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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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佛瑞爾斯《美麗壞東西》中的監控、人權,與聯合策略 / Surveillance, Human Rights, and Solidarity in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things

曾尹璽, Tseng,Yin Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文企圖探討史蒂芬‧佛瑞爾斯 ( Stephen Frears ) 的電影《美麗壞東西》( Dirty Pretty Things ) 中的公民權與人權之議題。片中描述從奈及利亞非法入境的奧奎 (Okwe) 與來自土耳其申請政治庇護的桑娜 (Senay) 因其游移的身分,遭逢英國政府監控與資本主義社會剝削,並揭露倫敦城市中非法難民販賣器官以求生存的黑暗面。本篇論文著重分析政治庇護者的矛盾身分如何擾亂民族國家的監視、暴露僅以公民權利保障境內人民的缺失,並主張唯有透過跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 才能對抗國家機制裡的矛盾與全球資本主義的剝削。論文第二章以德希達 ( Jacques Derrida ) 的制約款待 ( conditional hospitality ),與傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的監視 ( Panopticon ) 概念,探討片中監控 ( surveillance ) 機制的形成。第三章引進布斯克與夏弗 (Alison Brysk and Gershon Shafir ) 提出公民權 (citizenship) 與人權 ( human rights ) 的差距,來揭發片中政治庇護者與外籍勞工在地主國 ( host countries ) 因為缺乏公民權而導致人權被忽視的困境。第四章從傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的反抗 ( resistance ) 與拉克勞 ( Ernesto Laclau ) 與穆芙 ( Chantal Mouffe ) 的激進多元民主 ( radical plural democracy ) 的概念,探討以跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 來對抗國家制度本身的裂縫與經濟全球化的無情剝削。最後總結在全球化時代,唯有檢視國家制度的缺失,並揚棄封閉排他的意識形態,才能體現種族與文化的差異與多元性,並促進跨界聯合之實現。 / This thesis aims to explore the issue of citizenship and human rights in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things. Dirty Pretty Things describes the British government’s surveillance on asylum seekers, such as Okwe, an illegal refugee from Nigeria, and Senay, the Turkish asylum applicant, and unveils illegal refugees’ organ trade in exchange for passports in London. The thesis attempts to decipher how the ambivalent status of asylum seekers disturbs the surveillance of nation-states, exposes the defect of the citizenship gap and argues only through solidarity among different ethnicity, class and gender, could the subordinated fight against deficiencies in the mechanism of nation-states and exploitation of global capitalism. Through the perspectives of Derrida’s conditional hospitality and Foucault’s Panopticon, Chapter Two examines the surveillance of nation-states on asylum seekers in Dirty Pretty Things. In Chapter Three, I adopt Brysk and Shafir’s analysis to explore the citizenship gap between citizenship and human rights in the film, which reflects the difficulty in handling the cases of legal and illegal asylum seekers in nation-states on the basis of citizenship in the era of globalization. In Chapter Four, I will utilize the perceptive of Foucault’s resistance and Laclau and Mouffe’s radical plural democracy to suggest how counter strategies and solidarity could rebel against fissures in nation-states’ apparatuses and reveal a new possibility of alliance beyond borders in the era of globalization. The last chapter concludes by summing up the gaps in the system of nation-states and rejecting any enclosed ideology so as to articulate multiplicities and differences beyond limitations of ethnicity, class and gender across borders in the era of globalization.

探討N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體在時距相關的操作式制約行為與空間工作記憶的角色:memantine的神經心理藥理學機制 / Investigation of the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on temporal operant behavior and spatial working memory: the underlying neuropsychopharmacological mechanisms of memantine

陳碩甫 Unknown Date (has links)
認知功能的提升是當今神經科學領域中的研究重點之一,但其神經機制尚有待釐清。本研究利用一種用於改善阿茲海默症臨床的非競爭型N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體拮抗劑memantine,檢測其對於大白鼠在不同時距相關操作式制約行為及空間工作記憶行為之影響效果。實驗一為針對時間屬性的操作式制約行為實驗,運用大白鼠的區辯性增強低頻反應作業(DRL 10秒行為)與固定時距作業(FI 30秒行為)之行為作業,並操弄連續訓練與間歇訓練的兩種不同模式,測試memantine對前述四組受試的操作式制約行為在表現、消除與自發恢復等三階段之劑量反應。實驗二利用配對性延遲T迷津作業區分出不等基準線(表現好與表現差)之受試,再加以藥理實驗,測試memantine對於前述兩組受試之劑量反應。實驗一結果顯示,受試在兩種不同訓練模式下經十五次習得訓練後,在兩種操作式壓桿行為的壓桿反應相關指標中都有明顯的差異,這證實不同的行為訓練模式會導致學習後的表現有差異之別。memantine藥理實驗結果顯示,此藥對於上述四組受試的操作式行為之三階段的影響效果,會因為不同訓練模式與不同作業而異。實驗二結果顯示,memantine提高空間工作記憶的正確率在表現不好的組別有很顯著的藥效,這證實memantine對於空間式工作記憶行為的影響,也會因學習基準線的不同水平而異。在行為實驗後所進行的蛋白質表現量檢測中,memantine(5 mg/kg)只對五個測試腦區中的背側紋狀體中ERK1磷酸化程度有明顯上升的影響,而其對ERK2及CREB的磷酸化在所有腦組織中皆沒有顯著的影響。綜合以上結果,memantine影響時間與空間屬性的相關行為之藥理效果,會依行為的不同習得歷程(或行為背景經驗)及基準線表現程度而異,而此項行為藥理效果,可能與紋狀體中ERK1的磷酸化有關。 / The neural basis of cognitive enhancement is one of the intriguing topics in neuroscience research; however, the underlying neural mechanisms remain to be elucidated. This study examined the effects of memantine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist which is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease in clinic, on operant behaviors and spatial working memory. In Experiment 1, using the differential reinforcement for low-rate-response 10 sec (DRL 10s) and the fixed-interval 30 sec (FI 30s) operant tasks, and with the manipulation of two different training regimens (continuous vs. intermittent) in the acquisition phase, the effects of memantine were evaluated in three stages of behavioral tests including the performance (right after the end of 15-day acquisition), the extinction, and the spontaneous recovery (after the extinction). In Experiment 2, memantine were tested in the subjects with different level of baseline performance (good vs. bad) on the distinctive patterns of operant responding in four different groups which received DRL 10s and FI 30s with different training regimens; indicating that behavioral task and training background are critical to the operant performance of temporal operant behaviors. Such behavioral outcomes led the dissociable effects of memantine appeared in between the four groups as tested in all three different stages. The results of Experiment 2 showed a profound improvement of the correct responses rate on spatial working memory in the low-baseline group as compared to the higher-baseline group. With a pretreatment of memantine (5 mg/kg), brain tissues in five selected areas were collected for western blot assays of ERK 1, ERK 2, and CREB. The results only revealed a significant increase of ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum. Together, the effects of memantine to improve cognition-associated processes in the temporal operant behaviors and the baseline of performance, and the present observation of cognition-enhancing effects of memantine may be resulted by the ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum.


呂貴香 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是以中國大陸甘肅省臨夏回族自治州的州治所在臨夏市為主要的田調場域,研究對象是臨夏市穆斯林社群的婦女們,研究切入的時間點正值西部大開發帶動臨夏社會經濟現代化的契機,此地的穆斯林因應此變化被迫必要調整其傳統倫理規範對婦女們的制約,讓婦女走出家庭、甚至走出河州,解放其勞動力,隨其知識獨立經濟獨立後,藉此良機提升地位,並對社會做更大的貢獻。 臨夏市的穆斯林社群是傳統華夏社會的縮影,惟因位處邊緣加上歷史因素,其社群相對封閉而變化較緩,婦女地位低下仍是目前社群內部普遍存在的問題。搭乘大開發的列車,為呈現穆斯林女性地位已出現或可能有的變化,在章節的安排上,第一章、第二章針對回回婦女集體歷史記錄的失落,企圖利用有限的文獻材料,重構此邊緣族群婦女的歷史圖像,順勢彰顯華夏社會“男尊女卑”、“男主外,女主內”根深柢固的傳統與臨夏穆斯林社群的婦女地位問題相對應的關係,特別是在複合文化交疊、異例突出的邊緣地帶;為釐清外界對伊斯蘭教與回回社群的誤解,特別在第三章釐清這個複合規範的內涵,分從儒家的道德綱常、伊斯蘭的倫理觀與西北特殊的風俗民情三部分論述,時至今日臨夏穆斯林婦女所承受的規範制約,究竟是哪一部分需要調整或必要革新,或許在地的穆斯林也並不是那麼清楚所謂的傳統,究竟是舊封建社會的遺緒,抑或是伊斯蘭教教義、教法使然,不願人云亦云、積非成是地全歸咎於伊斯蘭的宗教特性,對照歷史軌跡尋繹,從理性認知解放臨夏穆斯林婦女,自覺、自尊方能由此建立。 筆者如此關注臨夏穆斯林婦女地位的問題,乃因在臨夏調研時的實際觀察,仍見臨夏穆斯林社群婦女很傳統的生活面向,故在第四章介紹傳統規約下的婦女生活,從婦女的婚姻、家庭生活、勞務分工與宗教規箴對女學的影響等方面提供一些民族誌的觀察。由於社會調查有其普遍採樣的困難和限制,加上臨夏正處在社會經濟變遷的過渡階段,多元、多樣正是此階段的特色,故選擇口訪對象盡可能是在一定的社會高度,有較廣泛見聞以及能理性陳述的對象,不乏公部門幹部、老師、醫師和律師,藉之強化此民族誌觀察的可信度與說服力。 本篇論文的第五章則談論臨夏經濟發展人力需求的趨勢,而穆斯林婦女所須具備的競爭條件,而從臨夏婦女接受義務教育的現實問題、宗教女學蓬勃發展的利弊以及婦女法律認知、制度配套與人為因素致使婦女權利在實踐上出現相當的落差,於田調實察所得數據和資料來說明社群內部有待改變、革新之處。現代化的潮流和進程難以阻擋,臨夏市在現代化社會的轉型過程,舊價值與新發展之間的矛盾和衝突性無可避免,婦女地位提升已成為社會整體進步的關鍵,也漸成為穆斯林社群的共識;包括臨夏面對都市化的衝擊,伊斯蘭Jamaat內部可能面臨的文化危機,保守的宗教體制內是否應該與時俱進地賦予女學新定位、新任務,促使婦女在族教邊界的維繫上發揮固基的力量,故在第六章仍以民族誌的觀察為主,介紹臨夏部分穆斯林女性在宗教、學術、經濟與政治等領域不凡的表現,她們衝破既有族教藩籬與限制,力爭上游,成為在地穆斯林婦女效法的標竿。總之,改善不利於穆斯林婦女發展的負向指標,提升她們的地位,在推動臨夏社會經濟進步極具現實價值,是本論文的研究旨趣所在。 任何社群只要存在兩性的差異,婦女學與兩性研究就有存在下去的理由。過往少數民族婦女議題歸屬學術研究的邊陲,本篇論文就學術價值而言,其貢獻有二:一則,為社會科學研究婦女民族誌開闢了新領域,強化女性文化的基礎;二則,選擇邊緣穆斯林族群的婦女議題,除了釐清對伊斯蘭教在中國西北世俗化過程的許多誤解,也使穆斯林婦女在現代婦女史與婦女民族誌中不再留白,或無言。

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