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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

調節焦點理論、消費罪惡感與內外控人格特質於綠色行銷之應用─以個人道德標準為調節變數 / The applications of regulatory focus theory, consumer guilt, locus of control as a means for promoting the green marketing

楊佑鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以調節焦點理論為基礎,企圖於綠色風潮盛行的環保社會中,將此理論應用於綠色廣告中,旨在探討消費者之目標導向與廣告中綠色產品所傳達的利益訴求訊息間一致匹配與否,是否也如此理論應用於一般產品廣告中,將使消費者對廣告中產品的評價產生影響,並且也探討消費者預期性消費罪惡感喚起程度及人格特質的不同,是否也會影響消費者對綠色產品的評價,最後以個人道德標準為衡量指標,探討其高低程度是否會使消費者的目標導向與廣告利益訴求訊息匹配時,較不匹配時所產生較好的產品評價受到影響。   本研究採用實驗法,為一次性實驗,實驗中共分為八個情境之問卷,即2(受測者的預期性消費罪惡感:有、無)X2(受測者的兩種目標導向:促進焦點導向、預防焦點導向)X2(廣告所傳遞的兩種產品利益:促進焦點利益訴求、預防焦點利益訴求)。   結果發現調節焦點理論所強調的消費者目標導向與廣告訊息利益匹配時,會較不匹配時對該廣告產品產生較好評價的概念,於綠色廣告的溝通應用中,也能發揮同樣的效果。在消費者預期性消費罪惡感喚醒程度與個人人格特質方面,首先在預期性消費罪惡感的部分,相較無預期性消費罪惡感喚醒的情況,消費者於預期性消費罪惡感喚醒時,能產生較佳的品牌態度;其次在個人人格特質方面,相較消費者為外控人格特質的情況,消費者屬於內控人格特質時,能產生較佳的品牌態度;最後在個人道德標準程度對調節焦點匹配與否所帶來影響的部分,廣告訊息所傳達的利益與消費者調節焦點導向匹配時,其品牌態度及購買意願優於不匹配時的差異程度,於消費者具高個人道德標準的情況較低個人道德標準的情況更大。

成年初顯期的個體,完美主義、內外控人格特質和猶豫型未定向與錯誤觀念的關係: 認同探索的中介效果 / The relationship of perfectionism and locus of control to indecisiveness and career myths in emerging adulthood:the mediating effect of identity exploration

蕭立婕 Unknown Date (has links)
職涯發展是每個人生命歷程中重要的議題,且進入職場為個體轉換為成人的關鍵指標。然而,隨著教育程度以及結婚年齡的提升,個體進入成人角色的時間延後,且探索自我的時間延長,反而使得一部份的個體淪為茫然摸索,而對於自己的職涯定位和方向不知所措。本研究試圖瞭解「人格特質」(即完美主義和內外控人格特質)和「職涯決策困難的原因」(即猶豫型未定向和錯誤觀念)之間的關係,並且進一步了解個體的「認同探索方式」在上述關係中所扮演的角色。 研究以問卷法進行,主要施測對象為國內大專院校之大學部和研究所在學學生,共計479人。研究結果顯示,人格特質中較為負面傾向的面向,如完美主義的「差距」向度和內外控特質之「外控」傾向,兩者和反芻性探索以及猶豫型未定向或錯誤觀念之間存在著正向的關係。此外,上述的關係之間存在著「反芻性探索」的中介效果。由此可知,除了先天的個人特質之外,探索方式亦攸關個體能否定向。因此,對於難以定向的個體,如何嘗試打破其負面且持續的探索迴圈,進而導正至較為正向之廣度和深度探索的類型,實為預防教育或是治療方案之努力方向。 值得注意的是,研究亦發現在各年級的受試者中,皆存在有一部份的「焦慮性認同未定」者,可能是由於人格或情緒相關因子的影響,使其無法當機立斷的做出決定。對於這群個體,給予充足的就業資訊並無法實際滿足其需求,惟有提供專業的諮商輔導及協助才可能解決其核心問題,協助其克服認知或情緒方面的困擾,進而為自己的職涯方向做出決策。


張麗美, Chang, Li-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 成功的人力資源管理策略,方能有效提昇組織效能,而組織能否「得才」,為組織效力,更是影響組織成功與否之關鍵。組織投注大量資源培育人才,冀望成員對組織忠誠及有所貢獻,是以個人與組織的適配性,對組織及個人生涯發展而言,具有密不可分之重要性。 人力晉用與教育訓練功能整合,對於「警政再造方案」具關鍵性影響力,本研究以臺灣警察專科學校專科警員班第23期正期組行政警察科,及93年基層行政警察特考班學生為研究對象,探討學生人格特質、工作價值觀與組織認同之相關性,透過問卷調查蒐集資料,取得有效樣本937份,利用獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、卡方檢定、皮爾森相關係數及迴歸分析等統計方法,分析結果發現: 一、在人格特質方面:55%學生人格特質較多傾向於內控型。 二、工作價值觀及組織認同之知覺情形 (一)社會地位:53%覺得警察工作是受社會大眾尊重,有良好的聲譽與地位。 (二)利他:79%認為警察工作是深具利他價值的,可以服務人群,伸張正義、濟弱扶傾,可為社會做些有意義的事, (三)安全:79%對於警察工作的安全性深感擔心,顯示學生個人及家人對於其從事警察工作之身體安全均感到擔憂。 (四)休閒:僅有46%覺得從事警察工作可以有自己的假期,安排休閒活動與陪伴家人,可見警察工作之休閒價值普遍偏低。 (五)自我實現:62%覺得從事警察工作得以發揮自我的能力與抱負。 (六)經濟:78%覺得警察工作的待遇,符合其經濟需求,對於警察工作的薪資待遇,普遍感到滿意。 (七)升遷:約有69%滿足於警(隊)員的職務,顯示出「升遷」對將近七成的學生之工作價值觀而言,並非首要追求目標。 (八)組織認同:70%對警察組織感到認同。 經統計77%以上學生表示服務期滿仍願留任警職;畢業分發意願以專業警 察單位最高佔33.1%,其次為警察局或分局的內勤單位佔30.3%。 三、各項檢定結果分析 (一)在人格特質方面:僅「有無親屬任職警界」在人格特質上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (二)在工作價值觀方面:「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「入校前教育程度」、「有無親屬任職警界」及「任職警界親屬人數」之不同,在工作價值觀上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (三)在組織認同方面:「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「有無親屬任職警界」,在組織認同程度上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (四)對於各變項之相關分析,「人格特質」及「工作價值觀」與「組織認同」均有顯著相關,人格特質與工作價值觀,亦有顯著相關。 (五)學生服務期滿後之留任意願與個人基本屬性之「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「入校前的教育程度」、「親屬任職警界」、「父親職業」,有關聯性存在。 (六)學生分發意願與個人基本屬性之「性別」、「役別」、「親屬任職警界人數」、「父親職業」,有關聯性存在。 四、組織認同的預測力 對於整體學生、正期組學生、基層特考班、男性學生而言,均以「自我實現」預測力最佳,「利他」及「社會地位」次之,對女性學生則以「利他」預測力最佳,「社會地位」次之。 關鍵詞:臺灣警察專科學校、專科警員班正期組、基層特考班、 內外控人格特質、工作價值觀、組織認同。 / Abstract A successful management strategy of human resource can usually result in a great increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. But more often than not, the key factor that directly leads to its success is whether the organization can gain the necessary “brain”. Thus, the good fitness between the organization and its members, are vital to the development of the organization and its members’ careers. Recruit the manpower and the integration between the function of education and training are influentially important to police reform program. This study that bases on 937 valid samples from the survey of the 23rd phase Junior Police Officer of Administration Police Department of Taiwan Police College and 2004 Junior Special Examination for Police Officer are aiming to discuss the relativity of personalities, work values and Organizational Commitment. Through t-test, One Way ANOVA, Chi Square, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Regression Analysis, etc. the results of this study are as follows: 1. Personalities:55% of the samples are internal control. 2. Work values and Organizational Commitment a. Social status:53% of the students think policeman is publicly respected and reputable b. Altruism:79% think that they are altruism, Being a policeman could serve people, righteous and is meaningful to the society. c. Safety:79% feel insecure about the safety of being a policeman, which shows the surveyed students and their families are all worried about the safety of being a policeman. d. Recreation:Only 46% think policemen can have their own vacation, recreational activities and time with their family, which shows the value for leisure of policemen is low. e. Self-fulfillment:62% think being a policeman can achieve their goals in life. f. Financial need:78% think what they earn can afford what they need. They show average satisfaction for their salary. g. Promotion chance:69% feel contented to be a policeman. Getting promoted is not a main pursuit in their work value. h. Organizational Commitment:70% identify with the police organization. In the survey, more than 77% are willing to continue their job after they have finished their compulsory term. According to the intention of dispatch program after graduation, the professional police units is account for 33.1 %,the rate of regular office units of police bureau or station is 30.3%。 3. The test results: a. Personality: Only “whether or not relatives work for the police” makes an obvious difference. b. Work values: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Student”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “the number of relatives who work for the police” cause differences in this aspect. c. Organizational Commitment: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, and “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “How many relatives works for the police” cause differences in this aspect. d. To analyze the correlation among different variables, we find that personalities, work values, and Organizational Commitment are significantly different at α=.05 level. so are the personalities and work values. e. The willingness to continue their job after tenure is over is relative to “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “their father’s occupation” f. The desired work is relative to class”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “the number of relatives who work for the police” and “their father’s occupation” 4. Predictability of Organizational Commitment To either all the tested students, Junior College Classes, Junior Special Examination for Police Officer, or male students, the predictability of self-fulfillment works best. Next come altruism and social status. The predictability of altruism works best to female students and then the social status.

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