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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace metod pro studium časných fází životního cyklu myšího polyomaviru / Optimization of methods for analysis of early steps of mouse polymavirus life cycle

Soukup, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Mouse polyomavirus is a type species of Polyomaviridae family and serves as model for studying viral infection of human pathogenic polyomaviruses. Minor proteins of viral capsid have been found to be necessary for effective initiation of infection. In order to study their role in the early steps of infection we utilized the novel Cre-LoxP system for production of the viral mutant lacking both minor proteins. Virus produced this way was compared with virus produced by standard method and we found that both systems facilitate production of mutant virus with the comparable quality and quantity. The mutant virus contained reduced amount of viral DNA and formed virions with impaired stability. For further studies of intracellular virion trafficking we prepared virions with genomes modified by thymidine analogues 5- bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and 5-Ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU) and optimized the methods for analogue detection. The viral genome become accessible for detection 4 hours post infection. For ultramicroscopic analysis of translocation of virus to the nucleus we used freeze substitution. All this methods will be utilized for detailed study of distinct steps in viral infection. Key words: Mouse polyomavirus, minor proteins,...

Élaboration de copolymères amphiphiles à base de poly (3-hydroxyalcanoate)s / Design of poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates)-based amphiphilic copolymers

Babinot, Julien 12 December 2012 (has links)
Les poly (3-hydroxyalcanoates) (PHAs) sont des polyesters aliphatiques produits et accumulés par des bactéries en tant que réserve de carbone et d'énergie. Ils sont constitués d'unités β-hydroxyesters et possèdent des chaînes latérales de longueur variable, pouvant être fonctionnalisées. Ils possèdent des propriétés de biodégradabilité et de biocompatibilité; ceci leur confère de vastes possibilités d'utilisation dans le domaine biomédical, notamment pour la mise au point de systèmes de libération contrôlée de principes actifs. Dans cette optique, nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse de copolymères amphiphiles de différentes architectures à base de PHAs, ainsi qu'à l'étude de leurs propriétés d'auto-association en milieu aqueux. Une méthode simple et efficace permettant le greffage d'oligomères de poly (éthylène glycol) (PEG) a tout d'abord été mise au point grâce à l'utilisation de la chimie « click ». Une série de copolymères diblocs bien définis PHA-b-PEG a ainsi pu être synthétisée par cycloaddition de Huisgen catalysée par le cuivre (CuAAC). Les copolymères diblocs à base de PHAs à moyennes chaînes latérales (PHA-mcl) ont montré leur capacité à s'auto-associer en milieu aqueux et à former des micelles monodisperses présentant une concentration micellaire critique très faible. Par la suite des copolymères de type greffés PHOU-g-PEG ont été synthétisés par addition thiol-ène. Les analyses par cryo microscopie électronique à transmission (cryo-TEM) ont montré que dans ce cas les copolymères s'auto-associaient en structures vésiculaires, ou polymersomes. Enfin, la synthèse de copolymères amphiphiles greffés porteurs de chaînes perfluorées PHOU-g-(F;PEG) a permis l'obtention de structures auto-associées plus complexes. Le cryo-TEM a en effet révélé la formation de micelles multicompartimentées, c'est à dire possédant un coeur présentant une séparation de phase entre les domaines hydrophobes et les domaines fluorés. Des tests biologiques préliminaires ont montré la cytocompatibilité de ces micelles / Poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) are natural aliphatic polyesters produced and accumulated by many bacteria as carbon and energy supply. They consist of β-hydroxy ester units, with pendant side chains of different lengths that can be functionalized. Thanks to their biodegradability and biocompatibility, they are promising polymers for biomedical applications, especially for controlled drug delivery systems. In this context, we aimed to synthesize PHA-based amphiphilic copolymers with different molecular architectures, and to study their self-assembly in water. First, a simple and straightforward method using click chemistry has been used to graft poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) oligomers. A series of well-defined diblock copolymers PHA-b-PEG has thus been synthesized using copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). Medium chain length PHA-based diblock copolymers have shown their ability to self-assemble into stable micelles having very low critical micelle concentrations. Afterwards, amphiphilic graft copolymers PHOU-g-PEG have been synthesized using thiol-ene addition. In this case, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) analysis revealed that graft copolymers self-assembled into vesicular morphologies, i.e. in polymersomes. Finally, the synthesis of amphiphilic graft copolymers bearing perfluorinated chains PHOU-g-(F;PEG) was performed. After aqueous self-assembly, cryo-TEM shown the formation of multicompartment micelles, i.e. with a core displaying segregated hydrophobic and fluorophilic domains. Moreover, these multicompartment micelles have shown their cytocompatibility

Elaboration d’une nouvelle plateforme de développement de traceurs in vivo : application à l’imagerie de la néoangiogenèse tumorale / Development of a new structure for in vivo tracers synthesis : application to tumor neoangiogenesis imaging

Martinage, Olivier 08 October 2012 (has links)
L’imagerie moléculaire est aujourd’hui un outil non-invasif essentiel pour le diagnostic de nombreuses pathologies. Les traceurs technétiés sont actuellement les plus répandus car le 99mTc est facilement disponible, abordable et présente des caractéristiques idéales pour l’imagerie. Néanmoins, le développement de traceurs efficaces nécessite un long et coûteux processus d’optimisation souvent empirique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons entrepris le développement d’une plateforme technétiée conçue pour présenter au sein de sa structure de nombreux sites potentiels de fonctionnalisation et compatible avec une approche combinatoire.Dans un premier temps, un ensemble de 12 ligands N3X (X = N, O, S) a été préparé. Chacun d’entre eux présente dans sa structure un motif triazole introduit par chimie-click et intervenant dans la complexation du métal par un de ses atomes d’azote. Nous avons ensuite évalué l’aptitude de ces ligands à chélater le cœur oxotechnétium dans des conditions douces (5 min, température ambiante) compatible avec une utilisation en milieu hospitalier. Le complexe TriaS-99mTc a été formé quantitativement et sa stabilité en plasma murin a été étudiée. Il s’est révélé stable à plus de 90% dans le plasma murin après 6h d’incubation. L’étude in vivo de ce complexe a par la suite révélé une élimination efficace du milieu circulant par la voie urinaire avec une dégradation minoritaire.A titre d’illustration, nous avons ensuite engagé la structure TriaS dans deux approches distinctes pour le développement de traceurs de la néoangiogenèse tumorale en ciblant l’intégrine αvβ3. D’une part, dans le cadre d’une approche intégrée, plusieurs complexes fonctionnalisés, mimes de RGD, ont été obtenus. Dans chaque cas, l’adjonction de groupements fonctionnels n’a pas affecté l’efficacité de la chélation. En outre la stabilité en plasma est maintenue à un niveau très correct. D’autre part, nous avons développé une approche bifonctionnelle dans laquelle le motif c(RGDfK) joue le rôle de molécule ciblante. Dans ce cas, un motif variable (ici un PEG) peut être introduit par chimie combinatoire pour moduler la solubilité, la biodistribution, et l’excrétion des traceurs. / Molecular imaging is an essential non-invasive tool usable for diagnosis and characterisation of many diseases. Technetium-based tracers are the most popular ones due to disponibility, cost and radiochemical properties of 99mTc. Nevertheless, effective tracers development requires a long, expensive, and mainly empirical optimisation process. This context prompted us tu carry on the development of a new technetium structure which exhibits lots of potential functionalisation spots compatible with a combinatorial approach. We synthesised 12 N3X (X = N, O, S) different ligands. Each of them includes a triazole moiety, (formed via a click-chemistry reaction), which is involved in the metal complexation that implies one of its nitrogen atoms. Then we evaluated their ability to readily form oxotechnetium complexes in conditions that are compatible with medical use in hospital. One complex was formed in quantitative yields and its stability in mice plasma was investigated. A complex called TriaS-99mTc, stable to more than 90% after 6h incubation, was selected. In vivo study of TriaS-99mTc revealed an efficient blood clearance via the urinary excretion pathway with very low degradation. As an application, we used this structure for the development of tracers that target integrin αvβ3, a known biomarker of tumor neoangiogenesis. First, we synthesised functionnalised TriaS-based integrated complexes. Fonctionnal modification of TriaS by addition of side chains and substituents did not affect its ability to chelate oxotechnetium quantitatively. In addition, its stability in mice plasma was satisfactory. We also developped a bifonctionnal approach using c(RGDfK) peptide as the targeting biomolecule. In this way, a variable moiety (herein a PEG moiety) can be inserted in the structure through click-chemistry in order to modulate tracers solubility, biodistribution and excretion.

Dépôt par impression jet d'encre de microplots de silice mésoporeuse à l'extrémité de fibres optiques et fonctionnalisation par des biorécepteurs et des photosensibilisateurs pour le diagnostic et le traitement local de tumeurs précoces / Inkjet-printed mesoporous silica onto optical fibers surface and functionalization with biomolecules and photosensitizers for the diagnosis and local treatment of early tumors

Trihan, Romain 29 March 2019 (has links)
Cette étude concerne le développement d’un dispositif innovant de type biocapteur, pour le diagnostic et le traitement local de cancers précoces. Cette technologie vise à diagnostiquer au plus tôt certains cancers, afin de les traiter de façon beaucoup plus efficace, en comparaison avec les techniques actuelles, souvent longues et mutilantes. Des microplots de silice mésoporeuse, fonctionnalisés azotures, sont déposés par impression jet d’encre (IJP) à la surface de fibres optiques. Le matériau présente une porosité auto-organisée, grâce au mécanisme d’auto-assemblage induit par évaporation (EISA). Par la suite, les microplots azotures sont fonctionnalisés spécifiquement par chimie click (click chemistry) par reaction avec des molécules alcynes. Dans le cas du diagnostic, cette fonctionnalisation permet le greffage de protéines et d’anticorps capables de reconnaître les marqueurs surexprimés à la surface des cellules cancéreuses. Les protéines et anticorps sont préalablement marqués par des fluorochromes, pour induire un transfert d’énergie (effet FRET ou Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) lors de la reconnaissance des marqueurs cancéreux. Le principe de détection du dispositif repose ainsi sur une modification de la signature de fluorescence. Dans le cas de la thérapie, des photosensibilisateurs (PS) sont greffés sur les microplots pour permettre un traitement local par photothérapie dynamique (PDT).L’objectif global de l’étude vise à améliorer la sensibilité de détection du dispositif pour le diagnostic et à montrer l’efficacité de traitement dans le cas de la thérapie. Pour cela, les protocoles de réaction click et de greffage des protéines ont été optimisés et l’influence de la structuration de la porosité a été étudiée. Enfin, la sensibilité du dispositif a été caractérisée en fonction de plusieurs paramètres (type de matériaux, type de cellules cancéreuses, etc.). / This study focuses on the development of a new biosensor device for the diagnosis and local treatment of precocious tumors. This technology aims to diagnose cancers at an early stage to increase the treatment efficiency compared to existing techniques that are usually damaging. Mesoporous silica microdots with azide functions are deposited onto the surface of optical fibers using the inkjet-printing (IJP) process. The material shows a self-organized porosity, due to the evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) mechanism. Then, the azide microdots can be further functionalized specifically using click chemistry by reaction with alkyne precursors. For the diagnosis, the functionalization allows the grafting of proteins and antibodies capable of recognizing the increase in marker concentration at the surface of cancerous cells. These proteins and antibodies are labelled with fluorophores to induce a fluorescence energy transfer (FRET, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) with the recognition of tumorous markers. The detection principle is based on the modification change of the fluorescence signature. For the therapy, photosensitizers (PS) are anchored onto the microdots to allow the local treatment using photodynamic therapy (PDT). The main aim of this study was to optimize the device sensitivity concerning the diagnosis step, and to show the treatment efficiency concerning the therapy step. On that purpose, the protocols of click reaction and the grafting of proteins have been optimized, which are also influenced by the porosity organization that has been studied. Finally, the device sensitivity has been characterized as a function of multiple factors (materials, cancer cells type, etc.).

Nanoparticules d'or fonctionnelles pour les applications biomédicales et catalytiques / Functionalization of gold nanoparticles for biomedical and catalytic applications

Li, Na 26 September 2014 (has links)
Le design et l’ingénierie de nanoparticules d’or (AuNPs) polyfonctionnelles suscitent un intérêt considérable en vue d’applications en nanomédecine, reconnaissance moléculaire, dans le domaine des capteurs et en catalyse dans un environnement aqueux. Cette thèse a été dédiée à une variété de fonctionnalisations, en particulier à l’aide de la méthode “click” impliquant la catalyse par le cui vre (I) de lacycloaddition des alcynes terminaux avec les azotures avec le catalyseur [Cu(hexabenzyltren)] Br pour l’introduction de polyéthylène glycol, carborane,ferrocène, coumarine, cyclodextrine, médicaments et molécules fluorescentes sur les AuNPs. Les ligands dits “click”, c’est-à-dire des 1,2,3-triazoles fonctionnalisés en positions 1,4 et formés de cette façon ont été ici largement utilisés afin de stabiliser des AuNPs pour des applications biomédicales et catalytiques en collaboration. / The design and molecular engineering of multi-functional gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is of considerable interest towards applications in nanomedicine, molecular recognition, sensing and catalysis in aqueous environments. This thesis has been devoted to a variety of functionnalizations, in particular with the copper(I)-catalyzed Alkyne Azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) using thecatalyst [Cu(I)(hexabenzyltren] Br for the introduction of polyethylene glycol,carborane, ferrocene, coumarin, cyclodextrin, drugs and fluorescent probes. The so called “clicked” ligands, 1,4 -bifunctional triazoles, that were formed in this way have been exensively used to stabilize AuNPs for biomedical and catalytic collaborative applications.

Functionalization of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and its macromolecular engineering

Riva, Raphael 20 April 2007 (has links)
Macromolecular engineering is one of the most powerful tools to control the molecular parameters, including architecture of polymers, and to improve their performances or to impart them new properties. This contribution aims at reporting on a novel strategy for the macromolecular engineering of poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) which is based on the use of functional ε-caprolactone, the α-chloro-ε-caprolactone (αClεCL). Indeed, αClεCL is a precursor of polymers and copolymers with εCL that bear pendant activated chlorides well suited to grafting from reaction. These (co)polyesters have been used as macroinitiators for the Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) of methyl methacrylate leading to the corresponding graft copolymer. They have also been involved in an Atom Transfer Radical Addition (ATRA) reaction with a series of olefins bearing different functional groups (hydroxyl, carboxylic acid and epoxy group) in order to functionalize the polyester backbone without deleterious degradation. ATRA of PEO chains with an unsaturation end groups has also been carried out in order to prepare PCL-g-PEO of different compositions to be used as stabilizers of polyester nanoparticles. Combination of ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone and the copper-catalyzed Huisgens [3+2] cycloaddition is a novel strategy for going a step further in the macromolecular engineering of poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL). This click reaction is very well-suited to the chemical modification of aliphatic polyesters because, its implementation under very mild conditions prevents chain degradation from occurring. Indeed, alkynes were cycloadded onto azide containing PCL at low temperature (35°C) in an organic solvent (DMF or THF). Originally, α-chloro-ε-caprolactone and ε-caprolactone were randomly copolymerized in toluene at room temperature followed by reaction of the activated chlorides with sodium azide. In order to make a wide range of functional aliphatic polyesters available, poly(α-azide-ε-caprolactone-co-ε-caprolactone) copolyesters were reacted with a series of alkynes substituted by a functional group, e.g., hydroxyl, acrylate and quaternary ammonium salts, This strategy turned out to be efficient to synthesize for instance hydrophilic, photo-cross-linkable and hydrosoluble PCL. Moreover, a variety of graft copolymers were prepared by both the grafting from and the grafting onto techniques. Indeed, an ATRP initiator was attached onto PCL followed by polymerization of vinyl monomers, whereas alkyne endcapped PEO was cycloadded onto azide-containing PCL with formation of amphiphilic PCL-g-PEO copolymers. Last but not least, the click chemistry was very instrumental in imparting an antimicrobial activity to PCL or for the preparation of new functionalized caprolactones.

Neue Ansätze zur Monomersequenzkontrolle in synthetischen Polymeren / New approaches for monomer sequence control in synthetic polymers

Pfeifer, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
Von der Natur geschaffene Polymere faszinieren Polymerforscher durch ihre spezielle auf eine bestimmte Aufgabe ausgerichtete Funktionalität. Diese ergibt sich aus ihrer Bausteinabfolge uber die Ausbildung von Uberstrukturen. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel Proteine (Eiweiße), aus deren Gestalt sich wichtige Eigenschaften ergeben. Diese Struktureigenschaftsbeziehung gilt ebenso für funktionelle synthetische Makromoleküle. Demzufolge kann die Kontrolle der Monomersequenz in Polymeren bedeutend für die resultierende Form des Polymermoleküls sein. Obwohl die Synthese von synthetischen Polymeren mit der Komplexität und der Größe von Proteinen in absehbarer Zeit wahrscheinlich nicht gelingen wird, können wir von der Natur lernen, um neuartige Polymermaterialien mit definierten Strukturen (Sequenzen) zu synthetisieren. Deshalb ist die Entwicklung neuer und besserer Techniken zur Strukturkontrolle von großem Interesse für die Synthese von Makromolekülen, die perfekt auf ihre Funktion zugeschnitten sind. Im Gegensatz zu der Anzahl fortgeschrittener Synthesestrategien zum Design aus- gefallener Polymerarchitekturen – wie zum Beispiel Sterne oder baumartige Polymere (Dendrimere) – gibt es vergleichsweise wenig Ansätze zur echten Sequenzkontrolle in synthetischen Polymeren. Diese Arbeit stellt zwei unterschiedliche Techniken vor, mit denen die Monomersequenz innerhalb eines Polymers kontrolliert werden kann. Gerade bei den großtechnisch bedeutsamen radikalischen Polymerisationen ist die Sequenzkontrolle schwierig, weil die chemischen Bausteine (Monomere) sehr reaktiv sind. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden die Eigenschaften zweier Monomere (Styrol und N-substituiertes Maleinimid) geschickt ausgenutzt, um in eine Styrolkette definierte und lokal scharf abgegrenzte Funktionssequenzen einzubauen. Uber eine kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisationsmethode (ATRP) wurden in einer Ein-Topf-Synthese über das N-substituierte Maleinimid chemische Funktionen an einer beliebigen Stelle der Polystyrolkette eingebaut. Es gelang ebenfalls, vier unterschiedliche Funktionen in einer vorgegebenen Sequenz in die Polymerkette einzubauen. Diese Technik wurde an zwanzig verschiedenen N-substituierten Maleinimiden getestet, die meisten konnten erfolgreich in die Polymerkette integriert werden. In dem zweiten in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ansatz zur Sequenzkontrolle, wurde der schrittweise Aufbau eines Oligomers aus hydrophoben und hydrophilen Segmenten (ω-Alkin-Carbonsäure bzw. α-Amin-ω-Azid-Oligoethylenglycol) an einem löslichen Polymerträger durchgeführt. Das Oligomer konnte durch die geschickte Auswahl der Verknüpfungsreaktionen ohne Schutzgruppenstrategie synthetisiert werden. Der lösliche Polymerträger aus Polystyrol wurde mittels ATRP selbst synthetisiert. Dazu wurde ein Startreagenz (Initiator) entwickelt, das in der Mitte einen säurelabilen Linker, auf der einen Seite die initiierende Einheit und auf der anderen die Ankergruppe für die Anbindung des ersten Segments trägt. Der lösliche Polymerträger ermöglichte einerseits die schrittweise Synthese in Lösung. Andererseits konnten überschüssige Reagenzien und Nebenprodukte zwischen den Reaktionsschritten durch Fällung in einem Nicht-Lösungsmittel einfach abgetrennt werden. Der Linker ermöglichte die Abtrennung des Oligomers aus jeweils drei hydrophoben und hydrophilen Einheiten nach der Synthese. / Polymer scientists are impressed by polymers created by nature. This is caused by their structure which is aimed to fulfill very special functions. The structure is primary built by sequential covalent linking of building units. Secondly, supramolecular aggregation leads to three-dimensional alignment. The sequence of the building blocks has a high influence on the higher molecular arrangement. Proteins are only one example for supramolecular structures which have special functions because of their supramolecular arrangement. This structure-property relationship is also possible for synthetic polymers. For this reason the control of monomer sequences in synthtic polymers is just as important for the resulting structure of a synthetic polymer molecule. Even though the synthesis of polymers with complex strucures and sizes as in nature is impossible in near future. But the development of new and better techniques for sequence control in synthetic polymers is of high importance to create well defined macromolecular structures which are tailor-made for their function. In contrast to a lot of advanced synthethis strategies for the design of complex polymer architechtures (e.g. brushes, stars, or dendrimers) their are less approaches for a monomer sequence control in synthetic polymers. This work presents two different techniques for controlling the monomer sequence inside a polymer. Especially in technologically significant radical polymerization it is difficult to control the monomer sequence because radical species are very reactive and the addition of a monomer to the radical function is not selective. The first approach makes use of the properties of two monomers (styrene and N-substituted maleimides) to add chemical funtions locally inside a polystyrene chain. By addition of N-functionalized maleimides during the polymerization of styrene chemical functions could be added at any desired position inside the polystyrene chain. This technique was tested on 20 different N-substituted maleimides. Most of them were incorporated successfully into the polymer chain. The second monomer sequence control approach is a stepwise synthesis of an oligomer made of short alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments on a soluble polymer support. Two building blocks were used: ω-alkyne carboxylic acid (A-B) and α-amine-ω-azide oligoethylene glycol (C-D). The linking of the segments was done by applying two very efficient chemical reactions, namely 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of terminal alkynes (A) and azides (D) and amidification of carboxylic acids (B) with primary amines (C). These two reactions proceed chemoselectively in an ABCD multifunctional mixture without a protection chemistry strategy. The polystyrene support was synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) in the presence of an azido-functionalized ATRP initiator containing a labile p-alkoxybenzyl ester linker. Depending on the choise of solvent, the soluble polymer support was used in solution during the coupling reactions or was precipitated for an easy removal of excessive reagents and by-products. The acid-labile linker could be cleaved by trifluoroacetic acid treatment to obtain a hydrophilic/hydrophobic block copolymer.

Multifunctional Dendritic Scaffolds: Synthesis, Characterization and Potential applications

Hed, Yvonne January 2013 (has links)
The development of materials for advanced applications requires innovative macromolecules with well-defined structures and the inherent ability to be tailored in a straightforward manner. Dendrimers, being a subgroup of the dendritic polymer family, possess properties which fulfill such demands. They have a highly branched architecture with a high number of functional groups and are one of the most well-defined types of macromolecules ever synthesized. However, despite their well-defined nature and high functional density, traditional dendrimers commonly lack diverse chemical functionalities. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the synthesis of more complex dendritic materials to extend their tailoring capacity by introduction of dualfunctionalities for multipurpose actions. It covers the synthesis of dualfunctional dendrimers, dendritic modification of linear poly(ethylene glycol) polymers and cellulose surfaces, and the synthesis of linear dendritic hybrids. The building blocks enabling this synthesis, AB2C monomers, were also developed during this work. The orthogonal nature between click groups (azide, alkyne and alkene) and hydroxyl groups have efficiently been utilized for postfunctionalization by robust click chemistry and traditional esterification reactions. Furthermore, linear dendritic hybrids were synthesized, merging the properties of linear and dendritic macromolecules. The dendritic frameworks were tailored towards the production of bone fracture adhesives, novel biofunctional dendritic hydrogels, biosensors and micellar drug delivery vehicles. / Utveckling av material för avancerade applikationer kräver innovativa makromolekyler med väldefinierade strukturer och som kan skräddarsys på ett enkelt sätt. Dendrimerer är en undergrupp av dendritiska polymerer vars egenskaper uppfyller dessa krav. De har en mycket förgrenad arkitektur med många funktionella grupper och är en av de mest väldefinierade befintliga syntetiska makromolekylerna. Trots dess väldefinierade karaktär och höga funktionalitet saknar ofta traditionella dendrimerer multipla kemiska funktionaliteter. Denna avhandling fokuserar därför på syntesen av mer komplexa dendritiska material för att förbättra deras kapacitet att skräddarsys, detta görs genom att introducera fler funktionaliteter som kan utnyttjas för multipla ändamål . Avhandlingen redogör för syntesen av difunktionella dendrimerer, dendritiska modifikationer av polyetylenglykol och cellulosaytor samt syntes av traditionella dendritiska hybrider. Byggstenarna som möjliggör syntesen, AB2C monomerer, framställdes också under detta arbete. Den ortogonala karaktären mellan klick grupper (azid, alkyn och alkene) och hydroxylgrupper har utnyttjats effektivt för funktionaliseringar genom användande av robust ”Click”-kemi och traditionella esterifikationsreaktioner. Vidare tillverkades de linjära dendritiska hybrider för att kombinera egenskaperna hos både linjära och traditionella dendritiska polymerer i en och samma makromolekyl. Samtliga dendritiska strukturer skräddarsyddes för applikationer så som benlimmer, biofunktionella dendritiska hydrogeler, biosensorer och läkemedels-bärande miceller. / <p>QC 20130830</p>

Development of Antimicrobial Agent with Novel Mechanisms of Actions and 1,2,4,5-Tetrazine Click Chemistry and its Application in DNA Postsynthetic Functionalization

Chen, Weixuan 07 December 2012 (has links)
SecA ATPase is a critical member of the Sec system, which is important in the translocation of membrane and secreted polypeptides/proteins in bacteria. Small molecule inhibitors can be very useful research tools as well as leads for future antimicrobial agent development. Based on previous virtual screening work, we optimized the structures of two hit compounds and obtained SecA ATPase inhibitors with IC50 in the single digit micromolar range. These represent the first low micromolar inhibitors of bacterial SecA and will be very useful for mechanistic studies. Post synthetic modification is an important and efficient way of DNA functionalization especially in DNA aptamer selection. In this research, the feasibility of norbornene (Neo) modified thymidine triphosphate incorporation was described. Besides, substituted tetrazines have been found to undergo facile inversed electron demand Diels-Alder reactions with "tunable" reaction rates. This finding paves the way to utilize tetrazine conjugation reactions for not only DNA but also other labeling work.

Orthogonal functionalization strategies in polymeric materials

Yang, Si Kyung 31 August 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes original research aimed at the development of highly efficient polymer functionalization strategies by introducing orthogonal chemistry within polymeric systems. The primary hypothesis of this thesis is that the use of click chemistries or noncovalent interactions can provide new and easy pathways towards the synthesis of highly functionalized polymers thereby addressing the shortcomings of traditional covalent functionalization approaches. To verify the hypothesis, the work presented in the following chapters of this thesis further explores previous methods of either covalent or noncovalent polymer functionalization described in Chapter 1. Chapters 2 and 3 present advanced methods of covalent polymer functionalization based on high-yielding and orthogonal click reactions: 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, hydrazone formation, and maleimide-thiol coupling. All three click reactions employed can be orthogonal to one another and conversions can be quantitative, leading to the easy and rapid synthesis of highly functionalized polymers without interference among functional handles along the polymer backbones. The next two chapters focus on the noncovalent functionalization strategies for creating supramolecular block copolymers via the main-chain self-assembly of telechelic polymers. Novel synthetic methods to prepare telechelic polymers bearing terminal recognition motifs were developed through a combination of ROMP using functionalized ruthenium initiators and functionalized chain-terminators, and the resulting polymers were self-assembled to form supramolecular block copolymers. Chapter 4 demonstrates the formation of supramolecular multiblock copolymers via self-assembly of symmetrical telechelic polymers using metal coordination, while Chapter 5 demonstrates that supramolecular ABC triblock copolymers can be prepared by the self-assembly of a heterotelechelic polymer as the central block with two other complementary monotelechelic polymers using two orthogonal hydrogen bonding interactions. Chapter 6 presents a unique application of noncovalent functionalization approaches. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a controlled polymerization method based on noncovalent templation. The initial attempts at the metal coordination-based template polymerization are presented in this chapter. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the findings in each chapter and presents the potential extensions of the orthogonal functionalization strategies developed in this thesis.

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