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Os filhos de Malinche: As representações sobre os indígenas na ótica de Diego Rivera (1920-1940)JACOB, J. F. 15 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-15 / Neste trabalho analisamos as representações sobre os indígenas produzidas por Diego Rivera enquanto pintor muralista. O movimento de pintura mural fez parte das políticas do Estado pós-revolucionário para construção de uma nação moderna nos parâmetros ocidentais. O grande problema era incluir neste ideal nacionalista os grupos distintos que participaram do processo revolucionário, entre eles, as numerosas populações indígenas excluídas, social, econômica e culturalmente da sociedade Mexicana. Com base nas perspectivas antropológicas formulou-se o indigenismo, política sistemática e unilateral dirigida aos indígenas com o intuito de mexicanizá-los. Este projeto tinha como objetivo central a defesa da verdadeira e única identidade mexicana, a mestiça, no sentido de mescla entre a cultura ocidental e indígena. Dentro desse contexto, inicia-se oficialmente em 1922, o muralismo mexicano. Ele surge como elemento fundamental para divulgação de representações sobre o ser mexicano, e, portanto, essencial para legitimação simbólica do Estado nacional. Entretanto, assim como o próprio discurso indigenista institucional apresentou variações, já que seus intelectuais não falaram todos com uma só perspectiva, os muralistas não representaram o índio e a nação em termos únicos. Neste sentido, trabalharemos com escritos e pinturas murais dos anos de 1920 aos anos de 1940 produzidos por Diego Rivera. O intuito é entender como o pintor se apropriou dos discursos indigenistas da época e criou suas representações de indígenas e de nação.
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Jorge Eliecer Gaitan and his term as mayor of Bogota, Colombia, June 1936 to February 1937UpdeGraff, Ruth Ann 01 January 1968 (has links)
One of the most controversial figures in Colombian history is that of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, whose assassination of April 9, 1948, ended a twenty-year career in national politics.1 The Colombian writer-diplomat, Juan Lozano Y Lozano, has distinguished Gaitan as the man most responsible for creating a "new mood: in twentieth century Colombian politics.2 Essentially, this "new mood" is that of increased interest in national social problems which, during the lifetime of Gaitan, was accompanied by an increasing demand on the part of the masses for significant participation in the political processes of the nation.
The paper is divided into three chapters. The first describes the setting for the initial political activity of Gaitan: the Colombian capital, Bogota. The second is a biographical study of Gaitan. The third examines the impact of Gaitan on Bogata during his term as mayor. An epilogue briefly discusses Gaitan after his mayoralty.
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Machismo, Carnival, and the Decolonial Imagination in the Writings of Junot D<Ã>azPrice, Joshua Evans 01 March 2018 (has links)
This work explores Junot Daz as an author of decolonial imagination, and more specifically, how the carnivalesque nature of Dominican machismo as influenced by Trujillos el tguere masculinity creates liminal space for self-determination in opposition to colonial imagination. In exploring Dazs primary masculine characters, Oscar de Leon and Yunior de Las Casas, I trace the initial decolonial turn engendered by tigueraje performance, namely its projective creation of self outside of colonial domination. El tguere machismo as empowering for Dominican males, however, is problematized by its reciprocal domination of both women and men who fail to meet the tigueraje ideal. It becomes an attempted cure that is ultimately symptomatic of the extent to which the effects of insidious ideologies and political policies, in this case, imperialism, perpetuate themselves across time, space, and perhaps most significantly, cultures. Ultimately, identifying Junot Daz as decolonial author is a misrepresentation; though Daz writes to break free of coloniality, his failure to largely acknowledge in his writing the cost and damage done to Dominican women reveals a narrow focus antithetical to the larger goals of decoloniality.
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Jak si založit podnik / How to start a businessKokešová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of main activities that precede creation of an enterprise and to verify viability of a specific business plan. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of basic terms, analysis of legal environment concerning undertakings in the Czech Republic, business plan and event management itself. The practical part contains description of a specific business case for establishing an enterprise focused on event management. It also includes a company name choice, legal form of newly established enterprise and a thorough business plan.
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Aplicación de los otolitos en el estudio de la interconectividad de stocks pesqueros de mugílidos de zonas costeras de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina y de la costa Valenciana, EspañaCallico Fortunato, Roberta Glenda 07 April 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to identify mugilid stocks in the Southwestern Atlantic coast (25°30'S-40°32'S) and in the Mediterranean coast of the Valencia Community (38º08'N-40°38-N), and their connectivity using the morphology, morphometry and chemical composition of sagittae otoliths (complex carbonate structures located in the inner ear of the fish). Morphology of sagittal for 9 Mugilidae species was analyzed; thus, being able to differentiate them and generating an identification key for the species. Moreover, morphological patterns for family and genera were proposed. Given that otoliths vary along fish growth, ontogenetic patterns were identified for Mugil liza, Mugil cephalus and Liza ramada, describing, also, their biometric relations (standard fish length vs length-width of the otolith). In regard to the identification of fish stocks, by means of morphometrical indices (circularity, rectangularity, aspect ratio, percentage occupied by the sulcus, ellipticity and form factor) and otolith microchemistry (Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ratios), different behavioral patterns related to habitat use of M. liza and M. cephalus were identified. For M. cephalus four behavioral patterns could be identified with differential use of marine, estuarine and freshwater environments; while for M. liza only three could be recognized. M. cephalus showed at least two fish stocks in the Valencian Mediterranean coast, whereas M. liza did not show michochemical differences that allowed recognizing more than one fish stock in the Southwestern Atlantic coast. In this context, otoliths turned out to be an important complementary tool to study the biology and ecology of mugilids, recognizing movements, habitat use and stock identification; allowing to generate proper management strategies for the species and the preferred used areas. / El objetivo de esta tesis fue determinar los stocks de mugílidos presentes en la costa Atlántica sudoccidental (25°30'S-40°32'S) y en la costa Mediterránea de la Comunidad Valenciana (38º08'N-40°38-N) y su interconectividad, utilizando la morfología, morfometría y composición química de los otolitos sagittae (cuerpos policristalinos compuestos por carbonato de calcio alojados en el oído interno del pez). Se analizó la morfología del sagitta de 9 especies de mugílidos, lo que permitió diferenciarlos y generar una clave de identificación especifica. Asimismo, se propusieron patrones morfológicos del otolito a nivel de familia y géneros. Dado que los otolitos varían a lo largo del desarrollo de los peces, se identificaron patrones ontogenéticos en relación al crecimiento del pez para Mugil liza, Mugil cephalus y Liza ramada, pudiendo describirse las relaciones biométricas (longitud estándar vs largo-ancho del otolito). En relación a la identificación de stocks pesqueros, mediante el uso de índices morfométricos (circularidad, rectangularidad, aspecto de radio, porcentaje del otolito ocupado por el sulcus, elipticidad y factor de forma) y la microquímica del otolito (relaciones Sr:Ca y Ba:Ca) se identificaron diferentes patrones de comportamiento y de uso de hábitats de M. liza y M. cephalus. Para M. cephalus fue posible identificar cuatro patrones comportamentales con uso diferencial de ambientes marinos, estuarinos y de agua dulce, mientras que para M. liza se identificaron solo tres. M. cephalus presentó al menos dos stocks pesqueros en la costa Mediterránea Valenciana, mientras que M. liza no presentó diferencias en la microquímica que permitan reconocer más de un stock en costa del Océano Atlántico sudoccidental. En este contexto, los otolitos resultaron ser una herramienta complementaria importante para el estudio de la biología y ecología de los mugílidos, para el reconocimiento de sus desplazamientos, uso de hábitat e identificación de stocks pesqueros; permitiendo así contar con elementos para realizar un manejo apropiado de las especies y las áreas que utilizan. / L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser determinar els estocs de mugílids presents en la costa Atlàntica sud-occidental (25°30'S-40°32'S) i en la costa Mediterrània de la Comunitat Valenciana (38º08'N-40°38-N) i la seua interconectividad, utilitzant la morfologia, morfometria i composició química dels otòlits sagitta (cossos policristal·lins compostos per carbonat de calci allotjats a l'oïda interna del peix). Es va analitzar la morfologia del sagita de 9 espècies de mugílids, la qual cosa va permetre diferenciar-los i generar una clau d'identificació específica. Així mateix, es van proposar patrons morfològics de l'otòlit a nivell de família i gènere. Atès que els otòlits varien durant el desenvolupament dels peixos, es van identificar patrons ontogenètics en relació amb el creixement del peix, per a Mugil liza, Mugil cephalus i Liza ramada, podent descriure's les relacions biomètriques (longitud estàndard front a llarg-ample de l'otòlit). En relació amb la identificació d'estocs pesquers mitjançant l'ús d'índexs morfomètrics (circularitat, rectangularitat, aspecte de radi, percentatge de l'otòlit ocupat pel sulcus, el·lipticitat i factor de forma), i la microquímica de l'otòlit (relacions Sr:Ca i Ba:Ca) es van identificar diversos patrons de comportament i d'ús de l'hàbitat de M. liza i M. cephalus. Per a aquesta última espècie va ser possible identificar quatre patrons comportamentals amb ús diferencial d'ambients marins, estuarins i d'aigua dolça, mentre que per a M. liza es van identificar solament tres. L'espècie M. cephalus va presentar almenys dos estocs pesquers en la costa Mediterrània valenciana, mentre que M. liza no va presentar diferències en la microquímica que permeten reconèixer més d'un estoc en la costa de l'Oceà Atlàntic sud-occidental. En aquest context, els otòlits van resultar ser una eina complementària important per a l'estudi de la biologia i ecologia dels mugílids, per al reconeixement dels seus desplaçaments, i ús d'hàbitat, així com per la identificació d'estocs pesquers; permetent així comptar amb elements per a realitzar un maneig apropiat de les espècies, i les àrees que utilitzen. / Callico Fortunato, RG. (2017). Aplicación de los otolitos en el estudio de la interconectividad de stocks pesqueros de mugílidos de zonas costeras de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina y de la costa Valenciana, España [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79549
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noneHuang, Wen-chun 02 August 2002 (has links)
IC Industry is the major industry of the country nowadays, and the channel management has been the main issues of internet era, especially after both China and Taiwan entry WTO. However, affected by the internal and external factors in recent years the industry manufacturers have moving to the Mainland China one after another and forming a new IC industry cluster there. In view of this, this research systematically analyzes and compares the current management situation and strategies of these cross-strait IC distribution channels. This research is assisted by the theory of management in a bid to explain the combination of their advantages of competition and management strategies.6 key findings are: (1) Home market China¡F(2)M&A¡BLogistic¡F(3) Going Global & be value added provider¡F(4)Broadness of Vision & follow customers¡F(5) Collaboration & Win¡F(6) Capitalizing stock market.Key Words: Integrated Circuit¡FLife Cycle¡FChannels¡FCollaboration¡FMerger & Acquisition¡FStrategic Alliance¡FStrategic Marketing¡FValue Chain.
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Ženy v reformaci / Women in ReformationHanušová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Women in Reformation The position of women developed throughout history. Religious reformation, which took place in the early 16th century in the German speaking countries and hundred years earlier in the Czech Kingdom, was one of the movements which changed radically the position of women in the society. First, the religious leaders beginning with Martin Luther changed the clerical view which saw women as incompetent, incomplete and sinful beings into one of respect to the gender and its specifics and to the biological role played by women - motherhood. As a result, women were respected in the society as wives and mothers; nobody wrote preaching about them being danger to men anymore. But with the attack on the monasteries women were deprived of the only way for higher education and independence offered to them in these institutions. The Czech reformation never fully changed its view on marriage. Celibacy and virginity were still considered better ways to salvation then marriage and especially its consummation. In the end both Utraquists and the Unity of Brethren accepted Luther's view on marriage, especially the marriage of priests, but never fully. They tended to see celibacy as the better although for most people impossible way. But the position of women in these branches of Czech reformation was...
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