed that the developed time-domain model using simplified hypothesis could successfully predict the statistical parameters of the measured dynamic response in coherence with the stochastic spectral approach ; (c) effect of structure configurations and wind characteristics on the design of solar concentrator support structure under dynamic wind action. This parametric study highlighted the importance of selecting structural and wind parameters in order to minimize the dynamic action and the steel support structure. Recommendations for optimizing dynamic wind action in a preliminary design phase were proposed. The present research project has shown the need to study accurately wind response to solve optimization concerns related to different type of solar system structures. In addition, this study proposes simplified methods that are useful for practical engineers when there is the need to solve similar problems.

Železobetonová konstrukce chladící věže / Reinforced concrete construction of cooling tower

Zralý, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
There was solved reinforced concrete cooling tower in the diploma thesis. This is a rotationally symmetrical construction. The cooling tower is concrete shell on columns. The cooling tower was solved using the finite element method, computer program Midas FEA. The work includes: calculation using the program Midas FEA, comparison of load between eurocode and foreign literature, the design of shell and columns, drawings form

Analýza působení větru na stavební konstrukci / Analysis of the wind effect on the construction

Tačner, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with static and dynamic analyses of a slender bridge structure behavior. The footbridge structure model was created in ANSYS 14.5 programing system. Static and a modal analyses were made afterwards and according to these analyses dynamic wind load and dynamic pedestrian load were applied. Wind load was applied as option of deck without a handrail and as option of deck with fully airtight handrail. Pedestrians were perceived as group of pedestrians and as a sparse crowd. Both applied loads were solved by harmonic analyses. Results of these analyses are resonance curves and tables of accleration.

Výstavní pavilon / Exhibition pavilion

Řeháček, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and review of the supporting structure of the exhibition pavilion in the suburb of Brno. The design is shaped dome built over the octagonal floor plan with eight lateral niches. The pavilion is 30m wide and 8 meters tall.

Rozhledna na jižní Moravě / The Viewing Tower in South Moravia

Turková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and static assessment of a lookout tower in The Brno Zoological Garden situated on the hill called Mniší hora. The construction of the lookout tower is meant to be of a circular ground plan and its overall height is 31 m. The construction was designed in two variants. For both methods was used a combination of steel and solid or glued laminated timber. For detailed elaboration was selected only one variant. The lookout tower was assessed in a Scia Engineer 15.1 software.

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