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工作負荷及直屬主管支持對員工擔任師父意願影響之探討 / The Effects of Workload and Perceived Supervisor Support on the Willingness to Mentor陳思妤, Chen, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去學者探究員工擔任師父意願,或以個人特質、或以情境因素,皆以個人層次的性格因素探討其對擔任師父意願的影響程度。然而此研究取向結果累積,無法有系統架構地了解其對員工擔任師父意願的影響,並找到組織的施力點。故本研究以「工作要求-資源模型」為基礎,探討工作情境中的工作負荷量與知覺主管支持兩因素對於員工擔任師父意願之影響。本研究首先探討工作要求能否藉由增加員工的耗竭感,而減低員工擔任師父意願。其次探討工作資源是否能透過增加員工的工作敬業,進而提升員工擔任師父意願。此外,藉由比較工作要求-資源模型之雙歷程模式,以統計方法進行重要性比較,了解兩途徑對於員工擔任意願的影響程度相對大小。此研究結果可提供未來情境因素影響擔任師父意願研究之參考,實務上則能為組織提升員工擔任師父意願所用。並研究結果顯示,工作耗竭感完全中介工作負荷量與員工擔任師父意願間的關係,工作敬業對知覺主管支持與擔任師父意願間關係的中介並不顯著。其討論與應用則於後續章節探討。 / The past mentor topics mostly discussed the influence of personality on willingness to mentor. But with this approach, the authorities would not be able to intervene the mentoring program from the policy or program design so that the authorities could not improve current status of the organizational training. This research would base on theory of Job Demand-Resource model to integrate the work situational factors, such as workload and supervisor’s support, to predict the influence on the willingness to mentor. Also the other emphasis is to weight the two different work situational factors to value the importance between the situational factors and employees’ willingness to mentor. The result shows the job exhaustion directly mediate the workload and the willingness to mentor. However, the mediation effect of work engagement is not significant between the supervisor’s support and the willingness to mentor. The Job Demand-Resource model can be further applied in the area of mentoring willingness. Besides, the control variable of personality, altruism, has consistent effect on each of the research variables.
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員工正向情緒表達影響因素之研究: 交易層次分析與個人變數之 跨層次干擾效果 / Exploring antecedents of positive affective displays: The examinations of within-person and between-person moderating effects of employee characteristics陳皓怡, Chen, Hao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
過去探討影響員工正向情緒表達之前因的實證研究,已累積相當豐富,但在前因變數間之交互作用,以及情緒表達概念上,仍有以下兩大類議題尚未處理:首先,鮮少研究同時探討個體內層次 (交易層次)與個體間層次 (員工個人層次)之跨層次研究,即檢視單一員工服務多位顧客時之巢狀的影響 (nested effects),故本研究提出的理論模型包含兩個層次變數之間的關係:個體內層次 (交易忙碌程度、顧客負向情緒表達)與個體間層次 (知覺工具型主管支持、知覺情感型主管支持、情緒穩定性特質),以試圖彌補此研究缺口。再者,過去有關情緒表達之研究,大多探討員工於每筆交易時所展現之正向情緒表達之強度,因此,本研究另一個研究興趣探討員工個人變數與員工正向情緒表達之平均強度間的關係。
本研究以76位中華郵政第一線儲匯服務人員,及與其互動之434位顧客為研究對象,階層線性模式分析結果發現顧客負向情緒表達與員工正向情緒表達具有顯著負向關係;而在員工個人變數之跨層次干擾效果探討上,本研究結果發現,當員工知覺工具型主管支持較高時,會削弱顧客負向情緒表達與員工正向情緒表達之間的負向關係;且當員工情緒穩定性特質較高時,也會使交易忙碌程度與員工正向情緒表達間之負向關係減弱。最後,階層迴歸分析結果亦指出員工知覺情感型主管支持與員工正向情緒表達之平均具有顯著正向關係。整體而言,本研究所提之研究假說部分符合理論預期,而研究結果可對情緒表達、情緒勞動、與社會支持相關研究提供理論貢獻與實務意涵。 / Although most of previous studies have explored the antecedents of employee positive affective displays, the issues of examining the main effects of transaction cues and the moderating effects of employee characteristics on employee positive affective displays from the perspective of within-person and between-person analysis remain relatively unexplored so far. Therefore, this study examined whether transaction defining cues (ex., transaction busyness and client negative affective displays) affected employee positive affective displays. Besides, this study examined whether employee characteristics would moderate the relationships between transaction defining cues and employee positive affective displays.
Results from 76 postal clerks of 32 post offices and 434 clients partially supported our hypotheses and showed that client negative affective displays negatively predict employee positive affective displays. With regard to the moderating effects of employee characteristics, when the postal clerks perceived high level of supervisor instructmental support, the negative effect of client negative affective displays on employee positive affective displays was minimized. Moreover, employee with high level of emotional satbility would weaken the negative relationship between transaction busyness and employee positive affective displays. In addition, the study also indicate that employee perceived high level of supervisor emotional support would increase the employee average performance of positive affective displays. In conculsion, these findings provide not only further understanding how to improve employee affective displays, but also guidance for the organizations to select and train appropriate emoployees.
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