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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing and PR in Social Media : How the utilization of Instagram builds and maintains customer relationships

Bergström, Thamwika, Bäckman, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
With the rise of social media and the emergence of smartphones, new possibilities have arisen for companies to create and maintain customer relations. Today, customers expect companies to be represented on social media platforms. Customers today will discuss companies and products on social media, regardless of whether the companies are represented on the platforms or not. Therefore, it is important for companies to be present on these platforms in order to be a part of the discussion. On Instagram, a company can share content that would perhaps be unfitting for any other medium. This thesis researches how the top five Interbrand companies on Instagram have worked with marketing and PR, and how their posted content affects the users’ level of interaction.    Two methods of analysis have been used in the writing of this thesis. In the first one, content analysis, the content and level of interaction of 200 Instagram posts were examined. Furthermore, a survey was conducted, with the aim of investigating Instagram users’ motivations for using the platform and of following a company profile on Instagram.   The material has been researched with an overall marketing and public relations perspective. Other theories that have been used concern customer relationship management, self-representation and self-disclosure, back stage and front stage and word-of-mouth theories.   The results show strong indicators that different kinds of posts evoke different levels of user interaction. The companies mainly use Instagram to market their products and to share information about events and new releases. These kinds of posts mainly receive a low level of interaction, with as little as one percent of the companies’ followers liking, and two in 10 000 commenting on the pictures. However, when the companies utilized Instagram’s co-creative features, for example by encouraging the users to use company specific hashtags, the level of interaction increased by as much as five times. Other interesting results concern back stage sharing and how interaction affects trust in a company’s message.

Social media marketing : How does your company interact with customers?

Granholm, Madelene, Windh, Sofie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to gain an understanding of how the use of social media can build customer relationships and how interactions in these communication channels can be managed and optimized. A qualitative and deductive method was chosen for a deeper, more detailed and descriptive explanation of the considered topic. Three case studies have been implemented since this method was optimal to the purpose. Creating customer relationships through social media demands an understanding from a company perspective regarding how to treat customers well, encourage interactions and offer valued information. There are challenges working with social media and it is essential to consider the risks because the word-of-web can spread quickly.

Mata inte trollen : En studie i marknadskommunikation och internetkultur

Lannering, Jonas, Martinsson, Axel January 2012 (has links)
Social media provides, as many points out, new possibilities for marketing. Marketing in social media requires a two way communication, rather than the traditional marketing where the communication model is typically sender – receiver.To create a marketing campaign that is suitable for a two way communication model has its difficulties and risks as well as its opportunities. Opportunities in the sense that the campaign can become a viral, a Word of mouth and create a Buzz, which will reach potential customers, to a bigger quantity for lower costs, with a message that will make a different impact from the types of commercial messages we are used to. Risks in the sense that the message, if not properly aimed and phrased, can be turned overnight into something that humiliates the company and possibly harm its brand.The difficulties in creating such a campaign is to create something that will catch people’s attention, discuss and forward it, while at the same time avoid getting hurt.We aim to describe the internet from a cultural context, and from that point of view explore the types of misunderstandings which often seem to happen when a corporate message is created and sent out in social media, how to avoid putting the image of a company in danger when doing this, and examine if there is ways to know how the message will be received. We truly feel that linking marketing in social media with internet culture is a field of research with great possibilites. Number of pages: 33 Course: Media and communication studies C University: Department of informatics and media, Uppsala University Period: Fall 2011 Keywords: Internet culture, social media marketing, word of mouth, viral marketing, participatory culture, transparency, anonymity, Web 2.0,

Social media marketing for small businesses and organizations with an emphasis on Facebook

Gribbin, Meagan Elizabeth 17 February 2011 (has links)
Social media is the fastest growing communication medium in history. Integrating it into a company’s marketing plan is becoming a necessity, regardless of the size of the company, for marketers to engage populations and promote their brands. This report is a comprehensive look into the implications of using these newer forms of communication for small businesses and organizations. In addition, there is an emphasis on using Facebook as a marketing tool because of its popularity and the capabilities it provides. First, the author will define the parameters of social media and take a brief look at the various platforms that exist. The report will then cover a more extensive overview of digital channels of communication as compared to traditional outlets as well as types of online marketing and advertising. Next the author will write about what all these new channels of communication can do and how small businesses and organizations can properly execute their own social media plans successfully as a way to interact with current and prospective customers. We will look at several examples of how the digital space has been used by other businesses and organizations including The University of Texas’ Advertising Department. The report will conclude with a look at criticisms, growing trends and the future of social media. / text

CRM via Facebook : En kvantitativ studie om den svenska millenniegenerationens uppfattning av företags CRM-aktiviteter via Facebook

Nilsson, Sofie, Wendel, Nathalie January 2015 (has links)
Problemområde Användningen av digitala sociala nätverk har under de senaste åren ökat och Facebook är det nätverk med flest anhängare över hela världen. Statistik tyder på att användningen av sociala medier och Internet är en väsentlig komponent i den svenska befolkningens vardag, speciellt bland den yngre generationen. Millenniegenerationens användning av sociala medier kan betraktas som en förutsägelse över hur framtida generationers konsumentbeteende kommer att se ut och är därmed av stor relevans för marknadsförare för att hålla sig uppdaterade kring denna generation. Företagens största utmaning idag är att skapa en god kundrelation via de sociala medierna. För att bättre förstå konsumenters beteenden behövs vidare forskning i ämnet, vilket har mynnat ut i studiens problemformulering: – Hur uppfattas CRM-aktiviteter via Facebook av den svenska millenniegenerationen?   Teoretisk ansats Den teoretiska ansatsen har delats in i fyra delar; relationsmarknadsföring och CRM,  sociala medier, marknadsföring via sociala medier och Facebook samt millenniegenerationen och segmentering. Relationsmarknadsföring är strategier som företag använder för att attrahera, behålla och förbättra kundrelationer. Det består av tre grundpelare; relationer, nätverk och interaktion. Kärnan i ett företags marknadsföring bör vara att upprätthålla sina relationer. De strategier, processer och värderingar som företag implementerar i sin verksamhet för att hantera sina kundrelationer kan kallas för CRM (Customer Relationship Management). CRM kan beskrivas som företagets strategiska relationsmarknadsföring.  Vidare kan CRM vidareutvecklas till att även omfatta aktiviteter på sociala nätverksplatser och kallas då SCRM (Social Customer Relationship Management). Den önskvärda reaktionen på CRM-aktiviteter via sociala medier är Word-of-Web, vilket kan beskrivas som personlig kommunikation om produkter, tjänster eller företag mellan konsumenter. W-o-W kan även beskrivas som förtjänad mediekommunikation och har som mål att generera positiv feedback.               Metod Studien har antagit en deduktiv ansats. Vidare har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats för att på bästa sätt besvara problemformuleringen. Primärdatan samlades in genom en standardiserad och Internetbaserad enkätundersökning som besvarades av 488 respondenter. Den insamlade datan analyserades i statistikprogrammet SPSS där signifikans, median-, medel- och typvärde samt andra relevanta värden togs fram.   Slutsats/resultat Slutsatserna är av relevans för handelsföretag, då det är viktigt för företag att existera på Facebook för att erbjuda konsumenter möjligheten att skapa en relation. W-o-W är den önskvärda reaktionen på CRM-aktiviteter, men det är svårtriggade reaktioner. Millennier är aktiva användare av Facebook, men passiva observatörer. De vill hellre ta del av andras publikationer än att själva aktivt publicera socialt mediainnehåll. Således är det viktigt för företag att vara aktiva på nätverket, men de kan inte räkna med önskvärd respons. Värdet att finnas på Facebook är större för företag än för konsumenten, även om millennier anser att det är positivt att företag bedriver aktivitet på Facebook. Resultaten är användbara och tillämpliga för alla typer av branscher och bidrar med ny information kring millenniegenerationens konsumentbeteende.

Consumer Engagement on Social Media : An Explorative Study of Co-Creative Interaction and Activities on Luxury Fashion Brands’ Corporate Social media pages

Douib, Stephie January 2018 (has links)
Considering social media’s widespread marketing possibilities this study aims at investigating consumer engagement across YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and how luxury fashion brands can produce such activities on their corporate social media pages. Through applying a mixed method combining both social media data collection together with conducting a content analysis, both quantitative and qualitative measurements were attained. This to provide a deeper understanding when analyzing actual consumer engagement efforts and what role brands’ content strategies play in encouraging these activities. The results confirmed some expectations of the heterogeneous nature of social media as the level of consumer engagement showed to vary notably between both platforms and brands. More so, the results in the current study were not able to confirm any great effects of firm engagement having a direct effect on consumer engagement, instead response and interaction seems to be strictly related to content and product factors. In turn, these factors in relation to aspects such as the psychological state of mind, social, emotional and behavioral aspects showed to be encouraging added consumer engagement.

Analýza internetového marketingu Citibank / Internet Marketing Analysis of Citibank

Rytíř, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with Citibank internet marketing analysis. The main goals of the diploma thesis are to identify strenghts and weaknesses of Citibank internet presence and to recommend development changes. These will be achieved mainly by performing analysis of web sites accessibility and usability, PPC advertising, search engine optimalization and social media marketing. Secondary goal is to evaluate internet marketing usage across the czech banking market which will be based on results of performed analysis.

Inbound marketing v provozní fázi webu / Inbound marketing in the functional web phase

Váňa, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the analysis of set inbound marketing components and suggestion of a strategical concept with the option of real processing of this web within the bounds of possibility of the set marketing components. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the whole strategy of inbound marketing and its general inbound marketing components are presented. In the practical part of the thesis, the analysis of the website magazine in connection with user behaviour is presented, including visit rate specification towards the specific content, setting up partial SEO factors and organic marketing on social media. In the end of the diploma thesis, the analysed metrics and specific recommendations of the plan are described.

Online marketing a jeho uplatnění v rámci vybraných subjektů cestovního ruchu / Online Marketing And Its Application Within The Selected Entity In Tourism

Parmová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the selected entity in tourism and explores the use of online marketing tools in its activities, in which especially their own website and official page on the social network Facebook play a crucial role. The aim of this work is on the basis of statistical data and analysis to assess the use of online marketing tools of chosen subject. On the basis of these information will be given some recommendations for improving its online marketing communications. The theoretical part focuses on the history of the Internet and the development of Internet users. Internet is compared with traditional advertising media and also some forms of online marketing are presented. The selected entity is exploring working with online marketing tools and it is analyzed their successful use.

Komunitní marketing na Fakultě informatiky a statistiky VŠE Praha / Social Media Marketing of The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics VŠE Prague

Vitinger, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze possibilities of social media marketing and its use for the purposes of FIS VŠE. The analysis covers social networking sites and their evolution, including description of current major social networking sites. The marketing potential of social networking sites is analyzed in the second part of general analysis with special attention to specifics of Czech market and use of social networking sites in Czech republic. There was a competitive analysis done as a base for the formulation of social media marketing strategy of FIS VŠE. The competitive analysis compares other Czech technical universities and describes the position of FIS VŠE in comparison with those. Another analysis was made comparing foreign top technical universities to find and describe best practices in social media marketing that could be used in the strategy for FIS VŠE. Findings of both analyses were used in formulation of Social media marketing strategy of FIS VŠE which offers a framework for the work of social media team. The strategy is prepared in a brief form of 6 documents. The basic documents and processes are covered by an interactive tool prepared using Google Spreadsheet. This tool is ready to use by the social media team. Other parts of the strategy cover Rules, Metrics and Content tips. The strategy can be adopted as a whole or used to inspire and adopt only smaller parts.

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