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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recepční příběh textů Miloše Urbana / Reception Story of Novels by Miloš Urban

Budílková, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the author's personality and the novels of Miloš Urban. The aim was to map their existing reception, especially with regard to the development and reflection of author's style and appearance of the narrator. With respect that this is the current author and his work is not yet reflected in a separate monographic material consisted the thesis primarily of review works, both published in the literature review journals and those published by the daily press. Work focused on confrontation the perspective of the reviewers and my own critical reading of the author's novels.

Markovo evangelium v českých překladech Bible / Mark's gospel in the Czech Bible translations

Vondráček, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Resumé Tato práce se zabývá Evangeliem podle Marka sepsaným v 1. století našeho letopočtu a sledovala 3 základní cíle: vliv překladatelské činnosti na srozumitelnost textu, kvalitu čtenářského zážitku a pedagogické zásady a metody obsažené v evangeliu. Pro ověření srozumitelnosti textu a kvality čtenářského zážitku byla zvolena 3 témata: krátký a dlouhý závěr evangelia, výskyt tetragrammata a práce se slovem "duch", který se v evangeliu vyskytuje ve více významech. Krátký či dlouhý závěr (v některých případech obojí) uvádějí všechny citované překlady. Pro čtenáře je to jistě přínosné, protože mu to dovolí nahlédnout do historie biblických rukopisů. Přestože tyto závěry nelze ověřit jako Markovo dílo, tak s jeho spisem nejsou v rozporu a pouze ho drobně doplňují v souladu se zprávou v evangeliích Matouše, Lukáše a Jana. Těžištěm této práce je otázka tetragrammata v Markově evangeliu v případech, kdy Marek cituje z Hebrejských Písem. Vzhledem k tomu, že v Novém zákoně se výraz Pán vztahuje jak na osobu Boha, tak na Ježíše, je pro čtenáře jistě vhodnější, aby tyto osoby od sebe byly v textu jasně odděleny, a to nejlépe odlišným pojmenováním. Navíc, v citovaných pasážích z Hebrejské části Bible se prokazatelně objevoval JHVH a máme důkazy o tom, že v Kristově době se běžně používal jak v psané, tak v mluvené...

Reprezentace subjektu v prózách Alexandry Berkové / Representation of Subject in Alexandra Berková´s Proses

JURCOVÁ, Miroslava January 2018 (has links)
This thesis with help of literary literature is at first focused on the way of displaying the subject in post-revolutionary Czech prose (from anti-infective output till output which is accented on mimetic stylization). The social situation before and after year 1989 is taken into consideration. Thanks to this theoretical background is the attention focused on the way of existing of the sujbect in five short proses by Alexandra Berk and its interpretation related to living reality. Practical analysis of the texts is led on narratology and theatological meaning (using intertextual relations, resp. metatext relations). Before the analysis it will briefly introduce the author, her life and activity.

Recepce díla a autorské osobnosti Emila Hakla / Reception of the work and the personality of Emil Hakl

Formánková, Helena January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the question of reception of the work and the personality of Emil Hakl. It focuss on mapping of the acceptance of his books by literary criticism, it explores the way of writing about the author and his work. Considering that he is a contemporary author and his work is not yet reflected in a separate monograph, the material consists mainly of reviews in literary journals (Advojka, Český jazyk, Český jazyk a literatura, Host, Respekt, Tvar). The thesis is also devoted to the analysis of discourse. It asks questions on how is the critique of speech characterized, when it deals with the character of the contemporary writer.

Reflexe normalizačních procesů v české literatuře 70. a 80. let / The Reception of Normalization in the Czech literature in 70th - 80th.

Kozhina, Svetlana January 2017 (has links)
Primary aim of this diploma is characteristic of changes in official works of Czech literature in the period of "Normalization". The first chapter focuses on a general description of the social situation of the 1970s and 1980s from the economic, political and cultural point of view. In the second chapter we summarized the specific features of socialist realism as an artistic method and the basic censure requirements on the literature of commitment. The basic source of characteristic of the literary process are primarily critical articles and theoretical monographies about socialist realism of 70s and 80s. In the third chapter we analyzed the selected works applying requirements of engaged critic in the representation of the normalization context or directly a social situation of the 70s and 80s. The main aim of this thesis is narrative analysis of selected texts, not the general quality evaluation of officially published works.

Obraz médií/novinářství v české próze 60. let / The Image of Media/Journalism in the Czech Prose of the 1960's

Turková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the depiction of the media and journalism in Czech prose of the 1960s. From the point of view of the entire period of the communist regime's rule in Czechoslovakia, the 1960s are a time of easing political and social conditions, which was also reflected in the literature. The aim of this work is to show the image of the media and journalism in Czech prose in the period in the broader genesis of the portrayal of the media in Czech literature and also with regard to the historical social and cultural context of the 1960s. Moreover, the thesis illustrates through content and text analysis, how individual works of literature describes the medial landscape and the way media officers and their functions are portrayed. Furthermore, the thesis examines the perception of journalists by a society living under the communist regime and how the journalists perceived themselves.

Překlady české literatury v Mexiku s přihlédnutím k českým překladům mexické literatury / Translations of Czech Literature in Mexico and Translations of Mexican Literature into Czech

Strnadová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this paper is to create a corpus of translations of Czech literature published in the form of book in Mexico until 2019 included and to describe how they were received. The aim of the paper is to answer questions about which Czech literature was published in Mexico, when and where it was translated, and who originated the translations. The theoretical part of the paper presents Czech-Mexican relations as they evolved in the sociocultural polysystem of the 20th century. The paper further uses the theoretical framework of the praxeology of translation and the translator's role, it explains the phenomenon of direct and indirect translation, it discusses the importance of paratexts for the study of translations, it explains the specificity of producing translations for the Spanish-speaking countries as well as it outlines the issue of translating from small cultures. Historiographical research, paratextual discourse analysis and oral history were used as the methodological core of this paper. Using these methods, the paper presents a corpus of 39 translated Czech literary works published in Mexico, including "imported" translations and re-editions, supplying comprehensive details on every one of them. At the end, the paper updates the corpus of Mexican literature translated into Czech...

Mytologie heterosexuálního vztahu - vybrané kapitoly z české beletrie od šedesátých let minulého století až po současnost / Mythology of Heterosexual Relationship - Selected Chapters from Czech fiction from the 60's of the last century until now

Vráblíková, Dana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis in its theoretical part deals with psychoanalytic and poststructural - ie posthumanistic views on the three interrelated, but in some aspects contradictory concepts of love, desire and jouissance. These concepts are examined as components (as will be pointed out) of not merely traditionally depicted heterosexual relationships. The above mentioned aspects considering the concept of love are mythology and constructedness, afterthat with respect to the concept of desire the aspect is the never-ending postponement, and in the view of jouissance the aspects are the loss and fragmentation of the self, its relationship to Freudian libido, and to the death instinct. This thesis traces the development of forms of the above concepts used by the psychoanalytic and poststructuralist authors such as Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray, Hélène Cixous and Julia Kristeva, in their primary texts and also takes account of how they are received in the secondary literature. The theoretical part is therefore based on the scrutinization of primary texts and relevant secondary literature on these issues in the field of philosophy, gender and cultural studies and feminist and critical theory. In the second part the Czech literary texts dealing with the topics of...

Ženy v titulní roli / Women in the title role

Tykalová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the literary titles and literary female heroines, that entered into the title of a literary work. The theoretical part first discusses the concept of womanhood for two important philosophers - Gilles Lipovetsky in his work, The third wife[1] and Milan Machovec in the publication Philosophy in the face of the demise of[2] . The Centre of gravity of the theoretical basis regarding the literary theoretical categories - titles and literary characters, Josef Peterka textbooks represent the Theory of literature for teachers[3] , the rigorous work of Josef Lesak Poetics in contemporary Czech prose[4] and an extensive theoretical literary publication of Daniela Hodrová . ... on the edge of chaos[5] . The knowledge from the theoretical part is applied to the analytical part of the thesis, which discusses titles of the nine selected literary works and nine female heroines of Czech prose of the 2nd half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, who have been highlighted in the titles of these literary works. [1] LIPOVETSKY, Gilles: Third wife, Prague: Prostor, 2000. [2] MACHOVEC, Milan: Philosophy in the face of extinction. Prague: Akropolis, 2006. [3] PETERKA, Josef: Theory of literature for teachers. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of...

Proměny románové poetiky Václava Řezáče / Transformations of poetics in Václav Řezáč's novels

Peterka, Radek January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is description of poetics in Václav Řezáč's (1951-1956) novels. It 's especially interested in transformations of poetics between three periods of Řezáč's literary production. Vaclav Řezáč's novels influenced by literary tradition and time period he lived in. That's why we have analyze also novels by other writers. It is believed that Řezáč's evolution was rather cyclical; his novel Nástup in a way refers to some techniques of his previous work Slepá ulička, although with quite different ideological message.

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