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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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乘著日常生活的列車前進──以戰後二十年間的《暢流》半月刊為考察中心 / Boarding the “Everyday Life” train: a study on the Chang-Liou fortnightly during the first two decades in postwar Taiwan

張毓如, Chang, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
附屬於台鐵的《暢流》半月刊(1950~1991)是一本為火車乘客、鐵路員工發行的綜合性雜誌,講求「消閒」與「興趣」,內容五花八門,包括詩詞、遊記、書畫金石、人物軼聞、歷史掌故、文化探源、海外新知、文學創作等,堪稱一般大眾居家旅行必備良伴。本研究藉由細讀《暢流》,管窺戰後二十年間的文學文化生產的情況,一方面爬梳《暢流》的發展史及其週邊,一方面由文學研究的角度出發,指出《暢流》的特色、文學史上的定位,以及《暢流》所代表的美學取向。   本研究首先交代《暢流》刊史,分從:一、組織面上,說明《暢流》發行單位與歷任主事者的更迭與改組;二、經營面上,說明《暢流》的行銷方式、普及情形、售價調整、叢書出版等概況;三、編輯面上,點出編輯和作者的互動關係,闡釋編輯方針、刊物內容、讀者反應之間的交流與影響。接著,本研究聚焦《暢流》的形式與內容,追溯其承襲日本明治末期及中國民初以來鐵路附屬雜誌之脈絡,並在與同時代報刊的各種功能、類型對比下,照見《暢流》的綜合性。   本研究的第二部分,著重以「日常生活理論」分析《暢流》的旅遊書寫與生活新知。在外省人士以「由景點至風景線」的趨勢逐步認識台灣的同時,旅遊活動的頻繁複寫,使我們見到個體在現代的日常世界中,藉著「移動」所呈現的豐沛活力。另外,差異性不斷地展現在《暢流》的旅遊書寫中,展現在旅人對異地風俗、景觀的敏銳感知當中,於是,旅遊書寫的「非常」意義也由此展開。更重要的是,文本中橫貫公路、福隆海水浴場這些「地點神話」的建構過程裡可以得見,隨著五○年代中期以後台海情勢緊張、反共話語沸騰,同時期的《暢流》卻因為滿眼盡是遊山玩水的旅人,遂勾勒出一個現代化社會的輪廓:即連長年備戰的離島空間,都褪去反攻戰略跳板的色彩,而更接近於現代性不斷滲透、施展其神力的實驗場。另一方面,《暢流》的生活常識、科學新知則是時人在濃厚現代性的環境下,對「日常」萬象的期許與再現。   承上,本研究的第三部分由日常生活理論提示的「變動」、「流動」出發,析論《暢流》的文學作品內涵及其美學特徵。第一,本研究標舉「日常生活書寫」作為思考五○年代台灣文學的新框架,其具體文本內涵則包括購物活動、鄰里角力、社群關係的解散或重組、對愛情的質詰、以及寫實的社會百態等。第二,《暢流》的日常生活書寫顯示:所謂「反共」集體意識很可能是一種虛張聲勢,當脫去政治框架,「日常」仍將獲得普遍的關注。另外,在現代性的介入使日常不斷流變的歷程裡,「懷鄉」不再只是政治話語的附屬品,而成為日常書寫的同質異構體。   對《暢流》的全面探析,有助調校關於五○、六○年代社會實況的刻板印象。在看似政治掛帥、反共聲浪不斷的外象之下,現代性的滲透、現代生活的浮現,一一成為不宜忽略的面向。由此,五○、六○年代台灣文學的文藝美學、活動板塊、評價定位等,將再次走入評家論者的視野,亟待進一步的詮釋。 / With the research strategy of close reading and the methodology of Everyday life and culture theory, this thesis focuses on the Chang-Liou Fortnightly(1950-1991) to discover its developmental history, significant characteristics, and representative position in modern Taiwanese Literature. Aiming at the staff and the passengers, the Chang-Liou Fortnightly is an affiliated comprehensive magazine to the Taiwan Railway Administration, which includes classical poetry, travel notes, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, and graphic arts, anecdotes, general knowledge, science and technology, overseas experience, literary works and creative writings, etc. In the first place, this thesis explicates the developmental history of the Chang-Liou Fortnightly in three aspects: 1, at the organizational level; 2, at the management level; and 3, at the editing level. The second part of study borrows a lot from Everyday life and culture theory to analyze the travel notes and the common knowledge in the Chang-Liou. While the mainlanders build a gradual understanding into Taiwan by the sequence which is named as “from scenic spots to landscape”, the frequent replication of tourism activities shows rich vitality in the course of moving and commuting. In addition, we can indicate a strong “non-everydayness” from the observation on local scenery and customs out of the travel notes. Above all, the emergency of “location myth” surrounding the Central Cross-Island Highway and the Fulung Beach for example reflect a modern image and also reveal a modern atmosphere during the martial law period. On the other hand, general knowledge, science and technology, and overseas experience all together outline the “everydayness” in the Chang-Liou. The third part of this thesis, Chapter 4, discuss the meaning, the connotation and the text feature of the literary works especially those written by women writers. In view of “flowing” and “changing” hinted by Everyday life Theory, literary works in the Chang-Liou present a distinctive array of themes including shopping, neighborhood wrestling, interpersonal relation restructuring, questioning love, and investigating social issue. Besides, under the framework of “Everyday life writing”, the widespread perspective on taking the 1950s Taiwanese literature as anti-communist literature requires further reading and revaluation. Therefore, so-called nostalgic prose is no longer the product of political discourse, but another type of practice on Everyday life writing. Studying the Chang-Liou on the Everyday life Theory basis improves the formation of railway magazine history and helps recognize how modernity influences everyday life during the first two decades in postwar Taiwan, so as to urge existing interpretations of 1950s Taiwanese literature and modern Taiwanese female literature to make certain alterations. Although purpose of the magazine is for leisure and for interests, the Chang-Liou expresses serious concern on literature, culture, and society, that is definitely a key notion for further research.

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