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創意中介回應制約限制:以聯合報太陽劇團巡演為例 / Creative brokering:how golden media respond to local constraints蔣能旺, Chiang, Neng Wang Unknown Date (has links)
創新不僅止於發明的程序。形塑的過程中,創新者必須嘗試與不同的社會成員互動,以取得必要的發展資源,支應創新的成型(Rogers, 2006)。但各類社會制約的限制,往往影響創新的成型(Scott, 2001)。因此,了解如何在制約劣勢之下發展創新,尤甚重要。過往研究發現,創新者面對制約,傳統問題解決(problem-solving)的思維不易奏效。這是因為,制約根深蒂固於情境(context),難以預防,創新者往往難以個體之力排除(Dougherty, 2008)。反之,創新者必須在限制情境下發展作為,以創意回應制約阻力(oliver, 1991; Suchman, 1995; 陳蕙芬, 2010)。
然而,過往創新理論在分析回應作為時,中介者的角色是較少著墨之處。但本研究主張,中介者(broker)在社會中扮演網絡資源嫁接者角色(Burt, 1992)。因此,面對制約限制時,中介者可透過與外部網絡互動,建立妥適的合作關係,而得以「借力使力」,調適回應情境中制約。例如文創系統中的活動商、經紀商、策展人等,常扮演專案過程中資源整合角色,與不同網路群體互動,以取得必要的資源支持專案發展。因此,本研究嘗試以中介者為研究主體,了解中介者如何在制約之下中介資源,並且創意地回應制約,進而發展出「創意中介」的概念,
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策展創新:借力使力以創意回應情境制約 / Creation behind curation: creative response to constraints through brokerage何冠廷, Ho, Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇國內某知名媒體集團A公司旗下的B集團為個案公司,B集團深耕活動事業多年,媒體背景為其建立廣博的社會網絡,使其在仲介各方資源時更加順利,因而發展出與眾不同的創意回應。本論文的研究問題為:「企業在面臨制約的情況下,如何仲介資源以回應制約?」本研究以個案公司在2009年底至2010年初所舉辦的梵谷畫展作為研究個案,深入企業以訪談法蒐集資料,採用詮釋型的質性研究方法,分析策展人如何仲介各方資源,借力使力地回應情境制約,使展覽順利舉辦。最後,本研究從策展人回應制約的仲介歷程中,歸納出三種創意回應的設計原則。本研究於學理上的貢獻有二:首先,本研究呈現創新者在制約之下的仲介歷程,補強過去研究較少著墨之處,進而豐富仲介理論的內涵;其次,本研究將創新者透過仲介作為回應制約的過程,作為一種創意回應的形式,進而豐富了創意回應的理論意涵。 / When innovation is regarded as resources combination rather than novel invention, recombination therefore becomes the origin of innovation. One school demonstrated the concept of 『Bricolage』, which transfers existed resources into new values, however, it would be limited if resources are insufficient. The other school referred to 『Brokerage』, which brokers the resources outside the organization and creates new combinations through diversified resources. Nevertheless, most of relative researches focus on the process of recombination, which led to disregarding the constraints met by enterprises.
Unlike normal barriers or challenges, constraints in the context are hard to removed for enterprise with insufficient resources. Due to the pervasive effectiveness of constraints, the problem-solving concept may not work well when it is applied to this issue. That is to say, how enterprises innovate under constraints is the issue neglected by past researches. Hence, this research mainly focuses on how innovator brokers diversified resources to respond to constraints creatively. Then we find that a type of brokerage named 『leverage through brokerage』. By this type of brokerage, innovators could respond to the effectiveness of constraints, and create new values through the recombination of existing resources.
This research chooses B group, which belongs to a leading media company in Taiwan, as our research case. Rather than ineffective problem-solving ability of enterprise, this research cuts to the point from the effects to innovators in such constraints. B group has devoted into curation industry for many years, it tends to be easier to broker resources from different stakeholders and develop unique creativity since its media background and wide social networks. This research explains: When an enterprise confronts constraints, how does it broker resources to respond such constraints? This research chose 『Van Gogh exhibition』 held from 2009 to 2010 as a case study, adopting deeper research by interviews and using interpretation as qualitative research method, trying to analyze how curator broker resources from different stakeholders and leverage them to respond constraints. Finally, this research generalizes three creative responses as design principles from the curator's responding process to the constraints.
The findings of this research demonstrate two academic contributions: (1) Different from past research, this case focuses more on the process of the brokerage when an enterprise try to innovate under constraints, therefore enriches the Brokerage theory. (2) This case concludes the process of curator's responding to constraints through brokerage as a way of creative response, hence complements the creative response theory.
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