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Psychologické aspekty působení na postoje k ochraně životního prostředí (se zaměřením na sociální marketing)Knotková, Ivana January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Trestní odpovědnost v ochraně životního prostředí / Criminal lability in environmental protectionSvoboda, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the Czech regulation of criminal liability in the area of environmental protection. Apart from provisions of Title VIII of Second Part of the Criminal Code, the thesis also discusses other facts-of-the-crime definitions that are not included in this title, but are relevant for the protection of environment, and certain other issues concerning the general provisions of criminal law, including the criminal liability of legal persons. The thesis also focuses on legislation falling outside the scope of criminal law that can serve as a basis for determination of illegality of these acts.
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Česká inspekce životního prostředí / The Czech Environment InspectionKlemperová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl představení České inspekce životního prostředí jako orgánu státní správy provádějící dozor v oblasti ochrany životního prostředí. Česká inspekce životního prostředí byla založena zákonem č. 282/1991 Sb., o České inspekci životního prostředí a její působnosti v ochraně lesa. Postupně byla její působnost rozšířena i do dalších oblastí ochrany životního prostředí. Česká inspekce životní prostředí plní ve společnosti nezastupitelnou funkci a snahou této práce je specifikovat činnost České inspekce životního prostředí, její právní úpravu, ale také srovnání s jinými inspekčními orgány.
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Ekodukty Pražského okruhu a jejich pedogeografické apekty / Ecoducts of the Prague ring road and their pedogeographical aspectsČánská, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The construction of new roads has many negative consequences for the environment, among others also increasing of the fragmentation of landscapes. One of the precautions to reduce the impact of these negative consequences for the environment is the construction of ecoducts. The question is whether the currently built ecoducts in the Czech Republic are functioning and whether the funds spent to reduce the negative impacts of road constructions are spent effectively. This thesis discusses the ecoducts of the Prague road ring. At the end of 2015, there were already completed seven ecoducts at the whole road ring. Their dimensional characteristics were ascertained by measuring, the soil on ecodusts was compared with the soil on the immediate surroundings and the assessment of the condition of the vegetation on the ecodustc was done. The results suggest that ecoducts the Prague road ring have many drawbacks and their efficiency is reduced due to their inappropriate solution.
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Kočí, Otto, January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Bernard, Josef, January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Životní styl a jídlo: nákupní a stravovací návyky v české společnosti / Food related lifestyle: shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech societyHynková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis deals with a problematics of shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech society. Its primary aims are to identify the shopping characteristics of Czech consumers, to find out whether the consumers are interested in a healthy lifestyle, if they pursue and consume organic (bio) food, and most importantly, what are the motivation factors of the consumers for shopping in general. The secondary aim is a comparison of the presented survey and the foreign FRL (Food Related Lifestyle) concept which served as an inspiration of the analytical part of this thesis. The research section of the thesis is characterized as a pilot survey for which the method of quantitative research by questionnaire survey was chosen. The previously determined hypotheses are verified by the crosstabs and by the cluster analysis method. The main parameter of the study is the healthy lifestyle which is confronted with particular aspects of the FRL concept and also compared to the identified consumer segments. On the general level, the main contribution of the presented diploma thesis is the introduction of the FRL concept, which allows to create a typology of consumers on which is possible to build some effective measures to streamline the eating habits of the general population. Keywords: food related...
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Ionizující záření a jeho vliv na kvalitu životního prostředí člověka: Radon jako rizikový faktor pro lidské zdraví v ČR / Ionizing radiation and its influence on the quality of human environment: Radon as a risk factor for health in the Czech RepublicSuchánek, Vladimír January 2017 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into four chapters dealing with the problems of radon and its influence on the human organism. The first chapter summarizes the basic issues of human environment, interaction and division of the environment based on its function (use for life). The second chapter focuses on the radioactivity of environment, specifically on ionizing radiation, its formation and division, as well as its effect on human health. The next chapter is about radon, its formation, sources of radon, its distribution in the environment, measurements, protection against radon, the history of problems with radon and the Radon Programme of the Czech Republic. The last chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to lung carcinoma, its origin, distribution, diagnosis, treatment and relationship with the incidence of radon based on surveys of selected epidemiological studies. The practical part of the thesis includes description of source data and methodology of processing data sets of radon equilibrium equivalent concentration (EEC), number of deaths by causes and population status. Chapter of results includes map outputs of radon EEC, mortality rates of carcinoma lung for men, women, and both sexes. Other parts of the outputs are the results of the correlation analysis of the...
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Výskyt farmak v životním prostředí II. / The occurence of pharmaceuticals in the environment II.Olivová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Tereza Olivová Supervisor: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D Title of diploma thesis: The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment II. Pharmaceuticals are biologically active substances used for treatment or prevention of human and animal diseases. Some of these substances remain active even after being excreted from an organism and they can enter the environment. The residues of pharmaceuticals are present not only in rivers, but also in sea, groundwater and in soil, into which the contaminated water and manure are applied. The concentration of pharmaceuticals in water and in soil differ from place to place (it is higher e. g. in close proximity of sewage treatment plants) and from season to season (it depends on levels of precipitations and sunshine). Nowadays, thanks to sensitive analytical methods it is not a problem to detect these xenobiotics even in very small amounts, in which they usually occur in nature (usually in order of units or tens of ng/l or ng/g). However, even these low concentrations might have a negative impact on the life of non-target organisms (e. g. reproduction disorders) and therefore, the calculations, which measure the lever of risk of particular...
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Komparace životních podmínek v krajích České republiky / Comparison of Living Conditions in the Regions (Kraje) in the Czech RepublicPetrůj, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na komparaci krajů České republiky, která je založená na objektivních životních podmínkách, majících vliv na kvalitu života. Analýza bere v úvahu podmínky, které v daném kraji objektivně existují a přitom mají schopnost pozitivně či negativně ovlivnit život jedince a tudíž i kvalitu života. Analýza používá kvantitativní ukazatele, které lze bez zásadních problémů porovnávat, a které jsou v České republice statisticky sledovány. Analýza se vyhýbala použití subjektivních a objektivně těžko zjistitelných kvalitativních ukazatelů. V prvních dvou kapitolách je uvedena teorie kvality života včetně jejího měření. Cílem diplomové práce bylo analyzovat data pomocí speciálně vytvořeného agregovaného hierarchického indexu ? Indexu životních podmínek - a zjištěné závěry porovnat s předpoklady a již existujícími vědeckými výsledky.
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