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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

多巴胺的神經行為功能-探討內側前額葉皮質處多巴胺在壓力下的角色 / The neurobehavioral functions of dopamine - focusing on the role of medial prefrontal cortex under stress

沈映伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為能瞭解多巴胺在壓力源引發個體古典制約行為學習中的參與角色,採用一個與多巴胺相關的場地制約偏好行為作為研究工具,並利用一較溫和的禁錮壓力源作為非制約刺激與場地環境制約刺激進行配對制約。本研究假設內側前額葉皮質處的多巴胺參與在此壓力源引發場地制約行為學習中。實驗一針對單次禁錮壓力源的非制約刺激效果進行檢驗,分別檢測壓力源對個體的生理、情緒或是行為活動量的影響。實驗二利用「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」等兩種制約方式來進行單次禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為作業,並分別於制約程序的不同時間點施予多巴胺專屬受器拮抗劑,檢驗多巴胺在制約行為學習作業中的參與。實驗三在「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」兩種制約程序中的不同時間點,施予局部麻醉藥物二丁卡因暫時抑制內側前額葉皮質活動,以檢驗該區塊在單次禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為下的參與角色。實驗四為了解內側前額葉皮質處多巴胺在單次禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為中的角色,在「同時制約」程序的不同時間點施打多巴胺專屬受器拮抗劑至內側前額葉皮質區。 實驗結果發現:本研究所使用的單次30分鐘禁錮壓力源,確實可以引發實驗動物體內的壓力賀爾蒙糖皮質素大量增加、提高焦慮情緒或是降低自發性行為活動量。單次禁錮壓力源在「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」等兩種制約程序下,都能建立場地制約偏好行為。在禁錮壓力源操弄「之前」或「之後」,周邊施打多巴胺D1或是D2專屬受器拮抗劑,在「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」兩種制約程序中都會減抑禁錮壓力源建立場地制約偏好行為的效果。在「倒序制約」方式中,在「實驗動物接受完30分鐘壓力源操弄後被置入制約箱之前」才給予多巴胺拮抗劑,也會破壞後續的配對制約形成。在中樞內側前額葉皮質部分,在「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」兩種制約程序中,二丁卡因在壓力源與環境刺激配對「之前」給予才會抑制禁錮壓力源建立場地制約偏好行為的效果。在壓力源與環境刺激配對「之後」才抑制該處神經活動則不影響壓力源建立制約行為的效果。中樞內側前額葉皮質施予多巴胺D1或是D2專屬受器拮抗劑,也得到前述相同實驗結果。 本研究的實驗結果證明單次禁錮壓力源確實可以建立場地制約,為另類的古典制約行為。壓力源的操弄可引發多巴胺釋放量增加,及內側前額葉皮質處的多巴胺確實參與了此禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為。總結本研究結果顯示內側前額葉皮質處多巴胺在壓力下會對制約行為學習造成影響,並冀望此結果可以擴展對於內側前額葉皮質功能失能與心智疾患間關係的瞭解。在演化上,壓力對於人類或是其他族群的生存有其必要性。動物對於其環境中的危險或是威脅事件必須進行行為學習或因應,才能避免生命的損失。 / To investigate the role of dopamine in stressor involved in classical conditioning, the present study used a dopamine-related task, conditioned place preference (CPP), as behavioral measurement. The mild restraint stressor was used and presumed to serve as the unconditioned stimulus to be paired with the contextual conditioned stimulus. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) was hypothesized to be involved in this type of stressor induced place conditioning. Experiment 1 examined the effects of restraint stressor on physiological, emotional or locomotor tests. Experiment 2 investigated the involvement of dopamine in the stressor induced CPP, which conditioning procedures were manipulated by either simultaneous or backward form. The selective dopamine receptor antagonists were systemically administered in different time points during the conditioning procedures. Experiment 3 took lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to induce temporal deactivation of the mPFC. Lidocaine was infused in the mPFC at various time points, in either simultaneous or backward conditioning, to evaluate the involvement of the mPFC in stressor induced place conditioning. To further investigate the effects of dopamine receptors in the mPFC in the present type of CPP, the selective dopamine receptor antagonists were locally infused into the mPFC in simulutaneous conditioning procedure in Experiment 4. The results showed that the manipulation of acute 30 min. restraint stressor increased the corticosterone, anxiety, but reduced the locomotor activities in rats. Consitent with previous work, this acute restraint stressor treatment given in either simultaneous or backward conditioning form significantly induced CPP. Systemic injection of dopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonist given “before” or “after” the manipulation of restraint stressor, in either simultaneous or backward conditioning, attenuated the formation of stressor induced CPP. When these drugs were infused “right after the stressor manipulation and before the commencement of place conditioning” in the backward conditioning, the induction of CPP was also impaired. The attenuation of stressor formed place conditioning was showed when lidocaine was infused in the mPFC “before”, but not “after” the manipulation of restraint stressor. Such an attenuation effect was also seen when the selective D1 or D2 dopamine antagonist was infused in the mPFC. The present study showed restraint stressor induced place conditioning as a novel type of classical conditioning. Consistent with the evidence showing that the manipulation of this stressor increases the release of dopamine, this study further verifed that the dopamine in the mPFC is involved in this restraint stressor induced CPP.

華語焦點變調 / Mandarin Focal Tone Sandhi

石書豪, Shih, Shu-hao Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討華語焦點變調,並以青年語者為主。本文分別檢驗三種不同的句型,第一類為焦點助動詞和焦點副詞,第二類為平坦結構,第三類則是其它類型的句子。在優選理論的架構下,本文分別提出韻律制約和聲調制約來詮釋華語的焦點變調。筆者透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來說明焦點韻律結構的劃分是多個次語法的運作結果。焦點韻律結構的劃分有兩種,主要由(ALIGN-L(F, FP), ALIGN-L(FP, Ft))和(ALIGN-R(F, FP), ALIGN-R(FP, Ft))這兩組可移動的對整制約來決定,當它們在制約排序中移動到不同的位置時會形成不同的韻律結構劃分。本研究發現焦點詞組等同於語調詞組,因此提出另一個對整制約ALIGN-E(FP, IP)來解釋。排序最高的韻律制約則是[FTMIN & NON-FINALITY],目的在於避免單音節音步出現在句末。至於聲調制約,筆者採用IDENT-BOT來處理三音節音步的變調結果。此外,焦點韻律結構的劃分會造成兩個相鄰的上聲出現在不同的音步之中,OCP-L(ft)可以確保此形式的保留。簡言之,本文藉由優選理論的觀點,以及韻律制約和聲調制約的互動,對華語焦點變調提出了一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines Mandarin focal tone sandhi among Taiwan youngsters. Three types of sentences are under investigation: Type A includes the focused auxiliary verbs and adverbs in a simple sentence, Type B the flat structure, and Type C the other types of structures. Under the framework of Optimality Theory, this thesis proposes prosodic constraints and tonal constraints to account for Mandarin focal tone sandhi. This thesis adopts Cophonology Theory to explain the subgrammars of focal phrasings. There are two types of focal phrasing patterns governed by the reranking of two sets of alignment constraints (ALIGN-L(F, FP), ALIGN-L(FP, Ft)) and (ALIGN-R(F, FP), ALIGN-R(FP, Ft)). The focal phrase pertains to a special kind of intonational phrase. This thesis proposes ALIGN-E(FP, IP) to explain this condition. The undominated constraint, [FTMIN & NON-FINALITY], is proposed to ban a monosyllabic foot in sentence-final positions. IDENT-BOT is adopted to deal with the tri-tonal strings such as (σ(σσ)) and ((σσ)σ) in non-focal and focal readings. In addition, focal phrasing may force adjacent L tones to appear in different feet. OCP-L(ft) is proposed to explain this situation. To conclude, based on the constraint-based theory, and the interaction of prosodic constraints and tonal constraints, this thesis has provided a theoretical generalization of Mandarin focal tone sandhi.

通路作為:回應環境制約的創新實務 / Retailor's innovative reaction to instituation constrain

朱秉宏 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 創新如果只能由那些擁有大量資源、或組織寬裕的企業來執行,那麼社會上應該就只有大企業的創新,但現今的世界裡,我們卻常能看見中小企業也能夠進行創新,甚至愈在資源有限、外界環境限制愈多的狀況下,中小型企業常會存在令人意想不到的策略性回應與創新作為。創新對於大組織而言,是為了能夠讓組織繼續成長的一大動力,但是對於中小型企業而言,在面對資源有限、龐大的環境制約下,創新可能是中小型企業不得不為的作法,此時只有巧妙運用手頭上所有資源,來回應環境的制約才能繼續存活下去,而這也是我們能夠看見中小企業還能在資源有限的狀況下繼續創新的一大原因。 雖有學者提出,組織在面對外界環境制約時應如何採取行動的討論(Oliver;1999),學者提出來策略性回應(strategic response)的種種作為,但從這些策略性回應的可能作為中,卻忽略了組織是如何運用在地化的實務知識的觀點。因此在這樣的動機趨動下,本研究針對一個國際消費品公司的經銷商,鎖定其業務團隊,進行為期二個月的行動研究,我們研究這個業務團隊在面對環境制約是如何具體行動,且如何運用因實務而來的在地化知識,進而改善每日的工作實務,設計出能夠突破外界種種環境制約的具體行動。

創意中介回應制約限制:以聯合報太陽劇團巡演為例 / Creative brokering:how golden media respond to local constraints

蔣能旺, Chiang, Neng Wang Unknown Date (has links)
創新不僅止於發明的程序。形塑的過程中,創新者必須嘗試與不同的社會成員互動,以取得必要的發展資源,支應創新的成型(Rogers, 2006)。但各類社會制約的限制,往往影響創新的成型(Scott, 2001)。因此,了解如何在制約劣勢之下發展創新,尤甚重要。過往研究發現,創新者面對制約,傳統問題解決(problem-solving)的思維不易奏效。這是因為,制約根深蒂固於情境(context),難以預防,創新者往往難以個體之力排除(Dougherty, 2008)。反之,創新者必須在限制情境下發展作為,以創意回應制約阻力(oliver, 1991; Suchman, 1995; 陳蕙芬, 2010)。 然而,過往創新理論在分析回應作為時,中介者的角色是較少著墨之處。但本研究主張,中介者(broker)在社會中扮演網絡資源嫁接者角色(Burt, 1992)。因此,面對制約限制時,中介者可透過與外部網絡互動,建立妥適的合作關係,而得以「借力使力」,調適回應情境中制約。例如文創系統中的活動商、經紀商、策展人等,常扮演專案過程中資源整合角色,與不同網路群體互動,以取得必要的資源支持專案發展。因此,本研究嘗試以中介者為研究主體,了解中介者如何在制約之下中介資源,並且創意地回應制約,進而發展出「創意中介」的概念, 本研究以個案公司金傳媒,所舉辦的太陽劇團歡躍之旅在台巡演為研究個案,深入其策略行動。以訪談法蒐集資料,採用詮釋型的質性研究方法,分析活動人如何定義專案制約,與了解借力使力地回應制約限制之思考。依其中介歷程,本研究歸納出三種創意中介的手法原則。於學理上的貢獻有二:首先,本研究呈現制約在的中介歷程的影響,補強過去研究較少著墨之處,進而豐富中介理論的內涵;其次,本研究整理中介回應制約的手法,作為創意回應的角度,進而豐富了制約回應的理論意涵。

越南在中美南海議題上的策略:結構制約下的避險分析 / Vietnam's strategy on South China Sea Dispute: Hedging Analysis under Structural Realism approach

劉安恬 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,南海議題再度興起,越南與中美兩方的互動關係越來越密切。 本文透過研究越南在軍事、安全、法律及政治四個面向的發展情形,探究越南在南海議題上的對外策略。從越中與越美的互動進程中,發現越南在南海議題上的策略作為仍受到體系結構的制約,唯有透過結構制約下的避險策略運用, 越南才能在爭端中取得立足點,追求國家安全的最大化。

從優選理論分析台灣閩南語的重疊構詞 / An OT Approach to Reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min

許淨涵, Hsu, Ching Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論為框架探討閩南語三字組及四字組重疊構詞,三字組及四字組重疊構詞可分成完全重疊與部分重疊,重疊詞要緊鄰其對應詞基越好,此外,對於四字組部分重疊構詞有對整方向不一致的體現,筆者認為不同的制約排序會產生不同的重疊規則,並採用音韻共存理論(Cophonology Theory)來解釋閩南語多元的重疊構詞策略是由多個次語法運作的結果。在三字組重疊構詞,根據句法結構判斷主重音的位置,主重音的分佈影響重疊的規則,但有語意強調某成份時,主重音會轉移且會使原成份之本調喪失變成輕聲,有主重音的音節才可進行重疊構詞,同時,重疊詞要越緊鄰其對應詞基。在四字組完全重疊構詞,語義的強調與弱化影響詞基音節以及音步的重疊運作,音節與音步制約層級不同可解釋不同的重疊規則;在四字組部分重疊構詞,不同於過去研究以單一方向對整制約論證,筆者提出雙向的對整制約來解釋四字組部分重疊構詞。簡言之,本篇論文藉由優選理論的觀點,首度就閩南語重疊構詞提出一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines the derivation of the reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min under the framework of Optimality Theory. Reduplication can be divided into two categories. One is trisyllabic reduplication and the other is quadrisyllabic reduplication. Besides, each type of the trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic reduplication has both partial and full reduplication. This thesis adopts Cophonology Theory to account for the subgrammar of the divergent reduplications. Based on Locality Generalization, the reduplicant should be adjacent to its corresponding base. In trisyllabic reduplication, from the perspective of syntactic relation, stress affects the derivation of the reduplication. The primary stressed syllable is the only syllable which can be reduplicated. This thesis proposes constraint *RED(W) to require this condition. In quadrisyllabic reduplication, given the base is disyllable AB, semantic weakness and stress closely relate to the full reduplication AABB and ABAB. The different ranking of the Adjacency-BR-by-syllable and Adjacency-BR-by-foot explains the full reduplication. In quadrisyllabic partial reduplication, this thesis proposes the different edges alignment constraint Align(RED, R; Rightmost Monosyllabic Morpheme, L) and Align(RED, L; Leftmost Monosyllabic Morpheme, R) to explain ABAC and ACBC, respectively. In summary, based on the constraint-based theory, and the interaction of Nonhead stress, Focal stress, *RED(W), alignment, anchoring, adjacency, and contiguity constraint, this thesis has given a general explanation of the reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min.

以優選理論分析梅縣與曼谷客語變調 / Meixian and Bangkok Hakka Tone Sandhi: An Optimality Theory Analysis

李平周, Johnny Unknown Date (has links)
在前人的研究中,已透過音韻規則的角度分析梅縣客語 (Meixian Hakka) 和曼谷客語 (Bangkok Hakka), 但仍有部分疑問未獲得合理解釋。諸如:部分聲調不會受變調規則(Tone sandhi)的影響、變調的觸發條件以及本調 (Citation tone) 和變調間結構上的關係等。 有鑒於此,本研究透過優選理論 (Optimality theory, OT) 重新分析梅縣客語和曼谷客語。 上述兩個方言有兩種變調的方式 : 同化(assimilation)和異化(dissimilation)。在此基礎上,為了更準確的描述變調現象,本研究在分析上主要採用必要性起伏原則 (obligatory contour principle) 和避免起伏原則 (no-jumping principle),並應用聯合制約 (Constraint Conjunction approach) 的概念。採取此分析方式的理由在於分析對象的變調具有相當有標(marked)且受限於中心詞(head)右端音節的聲調。此外,本研究也採用一部分比聲調結構性制約(tonal markedness constraint)更高排序的信實性制約(faithfulness constraint)。這些制約會導致部分聲調或變調結構不受變調規則影響,例如:調域 (register) 和聲調的起點 (initial target) 將保留原始樣貌。 研究結果指出,聲調結構性制約和數個排序最高的聲調信實性制約能更準確地呈現梅縣客語和曼谷客語在變調時,輸入值與輸出值之間的對應關係 (input-output correspondence)。在論文結尾,筆者將綜覽本研究並提出未來可繼續延伸的相關議題。 / The grammar of Meixian and Bangkok Hakka tone sandhi has been analyzed from a rule based approach. Nevertheless, there are some questions and details that could not be solved by the analysis, such as the status of tones that do not undergo sandhi, triggers of the tone sandhi, and the structural relation between citation tones and their sandhi counterparts. Thus, the purpose of this study is to re-analyze the tone sandhi in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka under the constraint based framework, Optimality Theory (OT). There are two mechanisms of tonal alternations in the two dialects’ tone sandhi: assimilation, and dissimilation. So in order to capture the tonal alternations, the current analysis applies the concepts of the Obligatory Contour Principle, and the No-Jumping Principle. The constraints generated according to these principles work well with the application of the Constraint Conjunction approach. The conjoined constraints are needed since the tone alternations are highly marked, and depend a lot on the head/right syllable tone. Furthermore, this thesis also posits several faithfulness constraints that rank higher than the tone sandhi markedness constraint. The high ranked faithfulness constraints govern the preservation of several tones from any alternation, and preservation of some structures of the citation tones when they become sandhi tones (i.e. register and initial target). In conclusion, the positing of tone sandhi markedness constraints and undominated identity constraints presents a better input-output correspondence relation of the tone sandhi phenomena in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka. To conclude the thesis, a brief summary of the study and possible further issues are presented.


吳曼婕 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,消費者在資訊超載環境中,每天所接觸到的廣告量數以萬計,如何造就一支成功的廣告,實為一重要議題,除了在視覺上引起消費者注意外,音樂或是廣告標語更成為廣告訊息中詮釋品牌的主要角色,不僅能再一次提醒消費者該廣告的產品品牌,更重要的是能加強消費者對該品牌的認知。 Yalch(1991)指出有音樂短歌標語較無音樂短歌標語有較高的品牌再認與回憶,然而目前國內對廣告短歌標語之研究仍相當稀少。本研究由消費者之觀點出發,主要探討廣告標語結合音樂旋律有無對品牌權益的影響,並分析在「涉入程度」的干擾作用與「廣告態度」的中介作用下,對上述關係有何影響。 本研究經由前測,選擇大陸「德克士」速食快餐廣告結合「我要我的滋味」廣告標語為標的廣告,進入正式實驗。藉由影片播放,將標的廣告與其他九支廣告隨機安排在三次的廣告時段中。施測於105位政大學生,進行兩組實驗組與控制組正式實驗。 研究結果顯示:一、就廣告短歌有無的主效果而言,有音樂標語的廣告比無音樂標語的廣告更能提高消費者對該品牌的評價。二、廣告態度為廣告音樂標語與品牌權益的中介變項,對於消費者之品牌態度、購買意願有正向關係影響。   整體而言,廣告音樂標語的確會影響消費者對品牌之評價。本研究提供廣告行銷人員未來在採用廣告音樂標語時,可考量的更多因素,以選擇合適的廣告音樂標語加以應用。

次順位債券對銀行資本管理影響之研究 / The effects of subordinated debt on bank capital management

洪再發 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融財務工程演進,透過精密電腦運算,衍生性金融商品不斷推陳出新,提供銀行及投資人避險及投資等多元管道。但是,水能載舟亦能覆舟,次貸風暴的發生,主要原因正是銀行利用衍生性金融商品過度從事槓桿及投機交易,其面臨風險已非區區資本適足率8%所能承受,也因此造成全球銀行的倒閉風暴。 本研究主要藉由了解次順位債券的特色及功能,次順位債券的訂價與評價,以及透過台灣、中國大陸、及美國等三個國家發行次順位債券情形,和各國主管機關與巴塞爾資本協定對次順位債券監理與規範,分析探討銀行發行次順位債券的目的、影響次順位債券發行成本的因素、投資人對於次順位債券的投資行為、以及次順位債券對於銀行資本管理的影響。 研究顯示,銀行的財務結構、信用評等、及資本適足率與發行次順位債券的風險溢酬,呈現顯著的反向關係;逾期放款比率及信用價差與發行次順位債券的風險溢酬,呈現顯著的正向關係。銀行風險承擔能力的良窳決定次順位債券的發行成本,次順位債券風險溢酬的高低,也成為投資人判斷投資標的資訊來源之一。銀行可藉由發行次順位債券提高資本適足率,作為吸引損失準備;銀行信用評等越高、財務結構越健全,發行次順位債券的機率也越高。投資人可藉由銀行信用價差及次順位債券發行利率做為投資判斷的資訊,進而發揮間接的市場制約功能,輔助主管機關的金融監理。 / Several recent studies have recommended greater reliance on subordinated debt (SND) as a tool to discipline bank risk taking. Some of these proposals recommend using sub-debt yield spreads as triggers for supervisory discipline under prompt corrective action (PCA).This yield spread is considered to be a good measure of bank risk, as the holders of SND absorb the first loss in the case of a bank failure. Currently such action is prompted by capital adequacy ratio measures. Evidence from previous research suggests that yield information may be a better predictor of bank problems. This paper empirically analyzes potential costs and benefits of using SND signals to effect bank capital management and consideration should be given to using spreads to complement supervisory discipline. The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive review and evaluation of purpose and potential of SND proposals and to present a regulatory reform proposal that incorporates what we believe are the most desirable characteristics of SND.

麩胺酸對心理興奮劑引發制約性場地偏好行為之探討 / The effects of glutamate on psychostimulant induced conditioned place preference

張雅惠, Chang, Yea-Heuy Unknown Date (has links)
安非他命與古柯鹼皆屬心理興奮性藥物(psychostimulants),在藥理上有很多功能相似的機制,而且兩種藥物濫用成癮的問題一直是臨床及基礎研究所關心的問題。就動物行為模式而言,安非他命與古柯鹼具有影響包括反射性及制約學習性的行為表現的效果。若針對藥物的酬賞性做探討時,制約性場地偏好行為模式的相關研究益發受到重視,本研究實驗一先針對此作業之操弄時間及環境變項做一探討,再研究安非他命與古柯鹼之作用機制。過去的研究發現,週邊注射安非他命或古柯鹼與某環境刺激配對能引發制約性引發場地偏好的傾向,但兩藥的行為現象卻對藥理的操弄呈不一致的結果,隱含兩藥背後的神經機制可能也不同。其中阿控博核是一個值得再驗證的區域。阿控博核被認為是動機系統與運動系統的介面。此部位因其解剖及生化功能的異質性,故實驗二針對其次分區進行中樞藥物注射,於是直接將安非他命(10,15μg)與古柯鹼(50,100μg)分別注射於阿控博核之次級區。結果發現安非他命直接注入阿控博核核區或古柯鹼注入阿控博核殼區可表現顯著的場地偏好效果。基於阿控博核所含有的麩胺酸神經末梢源自內側前額葉皮質,實驗三則發現安非他命或古柯鹼注入內側前額葉皮質可引發制約性場地偏好行為。實驗四將麩胺酸專屬受體抑制劑與安非他命共同注入核區或與古柯鹼共同注入殼區,結果發現不論NMDA或non-NMDA受體抑制劑均減抑了安非他命與古柯鹼注入阿控博核不同區所引發之制約性場地偏好的效果。最後實驗五利用內側前額葉遭破壞的受試,發現古柯鹼注入阿控博核殼區所引發之制約性場地偏好的效果受損,但不影響安非他命注入阿控博核核區所引發之制約性場地偏好的效果。綜觀上述結果顯示安非他命與古柯鹼的酬賞特質所引發行為的神經機制可能不同,腦中之內側前額葉皮質及阿控博核對兩藥的行為效果有不同的涉入。 / The function of the nucleus accumbens (NACC) has been suggestedto play an important role of the rewarding effects of psychostimulants.It is hypothesized that the neural substrates for amphetamine and cocaineto produce behavioral effects can be different. As conducted in Experiment 1, a conditioned place preference (CPP) task with procedures for amphetamine microinjection was established from the manipulation of conditioning environment. In considering the heterogeneity of NACC, Experiments 2 investigated the potentiality of the CPP effects after local infusion of amphetamine (10, 15 μg/site) or cocaine (50, 100 μg/site) into the core and shell subareas of NACC. Amphetamine microinjection into the NACC core significantly produced CPP, whereas such effect only appeared under treatment of the high dose of cocaine into the shell area. Lack of the CPP effects for amphetamine or cocaine infused into the boundary areas of the core and shell regions was seen in Experiment 2 (part B). In Experiment 3, the involvement of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) was challenged for amphetamine and cocaine on the CPP task. Both doses of cocaine and the low dose of amphetamine locally infused in mPFC significantly produced CPP. In Experiment 4, glutamatergic NMDA receptor antagonist APV (0.5, 1 μg/site) and non-NMDA receptor antagonist CNQX (1 μg/site) significantly attenuated the CPP effects of amphetamine infused into the NACC core. This antagonism was also true for the cocaine-induced CPP in the NACC shell. These results implied that the other cortical areas can modulate such CPP effects, in particular the mPFC. In Eperiment 5, lesion of mPFC significantly inhibited the cocaine-induced CPP in the shell area but not for the amphetamine-induced CPP in the core area. Taken together, the NACC is an important neural substrate for mediating the rewarding effects for amphetamine and cocaine on the CPP task, and such effects can be dissociated as drugs locally infused into core and shell areas. Glutamatergic projections originating mPFC may provide some motivational information to the NACC. The mPFC may distinctly be involved in the motive circuit of cocaine- or amphetamine-induced CPP in the NACC. These results highlight that different processes are involved in the acquisition of CPP for microinjection of amphetamine or cocaine into the NACC subareas.

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