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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

X-ray spectroscopy uncovering the effects of Cu and Fe based nanoparticles on Phaseolus vulgaris L. germination and seedling development / Efeitos de nanopartículas à base de Cu e Fe na germinação e desenvolvimento de plântulas de Phaseolus vulgaris L. observados por espectroscopia de raios-X

Duran, Nádia Marion 28 June 2018 (has links)
Nanotechnology offers a great potential do design fertilizers with unique properties capable to boost the plant productivity. However, the nanoparticles environmental fate and their toxic responses still need to be deeply investigated to their safe use. This study aims to investigate the effect of copper oxide (nCuO) and magnetite nanoparticles (nFe3O4) on the germination and seedling development of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Seeds were treated in nanoparticles dispersions in a wide range of concentrations (1, 10, 100 and 1 000 mg L-1) and incubated in a germination chamber during 5 days. Different sized nCuO (25, 40 and <80 nm) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coated nFe3O4 were evaluated. Although both nCuO and nFe3O4 treatments did not affected the germination rate, seedling weight gain was promoted by 40 nm CuO at 100 mg Cu L-1 and inhibited by 1 000 mg Cu L-1 of 25 nm CuO and positive control (CuSO4). Among the tested nCuO, the higher chemical reactivity was found for the 25 nm CuO, and this may partially explain the observed deleterious effects. Seeds treated in nFe3O4-PEG at 1 000 mg Fe L-1 increased radicle elongation compared to the negative control (water), while Fe2+/Fe3+ (aq) (positive control) and bare nFe3O4 at 1 000 mg Fe L-1 treatments reduced the radicle of the seedlings. The growth promoted by the PEG-coated nanoparticles can be justified by the higher water uptake induced by the PEG, and also by its lower chemical reactivity compared to the bare nanoparticles. This was reinforced by enzymatic assays since nFe3O4-PEG treatment was also the least harmful to the alpha-amylase activity. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) showed that most of the Cu and Fe incorporated by the seeds remained in the seed coat, specially in the hilum region, and X-ray tomography indicated that Fe3O4-PEG penetrated in this structure. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) unraveled that the Cu and Fe chemical environment of the nCuO and nFe3O4-PEG treated seeds persisted mostly in its primitive form. These results contribute to the understanding of how nCuO, nFe3O4 and nFe3O4-PEG interact with common bean seeds and seedlings and highlights its potential use in seed priming / A nanotecnologia oferece um grande potencial para o desenvolvimento de fertilizantes com propriedades únicas, capazes de impulsionar a produtividade das plantas. Contudo, o destino ambiental e os efeitos tóxicos das nanopartículas ainda necessitam ser profundamente investigados para o seu uso seguro. Este estudo visa investigar o efeito das nanopartículas de óxido de cobre (nCuO) e magnetita (nFe3O4) na germinação e desenvolvimento das plântulas de Phaseolus vulgaris L. As sementes foram tratadas em dispersões de nanopartículas em diversas concentrações (1, 10, 100 and 1 000 mg L-1) e incubadas em uma câmara de germinação durante 5 dias. Diferentes tamanhos de nCuO (25, 40 e <80 nm) e nFe3O4 recoberta com polietileno glicol (PEG) e foram avaliados. Embora ambos tratamentos de nCuO e nFe3O4 não afetaram a taxa de germinação, o ganho de massa das plântulas foi promovido pela nCuO de 40 nm à 100 mg Cu L-1 e inibido pelos tratamentos de nCuO de 25 nm e controle positivo (CuSO4) à 1 000 mg Cu L-1. Dentre as nCuO testadas, a maior reatividade química foi encontrada para a nCuO de 25 nm, e isso pode explicar parcialmente os efeitos deletérios desta nanopartícula. Sementes tratadas com nFe3O4-PEG à 1 000 mg Fe L-1 aumentaram o alongamento das radículas em comparação ao controle negativo (água), enquanto que os tratamentos Fe2+/Fe3+ (aq) (controle positivo) e nFe3O4 sem recobrimento à 1 000 mg Fe L-1 reduziram as radículas das plântulas. O crescimento promovido pelas nanopartículas recobertas com PEG pode ser justificado pela maior absorção de água induzido pelo PEG, e também pela sua baixa reatividade química comparada às nanopartículas sem recobrimento. Isso foi reforçado por ensaios enzimáticos uma vez que o tratamento de nFe3O4-PEG foi também o menos prejudicial à atividade da alfa-amilase. A espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios-X (XRF) mostrou que a maior parte do Cu e do Fe incorporados pelas sementes permaneceu no tegumento, especialmente na região do hilo, e a tomografia de raios-X indicou que nFe3O4-PEG penetrou nesta estrutura. A espectroscopia de absorção de raios-X (XAS) revelou que o ambiente químico do Cu e do Fe das sementes tratadas com nCuO e nFe3O4-PEG persistiram majoritariamente em sua forma primitiva. Estes resultados contribuem para o entendimento de como nCuO, nFe3O4 e nFe3O4-PEG interagem com sementes de feijão e destaca seu potencial uso no tratamento de sementes

Determinação da estrutura cristalina e molecular de um produto natural extraído de Emmotum Nitens (Benth) Miers [ (2R, 3S) - 2 - Hidroxi - 3 (2¹Hidroxi-Isopropil) - 5 Hidroximetil-8 Metoximetil-1Ceto -1,2,3,4 - Tetrahidronaftaleno]. / Determination of the crystalline and molecular structure of a natural product extracted from Emmotum Nites (Benth) Miers [(2R, 3S)-2-Hydroxyl-3-(2,4-Hydroxyl-Isopropil)-5-Hydroxymethil-8-Methoxymetil-1-Ceto-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaftalen]

Pulcinelli, Sandra Helena 15 July 1982 (has links)
A presente dissertação consta de quatro capítulos, sendo que nos dois primeiros apresentamos alguns tópicos dos métodos diretos para determinação de estruturas e nos dois últimos, o desenvolvimento experimental e os resultados finais obtidos na determinação da estrutura cristalina e molecular de um produto natural extraído de E. Nitens, o (2R, 3S) - 2-hidroxi-3-(2&#8217 - hidroxi-isopropil) - 5-hidroximetil-8-metoximetil-1-ceto-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahidronaftaleno, conhecido pelo nome vulgar Emotina B. A Emotina B, C16H22O5, cristaliza no sistema triclínico, grupo espacial P1. Os parâmetros da cela unitária encontrados foram: a=7,474(2), b=8,922(5), c=12,405(4)&#197, &#945=87,68(4), &#946=78,96(3), &#947=67,40(4)&#176; V=715,042&#1973; dcalc=1,37g/cm3; Z=2 moléculas por cela unitária. Foram coletadas em 1667 reflexões únicas, utilizando o difratômetro automático CAD-4, com radiação monocromatizada de MoK&#945, das quais foram mantidas 1010 reflexões, consideradas observadas segundo o critério I&#62 2&#948(I). A estrutura foi resolvida por métodos diretos (MULTAN-80) e por síntese de Fourier-diferenças sucessivas e refinadas por mínimos quadrados (SHELX-76) até um índice de discordância, R=0,054 para apenas as reflexões observadas e 0,067 para todas as reflexões.As moléculas são aproximadamente planas com variações conformacionais significativas apenas na parte alifática. Relacionam-se através de um pseudo-centro de inversão parcial localizado em (0,0846; 0,0622; 0,4174). Os esquemas de ligação hidrogênio são diferentes nas moléculas A e B e consistem de ligações intra e intermoleculares. / This dissertation consists of four chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 present some theoretical aspects of direct methods for crystal structure determination. Chapters 3 and 4 present the description of the experimental work and the crystal structure determination of a natural product obtained from E. Nitens, the (2R, 3S)-2-hydroxy-3-(2&#8217-hydroxy-isopropyl)-5-hydroximethyl-8-methoxymethyl-1-ceto-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydronapghtalen (Emmotin - B). Emmotin - B, C16H22O5, crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P1. Cell dimensioned are: a=7,474(2), b=8,922(5), c=12,405(4)&#197, &#945=87,68(4), &#946=78,96(3), &#947=67,40(4)&#176; V=715,042&#1973; dcalc=1,37g/cm3; Z=2 molecules/unit cell. The intensities of 1667 unique reflexions were collected using a CAD-4 automatic diffractometer with monochromated MoK&#945 radiations of which only 1010 with I&#62 2&#948(I) were considered observed. The structure was solved by direct methods (MULTAN-80) and successive applications of difference-Fourier calculations. It was refined by least square methods (SHELX-76). The final agreement index was R=0.054, considering only the observed reflexions and 0.067, considering all reflexions. The two independent molecules are almost identical showing discrepancies only in conformation of the aliphatic side chains. They are mutually related by a partial pseudo center of symmetry located at (0.0846, 0.0622, 0.4174). The hydrogen bonding schemes are different in both A and B molecules and consist of intra and intermolecular bonds.

Determinação da simetria de coordenação de alguns complexos de lantanídeos por difração de raios-x / Coordination symmetry studies in some lanthanide complex by X-ray diffraction

Santos, Carlos de Oliveira Paiva 16 August 1983 (has links)
lantanídeos, visando a determinação da simetria de coordenação ao redor dos íons e sua comparação com prévias previsões espectroscópicas. As medidas de difração foram realizadas com um difratômetro de quatro círculos de geometria Kappa. Os dados cristalinos relevantes são: [Eu (TMU)6] (AsF6)3, TMU = C5H12N2O. Fórmula química: EuC30H72N12O6As3F18; cela unitária é cúbica, a = 18,000 (3)&#197e V = 5832 (3)&#1973; grupo espacial: F23 número - 196 da Internacional Tables For X-Ray Crystallography; número de moléculas por cela unitária: Z = 4; coeficiente de absorção de massa para radiação de molibdênio: &#181; (MoK&#945)=27,4 cm-1; densidade calculada: Dc = 1,60 g.cm-3 Para um cristal de tamanho aproximadamente 0,25 x 0,25 x 0,30mm foram medidas 2309 reflexões. A média das intensidades das reflexões equivalentes por simetria de Laue foi calculada obtendo-se um total de 841 independentes, das quais, apenas 277 resultaram maiores que três vezes o desvio padrão estimado de contagem estatística. A estrutura se mostrou altamente desordenada e o modelo proposto refinou a um fator-R final de 13.8%. Os átomos de európio e arsênio estão localizados em posições especiais de simetria pontual local 23 (T) O Eu3+ está hexacoordenado através dos oxigênios das moléculas de TMU formando um octaedro regular de simetria pontual Oh. A distância európio-oxigênio é de aproximadamente 2,28 &#197. [Ln (H2O)9] (CF3SO3)3, Ln=Nd or Ho. Fórmula química: LnC3H18O18F9S3; cela unitária hexagonal a=13,851 (4)&#197, c=7,460(3)&#197 e V=1240(1) &#1973 para Ln = Nd, e a=13,570 (2)&#197, c=7,577 (1)&#197 e V=1208,5 (9)&#1973 para Ln=Ho; grupo espacial: P63/m número 176 da Internacional Tables For X-Ray Crystalography; número de moléculas por cela unitária: Z=2; coeficiente de absorção de massa para radiação de molibdênio: &#181; (MoK&#945) = 23,2 cm-1(Nd) e 34,8 cm-1 (ho); densidade calculada: Dc=2,02 g.cm-3 e 2,13 g.cm-3 respectivamente para Ln = Nd e Ho. De um cristal de forma cilíndrica de diâmetro e altura aproximadamente de 0,20 mm foram medidas 2098 reflexões para o complexo de Nd e 2400 para o de Ho. Após o calculo de média das reflexões equivalentes de Laue, obteve-se para o caso de Nd 685 reflexoes independentes das quais 636 com I &#62 3&#963(I) e o fator-R final foi 2,64%. Para o complexo de holmio as figuras foram: 763 reflexões independentes, 676 com I &#62 3&#963(I) e fator-R de 2,18%. Em ambos os casos as estruturas foram resolvidas pelos métodos de Patterson e do átomo pesado. As estruturas se mostraram isomorfas com a única diferença significativa sendo a distância lantanídeo-oxigênio de 2,49 &#197 para Nd e 2,42 para Ho. O íon lantanídeo é nonacoordenado através dos oxigênios das moléculas de água formando um prisma trigonal triencapuçado de simetria pontual cristalografica D3h. Todas as distâncias interatômicas estão dentro da faixa esperada, com exceção das distâncias C-F em ambos os casos que são um pouco curtas (1,31 &#197) / We describe here the X-ray determination of the crystal and molecular structures of three lanthanide complexes. The work is a contribution to the study of the coordination chemistry of lanthanide ions with organic ligands and in particular, it-aims to compare the observed point symmetry of the ion environment with spectroscopic predictions. The diffraction measurements were all performed on a four circle diffractometer of kappa geometry. The relevant crystal data are: Chemical formula: [Eu (TMU)6] (AsF6)3, TMU = C5H12N2O; cubic unit cell a = 18,000 (3)&#197e V = 5832 (3)&#1973; space group: F23 number 196 from International Tables for X-ray Crystallography; number of molecules per unit cell: Z = 4; mass absorption coefficient for molybdenum radiation: (MoK&#945)=27,4 cm-1; calculated density: Dc = 1,60 g.cm-3. For a crystal of approximately 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.30 mm size, 2309 reflections were measured. After averaging the intensities of the Laue-equivalent reflection, 841 independent reflections were obtained, from which only 277 had intensities greater than three times the respective standard deviations estimated from counting statistics. The structure turn out to be highly disordered and the proposed model refined to a final R-factor of 13.8%. The europium and arsenic atoms are sited on special positions of local point symmetry 23 (T). The Eu3+ is hexacoordinated to six TMU oxygen atoms, forming a regular crystallographic octahedron of point symmetry Oh. The europium oxygen distance is 2.28&#197. [Ln (H2O)9] (CF3SO3)3, Ln=Nd or Ho. Chemical formula: LnC3H18O18F9S3 hexagonal unit a=13,851 (4)&#197, c=7,460(3)&#197 and V=1240(1) &#1973 for Ln = Nd, and a=13,570 (2)&#197, c=7,577 (1)&#197 e V=1208,5 (9)&#1973 for Ln=Ho; spacial group: P63/m number 176 from International Tables for X-ray Crystallography number of molecules per unit cell: Z=2; mass absorption coefficient for molybdenum radiation: &#1810 (MoK&#945) = 23,2 cm-1 for Ln=Nd and 34,8 cm-1 for Ln=Ho; calculated density: Dc=2,02 g.cm-3 e 2,13 g.cm-3 respectively for Nd and Ho. From a cylindrically shapped crystal of approximate diameter and height of 0.20 mm, 2098 reflections for the Nd and 2400 for the Ho complexes were measured. After averaging the intensi ties of the Laue-equivalent reflections we obtain for Nd 685 independent reflections of which 636 with I &#62 3&#963(I) and agreement factor of 2.64%. For the holmium complexes the figures were 763 independent reflections, 676 with I &#62 3&#963(I) and agreement factor equal to 2.18%. In both cases the structures were solved by the heavy-atom Patterson method. The structures turn out to be isomorphous with the only significant difference of the lanthanide oxygen distances which was 2.49&#197 for Nd and 2.42&#197 for Ho. The lanthanide ions are nine-coordinated to the oxygen atom of water molecules, which form a tricapped trigonal prism of crystallographic point symmetry D3h. All interatomic distances lie within the expected normal range except the C-F ones which are somewhat shorter (1,31 &#197)

Determinação estrutural e estudo da estereoespecificidade de compostos de paládio II / Structural determination and stereospecificity studies of the palladium II compounds

Oliveira, Milene Aparecida Rodrigues de 27 July 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho estão apresentadas as estruturas cristalinas e moleculares e o estudo da estereoespecificidade de compostos de paládio com geometria de coordenação quadrado planar. Estas estruturas foram determinadas com o objetivo de verificar a relação entre a geometria e sua potencialidade como um possível agente anti-cancerígeno.<br /> No estudo de correlação através de Quimiometria foi introduzida como parâmetros a distância do átomo de paládio ao plano, que avalia o quanto o átomo de paládio esta distante do plano formado pelos seus quatro ligantes, o ângulo de ligação, onde se observa a distorção dos ângulos entre os átomos coordenados ao paládio e a superfície de van der Waals calculada para a molécula.<br /> O estudo da relação destes parâmetros mostrou que eles são suficientes para realizar a separação entre ativos e inativos, indicando para os inéditos, com estrutura estudada neste trabalho, a possível (ou não) atividade. / This work presents the crystal and molecular structures and the study of stereospecificity of palladium compounds with square planar coordination geometry. These structures were determined with the objective of verifying the relationship between the molecular geometry and its potential as a possible anti-tumor agent.<br /> In the correlation study by Chemometry, the parameters introduced were: the distance from the palladium atom to the plane, which assesses how much the palladium atom is far from the plane formed by its four ligands, the bond angle, that shows a noticeable distortion of the angles between the atoms coordinated to the palladium atom, and van der Waals surface calculated for the molecule.<br /> The relationship between these parameters showed that they are sufficient to accomplish the separation between active and inactive molecules, indicating for the novel, with structure studied in this work, the possible (or not) activity.

The Halogen Bond: X-Ray Crystallography and Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation

Szell, Patrick 24 May 2019 (has links)
The halogen bond has recently risen in prominence as a non-covalent interaction for use in supramolecular chemistry, allowing for the rational design of materials, pharmaceuticals, and functional molecules. The occurrence of the σ-hole opposite to the C-X covalent bond (X = F, Cl, Br, I) renders the halogen bond a highly directional and tuneable interaction, offering desirable features to crystal engineers. The halogen bond can be divided into its two components: the halogen bond donor bearing the halogen atom, and the electron-rich halogen bond acceptor. In this thesis, we investigate the nature of the halogen bond, its role in supramolecular assembly and impact on the local dynamics, along with developing synthetic methods to prepare this class of materials. We begin by fully characterizing the halogen bond donor by using 35Cl ultra-wideline solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on a series of single-component chloronitriles exhibiting the C-Cl···N halogen bond. We then perform the first modern nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) investigations of the halogen bond, observing the 79/81Br and 127I nuclei in a series of cocrystals exhibiting the C-Br···N and C-I···N halogen bond, respectively. Computational results attribute the observed increases in the quadrupolar coupling constants (CQ) to a reduction in the carbon-halogen σ-bonding contribution to V33 and an increase in the lone-pair and core orbital contributions, providing the first model of the electronic changes occurring on the halogen bond donor upon the formation of the halogen bond. Attention is then turned on characterizing the halogen bond acceptor and its surrounding environment, beginning by investigating a solid-state NMR approach relying on the 19F nucleus to characterize perfluorinated cocrystals. This strategy has reduced analysis times from hours to minutes while providing higher sensitivity and resolution, with the resulting chemical shifts permitting the unambiguous identification of the halogen bond and allowing for the refinement of X-ray crystal structures. The halogen bond acceptor is then investigated in a series of isomorphous dimers exhibiting both the halogen bond and hydrogen bond in the C≡C-I···X-···H-N+ motif, revealing the halogen bond’s relative contribution to the electric field gradient increasing in the order of Cl- > Br- > I-, contrasting the contributions of the hydrogen bond. We then explore the impact of the halogen bond on the surrounding environment, using the rotating methyl groups of 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine as a model. Upon the introduction of a halogen bond, we observe a reduction in the rotational energy barrier of 56% on average, overshadowing the 36% reduction observed in the hydrogen bonded cocrystals. This is the first instance of the halogen bond directly catalyzing the local dynamics, coining the term “dynamics catalyst”. These results provide an effective strategy of enhancing the dynamics in molecular systems, such as molecular machines, supramolecular catalyst, as well as correcting the faulty dynamics encountered in diseased proteins. The role of halogen bonding in crystal engineering is then explored, reporting the first supramolecular triangle, a series of discrete charged dimers, and supramolecular architectures built from 1,3,5-tri(iodoethynyl)-2,4,6-trifluorobenzene, with the potential of creating fully organic porous structures for gas absorption. Mechanochemistry is then investigated as a synthetic method, allowing for the preparation of cocrystals featuring 3-iodoethynylbenzoic acid as the donor, with the resulting structures exhibiting concurrent halogen and hydrogen bonding. Mechanochemical ball milling is shown to reduce preparation times of powdered cocrystals from days to a single hour, while using a fraction of the organic solvent. Lastly, we pioneer cosublimation as a solvent-free synthetic technique for rapidly preparing halogen bonded cocrystals, yielding quality single crystals within a few hours, and a microcrystalline product within 15 minutes. Among its advantages, cosublimation offers a significant acceleration of discovery, while eliminating the environmental footprint associated with conventional synthetic methods.

Soft x-ray spectroscopy studies of novel electronic materials using synchrotron radiation

Newby Jr., David Henry 12 March 2016 (has links)
Soft x-ray spectroscopy can provide a wealth of information on the electronic structure of solids. In this work, a suite of soft x-ray spectroscopies is applied to organic and inorganic materials with potential applications in electronic and energy generation devices. Using the techniques of x-ray absorption (XAS), x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), the fundamental properties of these different materials are explored. Cycloparaphenylenes (CPPs) are a recently synthesized family of cyclic hydrocarbons with very interesting properties and many potential applications. Unusual UV/Visible fluorescence trends have spurred a number of theoretical investigations into the electronic properties of the CPP family, but thus far no comprehensive electronic structure measurements have been conducted. XPS, XAS, and XES data for two varieties, [8]- and [10]-CPP, are presented here, and compared with the results of relevant DFT calculations. Turning towards more application-centered investigations, similar measurements are applied to two materials commonly used in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes: La_(1−x)Sr_(x)MnO_(3) (LSMO) and La_(1−x)Sr_(x)Co_(1−y)Fe_(y)O_(3) (LSCF). Both materials are structurally perovskites, but they exhibit strikingly different electronic properties. SOFC systems very efficiently produce electricity by catalyzing reactions between oxygen and petroleum-based hydrocarbons at high temperatures (> 800 C). Such systems are already utilized to great effect in many industries, but more widespread adoption could be had if the cells could operate at lower temperatures. Understanding the electronic structure and operational evolution of the cathode materials is essential for the development of better low-temperature fuel cells. LSCF is a mixed ion-electron conductor which holds promise for low-temperature SOFC applications. XPS spectra of LSCF thin films are collected as the films are heated and gas-dosed in a controlled environment. The surface evolution of these films is discussed, and the effects of different gas environments on oxygen vacancy concentration are elucidated. LSMO is commonly used in commercial fuel cell devices. Here the resonant soft x-ray emission (RIXS) spectrum of LSMO is examined, and it is shown that the inelastic x-ray emission structure of LSMO arises from local atomic multiplet effects.

Host-guest compounds : structure and thermal behaviour

Tangouna Liambo Bissa, Marie-Louise January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemistry))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Inclusion compounds of two hydroxyl hosts with a variety of guests have been investigated. These host compounds are bulky molecules and have the ability to interact with smaller organic guests to form new compounds. The host 9-(1-naphthyl)-9H-xanthen-9-ol (H1), forms inclusion compounds with pyridine (PYR), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), morpholine (MORP) and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP). The crystal structures of H1•NMP, H1•DMA and H1•MORP1 were successfully solved in the triclinic space group PĪ, whereas the inclusion compound H1•PYR crystallised in the monoclinic space group P21/c. A different inclusion compound involving morpholine, H1•MORP2 resulted from dissolution of H1 in a 1:1 molar ratio of MORP: DMA. H1•MORP2 crystallised in the space group PĪ. All of the abovementioned inclusion compounds demonstrated a host: guest ratio of 1:1 except for H1•MORP1 (host: guest ratio = 1: ). H1 interacts with pyridine and morpholine guests via (Host)O-H•••N(Guest) hydrogen bonds and via (Host)OH•••O(Guest) hydrogen bonds with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone and N,N-dimethylacetamide.

Synchrotron X-ray diffraction peak profile analysis of neutron- and proton-irradiated zirconium alloys

Seymour, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
One of the degradation processes of zirconium-based nuclear fuel assemblies is irradiation-induced growth, an anisotropic, stress-independent, macroscopic deformation mechanism that elongates fuel cladding tubes axially. Irradiation-induced growth is driven by the irradiation-induced formation of dislocation loops, where the evolution of the loop structure can be complex, with the initial formation of loop generating transient growth, while the later formation of component dislocation loops, or loops, leads to accelerated growth. A full mechanistic understanding of loop nucleation is as yet unforthcoming. This thesis utilizes the diffraction peak broadening analysis software, named extended Convolutional Multiple Whole Profile, to study the dislocation structure evolution of neutron- and proton-irradiated zirconium alloys in order to validate proton-irradiation as a effective tool for the study of irradiation damage in relation to irradiation-induced growth. The diffraction profiles obtained exhibit unexpected features present in the tails of the Bragg peaks, tentatively attributed here to either strained regions of matrix, or diffuse scattering from severely distorted regions around nucleating precipitates, both originating from an increased solute concentration. The diffraction results indicate that the proton-irradiated samples exhibit qualitatively similar behaviours as seen from neutron-irradiation, such as a threshold irradiation dose before the formation of loops, however, a continued increase of loop dislocation density determined from peak broadening analysis is not observed by transmission electron microscopy. It is also shown that the Nb-containing Low-Sn ZIRLO® alloy has a lower dislocation density than the Nb-free Zircaloy-2 after the formation of loops correlating well with the relative irradiation-induced growth behaviours observed in- reactor. A correlation between a reduction in the loop dislocation density and the formation of loops is observed in Low-Sn ZIRLO® and Zr-1.60Sn-0.033Fe, providing support for the hypothesis that vacancy loops transform into loops. Zr- 0.61Sn-0.024Fe and Zr-1.60Sn-0.033Fe alloys show a rapid increase in the loop dislocation density in the initial stages of proton-irradiation, likely due to the low irradiation-resistance of the precipitates present in these alloys.

Introdução aos métodos de determinação de estrutura por difração de raio-x: aplicado a alguns complexos de lantanídeos / Introduction to x-ray crystal structure determination and its application to the study of some lanthanide complexes

Oliveira, Marcos Alcantara de 12 May 1986 (has links)
Este trabalho consta de uma introdução teórica tratando, do conceito de cristal, da interação entre o raio-X e o meio cristalino e dos fundamentos dos métodos de determinação de estruturas moleculares de pequeno porte aplicados na solução das estruturas cristalinas dos complexos: Praseodímio, Neodímio e Európio com Perrenato e Trans-l, 4-ditiano-l, 4-dióxido,(TDTD), tendo fórmula geral [Ln(H2O)4(&#951 TDTD) (&#951 &#8217 ReO4) (&#956-&#9512-TDTD)]n (ReO4)2n &#8226 nTDTD onde, Ln= Eu, Pr, Nd e Metil-2,6-anhidro-3-azido-4-0-benzoil-3-deoxi-&#945-D-iodopiranosideo, um novo derivado de 2,5-dioxabiciclo [2,2,2] octano. Determinou-se que os complexos envolvendo íons latanídeos, tem estruturas isomorfas, que refinaram para os valores finais: R(eu)=0.067, R(Pr)= 0.074, R(Nd)= 0.061. As características principais das estruturas são as seguintes: a) sistema cristalino ortorrômbico; b) o íon Ln3+ é coordenado por nove átomos de oxigênio dos grupos TDTD, perrenato e H2O. Os átomos de oxigênio que coordenam o cátion formam formam uma configuração antiprisma quadrado de Arquimedes com chapéu; c) o íon de terra rara se encontra em posição especial de simetria C2; d) a estrutura possui uma desordem ocupacional com relação a três átomos de oxigênio descoordenados do perrenato que coordena o íon Ln3+ através de um oxigênio situado também em posição de simetria C2. Explica-se os resultados do espectro de emissão do Eu3+ à luz dos resultados estruturais obtidos, comparando estes resultados com outros descritos na literatura. A estrutura do complexo orgânico, com fórmula química C14H15N3O5, foi determinada utilizando métodos diretos. A conformação do anel de seis membros foi determinada como sendo aproximadamente um barco torcido. / This work consists of a theoretical introduction to the concept of a crystal, the interaction between X-ray and the crystalline medium and some aspects concerning the methods of structure determination, applied to the crystal structure of the complexes: Praseodymium, Neodymium and Europium Perrhenate with Trans-l,4-dithiane-l,4-dioxide (TDTD) of general formula: [Ln(H2O)4(&#951 TDTD) (&#951 &#8217 ReO4) (&#956-&#9512-TDTD)]n (ReO4)2n &#8226 nTDTD, where Ln= Eu, Pr, Nd and Methyl-2,6-anhydro-3-azido-4-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-&#945-D-iodopyranoside, a new 2,5-Dioxabicycle [2,2,2] octane derivative. It was determined that the complexes involving lanthanide ions are structurally isomorphous, the structures refined to the final values of: R(Nd)=0.061, R(Pr)=0.074, R(Eu)=0.067. The principal characteristics of these structures are: a) the crystal system is orthorhombic; b) the ion Ln3+ is coordinated by nine oxygen atoms of TDTD, perrhenate and water molecules. The coordinated oxygen have an approximate Antiprismatic Arquimedian Capped Square conformation; c) the rare earth atom is located on a crystallographic C2 position; d) the structure has an occupational disorder, with relation to three uncoordinated oxygen atoms of the perrhenate group that coordinates the cation by the oxygen located on the special position with exact point symmetry C2. The emission spectra of the Eu3+ ion is explained based on the structure information obtained from x-ray analysis. Also a comparison is traced with other coordination compounds, with the lanthanide ion Ln3+, revealing some important aspects of these structures. The structure of the compound with chemical formula C14H15N3O5 was determined using direct methods. The six member ring C(1)-O(5)-C(4)-C(3)-C(2) is in an approximate twist-boat conformation.

Synthesis and structural characterization of some metal complexes containing betaine and pseudohalide ligands.

January 1992 (has links)
by Mok-Yin Chow. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-58). / Acknowledgement --- p.1 / Abstract --- p.2 / Contents --- p.3 / List of Figures --- p.4 / List of Tables --- p.5 / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.6 / Chapter I. --- Chemistry of pseudohalides --- p.6 / Chapter II. --- Infrared spectroscopy of pseudohalides --- p.8 / Chapter III. --- Chemistry of metal carboxylates --- p.10 / Chapter IV. --- Infrared spectroscopy of carboxylates --- p.13 / Chapter V. --- Chemistry of betaine ligands --- p.14 / Chapter VI. --- Objectives of this research --- p.15 / Chapter 2. --- Experimental --- p.17 / Chapter I. --- Preparation --- p.17 / Chapter II. --- X-ray crystallography --- p.21 / Chapter 3. --- Results and discussion --- p.23 / Chapter I. --- "Isostructural complexes Co2(bet)2(N3)4 1,Zn2(bet)2(N3)42, Cd2(bet)2(N3)4 3, and Cd2(bet)2(NCO)4 4" --- p.23 / Chapter II. --- Copper(II) complex Cu2(bet)2(N3)2(N03)2 5 --- p.29 / Chapter III. --- Cadmium(II) complexes Cd3(bet)4(SCN)6(H20)2 6 and Cd(prbet)(NCS)2 7 --- p.34 / Chapter IV. --- Barium(II) complex Ba(pybet)2(NCS)2 8 --- p.43 / Chapter V. --- Cobalt(II) complex [Co(pybet)2(NCS)(H20)3]2[Co(NCS)4] 9 --- p.49 / Chapter VI. --- Conclusion --- p.53 / References --- p.55 / Publications based on work reported in this thesis --- p.59 / Appendix --- p.60

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