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許黎琴 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學教育學系九十二年度碩士論文摘要 論文名稱:桃園縣新設國民中小學籌建問題之研究 指導教授:湯志民博士 研究生:許黎琴 本研究的主要目的在探討桃園縣新設國中小在籌建時的員額編制、經費編列、籌建期程和建築師評選等問題,並分析新設校的特色及學生使用的滿意度,以為教育行政機關、學校行政人員及未來研究者之參考。本研究以桃園縣7所國中小為對象,進行觀察、訪談和問卷調查,並設計「桃園縣新設國民中小學籌建問題訪談表」,「桃園縣新設國民中小學學生使用情形調查問卷」兩種研究工具進行相關資料的蒐集。在觀察方面,依據相關文獻分析具有學校建築規劃特色的17所國中小作為觀察對象進行觀察,觀察過程中使用數位相機進行資料的蒐集。訪談對象包括7所研究學校的校長,總計對9位受訪者進行訪談,並從3所國小和3所國中合計6所學校抽樣國小5、6年級698位學生和國中1、2年級532位學生合計1,230位學生進行問卷調查,經研究發現: 一、桃園縣新設校超過半數以分校的方式成立,兼職的籌備主任(校長)負責新設校的籌備工作,只有總務主任是專任的編制,大多校長認為員額比較少;籌備人員之學校建築專業素養也有待提昇。 二、桃園縣新設校經費的主要來源是教育部的補助款,而經費編列的方式以整體規劃,分年度編列預算的學校佔大多數。 三、桃園縣新設校總經費是807,279萬元,平均設校經費約為23,000萬,尚屬合理。 四、桃園縣新設校的籌建期程大多數能在3年內完成,而造成期程延宕的主要原因是校地的取得和設校經費沒有著落,其它還包括地上物處理、變更設計、水土保持計劃等因素而無法如期完成。 五、桃園縣新設校透過公開評選產生建築師,評選委員涵蓋建築專業與非建築專業,同時考量建築師的實務經驗,委託設計的服務費率約為3.0%-3.4%。 六、桃園縣新設校特色的共通點是校園規劃由局部性的設計邁向整體性的配置,桃園縣新設校不僅配合桃園縣都市計劃及發展當地自然和社會景觀以及學校地形地勢,並融入教育理念,使其空間配置、動線規劃、造型和色彩均能展現特色和效用,整體規劃學校建築的形式、材質、造型和色彩。 七、桃園縣新設校校長對新設校使用情形的意見,認為依教學機能區分的校園規劃,提供師生寧靜的學習空間,教室的配置也以教學為考量。利用科技的教學、前瞻性的設計,以因應未來教學需要。 八、桃園縣新設校學生對學校建築各部分滿意度,得分最高的是視聽教室,得分最低的是附屬設施設備;學生對學校建築滿意度,大致滿意。 根據研究結果發現,研究者提出下列幾點建議: 一、設校的籌備處應編列專任的籌備人員約3至5人,較為合理;有關師資養成、教師進修和相關儲訓的課程,酌增學校建築實務的修習時數,以提昇教育人員學校建築的專業素養。 二、教育部對縣巿政府的國民教育經費補助,維持經年長期的穩定補助,提升教育環境品質,以縮短城鄉的差距。 三、縣市政府應主動積極協助新設校解決相關問題,以排除籌建的困難,才能在期程內完成。 四、縣市政府對於新設校建築師的服務費率,以宜蘭縣為指標,在財政充裕情況下,酌予適度調增,讓更多建築師樂意投入新設校的學校建築行列。 五、普通教室是學生學習活動中最重要的學校建築,除了妥善規劃空間外,充實教學設備才能滿足學生的需求。 六、縣市政府宜成立新設校籌建輔導團,提供諮詢,協助解決困難。 七、縣市政府對新設校的籌備人員,宜從優敘獎,以激勵其服務士氣。 八、對未來相關研究的建議,分述以下幾點: (一)研究對象方面 本研究主要以桃園縣7所新設國中小為研究對象,並未包括桃園縣全部新設學校,在研究結果解釋上難獲得普遍意見,未來研究者可以83至88學年度全部新設學校當作研究對象。 (二)研究內容方面 在未來研究上,可嘗試以不同的觀點、不同的專業切入,建立「行政」、「技術」及「使用」三部分,擴展研究向度,使研究內容更完整。 (三)研究方法方面 在訪談方面,本研究以訪談為主要研究方法,並輔以問卷調查法和觀察法,未來訪談時,訪談過程和內容的結構性酌予加強。本研究僅以新設校學生作為問卷調查對象,如果時間、人力、經費充裕,應該輔以研究訪問等方式,才能深入了解對新設校的意見。在觀察方面,未來宜以長時間觀察,才能通盤瞭解。 (四)研究結果方面 本研究採用訪談法,被訪談者頗能侃侃而談,但是無法避免自我期許的效應而避談某些敏感課題。因此,為了降低誤差的存在,有的學校訪談的次數酌予增加。 / STUDY ON THE PROBLEM CONCERNING THE PREPARATION OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING IN TAOYUAN COUNTY Advisor: Dr. Chi-Min, Tang Advisee: Li-Chin Hsu The major point of this study is to explore the problems concerning personnel organization, allocation of budget, duration of preparation and construction, and the selection of architects in the newly established elementary schools in Taoyuan County. Moreover, the project analyzes the new schools’ characteristics and the students’ degree of satisfaction, for the reference of education administration institutions, administrative personnel at schools, and future researchers. This project regards 7 elementary schools as the target of the study, by means of observation, interview, and questionnaire. Through the design of two research tools “Interview Records concerning the Preparation for Construction of New High and Elementary Schools at Taoyuan County” and “Questionnaire on the Conditions of Students’ Usage in the Newly Established High and Elementary School at Taoyuan County”, the project collected data in related areas. Concerning observation, during the observation process, a digital camera was used to collect data. The project interviewed a total of 9 interviewees, including principals from 7 research schools. Moreover, the project also questioned 698 elementary school students in grades 5 and 6, and 532 junior high school students in grade 7 and 8 from three elementary schools and 3 junior high schools for a total of 6. The research indicates: 1. More than half of Taoyuan County’s new schools were established in the manner of sub-campus, with part-time department heads (principal) responsible for the preparatory work, with only one full time employee – the Head of General Affairs. Most of the principals think that the number of personnel tends to be low and the quality of the personnel engaged in the preparatory remains to be elevated. 2. The major funding sources of the new schools at Taoyuan County come from the subsidization of the Ministry of Education. And the manner of budgeting is conducted through overall planning; meanwhile the budgets are allocated to most of the schools in a yearly manner. 3. The total budget of the new schools in Taoyuan in 80.7279 million NT Dollars; and the average funding for school buildings is 23 million NT Dollars, falls in the reasonable range. 4. The preparation and building of the new schools in Taoyuan are mostly completed within three years. Meanwhile the reasons of delay are difficulties in obtaining land and funding for the new school. Others include land property, amendment of design, water and land conservation plan, etc, Due to the abovementioned reasons the new schools cannot be built on schedule. 5. The architect for designing the new schools in Taoyuan are selected through open screening, with judges of architecture professionals and laypeople, with the major concern on the architect’s practical experience. The service fees the architect charges is about 3.0%-3.4%. 6. The common characteristic of the new schools at Taoyuan County is that: the design is done from partial design to overall allocation. The new schools in Taoyuan County comply with Taoyuan County’s urban development plan, development of local, natural, and social landscape, and the contour of the schools. They also blend education ideals, space allocation, dynamic line planning, form and colors to demonstrate their characteristics and functions, organic architectural form and overall school plan, materials, form, and color. 7. Concerning the principals opinion about the usage of the new schools at Taoyuan County, they think that the planning of the campus should be in accordance to the functions of campus planning, provision of quiet space for students’ and teachers’ use in learning, and classrooms’ decorations for teaching. They also employ technology in teaching, with progressive design, to cope with future needs. 8. Regarding the degree of satisfaction of the students concerning the new schools at Taoyuan County, the audio-visual rooms score the highest and the lowest are the auxiliary equipment. Most of the students are satisfied with the new schools. In accordance with the research, the project would like to suggest the following: 1. It is more reasonable to allocate 3 to 5 employees in the preparatory administration office. Concerning teachers’ cultivation, it would be helpful to open courses in school construction practice at the in-service and teachers’ training programs, to elevate education personnel’s knowledge regarding school architecture. 2. Concerning County and City Governments’ education funding, The Ministry of Education should maintain stable and long-term subsidization to elevate the quality of education environment, to shorten the gap between towns and cities. 3. The County and City Governments should help new schools in solving problems actively, to expel the difficulties in preparation and construction. Likewise, the construction work can be competed in a short time. 4. The County and City Governments’ percentage of service payment to the architects should take Yilan County as indicator. It is suggested that the payment should be adjusted slightly during the abundant fiscal year, allowing more architects to engage in the design of new schools. 5. Common classrooms are the students’ most essential learning places at school. In addition to a well considered plan, substantial teaching facilities can give more satisfaction to the students. 6. County and City Governments should establish new schools preparation and construction advisory groups to give advice and help solve difficulties. 7. County and City Governments should award personnel engaged in preparatory and construction work handsomely to elevate their morale. 8. Concerning future research, these are the following suggestions: A. Object of Study This project targets 7 high and elementary schools in Taoyuan as the object of the study, not including all the new schools in the area, it is difficult to obtain general opinions. Future researchers can regard all the new schools established from 1994 to 1999 for study. B. Research Contents In future study, it is possible to try different perspectives, approaching the problems from a different angle. Through the establishment of the three perspectives “administrative”, “technique”, and “usage”, it is possible to extend the dimension of study, rendering the research content more complete. C. Research Methodology Concerning interviews, this project mainly employ interview as major methodology, with questionnaires and observation as assistance tools. In future interviews, the process and structure of the interview should be intensified. The research only regards the students of new schools as objects of the questionnaire, if time, human resources, and funding are more sufficient, it should be conducted with the research interview as the auxiliary methodology, to understand the opinions concerning the new schools. Regarding observation, it is better to extend the observation duration in the future to have a fuller understanding. D. Research Result The research project employs interviews as the major methodology. The interviewees are able to talk fluently; however, self-expectation effect cannot be avoided; and they avoid talking about sensitive issues. Therefore, in order to minimize fault, it is better increase the frequency of interviews at some schools.

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