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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高甯松 Unknown Date (has links)
過去全球區域雖發生過多次大小無數戰爭,已顯示在未來強權爭奪戰爭中將趨於所謂區域性「低強度衝突」,19世紀末葉時,所有戰爭的65﹪均可歸類為低強度衝突,在1970年代,80﹪的戰爭都是低強度衝突,到了1980年代,更有90﹪的戰爭都屬於低強度衝突。過去的核武嚇阻固然充分發揮了其功能與效果,尤有甚者,各核子強權間之相互嚇阻更進一步阻止了此等強權中之某個潛在侵略者發動傳統性戰爭去攻擊另一強權。 其理由至為簡單,因為任何擁有核子強權國家亦恐懼其如對他國發動傳統性戰爭當會招致其核武之報復,進而提升為一場核武大戰。因之,在相互嚇阻與其他一些因素限制條件下,「低強度衝突」便成為未來國際間戰爭之基本模式。 由於國際戰略力量對比的重大變化,改變了「冷戰」時期打世界大戰的力量結構和戰略態勢,在新的形勢下,當今世界軍事形勢和各國軍隊建設正處於一個大變動、大調整的時期,世界各主要國家都在調整自己軍事戰略和軍隊建設的重點。美國仍處當今世界唯一的超級強國,其面對新的國際環境,除在國防和軍隊建設中一方面採取削減軍費、裁減員額、逐步縮小規模,另一方面則透過調整軍備結構、突出發展重點於加強質量建設 ,以不斷提昇其綜合競爭與實戰能力。美國為維護及擴展在全球各地的戰略利益,正努力發展應付未來可能朝中、低強度區域衝突的力量結構和作戰能力,並同時調整其軍事組織架構編組。環顧新的世界局勢,中共軍事專家曾認為,當前國際走向世界大戰之可能性已不大,惟世界各地局部戰爭和地區性武裝衝突將日趨凸顯因而面對未來新的國際秩序和亞太環境, 中共除了積極發展先進具有嚇阻作用的戰略性武器外,首要即建立一支有效投射兵力的快速反應部隊,以因應未來可能出現的區域性小規模、高強度的局部性軍事作戰行動,而其性質並兼顧反恐怖、反暴亂、反劫持等特殊任務。 本篇論文藉由美軍、中共現有特種作戰部隊組建、任務遂行過程及發展趨勢例證中加以深入探討,進而研析國軍特種作戰部隊於現代戰爭型態 、環境下,應如何扮演、建構一支具有相當特色之戰力。期使在未來台澎防衛作戰中,發揮應有作戰效能;進而能擔任應急作戰之快速反應任務,俾供防衛作戰中用兵之參考。姑且不論未來作戰模式是「決定性或壓倒性武力」,都是贏得植基於「武力對武力」與「消耗」模式的下一場戰爭構想與作戰兩方面的基石中。快速掌控在透過「震撼」與「威懾」之運用,以影響敵之意志、認知與瞭解,使之屈從或順應我方之戰略政策目標。由此可知,若能運用一支量小質精兼具特種作戰效能的部隊,快速提供且能立即控制整個作戰利益地區及擴大其周遭環境之能力。除能達成決定性與優勢戰場覺知兩項任務外,預期快速掌控亦當能以更為有效的方法達成所列述之政治或軍事目的,以支持動用之武力,致使敵人全然無力對抗。故放眼未來,為順應此一自然趨勢,特種作戰部隊將會更加活躍、更受重視,特種作戰部隊的建設亦是當前國軍精進案中不可忽視的問題。 關鍵字:特種作戰、特種作戰部隊、特勤隊、快反部隊、非正規戰、反恐戰爭、低強度衝突

「美日防衛合作新指針」和平任務之研究:從非作戰軍事行動面向觀察 / A peace missions in relation to the new guidelines for U.S.-Japan defense cooperation: MOOTW aspect

田茂禾 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要希望能夠藉由軍事準則一非作戰軍事行動(Military Operations Other Than War, MOOTW)的實務操作面向去分析「美日防衛合作新指針」中「雙方平時合作事項」,運用理論與實踐去檢證美日軍事合作對國際社會的貢獻與對台海的適用性。因為,在未來亞太安全與和平上,日本將扮演更積極角色與參加國際事務,那對曾受迫害的亞洲地區民族而言,如果無法保持客觀、理性的中立立場去觀察,那將難以抹取二次大戰軍國主義歷史的陰影,只會阻礙亞太地區邁向二十一世紀全球化的發展,具體而言,本論文具有大膽理論探討之前瞻性,屬於前沿理論(軍事準則)的概念形式。 針對亞太地區而言,在冷戰期間並沒有產生如同北大西洋公約組織及華沙公約組織一般相互對峙的軍事集團,而蘇聯所扮演的角色也僅是影響亞太安全的數個強權國家之一。冷戰結束之後,國際體系架構在冷戰結束後跨入了一個新的交替時期,東、西兩極體系彼此對抗的大環境已然消失,亞太地區也因為缺乏一個有效的多邊安全機制而失去了足以依靠的平衡槓桿。因此,亞太地區便逐漸形成一種「動態平衡」的結構。美國身為二十一世紀的唯一超強,其對於亞太地區,尤其是東北亞地區的安全政策,便成為大家所關注的焦點。其中民主國家又以美國及日本之間的共同防禦條約最值得吾人注意。 美日安保條約已逐漸成為兩國之間互動的重要架構之一,雖然美日安保條約仍以軍事安全為核心,但也進一步成為雙方經濟、政治、文化和議題發展的結構性支柱。尤其蘇聯瓦解,使得世界在可預期的未來,似乎不可能出現大規模世界核子戰爭,但是區域間的族群衝突,跨國恐怖活動、毒品走私或海盜活動等,這些「低強度衝突」(Low Intensity Conflict,LIC)的發生機率又非常的高,帶給人類和平與安全有莫大威脅,因此從實務層面思考,如何解決前述國際安全問題,才是美、日安保同盟對國際和平最大的貢獻。 針對本論文研究發現,有以下兩點建議: 一、建立國軍「非作戰軍事行動」準則 例如國內發生重大災難與跨國恐怖事件,或與國外軍事合作的行動準則,由本論文的研究發現可參考美軍準則如下:(一)可參考《美軍聯合作戰教令(Joint pub3-0》一建立(或增列)國軍聯合作戰準則中。(二)可參考《非作戰軍事行動聯合教令(Joint pub3-7)》建立國軍非作戰軍事行動教令。(三)可參考美軍陸、海、空軍對非作戰軍事行動的規範,建立國軍各軍種教範,資料如后: 1.美國陸軍野戰教範(FM100-5)。 2.美國海軍作戰準則(NDP1: Naval Warfare)。 3.美國空軍非作戰軍事行動準則(ADD2-3)。 二、積極參與區域海上人道救援行動 戰爭現已不再容易獲得國內與國際輿論之支持,反之,一國參與維持國際和平或區域海上人道救援行動,不僅容易獲得國內輿論之讚許,且可提高並贏得國際聲譽。實際上,維持國際和平與海上人道救援訓練與戰爭並無二致。並可達「寓戰於訓」的目的。而且從俄羅斯在北海的明斯克號潛艦沉沒事件,國軍在發展二代潛艦兵力的同時,對區域海上人道救援行動更應該積極參與,並列入爭取美、日、韓、澳、星等多邊國家軍事交流與訓練的第一優先項目。 關鍵詞:非作戰軍事行動 美日防衛合作新指針 低強度衝突 美日關係 / The main purpose of this thesis is looking forward to analyzing the mutual cooperation in the peace period in the " The New U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines " by the military principle- the real operation level of Military Operations Other than War (MOOTW). We use this theory and practice to verify the contribution of the military cooperation of between America and Japan for international society and the adaptability using in Taiwan Strait. Since the Japan will be a more active role and take part in more mission for the security and peace of Asia and Pacific area in the future. To those peoples who had suffer the oppression by Japan in Asian areas, if they can not keep an objective, rational and impartial position to observe this event,it will be hard to erase the shadow of militarism causing by Japan in the World War II.The result of this prejudice will only obstruct the progress of Asian area forward to the development of Internationalize in the 21<sup>st</sup> century.Concretely speaking, this thesis posses a foreside in the theory discussion,and belong to the conceptualize style of the leading edge theory(military principle). Specifically speaking to the Asia and Pacific areas, it do not result the same conflict of each military ally as did between NATO and the Warsaw Treaty Organization.The former Soviet Union took part in one of the powerful countries,which influence the security of the Asian and Pacific areas. After cold war, the international structure enters to a new interchange period.The entire environment confronting between western and eastern polarities had disappeared. Asia-Pacific area lost a dependable balance lever due to lacking an effective multilateral security mechanism. Therefore, Asia- Pacific area gradually becomes a "dynamic balance" structure.The U.S. is the only one super power in the world in 21st century. The Asia-Pacific area security strategy of the U.S.,especially in northeast Asia, is the focus to other countries.For other democratic countries,the U.S.-Japan defense alliance is the axis about which the Asia-Pacific security policy of the US rotates. The U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines has become one of important structures of interactions between both sides.Although the U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines is focus on military security, furthermore, it becomes a construction pillar in economy, politics, culture and relevant developing issues on both sides. Especially,after the former Soviet Union broke down, it is almost impossible to have a nuclear war took place in the future,instated, the regional ethnic conflicts, international terrorism, narcotics dealing and smuggling and piratical activities take place very often, those bring huge threat to our peace and security. Pragmatically thinking about this, how to figure out those international issues can be the biggest contribution in terms of international peace. Based on our research,we propose the following suggestions: 1. To establish the R.O.C."Peacetime Military Operation Guidelines" for providing the Ministry of National Defense a guideline on dealing with the domestic disasters,deterring terrorism, and perusing international cooperative operations.We found that the US doctrines can provide a hands on reference: (1) The US Joint Operation Doctrine (Joint pub 3-0) can be referenced to establish the ROC joint operation doctrines. (2) The US Military Operation Other than War Joint Operation Doctrine (Joint pub 3-7) can also be referenced to establish ROC Other than War joint operation doctrines. (3) The US Military Operation Other than War Joint Operation Doctrines,for examples; US Army Operation Doctrine (FM 100-5),US Navy Operation Doctrine (NDP I: Naval Warfare), and US Air Force Other Than War Operation Doctrine (AFDD 2-3), can be referenced to establish ROC Services' Other Than War Joint Operation Doctrines. 2. To participate Asia-Pacific area rescue operations The international and nation's general public do not support the conduction of war. In contrary, the general publics always give highly respects to the organization join the international rescue operations. In facts,the procedure on conducting the war is similar to join the international rescue operation. Furthermore,the operation furnishes our troops a training event.For example, the Russia joined the rescue operation on Minske event. While the new generation submarine program is underway, we should take action and participate the area rescues, and join the international association work organized by US,Japan, Korea, Australia,and Singapore. Keywords: Military Operations Other than War (MOOTW),the New U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines,Low Intensity Conflict( LIC ),the U.S.-Japan Relations.

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