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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

要派單位對派遣勞工職業災害救濟責任之探討 / The Responsibility of User Enterprise to Dispatched Labors in Occupational Accidents

吳怡萱 Unknown Date (has links)
勞動派遣議題相對傳統勞動關係更為複雜,主要的原因乃勞動力的使用涉及三方關係,特別是在職業災害雇主責任的分配上,要派單位是否需要負擔?及該責任如何於要派單位及派遣事業單位間如何分配?二者皆為本文欲探究之重心。自現行法院實務判決觀察,各級法院對於發生職業災害時,要派單位應否負擔職災補償責任之爭議上,普遍仍以派遣勞工與要派單位間使用關係非基於承攬契約,而否定派遣勞工得主張要派單位應按勞基法第62條負連帶補償責任之請求。但即使法院見解似已確定,惟訴訟上仍不斷地有訴請要派單位連帶負補償責任之請求,近期也漸漸有採不同見解之判決出現,可知要派單位之在職災救濟責任分擔上,不僅受災之派遣勞工覺得有其必要,甚至也已經有法院認為通說見解並非相當妥適,足見應令要派單位就職災負責之爭議仍有待解決決。 因此,學理上也不斷有透過解釋現行民法或勞基法上規定的討論,如民法上僱用人之保護照顧義務等,希冀得使派遣勞工之職災救濟請求能夠受有更完整的保障。雖然各學說內容建構上都尚有其未臻完備之處,惟筆者認為於專法尚未訂定前,本文所列數項用以解決勞動派遣爭議之學說見解,具有相當參考價值。法院於判斷上實不妨參考我國學說見解上現有之討論,補足現階段對於要派單位規範上的欠缺,使派遣勞工之於職災救濟請求上得更為完整,同時也期待能促使要派單位注意派遣勞工工作環境上的身心安全,使職業安全能不斷地進步及提升。

高齡者照顧機構之損害賠償責任 —以臺日照顧事故判決之比較為中心 / The Liability for damages of elder care facilities- focusing on judgments about care accidents in R.O.C and Japan

洪懷舒 Unknown Date (has links)
在高齡化的潮流下,對於高齡者照顧機構的需求與日俱增,受照顧者在照顧機構內發生事故的案例也隨之增加。然而,我國對於高齡者照顧機構損害賠償責任之討論卻相對稀少。本文以事故類型化我國判決,並透過日本法相同類型之判決內容加以比較,得出以下結論:一、各事故類型之主要爭點及照顧機構之具體義務,亦即事故發生前之照顧義務,以及事故發生後之處理、急救義務內容。二、我國有消費者保護法無過失服務責任可資主張,但僅限於非醫療輔助行為之照顧行為。三、照顧機構對於無責任能力之受照顧者所造成之他人損害,日本有成立監督義務者責任之可能。三、與有過失於照顧事故中適用之前提要件,應僅限於受照顧者有積極不為防範之行為之情形。   觀諸我國照顧事故之判決,法院認定照顧機構成立責任者,多為照顧機構實際提供受照顧者之照顧服務行為上有所疏失之情形。因此在涉及受照顧者疾病感染或復發、因其他受照顧者行為所致之事故類型中,法院多以臨床標準為判斷基準,並限縮因果關係之解釋,減輕照顧機構所課與之注意義務,進而否定照顧機構有義務之違反。   相較於此,在日本照顧事故之判決中,法院著眼於照顧契約之保護照顧義務,認定設施方負有確保受照顧者生命、身體安全不致發生損害之義務,進而判斷具體個案中受照顧者方所主張違反之義務是否屬於前述設施方之義務範圍內,再加以審酌設施方有無預見及防免之可能,以認定設施方是否成立責任。又法院雖賦予設施方較高之注意義務,卻將所認定之損害賠償額控制在較低之標準,因此課與設施方之責任亦非過重。   因受照顧者身處設施方緊密控制之封閉組織內,仰賴設施方提供服務,設施方於契約締結、履行,乃至於終結,均處於較受照顧者更為優勢之地位。因此,我國若同日本,採取以保護照顧義務架構設施方之責任依據,並寬認設施方所負確保受照顧者生命、身體安全不致發生損害之義務範圍,再由設施方舉證證明其不具有預見事故發生及防免之可能,對受照顧者之保護應較為周全。

軍事機關國家賠償責任之研究 / The state compensation law in military authority

姚妃宴, Yao, Fei Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的係探討國家賠償法於軍事機關之運作,從公務員執行職務行使公權力致生損害之國家賠償責任(即人的責任)與公有公共設施設置或管理欠缺致生損害之國家賠償責任(即物的責任)之兩大主軸討論,並比較日本裁判所之判決與我國對類似案件相關爭點判斷之異同,據以建構軍事機關國家賠償責任之類型,減少可能發生國家賠償責任之爭議。 全文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,說明本研究之動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究架構與方法。第二章為國家賠償制度概述,就國家賠償責任之定義及類型、適用之限制、國家賠償責任制度之發展過程、國家賠償責任之理論、公務員責任與國家賠償責任之關係予以討論,藉以確立國家賠償責任認定之法理基礎;並探討日本國家賠償責任成立之案件與我國國賠法制之異同處,藉以參酌我國同類案件之分析與比較。第三章研析闡述特別權力關係之起源、內涵、變遷等,探討公務員、學生、受刑人、軍人在此關係下基本權利之限制與保護。第四章為軍事機關與國家賠償之分析,以第二章國家賠償制度之法理為基礎,彙整相關法令規範,配合相關之法院國家賠償案例,檢討軍事機關公權力行為致生國賠責任之法理與探討軍事設施設置、軍事設施管理造成人民財產之侵害與救濟賠償之認定,並分析軍人撫卹與國家賠償競合之問題。第五章為結論與建議。本章分別就各章之內容總結,具以建立完整之軍事機關國家賠償責任體系,俾提供軍中處理國家賠償案件時之參考;另就研究發現予以歸納評析,並提出建議,例如建立軍事機關公權力行為之行政程序、確實督導軍事設施之設置管理程序,以減少軍中公權力行為之侵權情事,強化其保護照顧義務等等,希冀今後軍事機關對人及對物之管理,能符合依法行政原理之要求。 / This study aims at discussing the State Compensation Law in military authority from two perspectives, including the liability for damages arising from the act of employees of the government acting within the scope of their office (the liability of people), and from a defect in the installation or management of government-owned public facility (the liability of objects). A case study comparison was done between the court of Japan and Taiwan, where the verdicts from both courts were compared so as to construct a pattern for state’s liability in military compensation. We hope that in this way, controversy over state compensation liability could be controlled. The essay is divided into five chapters: the first is introduction, illustrating the motive and purpose, scope and limitation, and structure and method of this study. In chapter two, we will outline the state compensation system, with regard to its definition, classification, applicability, development, theory, and the relationship between the liability of state and public servants, in order to establish a jurisprudential foundation. Then, we will discuss the differences and similarities between the compensation claims in Japan and our country’s State Compensation Law, while analyzing similar cases in Taiwan. The origin, content, changes of special power relation will be examined in chapter three, where the limitation and protection of basic rights of public servants, students, prison inmates, and soldiers are discussed. In chapter four, we will use the jurisprudential foundation stated in chapter two to analyze the military authority and state compensation. By compiling relevant regulations and state compensation claims, we will do a judicial review on the state compensation claims as a result of military authority, the definition of compensation and damages arising from the installation or management of military facility, and the competition between military indemnity and state compensation. Chapter five will be conclusion and suggestion, containing appraisal of each chapter and constructing a system of complete state compensation liability in military authority, as a reference for future claims. In addition, important remarks and suggestion will be provided, such as to establish administrative procedure for military authority and management procedure of military facility. This is to prevent the violation of right from the military, and enhance their obligation to protect and attend, hoping the military could build the rule of law when managing objects and actions of people.

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