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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ocenění vybraného podniku jako celku / Valuation of the Company

ZACHAROVÁ, Monika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the company by means of the Relative Valuation Approach, including the confrontation of the result of this evaluation with the values obtained by application the Revenues Method of Valuation. To be able to use the defined methods to estimate the market price of particular entity was chosen the Company, that is operating in a sector with strong links to agriculture, which is obviously one of fundamental determinants for the establishment of the Company Value. One of the first requirements is to characterize the methods of valuation and apply them consequently to the chosen Company. But there exist the other milestones with have to be met. In the first instance, it must be process the analysis of the sector in which the enterprise operates, as well as the analysis of its performance on this market and analysis of its financial situation. While the methods of valuation are based on restrictive conditions and simplifications which have to be considerate and subsequently eliminate, this methods of valuation are applicable to determine the market value of the Company as whole entity. This Value of the Firm achieves comparable results defined in the application of different methods {--} The Relative Valuation, The Discounted Cash Flow Valuation and The Method of Revenues Capitalisation.

Modelos de valorização de empresas : estudo de caso em empresa supermercadista

Boufet, Leonita dos Santos January 2006 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, com a aceleração da globalização, tem-se intensificado a atividade de análise e avaliação de investimentos. Dentre as diversas técnicas de mensuração de valor e risco, mereceu especial destaque as ferramentas de avaliação de empresas, em razão da significativa profusão de negociações de e entre empresas, que inclui grande número de fusões aquisições e parcerias. Em diferentes segmentos empresas privadas de capital fechado, passam a ser alvo de grandes companhias ou vislumbram vir a ser, o que traz a necessidade ao empresariado de saber qual o valor do seu negócio, qual o valor mínimo aceitável em uma negociação, seja de venda ou de compra de investimentos. Estas necessidades justificam a busca de ferramenta de valoração. Diante disto, este trabalho visa identificar, e discutir os principais aspectos relacionados à valoração de empresas. No levantamento bibliográfico foram identificados os principais modelos de valoração onde foram criticados, apontando limitações ou desvantagens; procurou-se identificar, dentre eles, o que se adaptaria para avaliar uma empresa de capital fechado dada a limitação de informações possíveis de serem levantadas na empresa, que fosse mais referendado pelos estudiosos e o mais utilizado neste momento. Optou-se então pelos modelos de Fluxo de Caixa Descontado (FCD) e Valor Econômico, comparando-os ao Valor Patrimonial Contábil. apresentando-se à empresa e acionistas um preço de referência para que possam iniciar negociações de compra ou venda de parte ou todo do negócio. No segmento supermercadista, nos últimos anos, houve grandes negociações, passando para um nível de concentração das 5 maiores redes de 61% do mercado nacional. No estudo de caso, realizado em uma empresa do ramo de supermercados, foi feito o levantamento dos dados históricos dos últimos 5 anos, e feitas as projeções para os próximos seis exercícios, sendo calculados ou estimados, também: o beta do setor, o ROIC, o WACC, o CAPM, o Capital Operacional Investido, o Spread e a composição do capital atual. Após aplicação das premissas e cálculo do período de projeção, foi calculado o valor da perpetuidade, adicionando-o aos dois modelos de avaliação, e com isso chegou-se a um mesmo valor de valoração da empresa, que confirmaram as afirmações encontradas na bibliografia. Após comparou-se o resultado da avaliação pelo FCD e pelo Valor Econômico com o valor Patrimonial Contábil sem ajustes, apresentando assim para a empresa uma ferramenta para avaliações ou projeções de cenários e a discrepância entre os valores contábeis e econômicos da empresa. / In the last years, due to the acceleration on globalization, the activity of analysis and evaluation of investments has been intensified. Among several techniques of measurement of value and risk, the tools for firm evaluation has got special notice for the reason that it has been a meaningful profusion and partnerships. In different segments, private owned companies become or are willing to become the target of big companies and so the entrepreneurs have the necessity to know the minimum value of their businesses in transactions of buying or selling investments. That necessity justifies the search for business valuation resources. Thus, this paper aims at identify and discuss the main aspects related to business valuation. In the bibliographic search the main models of business valuation resources were identified and passed judgment on their limitations or disadvantages. An attempt on identifying one among those resources which would adapt for evaluating a privately owned company and which would be referenced by scholars and most used at the moment was made. The difficulty found was due to limitation of possible information gathering from firms. The chosen alternative was the Discounted Cash Flow models – DCF – and Economic Value in comparison to Accounting Patrimonial Value to show the company and shareholders a referential price to start transactions of buying and selling of part or the whole business. In the supermarket segment, in the last years, there were huge negotiations ending up in a concentration of five big chains which represent 61% of Brazilian market. A case study carried in a supermarket gathered historical data from the last 5 years and from those, projections for the next 6 ones were made calculating the sector beta, ROIC, WACC, CAPM and the Operational Capital invested, Spread e the composition of updated capital. After applying the predictions and calculating the projection period, perpetual value was calculated by adding that to two models of appraisal and then getting to the same value of assessment which confirm the statements in the review of bibliography. Afterwards the result of the assessment was compared to DCF and to Economic Value with Accounting Patrimonial Value without adjustments featuring an evaluating or projecting scenarios and the discrepancy between accounting values and economic values within firms.

Modelo de estimação de Brand Equity

Oliveira, Marta Olívia Rovedder de January 2013 (has links)
Embora haja um consenso sobre a importância do valor da marca, um modelo de estimação único e uniformemente aceito ainda não surgiu, nem na perspectiva baseada no cliente ou consumidor nem na perspectiva da firma ou financeira. Assim, os profissionais de marketing ainda são desafiados a estimar o valor da marca. Além disso, é importante para a construção de um modelo de estimativa de valor da marca detectar as percepções dos consumidores e também apresentar uma estimativa monetária do valor da marca, satisfazendo às exigências de financistas, contabilistas e acionistas empresariais. A maioria dos modelos de valor da marca baseado no consumidor existentes não oferece uma estimativa monetária do valor da marca e muitos modelos de valor da marca baseado na firma não observam as percepções dos consumidores. A maioria deles não avalia o desempenho das marcas em futuros períodos de tempo. Esta pesquisa desenvolveu um modelo que permite estimar o valor da marca observando as probabilidades de escolha (manutenção ou troca) de marca pelos consumidores, com a aplicação da Matriz de Troca Markov. A matriz de troca de marca foi estimada por um estudo transversal, utilizando um modelo de escolha logit, analisando todas as marcas competidoras no mercado. Esta pesquisa também investigou o valor monetário da marca, utilizando o mecanismo de fluxo de caixa descontado. O modelo permite o cálculo do valor da marca de um produto, em particular, bem como o cálculo do valor da marca da empresa. Além disso, o modelo possibilita o estabelecimento da relação entre o mindset do cliente e a avaliação do desempenho de marca no mercado, comparando a marca de seus concorrentes. A integração entre valor da marca baseado no consumidor e valor da marca baseado na firma permite estimar o retorno financeiro das ações de marketing, verificando a contribuição de cada um dos condutores (consciência de marca, qualidade percebida, lealdade à marca, valor percebido, personalidade da marca e associações organizacionais) ao valor marca. / Although there is a consensus about brand equity importance, a single, uniformly accepted estimation model has not yet emerged, neither from consumer-based brand equity or firm or financial-based brand equity perspectives. Hence, marketing professionals are still challenged to estimate the value of the brand. Furthermore, it is important to build a brand equity estimation model, which detects the consumers’ perceptions and also presents a monetary estimation of brand equity, satisfying shareholders’ requirements. Most of the existent consumer-based brand equity models do not offer a monetary estimation of brand equity and many firm-based brand equity models do not observe consumers’ perceptions. Most of them do not evaluate the brands’ performance in future periods of time. This research developed a model that permits estimation of brand equity observing the consumers’ brand choices probabilities (purchase maintenance and brand-switching), by applying the Markov Matrix. The brand-switching matrix was estimated by a cross-sectional survey, using a logit choice model, analyzing all competing brand. This research also investigated the monetary value of the brand, using the discounted cash flow mechanism. Our model allows the calculation of the value of the brand of a product, in particular, as well as the calculation of the company's brand. Our model enables the establishment of the link between customer mindset and evaluating the performance of brand in market, comparing the brand to its competitors. The integration between consumer-based brand equity and firm or financial-based brand equity allows the estimation of the financial return of marketing actions, checking the contribution of each of the drivers (brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty, perceived value, brand personality and organizational associations) in brand equity.

Ocenění společnosti s r.o. JV DÝHY / Company Valuation of JV DÝHY, s.r.o.

Valeský, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je vypracovat ocenění vybraného podniku pro účely jeho vedení. Práce je rozdělena do dvou tematických okruhů. První literární část obsahuje teoretický základ pro oceňování podniků. Obsahuje metodické postupy strategické, finanční analýzy a analýzu generátorů hodnoty. Praktická část aplikuje teoretické metody při ocenění konkrétního podniku. Výsledná hodnota podniku je stanovena pomocí vybraných výnosových metod DCF entity a EVA.

Ocenění e-shopu / Valuation of an e-shop

Mácová, Romana January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is valuation of selected e-shop. The  theorethical knowledge including the keyword definitions and details of  valuation methods will be worked out and processed in this thesis. These  findings will be stated in theoretical part of this thesis. The practical  part will address the actual valuation of e-shop. The practical part  will include several analyzes such as strategic and financial analysis.  There will be created three variants of the financial plan – realistic,  optimistic as well as pessimistic version. The aim  is to determine the subjective value of e-shop on the date January 1st,  2013.

Tactical production planning for physical and financial flows for supply chain in a multi-site context / Planification tactique de production des flux physiques et financiers d’une chaîne logistique multi-site

Bian, Yuan 19 December 2017 (has links)
En période de crise financière, les entreprises ont besoin de trésorerie pour réagir efficacement aux aléas et assurer leur solvabilité. Cette thèse se situe à l’interface entre l’opérationnel et la finance pour développer des modèles de planification tactique gérant simultanément les flux physiques et financiers dans la supply chain. Le coût de financement des opérations basé sur le besoin en fond de roulement (BFR) est intégré comme un nouvel aspect financier jamais considéré dans la littérature de lot-sizing. Nous débutons par une extension du modèle EOQ considérant les coûts de financement du BFR. L’objectif est la maximisation du profit. Une quantité de production optimale est obtenue analytiquement ainsi que l’analyse de la sensibilité du modèle. De plus, les comparaisons avec le modèle EOQ et un modèle qui considère le coût du capital sont étudiées. Ensuite, un modèle basé sur un lot-sizing dynamique est établi. La propriété ZIO est démontrée et permet l’utilisation d’un algorithme en temps polynomial. Enfin un scénario multi-niveau à capacité infini est étudié avec une approche séquentielle puis centralisée. La propriété ZIO est prouvée dans ces deux cas. Des algorithmes de programmation dynamique sont utilisés pour obtenir une solution optimale. Cette thèse peut être considérée comme un premier, mais significatif, travail combinant la planification de production et la gestion du besoin en fond de roulement dans des modèles de planification tactique. Nous montrons que les aspects financiers ont un impact significatif sur les plans de production. Les cas étudiés dans cette thèse peuvent être considérés comme des sous-problèmes dans l’étude de scénario plus réalistes. / In financial crisis, companies always need free cash flow to efficiently react to any uncertainties to ensure solvency. Thus, this thesis serves as an interface between operations and finance to develop tactical production planning models for joint management of physical and financial flows in the supply chain. In these models, the financing cost of operation-based working capital requirement (WCR) is integrated as a new financial aspect never before considered in the lot-sizing literature. We first focus on extending the classic EOQ model by considering the financing cost of WCR with a profit maximization objective. The optimal analytic production quantity formula is derived as well as sensitivity analysis of this model. Moreover, a comparison with the EOQ model and with the formula which considers the cost of capital are discussed. Secondly, a dynamic lot-sizing-based, discounted cash flow model is established based on Uncapacitated lot-sizing model. The zero-inventory ordering property is proven valid for this case and a polynomial-time algorithm can thus be established. Thirdly, multi-level and infinite capacity scenario is investigated with both sequential and centralized approaches. The ZIO property is demonstrated valid in both cases. Dynamic-programming based algorithms are constructed in order to obtain an optimal solution. This thesis should be considered as a first, but significant setup of combining production planning and working capital management. It is shown the significant financial consequences of lot-sizing decision on production planning. The cases investigated in this thesis may be tackled as subproblems in the study of more realistic scenarios.

Ocenění firmy Suchánek & Walraven, s.r.o. / Valuation of the company Suchánek & Walraven, s.r.o.

Šolc, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to work out the project of determining the value of the company Suchánek & Walraven, s.r.o. to date of 31.12.2015 in case of potential sale of 100% share of the company to potential taker. The first, theoretical, part of the thesis deals with description of basic terms od determining the value of the company as well as single steps of determining the value of the company including used methods of calculation are described detaily. The practical part deals with particular application of knowledge taken from theoretical part into practise. In the beggining there is a short introduction of the company followed by strategic and financial analyses by which external and internal potential as well as the perspective of the company into the future is evaluated. Potential developement is seen through indicators of value and complex financial plan. Financial plan is followed by final evaluation of the company using DCF entity method which is the most principle method of the whole thesis. Another methods are used as well in the thesis.

Hodnocení efektivnosti investic do snižování provozních nákladů v Národním divadle / Valuation of operational cost-cutting investments at the National Theatre

Slavotínková, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is the valuation of investments to reduce operating costs at the National Theatre. For the valuation I used the discounted cash flow approach in the alternative with FCFF and FCFE. I also evaluated the effectiveness of the investment based on static and dynamic methods. In the theoretical part, I focused on the description of valuation approaches and methods used for the valuation of investment efficiency.

Ocenění společnosti ZAPA beton a.s. / Valuation of the enterprise ZAPA beton a.s.

Zapletal, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis was to find out enterprise value dated 1.1. 2011, characterise risk connected with this value, for example as a variability of possible results and to judge how the enterprise was affected by the economic crises. I used method discounted cash flow in variant FCFF to calculate enterprise value. I used regression analysis as the basic method to predict the most significant value generator, sales, then I adjusted the results according to the predictions published in qualitative studies of the Czech building industry. The demand for enterprise production was reduced as a result of the economic crises; it enforced production reduction and led to decline in sales and profit in years 2009 and 2010, deteriorating of rentability indicators and long-term assets turnover. I found out the enterprise value with the help of software Crystal Ball also by the stochastic model. In this case I regarded the factors influencing the enterprise value as random quantities. Variability of the possible results ranges between upper and lower limit, i.e. between 1,8 and 3,2 billion crowns.

Ocenění společnosti Arysta LifeScience / Valuation of the company Arysta LifeScience

Kozáková, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to assess the objectified value of equity of the company Arysta LifeScience Czech s.r.o. Estimation is conducted from the parent company's perspective, assessing the value of equity before the moment of purchase of the parent company by American firm Platform Specialty Products. Discounted cash flow method based on FCFE is used for the valuation. Essential foundation for application of this method is the financial plan, which is based on internal company data and performed strategic and financial analysis. Monte Carlo simulation is applied to the DCF method in order to verify the accuracy of determining the value of equity under uncertainty. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is used to identify risk factors, which are impacting value of equity the most. Discounted cash flow method is complemented by asset-based approach, specifically by the book value method. The value of equity based on income approach is estimated to be 932 367 thousand CZK.

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