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定錨效果對快速消費品使用量之影響 / The Effects of Anchors on Usage Amount of Fast Moving Consumer Goods江美賢 Unknown Date (has links)
研究二關注調節焦點差異對定錨效果的影響,因此實驗三加入「調節焦點導向」變數,除了複製並小幅修正實驗二的實驗方法,以再次驗證洗手乳的「容器大小」、「容器透明與否」與「剩餘量多寡」對於使用量的影響外,進而分析依調節焦點區分為重視追求正面結果的促進導向(promotion focus)、重視避免負面結果的預防導向(prevention focus)兩群受測者,定錨效果的影響是否有差異。
整體而言,本研究驗證了與產品外觀相關的定錨為能夠影響快速消費品使用量的客觀刺激,並發現「容器大小」、「容器透明與否」與「剩餘量多寡」三組定錨點與使用量間的關係,及其效果在預防導向者身上較顯著的現象。 / Could the anchors relating to the appearance of product stimulate consumers to make different judgment and further affect the amount of usage? This is the focus of this study.
“Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristics”, a theory suggested by Kahneman and Tversky (1974), assumed decision-makers are irrational, they will make estimates based on an initial value or starting point and then ‘adjusting’ their judgments and decisions. This study applies the concept of “anchors” to the using behaviors of fast moving consumer goods and assumes that marketers could stimulate the perception of consumers by manipulating the anchors relating to the appearance of products and affect the usage amount of them. Due to the hypothesis, this research develops two studies consisting three experiments to verify the effects of anchors on the amount of usage on fast moving consumer goods.
Study one includes two experiments focusing on identifying the possible anchors influencing the usage amount. Study two includes the third experiment focusing on the effects of regulatory focus on anchoring effects.
Experiment one chooses “the size of container” to be the first anchor of test and toothpaste as the product for the experiment after removing unsuitable product through pretest. Due to the common behavior of using toothpaste with tool (toothbrush) simultaneously, experiment one add “the size of tool” to be another possible anchor. Moreover, experiment one finds that the “residual amount” seems to affect the usage amount. Therefore, experiment one added “the size of tool” and “residual amount” in the formal experiment. To observe and measure the residual amount easily, experiment two added “transparent container” into the experimental design and use hand soap as the product for experiment to analyze the anchoring effects of “the size of container”, “residual amount” and “transparency of container”.
Study two concerns the effects of regulatory focus on anchoring effects. Therefore, experiment three added the variable of “regulatory focus”. Aside from duplicating experiment two to verify the anchoring effects demonstrated in study one. Experiment three separates participants into the “promotion focus” and “prevention focus” groups by regulatory focus theory and analyze the difference of anchoring effects between them.
The results of study one are as following. “Bigger container”, “more residual amount” and “transparent container” which convey the “sufficient and certain” available quantity, will result in more usage amount. Otherwise, “smaller container”, “less residual amount” and “non-transparent container” which convey the “insufficient and uncertain” available quantity, will result in less usage amount.
The results of study two are as following. (1) Verified the anchoring effects on usage amount which study one assumed again. (2) Verified the difference of anchoring effects on usage amount between the promotion focus and prevention focus people. Anchoring effects are more significant on prevention focus people. Specifically, “Transparency of container” has significant effect on prevention focus people. Moreover, the moderating effect of “transparency of container” and “residual amount” to the usage amount is significant.
To sum up, one of the key findings in this study is verifying that anchors relating to the appearance of products are objective stimuli which can affect the usage amount of fast moving consumer goods and certifying the anchoring effects of “size of container”, “residual amount” and “transparency of container”. Another key finding of this study is the more significant anchoring effects on the prevention focus people than on the promotion focus people.
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夏季缺電之產業最適限電策略模擬研究 / A Simulation Study on Optimal Strategies of Industrial Electricity Rationing for Coping with Power Shortage in Summer洪敏睿, Hung, Min Jui Unknown Date (has links)
台灣夏季高溫酷熱使得各產業夏月用電量較全年月平均高出5%~24%。台電公司發電機組的備轉容量率在過去幾年的夏季也多次逼近限電警戒值(6%)。在未來氣候變遷趨勢下,夏季極端高溫發生機率提高,發電容量因受環保及社會因素影響難以同步擴充,限電極可能成為台灣在夏季必須面對的挑戰。本文旨在建構一描繪台灣經濟體內所有生產及消費部門相互依賴連結的線性規劃產業關聯分析(linear programming input-output analysis,簡稱LPIO)模型,用以求解經濟成長過程中若遇夏季供電瓶頸時之可行產業最適用電配置(限電)策略——限制用電之產業組合及配比。
根據現實情況所需以決定策略,首先策略的考量為追求經濟成長,加上當前台灣為一加工出口國,應將主要出口品之部門列為供電瓶頸的考量之一。接著,評估所有產業之間的相關性,單一產業的成長可帶動其他產業的發展;反之,單一產業的損失影響亦會衝擊其他產業,因此需要了解產業間的投入產出關係才能制定對我們經濟最有效率的資源配置策略。本研究首創以「夏季模擬產業關聯表」來校準LPIO 模型之模擬,切合實際地反映產業的季節性投入需求,以提升總體多部門模型之應用分析在政策制定參考上的實用性。
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