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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Znalosti obyvatel ČR o radiačních rizicích vyplývajících z havárie v jaderné elektrárně Černobyl. / The knowledge of the population of the Czech Republic about the radiation risks resulting from accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

JAROŠ, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The Chernobyl disaster is still considered to be one of the biggest catastrophic accidents in the history of nuclear energetics. After the explosion of the nuclear reactor, abundance of radioactive substance escaped to the atmosphere and in the shape of the radioactive cloud affected even the area of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Political parties and state authorities reacted on this situation by setting up the state committee, which under political pressure intentionally concealed the information about the risks and consequences of the disaster for the Czechoslovak population. The collapse of the regime not only revealed the crisis of the mistrust to the official sources of information, but also improved the effort of getting information from unofficial and, according to regime, illegal sources. The Chernobyl disaster also caused the mistrust to nuclear energetics. Therefore construction and initiation of the Temelín nuclear power station elicited the interest to the information about The Chernobyl disaster. I have decided to authenticate in my thesis, how well the residents of the Czech Republic are familiar with the Chernobyl disaster and how objective their knowledge about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster at present are. I found out the state of the foreknowledge of the residents of the Czech Republic about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster by means of questionnaires, where 200 respondents were interviewed. For more detailed research, I divided the residents of the Czech Republic into two groups. The first one consisted of the inhabitants that live in the zone of the disaster preparedness of the Temelín nuclear power station and comprise one half of respondents. The second group consisted of the inhabitants that live of the zone of the disaster preparedness. I drew up questions in the questionnaire in order to include the given problems completely ? from the knowledge about the risks arising from the disaster and emission of the radioactive substances to their consequences for human?s health and the way of reduction their impacts on the population of the Czech Republic. I evaluated the answers from the respondents to the single answers and drew up the tables. I accomplished them by the percentage evaluation of the right and wrong answers, computation of total mean of the achieved points and the total percentage success rate. The evaluation of the knowledge of the respondents of the Czech Republic was accomplished on the basis of the value of total mean of the achieved points and percentage success rate. I did a statistical evaluation by testing normality using ?2 Pearson's chi-squared test. The mutual comparison of the knowledge I did by testing by means of the two-sample t-test on the basis of the guess of the empirical parameters from each group. On the basis of this evaluation of the results of the questionnaire I can declare that the knowledge of the residents of the Czech Republic about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster are at a very good level. The results also proved that inhabitants of the zone of the disaster preparedness of the Temelín nuclear power station have greater knowledge about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster than the rest of the Czech Republic. It can be observed in the conclusion that all predetermined aims were successfully achieved and the results of the questionnaire also proved the assigned hypothesis.

Mnoho tváří Černobylu: temporalita, toxicita, komplexita v životech environmentálních migrantů / Many faces of Chernobyl: temporality, toxicity, complexity in the lives of environmental migrants

Podlesná, Valentina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the topic of environmental migration because of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. The main questions of the thesis are whether the Chernobyl accident is associated at any social level with environmental migration to the Czech Republic? To what time is the event socially framed? In what areas and how does the accident currently affect the lives of the environmental migrants? The diploma thesis has two research parts. The first part is a media analysis, which shows that the Chernobyl accident is mostly socially perceived as a matter of the past and is not associated with environmental migration to the Czech Republic. The second research part is based on anthropological research of semi- structured interviews with respondents. The result of this research is the division of radiation toxicity into five dimensions (political, biological, potential, reproductive, migration), in which the consequences of the Chernobyl accident continue to manifest themselves in the lives of environmental migrants. The dimensions of toxicity take place in different time frames, so the work also focuses on the temporality of modern accidents. The social perception of the Chernobyl accident as a finished event does not mean that it is no longer present in human lives. The aim of the...

Budování příběhu v seriálu se zaměřením na minisérii Černobyl / Story building in serial format focusing on the Chernobyl miniseries

Lišková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma theses titled Story building in serial format focusing on the Chernobyl miniseries analyses the serial Chernobyl coproduced by American HBO and British Sky aired in 2019. Chernobyl miniseries gained public recognition and still ranks as one of the highest-rated TV shows in history according to movie databases in the Czech Republic and abroad. It also received wide media coverage from different newspapers and movie servers. The miniseries has five episodes it describes primarily the human aspect of a horrifying disaster in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. The main aim of this theses is content and dramaturgy analysis, description, and development of individual characters and themes. This diploma thesis also focuses on the story building of a serial in terms of theoretical concepts and aspects typical for making serials and series. Moreover, the thesis mentions particular Czech and international reviews of Chernobyl.

Informovanost obyvatelstva Kraje Vysočina o havárii jaderné elektrárny Černobyl / The awareness of the Vysočina region population about the nuclear disaster Černobyl

ROYIK, Tetyana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the awareness of population of the Vysočina Region of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The aim of this thesis is to find out the level of knowledge of the population about this accident and then to compare the knowledge of the population aged 18-44 and over 45 years. Two hypotheses were set in the thesis, H1: More than 2/3 of all respondents in the Vysočina Region will have more than 60 % of correct answers in a questionnaire concerning the knowledge of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and H2: Respondents over 45 will have significantly higher knowledge of the Chernobyl nuclear accident than inhabitants under 45 years of age. In order to achieve the defined objectives and to verify the hypotheses, a questionnaire was prepared, a questionnaire survey was carried out and then the results were evaluated using the methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions. The research group consisted of 100 inhabitants aged 18-44 and 100 inhabitants aged over 45. The results of the questionnaire survey show that the overall success-rate of the answered questions was 66 %. Residents aged 18-44 responded correctly in a total of 61 % and residents over 45 in 71 %. The stated aims of the thesis were achieved and both hypotheses were confirmed. The benefit of the thesis is mainly the acquired picture of the state of awareness of the population of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the Vysočina Region. The obtained results of the diploma thesis can be used, for example, by crisis management authorities related to the issue of nuclear energy or protection against ionizing radiation, both in connection with preparation for these situations and with a focus on preventive educational activities.

Политика Чернобыля в Беларуси в 1986-2008 годах: формирование и проявления дискурс-коалиций / Černobylio politika Baltarusijoje 1986-2008: diskurso koalicijų formavimasis ir raiška / The Politics of Chernobyl in Belarus in 1986-2008: Interplay of Discourse-Coalitions

Stsiapanou, Andrei 22 October 2010 (has links)
В данной диссертации анализируется политика в области ликвидации последствий катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС в Беларуси с 1986 по 2008 год с точки зрения взаимодействия различных концепций. Примение методологии дискурс-коалиций позволяет выявить взаимодействие дискурс-коалиций в чернобыльской политики на разных этапах, а также проследить дискурсивные элементы формирования ядерной политики в Беларуси, обусловленной строительством АЭС. / Nepaisant to, kad po avarijos Černobylio atominė elektrinė buvo uždaryta (1986), Černobylis tebeveikia socialinį ir politinį gyvenimą Baltarusijoje (per avariją labai nukentėjusioje kaimyninėje valstybėje). Černobylį šioje disertacijoje apibrėžiame kaip įvairių socialinių aktorių (valstybinių institucijų, politinių partijų, nevyriausybinių organizacijų, mokslo įstaigų ir pan.) vis peržiūrimą ir atnaujinamą Černobylio avarijos interpretacijų rinkinį. Disertaciniame darbe analizuojami įvairūs diskursai ir naratyvai, susiję su Černobylio avarijos padariniais Baltarusijoje 1986-2008. Taikant sociologines rizikos visuomenės (Beck 2000; Borraz 2008), mokslinių faktų konstrukcijos (Callon 1979; Latour 1989, 2004), biovaldžios (Foucault 1996) sampratas ir diskurso koalicijų metodologiją (Hajer 1995), disertacijoje pateikiama konstruktyvistinė Černobylio politikos analizė. Disertacijos tikslas: Černobylio politikoje bei jos aktorių ir jų naratyvų visumoje identifikuoti diskurso koalicijas ir analizuoti jų raišką (nedemokratinės valstybės atveju). Disertacijoje atskleidžiama tai, kaip diskurso koalicijos traktuoja Černobylio avarijos sukeltus padarinius ir kaip atominės energetikos politikoje atsispindi rizikos visuomenės ir bio-politikos retorika. / Despite the shutdown of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986) it still influences the social and political reality. Chernobyl appears in this research as the result of work of interpretation of the aftermaths of Chernobyl disaster by different actors: state bodies, political parties, NGO and scientific institutions. This research touches upon different discourses, story-lines through witch the consequences of the accident on Chernobyl plant are managed in Belarus from 1986 to 2008. Applying such sociological concepts as risk (Beck 2000; Borraz 2008), construction of scientific facts (Callon 1979; Latour 1989, 2004), biopower (Foucault 1996) and the methodology of the discourse-coalitions (Hajer 1995) in this dissertation the constructivist analysis of the politics of Chernobyl is represented. The main hypothesis of this research is to identify the discourse-coalitions within the Chernobyl policy, the actors and story-lines they utter. This research analyses also how the risks created by Chernobyl accident are treated and how biopolitics rhetoric is articulated in the discourse-coalitions and reveals their role in the nuclear policy.

Hodnocení efektivity ochranných opatření přijímaných po černobylské havárii / Effectiveness evaluation of countermeasures adopted after the Chernobyl accident

ROTREKLOVÁ, Tereza January 2007 (has links)
The utilisation of nuclear energy entails, like any other human activity, risk of occurrence of accidents and emergencies. On Saturday 26th April 1986 early morning in the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine occurred the biggest industrial accident in the peace usage of nuclear energy. It led to a vast leakage of radioactive debris to the wide surrounding area. An accident of such extent has never been thought possible before and it has surprised national authorities responsible for emergency preparedness practically in all counties operating nuclear power plants. It was crucial to prepare and introduce many countermeasures to restrict exposure of persons and environment to radiation. The most affected countries have been today{\crq}s Byelorussia, Russia and Ukraine. Although international instructions and criteria for failure actions had existed even before the Chernobyl accident, the experience with their application was very limited. Needless to say, some short-term countermeasures had been neglected or insufficiently realised. Inhabitants were not informed about the accident in time and therefore they hid late. Also iodine prophylaxis did not start in time, which led to unnecessarily high irradiation of thyroid gland. The evacuation was, in view of decreasing external exposure, executed within possibilities efficiently. As for the long-term countermeasures related not only to the liquidation of the aftermath of the accident in the area of the nuclear power plant but especially the decontamination works in residential units and on contaminated soils, regulation of food chains and relocation of persons from the affected areas, preventive and health care of the inhabitants living in the contaminated territory - these measures were massive in scope and in principle mostly reasoned and effective. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of some of these measures was somewhat deteriorated by the fact they were introduced area-wide (only on the basis of the surface contamination and not on the estimation of exposure from whole-body measurements), were not fully substantiated and later had to by cancelled for economical reasons. Not only economical factors play an important role in the planning and application of the countermeasures (mainly long-term ones). Without question it is necessary to secure that the measures can be applied in the contaminated areas in view of their effectiveness in sufficient extent for time long enough and after a thorough evaluation of all pros and cons, expenses and gains. As well, it is needed to take into consideration the effect of social and psychological factors, where in practise a satisfactory progress has not been made yet. Many studies proved that the introduction of countermeasures affects the increase of psychosocial tension among the involved people. This negative attitude results from the public{\crq}s lack of information about radiation and about the possibilities of its reduction and consequent fear and anxiety due to the uncertainty regarding future. Because of the concealment of information about the Chernobyl accident, also distrust of citizens against authorities has remained to be a problem. However, the approach of public is very important in regard to the effectiveness of countermeasures. In order that the measures would be accepted as well as possible, it is needed to secure corresponding education programs and to engage public into discussions and decision-making within the introduced measures.

Znalosti obyvatelstva vybraného regionu o následcích havárie na jaderné elektrárně v Černobylu / Knowledge of population in a selected region about the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident consequences

PRAŽÁK, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 26, 1986 is the worst nuclear accident in the history of mankind. An experiment conducted in the 4th reactor resulted in its explosion and a huge amount of radionuclides escaped into the environment in the course of the subsequent fire. The greater part of Europe was contaminated by radioactive fallout, including the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. From a health point of view, the most harmful radioactive substances causing radioactive contamination were caesium 137Cs and iodine 131I. The then government did not provide objective and true information to the citizens and the media depicted the disaster as an insignificant incident. I set the following goals of my thesis: a) to develop an overview of immediate and especially long-term consequences of the accident; b) to analyse the knowledge of the population of the South Bohemian Region of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster depending on the age of respondents. For fulfilling the set goals, I set myself the following hypotheses: H1) the theoretical division of the population's knowledge will be normal; H2) the knowledge of persons over 45 years of age will statistically be significantly higher than that of younger people. I handled the given theme using available specialized literature, Internet sources and publications published by relevant institutions. In the introductory part I describe the construction of the power plant, basic technical parameters of the reactor used and the course and causes of the actual accident. The next section is focused on the consequences of the accident in individual time periods immediately, after 10 years and after 20 years. I devote myself both to influences on human lives and health and to environmental, social, economic and psychological consequences. Furthermore,I describe the situation in former Czechoslovakia and the way of informing the population by the then government. The last section of the theoretical part is dedicated to the present situation in the Chernobyl region and at the power plant itself. While compiling the research part of the thesis, I gathered data among the inhabitants of the South Bohemian Region through questionnaire investigation. I addressed a total of 280 respondents, of which 140 were under 45 years of age and 140 were over 45 years of age. The questionnaire contained 15 questions concerning basic, not professional knowledge in this area. For the purposes of my questionnaire investigation, I divided the South Bohemian Region into districts. The selection of individual towns within the framework of the questionnaire investigation was carried out at random, by drawing lots. 280 questionnaires were completed in all, of which 140 questionnaires were completed by respondents under 45 and 140 questionnaires were completed by respondents over 45. By drawing lots, I selected 100 questionnaires out of these completed questionnaires, each age group being included. The test of the set hypotheses and statistical evaluation are carried out using descriptive and mathematical statistics. I carried out statistical evaluation by testing normality, using X2-good agreement test. I mutually compared the knowledge of the groups monitored by testing using a two-sample t-test, based on the estimate of empirical parameters from each group. Based on statistical investigation I came to the conclusion that the division of the population's theoretical knowledge was normal, which confirms the first hypothesis. The results of the investigation also unambiguously confirmed the fact that the knowledge of the population over 45 years of age was statistically significantly higher than the knowledge of the younger group of respondents. As far as total evaluation is concerned, the average value of correct answers in case of the older group of respondents reached 71%, while the younger group showed just 44% of correct answers, which confirms the second se hypothesis.

Nejvýznamnější radionuklidy při havárii jaderné elektrárny, zkušenosti z Černobylu / The most considerable of radionuclides at the accident of the nuclear power station, the experience of Chernobyl

HORÁKOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2007 (has links)
At the nuclear power plant accident, the radionuclides with very short half-life come to enviroment, they decay the period from several second to several months. On the other sides come to enviroment radionuclides with long half-life. Their radionuclides occur in surrounding of the power plant for hundreds of years before they decay totally. Immediately after a nuclear power plant accident, radioiodine represents the most severe health hazard for population. Because it is a radionuclide with short half-life, it causes the danger during first months after the accident. Its health hazard lies in the fact, that it gets to food chains and irradiates a man, who consumed contaminated water and food. Radiocaesium and radiostrontiom are the next important radionuclides. They have long half-lifes, it means that will decay after hundred years after the accident and they endanger population a long time after the accident yet.

Lidové léčení v pamětech i žité přítomnosti přesídlených krajanů z oblasti bývalého Sovětského svazu / The folk healing in memoirs and living presence of resettled compatriots from the former Soviet Union

Beranská, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The work builds on the scientific production on the theme of the resettled Czechs from areas of the former Soviet Union, which is continued treated on the soil of the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS, v.v.i., and introduces the latest conducted grant project, in which I focused on the area of health and folk medicine. The text deals with a specific group of the Czech populations predominantly from Ukraine and Kazakhstan (partially also Belarus and Russia), whose ancestors set out in the second half of the 19th century to seek a better living in the direction to the east from the borders of then Austro-Hungary. Through the use of commemorative narrations and life trajectories of the participating actors, the work maps the background of the arrival in new destinations, life in the 20th century, the change of the political and social conditions and the subsequent remigration to the Czech Republic. With a few exceptions, all of the actors figuring in this work became part of the resettlement processes - in the case of the Volyn Czechs after World War II in 1947 within the controlled exchange of the populations and in the case of the Chernobyl Czechs (and partially also some of the Czechs from Belarus and Russia) in the 1990s within the state-controlled resettlement after the accident at the Chernobyl...

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