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傳統英文閱讀教學與精讀及廣讀教學對於高職低成就生在克漏字測驗上之影響 / The Effects of Traditional, Intensive and Extensive Reading Instruction on Vocational High School Low Achievers in the Performance of Cloze Test楊琇雅, Yang, Hsiu Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可提供教師幫助低成就生增進克漏字作答能力的方法,及對低成就生實行廣讀及精讀活動之參考。 / This study is intended to probe into the effects of traditional, intensive and extensive reading instruction on vocational high school low achievers in the performance of cloze test.
Ninety-five language low achievers of the first grade at a northern vocational high school participated in this study. Their language proficiency was examined by the GEPT Elementary Level. After a three-month reading instruction, a 55-item cloze test was administered to these participants.
The post-test indicated that the experimental groups improved significantly in grammar, vocabulary& phrases, and overall performance when compared with the control group. However, the improvement failed to reach the significant level for these two experimental groups. Besides, students in the experimental groups showed positive attitudes toward the reading activity and expressed willingness to be engaged in the reading activity in the future.
The study could serve as a reference for language teachers in helping low achievers improve their cloze test performance, and provide insights into the feasibility of the extensive and intensive reading activity for low achievers.
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英語科克漏字測驗中的連貫性考題分析:以大學學力測驗與指定科目考試為例 / A Study of the Cohesion Items in the Cloze Tests of SAT and AST鄭翕尹, Cheng,Hsi-ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究大學學力測驗與指定科目考試中,有關「連貫性」 的克漏字試題(包括克漏字和文意選填測驗),藉以一窺台灣高中學生在這方面的表現,並進一步透過試題分析,學生表現,和題目鑑別度等細項,深入討論台灣高中英語教育中,老師和學生在課堂上可以加強的部分。
首先,我們將連貫性這個觀念加以分類和說明,根據修改過後的分類,將大學入學考試試題分為連接,指涉,字彙連貫三種。字彙連貫又可以細分為重複和常連用字兩種。我們就題目出現的頻率來討論,分析後發現,在克漏字測驗和文意選填題目中,考字彙連貫出現頻率最高。就學生答對率表現來看,常連用字試題,通過率最高,而指涉試題,通過率最低。這結果顯示台灣學生在局部連貫性上表現較佳,對於整體連貫性較不熟悉。試題出現在整篇文章的主題句,也會造成答對率較低。另就試題的鑑別度而言,低鑑別度往往和低通過率的試題重疊,表示大多數學生通過率低的題目,往往因為困難而無法鑑別學生能力。 / In this study, we analyzed the multiple-choice rational cloze tests used in the Subject Ability Test (SAT) and Appointment Subject Test (AST) from 2002 to 2004. The item types were mainly analyzed according to the five cohesion types that Halliday and Hasan proposed in their 1976 research. Through these classifications, we gained better knowledge about whether the cohesion types affected the students’ performances. Furthermore, we also investigated the possible reasons.
First of all, we refined the cohesion types proposed by Halliday and Hasan proposed in their 1976 research. In our study, the cohesion types we looked were conjunction, reference, and lexical cohesion. We wanted to find how the cohesive types were tested in the tests. From the analysis of cloze tests and the WYXT tests, the result we got was that lexical cohesion was tested more often than other cohesive categories.
For the passing rate of SAT and AST, we found that the collocation test items were the easiest while the reference test items were the most difficult. According to Bachman (1982, 1985), Test items in Type 2 and 3 (repetition, conjunction, and reference) do have lower passing rates. This means students have difficulties in global cohesion. Furthermore, students had more difficulties in answering the test items located in the first or last sentence, which are usually associated with main ideas of the paragraph – a global concept. Therefore, the locations of the test items also had an influence on the passing rate.
Lastly, for the discrimination index, those test items with low D value always co-occurred with low passing rate test items, meaning that difficult items fail to discriminate between different proficiency levels.
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英文聽力字彙與聽寫練習題輔助出題系統之研究 / Computer-Assisted Item Generation for Listening Cloze and Dictation Practice in English黃上銘, Huang, Shang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
以Web為基礎的語言測驗(Web-based language test)目前多為靜態網頁或是互動性低的動態網頁,如何提昇測驗系統的互動性,仍有待探討。目前已有學者利用自然語言處理技術來自動產生試題,並分析學生的作答錯誤。然而,相關研究仍多著重於字彙測驗與文法評量上。本研究針對聽力測驗,發展一套線上練習系統,並運用自然語言處理技術來自動產生聽力選擇題,以及分析學生的聽寫錯誤。我們分析語料庫中的詞彙,將發音相近的單字歸為一類,系統要產生聽力選擇題時,即從單字所屬的群組中,隨機挑選其他發音相近的單字當作誘答選項。而在分析聽寫錯誤方面,我們從語尾變化、拼字、拼音三種層次來分析學生的作答;系統批改完後,會按照學生的錯誤類型,提供不同種類的練習。本練習系統共有聽寫測驗、單字聽力選擇題、單字組聽力選擇題三種題型。系統可以輔助教師大量地編製試題與測驗,並輔助批改學生的作答。學生則可透過網路來接受測驗,並針對自己的弱點單字來作練習。 / Most Web-based language tests are presently static pages or dynamic pages with low interactivity. How to enhance the interactivity of the test systems is still under development. Today some researchers have utilized natural language processing techniques for automatic item generation and intelligent error analysis of students’ answers. However, most known research works put more emphases on vocabulary tests and grammar correction. In this paper, we propose a Web-based practice system for English dictation and listening cloze. We use natural language processing techniques to automatically generate multiple-choice item and analyze students’ dictation errors. First, we analyze the words in the corpus and group them based on the similarity of the phones. When the system generates multiple-choice items, it will search the matched cluster and randomly pick other words with similar phones. Second, we analyze students’ dictation from three aspects: inflected form, spelling errors and phoneme structures. After analyzing students’ answers, the system will provide different practice items according to the error types. Our practice system has three item types: one for dictation and two for multiple-choice listening cloze. The system can assist teachers in authoring items and grading the test results. Students can take the test through the Internet and practice on their weak words.
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以克漏字測驗為本探討EFL學生閱讀策略與語言能力之相關性 / On cloze tests: probing reading strategies and language proficiency of EFL students郭鴻淇, Kuo, Frank Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職生於作答理性選擇型克漏字測驗(mu1tiple-choice rational cloze)時,所運用閱讀策略程度與其作答表現之關係,以及藉由改善閱讀策略知識與運用而提昇其克漏字測驗作答表現之可行性。
克漏字測驗發展半世紀以來,對於是否能做為閱讀理解的適當測驗工具以及改善閱讀理解的教學技巧,國內外文獻迭有正反兩方論辯,贊成者稱克漏字可測出句間文意整體理解(intersentential sensitivity),反對者謂只能測出句內的局部句法理解(syntactic informaton)。
近年來認知策略(cognitive strategies)與後設認知策略(metacognitive strategieS)成為閱讀相關研究重要課題,閱讀策略改善訓練(Strategic reading intevention)被認為可提升學生之閱讀理解,本研究著眼於觀察高職生接受閱讀策略改善訓練後,可否藉由克漏字表現提昇彰顯其閱讀理解之提昇,亦進而驗證理性選擇型克漏字測驗可以做為閱讀理解的適當工具。
本研究採用學者巴克曼(L.F.Bachman)論點,將克漏字題型由四類分為局部理解試題(local items)及整體理解試題(global items)兩大類型,認為克漏字測驗可做為閱讀理解的適當測驗工具,並假設可以經由改善受測者後設認知閱讀策略的知識與技巧,提昇其克漏字測驗作答表現。並且運用推論策略(Drawing Inferences)以及戴維(B.Davey)所提出之「五步驟教師出聲思考模仿法」(Five-step Teacher's Think-aloud Modeling)訓練高職生綜合運用認知策略及後設認知閱讀策略的能力,並且加強其利用文章凝結結構的推論策略(Inferencing),以加強其採用由上而下(Top-down Model)的閱讀模式,建立較佳之整體文意理解。
受試者為中壢高級商業職業學校高三學生,測驗工具取自大學聯考(民國八十二至九十年)以及大學推甄學科能力測驗(民國八十三至九十年)英文科試題之克漏字測驗及閱讀測驗,混合編製而成,並根據局部理解(local items)及整體理解(global items)將試題分類,實驗組於前測後施以兩個月之閱讀策略訓練,提昇其綜合運用認知與後設認知閱讀策略的知識及能力,期滿實施後測,觀察其在克漏字及閱讀測驗作答之表現是否提昇。並且於後測隨機抽樣學生實施口頭訪談,以了解其閱讀行為是否產生改變。
本研究結論發現:若經過適當設計,克漏字測驗可以做為適當的閱讀理解測驗工具,也可以做為提昇閱讀理解的教學技巧,改善高職學生後設認知閱讀策略的知識及運用技巧。 / The purpose of this study is to probe the correlation between the vocational high school students' strategy use and their performance of Multiple-choice rational doze test, and the feasibility of improving their doze performance through a strategic reading training program.
The Cloze test, taking on various forms, has caused intense debates in the past decades on whether it can serve as a proper measurement tool of reading comprehension and a teaching skill of improving reading comprehension. Some scholars agree that doze tests can tap intersentential sensitivity------global comprehension of the text, while others contend that it can only measure intrasentential sensitivity------local comprehension such as vocabulary and syntactic information.
This study adopts Bachman's argument that doze tests can tap readingcomprehension and brings out the hypothesis that students can improve their cloze test performance through the strategic reading training.
A training program is run on vocational high school subjects using the strategy drawing inferences and Davey's Teacher's Think-alouds Modeling approach. The Experiment group receives the strategic reading training that lasts two months after the pre-test. After the program ends, the post-test is taken to examine the performance differences. An oral interview is done to nine subjects randomly selected from the Experiment group to observe to what extent the subjects have changed their reading behavior.
The results show that the subjects depend heavily on lower-level reading strategies in taking cloze tests, and the strategic training program can help enhance the Experiment group's reading comprehension and in turn improve their doze performance.
In addition, the results confirm that the doze performance correlates positively with the reading comprehension performance.
The major findings are that doze tests can serve as a proper measurement tool of reading comprehension and as a teaching skill of improving reading comprehension and that strategic reading training helps improve vocational high school students' cloze performance.
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