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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PR-branschen. Branschen som inte kan marknadsföra sig själv? : En studie om hur PR-byråer marknadsför sig genom relationsmarknadsföring

Edvardsson, Julia, Jonason, Jennie January 2012 (has links)
Title:        PR-industry: The industry that cannot promote themselves?                 – A thesis of how PR-agencies use relationship marketing to                 promote themselves. Authors:    Julia Edvardsson & Jennie Jonasson Advisor:     Navid Ghannad Level:         Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 ECTS), Spring 2012 Keywords:   Public Relations, Relationship Marketing, Relation, Interaction and Network Purpose:    The purpose of this thesis is to bring a better understanding for Public  Relations and for how the PR-agencies promote themselves. The thesis will explore the following questions:  How do the PR-agencies uses relationship marketing to reach out with their knowledge to their potential customers?  Are the any differences between their promotions when it comes to the agencies orientation? Theoretical framework: The chapter begins with a definition of Public Relations. After that a framework of Relationship Marketing theory is made with headlines as relations, interaction and networking. Method:      A qualitative research method, with a deductive approach, has been implemented. Four PR-agencies - Gullers Grupp, Halvarsson & Halvarson, JKL, Prime and a consultant have all been interviewed on the subject. Empirical:   The empirical framework presents the outcome of the interviews framework: with the four agencies and the consultant. The respondents give their agencies version on how they use marketing to reach out to the right customers. This is presented in the same way as in the theoretical framework Conclusion:  Developed empirical shows that relationship marketing is the primary foundation in a successful PR work. It is the PR-agencies well-adapt network that generates qualified co-workers and which, in turn, contributes to the right customers for the PR-agency. We can establish that there is no general description of Public Relations and we dare to assert that this is based on the complexity in the PR-activities. With the findings of that relationship marketing permeates the entire PR-industry, we can see that the activities that agencies use varies to their orientation, values and amount of trust. The empirical framework also highlights that the PR-industry does not use their full potential to acquire the right customers and especially to clarify the complex and different orientations. PR-agencies also tend to exclude traditional advertising and solely focus on Public Relation for its own marketing purposes.

Mötet med det okända : En kvalitativ studie om utvalda universitet och högskolors kriterier för köp av PR- och kommunikationstjänster

Hallangen, Michelle, Olofsson, Erika January 2012 (has links)
Titel: Mötet med det okända - En kvalitativ studie om högskolor och universitets kriterier för köp av PR- och kommunikationstjänster Författare: Michelle Hallangen och Erika Olofsson Kurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin: Höstterminen 2012 Bakgrund: En stor del av forskningen inom PR handlar om kommunikatörerna och deras roller inom organisationer. Det finns inte mycket forskning om relationen mellan organisationer och PR-konsulter. En del av detta är området kring köpet av PR- och kommunikationstjänster. Denna studie fokuserar därför på kundens perspektiv på PR-konsulter och byråer. Den ska ta reda på vad de utvalda universiteten och högskolorna baserar sina val på. Med val menas vid beslutet som tas angående vilken byrå som antas för PR- eller kommunikationstjänsten. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vilka kriterier som styr utvalda universitet och högskolor vid köp av PR-och kommunikationstjänster. Teori: Teorin för den här studien har utgått ifrån de teoretiska områdena för professionalsm av PR-yrket: egenskaper, status, samarbete, etik, personlighet, utbildning och kunskap. Inledningsvis förklaras även PR, PR-yrkets historia i Sverige samt relationen mellan PR-konsulter och deras kunder. Metod och material: Studien har utförts genom en metodtriangulering. Inledningsvis genom en kvalitativ textanalys av 25 offentliga upphandlingar angående PR- eller kommunikationstjänster från högskolor och universitet på olika orter i Sverige. Därefter genomfördes fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med strategiskt utvalda intervjupersoner verksamma på en högskola eller universitet och som till stor del varit delaktiga i den offentliga upphandlingen som valts ut för intervju genom textanalysen. Resultat textanalys: Studiens resultat av textanalysen visar att det främsta innehållet i de offentliga upphandlingarna som var väsentligt var det som beskrev den önskade leverantörens egenskaper samt kunskap. Ord som ofta upprepades och som gick att finna i nästintill alla upphandlingar var erfarenhet, kompetens, ömsesidigt förtroende, tidigare uppdrag eller referenser, samarbete, utbildning och god yrkessed. Information rörande relationen mellan byrån och kunden hittades inte och samtidigt fanns spår av professionalism i endast två upphandlingar. Etik återfanns i en mening kring yrkessed i majoriteten av upphandlingarna, men dock inte ordagrant förutom i två och status återfanns endast beskrivet som kvalitet. Utbildning, erfarenhet, kompetens, kunskap och referensuppdrag stod ofta i upphandlingarna. Ett samlingsord för detta kan ses som kompetens, vilket även var det ord som fanns i alla relevanta upphandlingar. Resultat intervju: Studiens resultat av intervjuerna visar att de viktigaste kriterierna vid valet av intervjupersonernas specifika byrå varit kvaliteten, kreativiteten och priset. Samtliga intervjupersoner hade överlag en positiv inställning till relationen med byrån och de ansåg även att deras mål med uppdraget var på mycket god väg att uppfyllas, dels tack vare bra samarbete. Professionellt kunde ses som alltifrån hur konsulterna agerade och hur affärsmässiga de var till att de var engagerade, kunniga, noggranna och ödmjuka. Överlag ansåg intervjupersoner att de byråer som valts var väldigt professionella. Etik hade aldrig varit ett problem i samarbetet med konsulterna, och för tre av fyra intervjupersoner var relevant utbildning en viktig bakgrund hos konsulterna samt en av anledningarna till att de valt byrån. Nyckelord: Professionalism, PR, PR-konsult, PR-byrå, kundperspektiv, kommunikation

När journalisten blir PR-konsult, kommunikatör och medietränare : En studie av steget från journalistik till PR

Torell, Elsa, Haraldsen, Hedvig January 2013 (has links)
Detta är en kandidatuppsats i journalistik som har för avsikt att göra en lägesbeskrivning på relationen mellan journalistik och public relations. Följande studie har gjorts via två olika metoder: dels via en kvalitativ undersökning i intervjuform och dels via en kvantitativ undersökning i enkätform. Studiens problematisering ligger i journalistens krav på opartiskhet och oberoende till skillnad från och i jämförelse med PR-branschens strävan efter att framföra en viss kund eller organisations intresse. Med denna oundvikliga motsättning i de olika branscherna - samt med utgångspunkten att man inom journalistiken har sett på övergången till PR som att man inom byter sida - ville vi med vår undersökning göra en lägesbeskrivning.  I de 15 kvalitativa intervjuerna har våra respondenter bestått av nio personer med en journalistisk bakgrund som har lämnat journalistiken för en karriär inom public relations och sju yrkesverksamma journalister. Detta för att undersöka uppfattningen inom båda dessa grupper. Vår kvalitativa studie visar att den stora majoriteten i bägge intervjugrupperna inte ser någon större problematik gällande övergången från journalistik till PR. Resultatet visar däremot en tydlig enighet i kritiken mot de journalister som inte helt ”går över” utan som fortfarande tar uppdrag från bägge håll. Majoriteten av de tillfrågade anser även att det finns en problematik i att återgå till journalistiken efter att man jobbat inom public relations.

PR-Beratung qualitative Analyse der Zusammenarbeit zwischen PR-Agenturen und Kunden

Fuhrberg, Reinhold January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 2009

O fenômeno fascista da ação integralista brasileira (AIB) no oeste panaraense

Gava, Eliziane January 2016 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, Florianópolis, 2016. / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-07T03:14:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 343748.pdf: 4580393 bytes, checksum: d70abf3629ae2c28c755950fcfe26da4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / O trabalho tem como tema a Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB), um movimento e partido consolidado no Brasil entre 1932 e 1938, quando, então, é relegado à ilegalidade e tem suas últimas tentativas para a tomada do poder, durante o já implantado Estado Novo. O objeto de pesquisa abrange a atuação do integralismo na região oeste paranaense, no maior município da época, em aspecto territorial, Guarapuava/PR, com fronteiras desde o centro-oeste, onde hoje se localiza, até o noroeste do Estado. Na região, o movimento empreendeu sua política de expansão e fundou em fevereiro de 1935 o núcleo na cidade de Guarapuava. Sendo assim, o período da pesquisa compreende desde sua fundação até seu desmantelamento, de 1935 a 1938, tempo em que, com um programa fascista, agregou principalmente as classes médias em oposição ao programa realizado pelas oligarquias tradicionais, com a política federalista e a prática do coronelismo. Com isso, o objetivo do trabalho está em entender a AIB e explicar os conflitos políticos entre integralistas e oligarquias, provocados pela luta pelo poder regional e agravados na conjuntura de implantação do Estado Novo. O ápice desse conflito acontece com o assassinato do fundador e chefe integralista na região em janeiro de 1938 e, posteriormente, com a tentativa de tomada de poder, Intentona Verde, em março de 1938. O estudo justifica-se por trazer o debate sobre o fenômeno fascista, recorrente na atualidade, e também por elucidar questões sobre os conflitos políticos entre lideranças locais e a pertinência do coronelismo enquanto prática política nessa região, através dos pressupostos investigativos da história social. Portanto, a pesquisa traz conclusões preliminares a respeito do surgimento de fenômenos fascistas e como essa tentativa de disciplinar a luta de classes a fim de desenvolver a nação brasileira, através da sua realidade produtiva da terra, provocou conflitos com as oligarquias tradicionais em Guarapuava.<br> / Abstract : The theme of this work is the Brazilian Integralist Action (Ação Integralista Brasileira - AIB), a movement and consolidated party in Brazil between 1932 and 1938, when then it is deemed illegal and has its last attempts to seize power during the already established New State (Estado Novo). The research object covers the performance of the integralismo in western Paraná, at the largest city in territorial aspect of the time, Guarapuava/ PR, with borders from the Midwest, where nowadays it is located, to the Northwest of the State. In this region, the movement undertook its policy of expansion and formed the core in Guarapuava in February 1935. Thus, the research period comprises from its foundation in 1935 to its dismantling in 1938. On this account, with a fascist program added mainly the middle classes in opposition to the program carried out by the oligarchies, with federalist policy and the practices of rule of the colonels (coronelismo). Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand the Brazilian Integralist Action and explain the political conflicts between integralistas and oligarchies caused by the struggle for regional power and aggravated by the establishment of the New State. The apex of this conflict happens with the murder of the integralismo founder and chief in the region in January, 1938 and later, with the attempted to takeover, Intentona Verde, in March, 1938. The study is justified for bringing the debate on the fascist phenomenon, so recurring presently, and also for elucidating questions on the political conflicts between local leaderships and the relevance of the rule of the colonels as political practice in this region, through the investigative assumptions of social history. Accordingly, the research provides preliminary conclusions regarding the emergence of fascist phenomena and how this attempt to discipline the class struggle in order to develop the Brazilian nation, through its land productive reality, causing conflicts with the oligarchies in Guarapuava.

Relaçoes entre os solos, as superfícies geomórficas e a geologia de uma área no Município de Arapoti - PR

Camargo, Emerson Carneiro 21 January 2013 (has links)
RESUMO Neste trabalho foram amostrados trinta e oito pontos em solos previamente conhecidos, situados em diferentes superfícies geomorficas e provenientes de distintos materiais de origem, em uma área no município de Arapoti PR. A presente pesquisa objetivou, através do mapeamento geológico detalhado, da identificação de superfícies geomorficas e do estudo da distribuição espacial dos solos nas mesmas, rela - cionar a disposição dos solos com as superfícies e a geolo - gia, bem como, verificar a influência dos siXL existentes na área, na distribuição dos solos. A geologia, as declividades e as unidades geomorficas locais, expressas em mapas com per fis, são apresentadas e discutidas, assim como as caracterís; ticas morfológicas, físicas e químicas dos solos, em cada ponto amostrado, e suas relações com as superfícies geomõrfi cas e material de origem. Aspectos da evolução das superfí - cies geomorficas e suas relações com a geologia, e a carac - terização da influência dos sills de diabásio na distribui - ção dos solos, também foram apresentadas e discutidas. Os fatores responsáveis pela distribuição dos diferentes solos da área, foram a estabilidade e o tipo de superfície geomórfica, características das rochas e as.feições tectónicas e intrusivas locais. 0 Latossolo Vermelho - Escuro encontra- se no pedimento alto 1, 5 e 8, superfícies mais antigas, que foram extremamente intemperizadas. A Terra Roxa^-Estruturada ocupa a superfície do sill de diabásio e parte do pedimento alto 1, onde ocorre o sill de diabásio menor, áreas que so - freram retrabalhamento. 0 Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro posiciona- se no pediplano alto 1 e no pedimento alto 7, locais r e - baixados com menor intensidade devido a presença de diabásio, onde ocorrem processos deposicionais. O Podzólico Vermelho -Amarelo encontra-se em locais de deposições próximos ao Latossolos (rampa suave 6 e 7) e no pediplano alto 2 e pedimen to alto 2, regiões de pouca idade devido ao pouco tempo de atuação da erosão, onde ocorrem localmente coluviões. O Cambissolo e Solos Litólicos ocupam áreas baixas (rampas suaves e rampas inclinadas), em locais de agradação de material pro vindo das cotas superiores ou locais de degradação recente das rochas, e ainda, posicionam-se em pontos de rejuvenescimento de algumas das outras unidades geomorficas.

Politica local (um estudo de caso : Paranavai, 1952-1982)

Alcantara, Jose Carlos, 1941- 17 November 1987 (has links)
Orientador : Eliezer Rizzo de Oliveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-14T04:18:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alcantara_JoseCarlos_M.pdf: 8369166 bytes, checksum: 0726690c48d4662e5a479effc21902ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 1987 / Resumo: Não informado / Abstract: Not informed. / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciência Política

"The tale never dies" : imprisonment, trial and English Jacobin fiction, 1788-1805

O'Brien, Eliza Anne January 2010 (has links)
Between 1788 and 1805 a subgenre of the novel, which has come to be called the Jacobin novel, provided a series of representations of imprisonment and trial. By reading these politically charged representations against the shared ideology of social and political reform articulated by the writers William Godwin, Thomas Holcroft, Elizabeth Inchbald and Mary Wollstonecraft, we can see how the project of reform is effected and put to the test in their fictional works. I evaluate these novels against the background of penal and legal reform in the latter half of the eighteenth century in England, and offer a reading of the use of imprisonment and trial in fiction in the 1790s as one that functions both as an attack upon the penal and judicial systems and as a subtly-functioning metaphor for the purpose of literature itself. In chapter one I set out the theoretical framework for the thesis in relation to the work of John Bender and other critics on eighteenth-century literature and culture, before moving onto an account of the eighteenth-century prison and influential theories of penal reform. Chapter two focuses upon changes in the legal sphere, the concept of fiction and the use of reading as a means to reform. Chapter three examines the work of William Godwin in relation to his writings on the 1794 London treason trials, and considers the representation of prison reform in his fiction. Chapter four analyses Elizabeth Inchbald’s attempts to destabilise imprisoning patriarchal authority in the domestic sphere as well as the court of law. Chapter five discusses Mary Wollstonecraft’s generic experimentation, and examines her attack upon the forces that make prisoners of women. Chapter six investigates the treason trial writings of Thomas Holcroft and his novels’ representation of penal and social reform through his engagement with conversation and debate.

"Simply the best (better than all the rest?)" : an investigation into the Booker Prize, 1980-1989, with particular regard to the general rise in business sponsorship of literary awards during the eighties, and the likely effects of the Booker on fiction

Norris, Sharon January 1995 (has links)
The thesis was planned as an attempt to investigate the general increase in the number of literary prizes in the 1980s and particularly those sponsored by business. However it is also an investigation into the specific workings of the Booker Prize as the best known literary award of its kind in Britain, and into the effects that prizes such as the Booker may have had on fiction. Part 1 deals initially with the history and founding of the Booker Prize. Then in Chapter Two it covers some of the broader issues involving literary awards in general, such as the tendency among them to encourage a conflation of business and aesthetic ideals. Part 2 deals with the issue of patronage for the arts and with the predominance of particular social groups among the authors, judges and members of the Management Committee of the Booker Prize. I also examine how certain types of supposedly aesthetic evaluations arise and how they subsequently come to predominate. In the final part of the thesis I look at the issue of standardisation as it relates to the novels which won the Booker Prize during the 1980s.

Isles of Boshen : Edward Lear's literary nonsense in context

Heyman, Michael Benjamin January 1999 (has links)
This thesis investigates three major areas in the background of Edward Lear's literary nonsense: the parodic relationship with text and genre of early children's literature, the trends behind Lear's innovative illustration style, and the "nonsense" child construct manifest within the genre, which I claim is, in many ways, an expression of the Romantic conception of the child. The first chapter explores the parodic basis of nonsense. Most literary nonsense is referential; it often begins by inhabiting a genre or individual work, but what it does to the original is debatable. Some critics see nonsense as parody, while others claim that nonsense precludes parody in its intentional purposelessness. In this chapter I explore the critical debate surrounding parody in nonsense, and parody in general. I then examine the works of Lear, and some Carroll, looking first at their genuine, clear parodies. Next, I look at the many borderline cases of parody which use nonsense as a device but are not overshadowed by it. Finally, I discuss the more "pure" literary nonsense which, I argue, goes beyond parody to establish a new genre. The next chapter looks at the background of Lear's nonsense illustration. His style of illustration was a widely original combination of devices which are best seen in the context of the children's book illustrations of his day. With Bewick's innovations in woodcuts, the quality of children's illustrations had drastically improved. Diverging from this trend, Lear's illustrations hearken back to the rough chapbooks which he probably read as a child. His child-like style, coupled with an expert draughtsman's eye, began a rival tradition of children's book illustration. His illustrations are in way caricatures of chapbooks. His text and illustrations, like those of Blake and Hood, are integral, and their self-reflexiveness with the verses places them in an altogether different class of illustration.

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