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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RODRIGO JOSE COELHO PEREIRA 20 February 2013 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho teve como unidade de estudo a bacia hidrográfica do rio Cachoeira, localizada na vertente sul do Maciço da Tijuca, município do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo geral do estudo foi analisar os efeitos das alterações na cobertura vegetal dessa bacia sobre seu comportamento hidrológico. As componentes hidrológicas selecionadas para análise foram a evapotranspiração real e a vazão média na exutória da bacia. Através do método do balanço hídrico de Thornthwaite e Mather, aplicado de forma sequencial, foi estimada uma série mensal de evapotranspirações reais da bacia. Foram utilizados nesse método de balanço hídrico dados de temperaturas médias do ar e totais precipitados na região. A série de vazões médias na exutória da bacia foi obtida utilizando-se como referência as estações fluviométricas Capela Mayrink e Itanhangá, ambas situadas no interior da bacia. Por meio de tecnologias de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto foram mapeadas dez imagens do satélite Landsat-5/TM, estimando-se assim as alterações ocorridas na cobertura vegetal da bacia. Finalmente buscou-se estabelecer correlações entre as variações da cobertura vegetal e das componentes hidrológicas selecionadas. O resultado obtido para a evapotranspiração real foi satisfatório, indicando uma relação direta com a dinâmica da cobertura da bacia. Entretanto não foi possível estabelecer para a vazão média uma correlação de qualidade semelhante. Através desse estudo adquiriu-se um melhor entendimento sobre a influência da variação da cobertura vegetal no comportamento hidrológico da bacia hidrográfica do rio Cachoeira. / [en] The general objective of the study was to analyze the effects of land cover changes on hydrological processes of the Cachoeira river watershed. The hydrological components selected for analysis were the real evapotranspiration and the mean flow at the exutory of the watershed. Through the Thornthwaite and Mather water balance method, applied sequentially to the period between 1997 and 2010, a monthly series of real evapotranspiration was established. The choice of this method was based on the compatibility of the data required by the method with the hydrometeorological available data. Monthly series of average air temperatures and total precipitations was used to calculate the water balance of Thornthwaite and Mather. The average air temperature data were obtained from the pluviometric station Alto da Boa Vista, located around the watershed. In order to obtain a complete and consistent data series of average air temperatures, a correlation was established of these data with the data from the climatological station of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Through this correlation was possible to confirm the consistency of the series of air temperatures and fill any gaps from 1997 until the year 2010. In this period the monthly series of average air temperatures had a mean of 22,1 Celsius degrees, ranging from a maximum of 27,5 Celsius degrees and a minimum of 17,8 Celsius degrees. The pluviometric data used as reference for the average rainfall over the Cachoeira river watershed, was recorded at the pluviometric station Capela Mayrink, located within the watershed. The consistency of this series has been verified before the other pluviometric stations around the watershed by the method of the double mass, which could confirm the consistency because no deviations were found in the precipitation behavior over time. The average annual precipitation over the watershed was 2.181 mm. The highest estimated values of real evapotranspiration were found in the rainy season, between December and March. The estimated average value of annual real evapotranspiration during the studied period was 1.056 mm, ranging between 1.007 mm and 1166 mm. This average value corresponds to approximately 50 per cent of total annual precipitated, in other words, it is indicated that half of the precipitation over the watershed would return to the atmosphere by the processes of the hydrological cycle. Besides the real evapotranspiration, the water balance also provided an estimation of the water extract of the watershed, calculating components as water deficit, water surplus and soil water storage. The mean monthly flow series at the exutory of the watershed was obtained by referencing the data recorded at the fluviometric stations Capela Mayrink and Itanhangá, both located within the watershed. The data from these stations have gone through a consistency analysis, where their fluviometric levels were verified together and their rating curves were elaborated to represent an adequate adjustment to their liquid discharge measurements. After the consistency analysis, the fluviometric levels data were transformed into flows, through the rating curves. The methodology adopted to generate the flow series at the exutory of the watershed consisted primarily in the extension of the flows series at Itanhangá station through correlation with the flows at Capela Mayrink station. Subsequently, the extended flow series at Itanhangá station was transferred to the exutory location by proportionality between drainage areas. Due to the lack of local data, it was not possible to obtain a mean monthly flow series without gaps. The comparison of the flow data with the precipitation data, obtained for the Cachoeira river watershed, showed a coherent behavior over the years. The annual variation of rainfall in the watershed was accompanied by the flow. It was possible to estimate the changes in land cover during the period from 1988 to 2010 using geoprocessing and remote sensing technologies, available at the extension Spatial Analyst Tool from the software ArcGIS 9.3. In order to obtain this data, a geographic information system was developed for the Cachoeira river watershed, composed by a digital terrain model, obtained from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and by ten digital images obtained from the satellite Landsat-5/TM, spaced in average every two years during the studied period. The digital terrain model was used to generate the information grids of Flow direction and Flow accumulation. Through these grids, the watershed and the drainage areas of the fluviometric stations could be automatically delineated. The delimitation of the fluviometric stations drainage areas was done in order to verify the official areas mentioned in the inventory stations of the Brazilian National Water Agency. Although the calculated values did show differences in comparison with the official ones, they were used in the study, considering that the relative errors are minimized when using the same geographic basis. Initially the application of digital processing techniques on satellite images consisted of a combination of bands 5, 4, 3, to form the color composite R, G, B. All images were georeferenced at the same control points in the UTM projection system, using the Datum WGS-84, Zone 23 South. Subsequently the images were classified using the supervised classification maximum likelihood. To characterize the dynamics of land cover over time, two thematic classes were chosen: Forest Area, which has forest cover and others natural features not modified by human activities and Non-Forest Area, which includes urbanized areas and most areas that original feature has been changed as a result of human activities and. The signature samples collected for each training were simple and spatially well distributed, within the region of the studied watershed. Since the supervised classification was an automatic process, the thematic products generated showed errors, identified as isolated cells outside the context of the classes, which left the areas fragmented. In order to work around these errors and provide uniformity of the mapped classes a post-classification process was done on the images by applying a majority filter, which replaces isolated cells based on the majority of their contiguous neighboring cells. Even so, a small portion of the thematic products still showed classification errors, so they were manually edited to become more representative. Ten thematic maps of land cover for the Cachoeira river watershed were generated as products of these processes. The validation of each thematic map classification was verified through the confusion matrix. Considering that only two thematic classes with distinct characteristics were used, the performance of the confusion matrix was tendentious and insufficient to ensure the accuracy of the classification. In order to evaluate the quality of the thematic maps obtained, the thematic map generated for 2010 was compared with the official one, provided by the Municipal Secretariat of Environmental of Rio de Janeiro (SMAC). This comparison could validate the consistency of the thematic map of 2010, believing that the other thematic maps also represent an estimate of the land cover reality from past period. The ten thematic maps could estimate the history of land cover changes on the Cachoeira river watershed. It was observed at the maps that there were changes in the shape of the occupation of the watershed, however, in accordance with the estimated percentages, the evolution of land cover in the watershed had a steady behavior over the years. The consecutive differences found did not exceed the order of 3 per cent. Finally, correlations were established between the variation of the areas with forest coverage and the variation of the selected hydrological components. The result obtained at the real evapotranspiration correlation was satisfactory, which indicates a direct relationship between this hydrological component and the watershed land cover dynamic. However it was not possible to establish a correlation of similar quality with the mean flow. This study could contribute as an exercise to aggregate knowledge about the influence of land cover on hydrological processes over time.


GUILHERME ARMANDO DE ALMEIDA PEREIRA 15 September 2011 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo das séries de energia natural afluente (ENAs) por meio de modelos de memória longa, no intuito de gerar cenários hidrológicos sintéticos. Séries temporais com memória longa são definidas como séries que apresentam persistente dependência entre observações afastadas por um longo período de tempo. Inicialmente procedeu-se uma análise exploratória através da qual foi possível encontrar características de série temporais com longa dependência. Os modelos empregados nesta dissertação foram os SARFIMA (p,d.q)x(P,D.Q)s em que os parâmetros dˆ e Dˆ assumem valores fracionários, para que seja possível a incorporação de efeitos de longa dependência e/ou cíclicos. Também foi utilizada a técnica de computação intensiva bootstrap em diversas etapas, dentre elas a construção de um teste não paramétrico para significância dos parâmetros fracionários, assim como bootstrap nos resíduos do modelo para a geração de séries hidrológicas sintéticas. Para averiguar a adequabilidade dos cenários gerados, foram realizados testes estatísticos de igualdade de médias, igualdade de variâncias, testes de aderência e análise de sequências. Por meio destes, pode-se concluir que os modelos empregados nesta dissertação conseguiram reproduzir de maneira satisfatória o histórico disponível de ENAs. / [en] The aim of this thesis is to study the series of natural energy surging (NES) through long memory models, whose interest is to fit models capable of generating synthetic hydrological series. Time Series with long memory are defined as a series which have persistent dependence between observations separated by a long period of time. Firstly, we proceed to the exploration analysis where we found particulars of long memory time series. The models employed is this work were SARFIMA (p, d, q)x(P, D,Q)s where parameters d and D assume fractional values so as to incorporate long memory and/or cycles effects. It was also used a intensive computational technique called bootstrap in various stages, among them the construction of a non-parametric test for the significant of fractional parameters and the bootstrap in the residual models for generating synthetic hydrological series. In order verify the accuracy of the scenarios generated, statistical tests were performed for equal means, equal variance, adherence test and sequence analysis. Through these, we can conclude that the models used in this thesis could satisfactorily reproduce the history of natural energy surging available.


NATALIA FARIA TAVARES 16 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo principal do trabalho consiste na análise de problemas de fluxo sob uma ótica integrada através de simulações numéricas. Tal perspectiva vêm ganhando grande atenção por parte de profissionais da área, pois permite uma abordagem mais representativa dos processos da natureza. O programa utilizado, Mike SHE, desenvolvido pelo Instituto de Hidráulica Dinamarquês, é criado num esquema determinístico e distribuído e utiliza o método das diferenças finitas como solução. O programa simula o fluxo na superfície, canais e nas zonas saturada e não saturada. No primeiro exemplo, simulou-se a interação entre um aquífero de baixa profundidade e um rio. No segundo, verificou-se a resposta do escoamento superficial submetido a variações metereológicas e fisiográficas. Ambos casos foram validados por soluções analíticas. No terceiro, realizou-se uma simulação integrada em uma escala regional para compreensão da resposta dinâmica entre os diversos armazenamentos e através de uma ferramenta de pós- processamento, calculou-se o balanço hídrico. Por fim, avaliou-se a resposta da bacia hidrográfica do Quitite e Papagaio, localizada no maciço da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, mediante registros de picos de precipitação anuais. As análises integradas foram satisfatórias comparando-se a modelagens individuais. O acoplamento é explícito, permitindo a inserção de passos de tempo convenientes com cada ambiente. Por fim, a abordagem integrada permitiu que os modelos dos quatro casos fossem calibrados de acordo com parâmetros de cada ambiente hidrogeológico, aumentando a confiabilidade das simulações. / [en] This master thesis aims the analysis of flow problems under an integrated approach through numerical flow modelling. The relevance of this perspective has been increasing steadily, since it allows a more representative assessment of the nature processes. The program used, named Mike SHE, developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute, was created in a deterministic and distributed approach solved by finite difference method. The program is comprised of modules, each representing a storage: surface, channels, vadose and saturated zone. The first analysis comprise the interaction between an aquifer of low depth and a river. In the second example, it was verified the response of flow in a surface subjected to variation of physiografic and metereological parameters. Both examples were validated with analytical solutions. In the third case, an integrated simulation was carried on in order to understand the dynamic feedback generated between the storages and through a post-processing tool the water balance was calculated. The last example, assess the response the Quitite and Papagaio basin, located in the Tijuca s massif in the city of Rio de Janeiro, over high precipitation rate. The results were satisfactory in comparison of an individual flow analysis. The coupling is explicit, allowing the input of suitable time steps for each storage. Lastly, the integrated approach allowed the model setup in the four cases to be calibrated under parameters of each storage, enhancing the reliability of them.


JOANA STINGEL FRAGA 29 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] O litoral sul fluminense vem passando por muitas mudanças desde a abertura da rodovia Rio-Santos na década de 1970, o que provocou diversos conflitos socioambientais em decorrência de um intenso processo de especulação imobiliária. Em paralelo, a criação de diversas unidades de conservação restringiu práticas das comunidades tradicionais locais e reorganizaram de diversas formas seus territórios. No ano de 2014, a crise hídrica do sudeste brasileiro afetou também comunidades rurais em Paraty, entre elas, a comunidade do Quilombo Campinho da Independência localizada na bacia do rio Carapitanga. Buscou-se compreender se a crise hídrica local se deu em decorrência unicamente de uma variabilidade climática ou se foi potencializada por mudanças socioambientais recentes. Sendo assim, foram analisados os processos sociais históricos que conduziram às mudanças de uso do solo na região, tendo como foco as comunidades quilombolas e suas formas de resistência e adaptação aos diferentes contextos históricos. Em seguida, foram analisadas variáveis ambientais locais como a distribuição histórica da precipitação na bacia do Carapitanga e as resultantes geo-hidroecológicas do manejo tradicional. Para tal, foram selecionadas três áreas no Quilombo do Campinho que foram utilizadas em tempos distintos: florestas de 30 e 50 anos regeneradas após abandono de roças e uma área de agrofloresta, recentemente implementada (10 anos). As variáveis monitoradas, coletadas e analisadas ao longo da pesquisa foram: precipitação, interceptação florestal, umidade do solo, capacidade de retenção hídrica da serrapilheira, propriedades físicas e condutividade hidráulica saturada (Ksat) do solo, levantamento fitossociológico das áreas regeneradas após o uso e a classificação das espécies arbóreas em grupos ecológicos. Os resultados indicam que o manejo destas comunidades produz na paisagem um mosaico vegetacional em diferentes estágios sucessionais com diferentes funções geo-hidroecológicas. Dentre essas funções, as três áreas se destacaram diferentemente. De forma geral, a agrofloresta apresentou maiores valores de Ksat e umidade do solo, consistindo numa área de maior recarga e armazenamento de água, além das espécies cultivadas servirem de alimento para a fauna, fortalecendo interações ecológicas. A floresta de 30 anos apresentou a maior diversidade de espécies arbóreas e a floresta de 50 anos a maior diversidade estrutural dos indivíduos arbóreos e, consequentemente, a maior interceptação da precipitação. Ainda que a luta e a resistência das comunidades tradicionais tenham produzido avanços, políticas e dinâmicas mais recentes na região aliadas às tendências pluviométricas para o sudeste brasileiro acendem alertas, uma vez mais, para as consequências socioambientais do modelo político e econômico dominante. / [en] The southern coast of Rio de Janeiro has undergone many changes since the opening of the Rio-Santos highway in the 1970s. This fact has caused several socio-environmental conflicts as a result of an intense process of real estate speculation and several conservation units were created, which controlled traditional community practices and so, reorganized their territories in different ways. In 2014, the water crisis in southeastern Brazil also affected rural communities in Paraty, including the Quilombo Campinho da Independência community located in the Carapitanga river basin. We sought to understand if the local water crisis occurred solely as a result of climate variability or if it was enhanced by recent socio-environmental changes. Thus, the historical social processes that led to changes in land use in the region were analyzed, focusing on quilombola communities and their forms of resistance and adaptation to different historical contexts. Then, local environmental variables were analyzed, such as the historical distribution of precipitation in the Carapitanga basin and the geo-hydroecological results of traditional management. To this end, three areas were selected in Quilombo do Campinho that were used at different times: 30- and 50-year-old forests regenerated after the abandonment of swiddens and an agroforestry area, recently implemented (10 years). The variables monitored, collected and analyzed throughout the research were: precipitation, forest interception, soil moisture, litter water retention capacity, physical properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of the soil, phytosociological survey of regenerated areas after use and the classification of tree species into ecological groups. The results indicate that the management of these communities produces a vegetation mosaic in the landscape at different successional stages with different geo-hydroecological functions. Among these functions, the three areas stood out differently. In general, the agroforestry showed higher values of Ksat and soil moisture, consisting of an area of greater water recharge and storage, in addition to the cultivated species serving as food for the fauna, strengthening ecological interactions. The 30-year-old forest had the greatest diversity of tree species and the 50-year-old forest the greatest structural diversity of individual trees and, consequently, the greatest precipitation interception. Although the struggle and resistance of traditional communities have produced advances, more recent policies and dynamics in the region, combined with rainfall trends for the Brazilian Southeast, raise alerts, once again, for the socio-environmental consequences of the dominant political and economic model.


JORGE LUCAS FERREIRA 27 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] A determinação do Alinhamento das Lagoas Urbanas é hoje no contexto das grandes cidades, uma questão complexa e polêmica, iniciada pela necessidade de Manutenção Ambiental daqueles espelhos d água, suas margens e características paisagísticas, considerando todo o manancial hidráulico e biológico envolvido (ecossistema), mas ao mesmo tempo atendendo a premente necessidade e determinação do Uso do Solo Urbano, com as diversas necessidades de ocupação e expansão, que encontram nas margens e adjacências dessas lagoas, uma válvula de escape oportuna e atraente, principalmente por suas características naturais, que acabam por oferecer paisagens belas e prazerosas, remetendo inclusive e principalmente a Valorização Imobiliária. Observa-se em diversas cidades, o quanto é atraente e interessante sobre o Aspecto Urbanístico e Paisagístico, os bairros, regiões e ocupações adjacentes a esses espelhos d água. Considerando a complexidade e motivação do assunto, inserido no Contexto Social, Ambiental, Urbano e Tecnológico atual, o Estudo das Condicionantes que venham a definir e implantar o Alinhamento das Lagoas Urbanas, de modo a preservar as melhores condições ambientais da região, utilizando tecnologias digitais de Sistemas de Desenho em CAD e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica – SIG, para a montagem, estruturação, comparação e análises dos dados envolvidos e pesquisados na Web, motivou a escolha e objetivos desta dissertação. / [en] In various cities is observed how much is attractive and interesting about the urban and landscape aspect, neighborhoods, regions and occupations adjacent the Urban Lagoons. Considering the complexity of the subject, the objective of this work is to propose methodology for the study of conditioning factors that can influence the determination of the limits of the alignment of urban lagoons in order to preserve the best conditions and environmental characteristics of the region, using CAD technology and GIS for the analysis and selection of such conditions.


[pt] Na maior parte das bacias hidrográficas do mundo, observa-se a ocupação intensiva, com usos inadequados do solo e da água. No Brasil, a situação não é diferente, onde se constata graves problemas de deslizamentos de encostas e enchentes. Assim, esse trabalho pretende contribuir para as intervenções em bacias hidrográficas urbanas, baseada nos princípios do desenvolvimento sustentável. A área de estudo adotada é a Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Joana, localizada nos bairros do Andaraí, Tijuca, Vila Isabel e Maracanã, que foi objeto de projeto piloto, sub-bacia do Canal do Mangue, uma das bacias mais antigas urbanizadas e problemáticas da cidade. O projeto citado apresenta avaliação e diagnóstico do regime do rio; da forma de ocupação da bacia; dos impactos ambientais gerados; dos efeitos das enchentes, dentre outros. Buscou-se, através de pesquisa bibliográfica em documentos históricos e em outras fontes, elucidar as origens e desenvolvimento dos problemas enfrentados atualmente na bacia e melhor compreender o processo de ocupação/uso do solo e os seus impactos sobre os recursos naturais. Constata-se a necessidade de implantar uma gestão integrada do uso da água, do solo e do saneamento básico apoiados em programas de educação ambiental. / [en] This research seeks to provide a contribution on intervention in urban watersheds, based on the principles of sustainable development. The study area adopted is the Joana River s Basin, located at the Andaraí, Tijuca, Vila Isabel neighborhoods and at the Maracanã Stadium, which was the object of this pilot project of the Mangue Channel sub-basin (UFRJ, 2002; UERJ, 2002). It should be emphasized that sustainable development is understood by those ones who seeks to satisfy the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations when they meet their own needs. Main Topics included in the principal study: a) Studying the historical evolution of the usage of urban - land in the City of Rio de Janeiro, with emphasis on aspects of pluvial water drainage. b) Characterizing the physiography including the network of macro - drainage, and land use at the Joana River s Basin. c) Evaluating the structural flood control measures in the Watershed study, understanding flood control as well as the flow control of the macro-drainage network focused at its containment within the adductor bodies. d) Analyzing the problem of flooding in the object of the basin study. e) Presenting and discussing alternatives to the problem studied.

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