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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃長泰 Unknown Date (has links)
人類自有歷史以來,權力的競逐或文明的流動即從未停歇,其所造成的衝突與影響更是複雜無比。911事件是否為杭廷頓教授所言之文明衝突,抑或是源於美國霸權失衡的中東政策所造成的影響?俱為本論文欲試圖探索的中心命題。 911事件深刻地改變了美國對於本土以及國際安全環境的思維,全球安全環境亦因而隨之改變。恐怖主義與文明衝突成就了美國難得的戰略機遇,美國除藉此確立其全球優勢地位外,更大幅擴張其國際活動的空間與戰略運用,相對於國際間反美勢力的聲浪,明顯地對小布希政府的外交政策與全球戰略造成威脅與諷刺。 尤以阿拉伯世界而言,巴勒斯坦問題的無解、美國霸權的過度介入、令人垂涎的石油與經濟等利益,造成中東國家反美反西方情緒高漲,甚而恐怖主義因此盛行。凡此種種,均無法簡單的以「文明衝突」之說,解釋東西方間、以色列與巴勒斯坦間長久以來複雜的歷史情仇。 而911事件,只是如同已發生在世界各地無數恐怖行動一樣,都是令人無法接受的暴行,而這些人類所無法容忍的罪行,不只是「凱達」組織,許多國家或組織事實上以正義之名,亦同樣行使過或正在行使這些人類的罪行,因而造成今日世界混亂與暴力循環的惡果。 人類歷史向來無法逃脫弱肉強食的宿命,然而,適者生存卻非強者獨占的道理卻也亙古不變。就遙望未來站在世界頂端的美國而言,當世人引頸企盼或虎視眈眈時,尤應深切牢記全球化的同時,許多國家及其人民因為過去的累積與錯誤,仍在與飢餓和死亡、憤怒與絕望中掙扎與茍活,欲真正消弭恐怖主義、面對中東問題,巴勒斯坦的爭議終必尋得解決之道。


于廣 Unknown Date (has links)
以、巴問題是國際上長期難以解決的問題,最原本的根源是猶太人與巴勒斯坦人在巴勒斯坦土地上相互爭取建國的權利而引起的。在以色列建國後,以、巴問題開始牽涉到難民、國家安全、宗教、水資源、被佔領領土與恐怖主義等諸多因素,使得以、巴問題日益複雜,迄今仍無法解決。   雖然國際間曾多次嘗試解決以、巴問題,並舉辦過多次和會,也提出過多次和平計畫,但是歷來國際間的努力都成效有限。本論文認為,這是因為歷來的和會與和平計畫不但沒有全面顧及到當事者的立場,也沒有全面考慮到以、巴問題的所有癥結。以、巴問題不只是個政治問題,然而國際間卻欲以政治方法解決之,因而成效不彰。   本論文認為,一旦整合有所成果,參與整合的國家間便會因為關係更加密切,進而使發生戰爭的機會大為降低。因此要解決以、巴衝突,必須由促進以、巴間的整合開始。並且考慮到以、巴問題的諸多癥結,因此整合不能僅限於政治層面,而是必須由政治與經濟方面同時進行。本論文認為,在以、巴政治整合方面,應採用安全社區理論;而經濟整合方面應採用共同市場理論。   在建構以、巴的和平上,安全社區與共同市場是相輔相成的。安全社區可以幫助共同市場建立良善的市場秩序,共同市場可以幫助安全社區成員達成更深的相互依賴,而唯有在以、巴間的安全社區與共同市場成立後,以、巴間長久且穩固的和平才有可能被真正的建構。 / The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a long-lasting international problem whose origin is that both Jews and Arabs claim their right to found their own nation on Palestinian land. After the founding of Israel, the problem between Israel and Palestine began to involve refugees, national security, religion, water resource, the occupied territories, terrorism, and many other factors. These factors make this problem increasingly complex and still unsolved to this day. Although international community has repeatedly tried to solve the problem between Israel and Palestine, held a number of peace conferences, and also proposed several peace plans, the effect has always been little. I believe that this is because peace plans neither totally took into account the positions of Israel and Palestine nor comprehensively considered all the cruxes of the problem between each party. The problem is not just a political issue, but the international community always wants to solve it through political ways. Once the integration of states works, the participating states will be closer to each other – and set up “interdependence” – and the possibility of war between them will be greatly reduced. Therefore, to solve the problem, we can encourage Israel and Palestine to begin the integration. Taking all cruxes of the problem into consideration, the integration cannot be limited to political level, but both political and economic levels at the same time. I believe that, in the process of integration, “security community theory” must be followed on political level and “common market theory” on the economic level. To make peace between Israel and Palestine, “security community” and “common market” are complementary to each other. “Security community” can help the “common market” establish good market order, and “common market” can help members of the “security community” achieve deeper interdependence. Only after the establishment of the “security community” and the “common market” could the enduring peace between Israel and Palestine be real possible.

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