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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žaliųjų varlių morfometriniai tyrimai, skirtingo tipo biotopuose, Utenos–Zarasų rajonuose / Green frogs (rana spp.) morphometric data investigation in utena and zarasai districts (lithuania)

Zelevas, Mantas 25 June 2014 (has links)
The reseach „Morphometrical, fenetic diversity and varietal composition of the green frogs complex in the diferent types biotopes in Utena and Zarasai region“, has analysed statistical comparing between 2 common in Lithuania green frogs species Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta. Researching were made in 2008 summer season in five different types biotopes suitable for the green frogs living. It were in Daugailiai vilage stewed mere, Pajuodupis swamp, Petrūniškis lake, Garneliai mere and Zarasai Polimerai quarry water pounds. There was collected information about frogs fenetic, morphometric variety, males and females abdunce. The distribution of the species depends on the biotopes conditions. L. lessonae and the mongreal specie of the R. esculenta lives together in the same pounds where is less of antropogenic influence. There were observed dominating fens U, M, SP, SM, P and found most common morphs in all populations. It were SM and SP. In comparison with males number, femails dominating exept pajuodupis swamp.The amount of hybridical specie is smaller than parentalistic specie of Rana lessonae. Morphometrical indexes were similar in both species. The differrences were aparent comparing single signs like body length and made statistical comparisons. / The reseach „Morphometrical, fenetic diversity and varietal composition of the green frogs complex in the diferent types biotopes in Utena and Zarasai region“, has analysed statistical comparing between 2 common in Lithuania green frogs species Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta. Researching were made in 2008 summer season in five different types biotopes suitable for the green frogs living. It were in Daugailiai vilage stewed mere, Pajuodupis swamp, Petrūniškis lake, Garneliai mere and Zarasai Polimerai quarry water pounds. There was collected information about frogs fenetic, morphometric variety, males and females abdunce. The distribution of the species depends on the biotopes conditions. L. lessonae and the mongreal specie of the R. esculenta lives together in the same pounds where is less of antropogenic influence. There were observed dominating fens U, M, SP, SM, P and found most common morphs in all populations. It were SM and SP. In comparison with males number, femails dominating exept pajuodupis swamp.The amount of hybridical specie is smaller than parentalistic specie of Rana lessonae. Morphometrical indexes were similar in both species. The differrences were aparent comparing single signs like body length and made statistical comparisons.

Cinko ir selenito jonų įtaka redukuoto glutationo koncentracijai ir lipidų peroksidacijai kadmiu paveiktų laboratorinių pelių kepenyse / Influence of zinc and selenite ions on the reduced glutathione and lipid peroxidation in the cadmium-exposed mice liver

Čijauskaitė, Kristina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Buvo nustatyta, kad redukuoto glutationo koncentraciją pelių kepenyse kadmis padidino po 8 val. 35 proc., o po 14 dienų sumažino 35 proc. Po 8 val., tiek cinkas, tiek selenas taip pat padidino redukuoto glutationo koncentraciją, atitinkamai, 27 proc. ir 17 proc. Įvertinant malondialdehido koncentraciją pelių kepenyse, buvo nustatyta, kad kadmis padidino malondialdehido koncentraciją po 8, 24 val. ir 14 dienų, atitinkamai, 336 proc., 218 proc. ir 182 proc. Veikiant cinkui ir selenui, malondialdehido koncentracija pelių kepenyse padidėjo po 24 val. ir 14 dienų, atitinkamai, 325 proc. ir 437 proc., o po 14 dienų, atitinkamai, 162 proc. ir 288 proc. Taigi, cinkas pajėgus apsaugoti redukuotą glutationą nuo oksidacijos tik 8 val., o po ilgesnio laiko redukuotas glutationas išeikvojamas. Po 8 ir 24 val. tiek cinkas, tiek selenas pelių kepenyse geba apsaugoti lipidus nuo peroksidacijos, o po 14 dienų redukuotą glutationą nuo oksidacijos ir lipidus nuo peroksidacijos apsaugo tik žaliosios arbatos ekstraktas. / It was determined, that after 8 h cadmium increased glutathione concentration by 35 % while after 14 days decreased by 35 %. After 8 h both zinc and selenium also increased reduced glutathione concentration, respectively, 27 % and 17 %. Evaluating malondialdehyde concentration in mice liver, it was established, that cadmium increased malondialdehyde concentration after 8, 24 h and 14 days, respectively, 336 %, 218 % and 182 %. When mice liver were affected with zinc and selenium, malondialdehyde concentration increased after 24 h, respectively, 325 % and 437 % and after 14 days, respectively, 162 % and 288 %. To sum up, zinc can protect reduced glutathione from oxidation in mice liver just for 8 h, and after a longer period reduced glutathione is depleted. After 8, 24 h and 14 days both, zinc and selenium are eager to protect liver from lipid peroxidation and after 14 days reduced glutathione from oxidation. Lipids from peroxidation process can protect only green tea extract.

Alternatyvios energijos plėtros efektyvumo didinimas / Increase of development efficiency of alternative energy

Simanavičius, Nerijus 03 July 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti veiksnius, darančius įtaką alternatyvios energetikos plėtros efektyvumui Lietuvoje ir sukurti modelį šiai problemai spręsti, remiantis atliktais ekonometriniais ir realaus projekto skaičiavimais. Pagrindinės sprendžiamos problemos yra susijusios su silpnais bendradarbiavimo ryšiais tarp politikos, verslo ir mokslo sričių. Neefektyvus finansavimas energetinių projektų, neracionalus piliečių motyvavimas dėl alternatyvios energijos (AE) privalumų ir ilgas atsipirkimo laikas, suteikia neekonomiško verslo „šešėlį“. Viena iš svarbiausių darbo dalių yra realaus energetinio projekto parengimas. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad norint gyvenamajam namui įrengti vėjo jėgainę, bei šilumos siurblį, reikia 181 000 Lt pradinių investicijų, o diskontuotas projekto atsipirkimo laikas sudarytų beveik 18 metų. Kad tokie projektai atsipirktų daug anksčiau ir pradinės investicijos būtų mažesnės, buvo parengtas alternatyvios energetikos (toliau – AE) plėtros efektyvumo modelis, kuris akcentuoja verslo, mokslo ir politikos sinergijos būtinumą. Darbo apimtis – 74 p. teksto be priedų, 39 iliustr., 23 lent., 70 literatūros šaltinių. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / This work main point – explore alternative energy developmental efficiency influencing forces in Lithuania, and make a model, to solve this problem, with reference, econometric and real project counts. The main solving problems are associated with week relationship between policy, business and science. Non effective sponsorship of energetic projects, non rational motivation of citizens in AE advantages, and long payback, gives non economical business „shadow“. The one of most important part of this work is preparation of energetic project. The main results maintaining that, if we want put a wind mill and thermal pump in individual house, we need at least 181 000 Lt, start – up investments and discounted payback will be reached about 18 years. That projects, like this will be payback earlier and start – up investment will be smaller was prepared alternative energy developmental model, witch emphasizes business, science and policy synergy necessity. Thesis consist of: 74 p. text without appendixes, 39 pictures, 23 tables, 70 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

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